The Solari Report


The Solari Report

July 11, 2019

2nd Quarter Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories Part II

with Dr. Joseph Farrell



2nd Quarter Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories Part II

with Dr. Joseph Farrell

July 11, 2019

C. Austin Fitts: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to The Solari Report. I'm here with Dr. Joseph Farrell and we will be discussing Part II of News Trends & Stories for the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up.

I want to remind you that we have it at the web presentation. You can access with your Solari Report login and click to it from the commentary. It's at currency., and you can go direct as well. Log in and you will see a list of all the stories with the headlines that inspired it, the Trump Report Card, the Top Videos. It's all in the News Trends & Stories section, and it's there if you want to explore as we talk or after you listen to this audio.

Last week we went through Geopolitics and Economy & Financial Markets. We talked a great deal about FASAB 56 and most of the information in The Real Game of Missing Money. For those of you who are premium subscribers, you received the hard copy. I would encourage you to explore that more.

Farrell: Absolutely.



Catherine A Fitts & Dr. Joseph Farrell

JULY 2019

Fitts: We will be talking more about that on your vidchat.

Today we are going to talk about Culture, Science & Technology, Space, Food & Health, and then Take Action, Inspiration, and Unanswered Questions ? which seem to just grow.

Let's just dive in. First of all, Joseph, thank you so much for joining us.

Farrell: Thank you for having me.

Fitts: It's amazing. We are here in the heartland, and are not in the storm shelter.

Farrell: I was worried about that because they were supposed to have storms today and yesterday. So far, we are in the clear.

Fitts: It only took me three days to get here.

Farrell: It's just been absurd.

Fitts: At one point, I tried to get here by train and I tried to get here by Greyhound Bus. I tried to get a car rental, and there was no car rental. I tried to take a Greyhound Bus to five different cities and get a car rental from there, and I couldn't do that, and I couldn't fly out for two days. It was unbelievable.

Farrell: Unreal.



Catherine A Fitts & Dr. Joseph Farrell

JULY 2019

Fitts: When you look at how much time and money it costs me from one weather event and you ripple that through the whole society, and if you look at the pain that I experienced, it is tiny compared to what the farmers and many of the businesses are experiencing.

Farrell: The weather affected your schedule and my schedule. It's bad.

Fitts: Culture. Story #11: The Year of da Vinci.

So far this year, I have had the opportunity to `tootle' around Milan and see a great deal of da Vinci. I've been reading about da Vinci. Nina Heyn, Food for the Soul columnist, has been writing plenty about da Vinci. I have to tell you that it's been one of the most rewarding experiences of my year. I've always loved da Vinci, but I forget, then I go back and revisit.

One thing that we have tried to do is get everyone who has children to get a book or materials on da Vinci and introduce da Vinci to them. Da Vinci was a man who thought he could be an engineer and a painter and a musician and build new instruments and a scientist and figure out how the circulation system works. He was never limited.

Farrell: He wasn't and was an amazing man. I first got hooked on him when I was in junior high school. Our junior high library at Patrick Henry Junior High School in Sioux Falls, South Dakota had a twovolume thick collection of his notebooks. I spent hours thumbing through that, looking at the drawings and the elegant calligraphy that he had.



Catherine A Fitts & Dr. Joseph Farrell

JULY 2019

Fitts: Did I tell you what my favorite etching is? When we were in the Ambrosiana Biblioteca. I saw it and had never seen it before. I now have a book with a copy of everything, but I had never seen it before. You can tell that he is doodling. It's a map of Europe, and then a list which is his bucket list. It's all the places that he wanted to go. Then he has these doodles of a man on a flying machine, and you realize that he is trying to figure out how he can invent a machine that will get him through his bucket list in time.

This was a man whose imagination was unbelievable. He basically, to a certain extent, was the man who envisioned the whole airline industry.

Farrell: He did many things. He envisioned and then invented a musical instrument that was a keyboard instrument. It looked like a harpsichord, but instead of the jacks that would pluck the string, he had these little cylinders that would rub against the string and frictionize it like a bow on a violin. Somebody finally built one in Poland. You can go online to YouTube and listen to this.

Fitts: What does it sound like?

Farrell: It sounds like a string instrument. It sounds like a violin or a viola or similar. It's lovely and it actually worked.

Fitts: My favorite one was the fact that he figured out how the circulatory system worked, but it was never really published or promoted. It took another 450 years for modern science to work it out.



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