College of Dentistry

King Saud University

Ministry of higher education

Riyadh. K.S.A

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* Sep. 2011 master degree of medical education (MME), King Saud bin AbdulAziz University for health sciences, KSA, Riyadh.

*Saudi Specialty Certificate in Advanced restorative Dentistry (SSC-ARD) Oct. 2007

*15Aug 1996 –3Aug 1997 internship program, College of Dentistry, K.S.U., K.S.A.

* Bachelor dental science (B.D.S.) July 13, 1996 College of dentistry, king Saud University (K.S.U.) Riyadh, kingdom of Saudia Arabia (K.S.A.)


* Jun 2012 – Jun 2014: Director, Dental Internship Training Program, KSU

* April 2011- 2012 interns’ supervisor, College of Dentistry, KSU.

* Nov. 2010- present, consultant, College of dentistry, KSU, Riyadh.

* Nov. 2007-2010 Specialist, College of dentistry, KS.U, Riyadh.

* Sep 1, 1997-2008 Dentist, Directorate General of school health, M.O.E., Riyadh K.S.A.


* July 14, 1997 Letter of commendation from ahead of internship program College of Dentistry, K.S.U.

*1996 Certificate of ideal student K.S.U.

*1996 Certificate of active student in culture affairs committees K.S.U.

*1995 Certificate of active student in culture affairs committees K.S.U.


* 1995 Effect of Diet and Nutrition in primary school, College of Dentistry, K.S.U.

*2010 Dental Internship Training program evaluation in three dental college in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

* 2014 Aggravating factor for course requirement stressor among students at College of Dentistry, Saudi Arabia

*2014 Prevalence of Medically Compromised Patients Visiting King Saud University, College of Dentistry

* 2015 Student perceptions of the patient safety culture in the clinic of college of dentistry at KSU

* 2016 Adopting CandMEDS 2015 Competency Framework in a Dental Specialty Program


* 2003 "Infection control procedural manual in dental clinic"book.

* 1994 How to get more benefit from your vacations, aldawa magazine

* 2016 Integrating scientific research into undergraduate curriculum: a new direction in dental education. J Health Spec 2016;4:42-5.


1- 1994 “Anemia “, college of dentistry under graduate, Riyadh, K.S.U.

2- 1994 “The free gingival auto graft in the treatment of Mucogingival Problem “under graduate,

College of Dentistry, K.S.U.

3- 1995 ”Replacement of missing teeth in children” College of Dentistry K.S.U

4- 1997 “Prescribing for dental patient" College of Dentistry, Riyadh, K.S.U.

5- 1998 “Oral health education program in summer school center (S.S.C)”, Directorate General of school health ,M.O.E., K.S.A.

6- 1998“Oral health education” S.S.C.,D.G.S.H., Riyadh, K.S.A.

7- 1999“ Emergency in dental clinic”, School health unit, D.G.S.H. ,Riyadh, K.S.A.

8- 1999 “ Commone oral Diseas in children “ D.G.S.H., M.O.E. Riyadh, K.S.A.

9- 2000 “ New dental material & equipment “ D.G.S.H. Riyadh ,K.S.A.

10- 2008 " Oral Diagnosis & Treatment Plan in dentistry" College of Dentistry, KSU. Riyadh, K.S.A.

11- 2012 & 2013 Dental Internship Training program evaluation in three dental college in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.SIMEC2012 & AMEEMR 2013 Riyadh, K.S.A

12- 2013 How to use rotary endodontic instruments (workshop) College of Dentistry, KSU. Riyadh, K.S.A

13- 2014 A practical guide to scientific research, College of Dentistry, KSU. Riyadh, K.S.A

14- 2014 A B C in biostatistics, College of Dentistry, KSU. Riyadh, K.S.A

15- 2015 Porcelain laminate veneers, College of Dentistry, KSU. Riyadh, K.S.A

16- 2016 Anterior guidance (occlusion/implant), Saudi commission for health specialties, SBRD, Riyadh, K.S.A

17- 2016 Adopting CandMEDS2015 Competency Framework in a Dental Specialty Program, SIMEC2016, Riyadh, K.S.A


* Dec 1998 “ Infection control symposium “of M.O.H. Riyadh, K.S.A.

* Oct 1999 “ Annual scientific & membership meeting of S.D.S, Riyadh, K.S.A

* 1999 3ed Annual health meeting, D.G.S.H, M.O.E., Taif, K.S.A.

* Nov 1999 “ Team facilitator workshop in quality management program” Of King khaled Eye Specialist Hospital (K.K.E.S.H.) Riyadh, K.S.A.

* February- 2000“ 11th Saudi International Dental Meeting”, of S.D.S. Riyadh, K.S.A.

* Sep 2000 manegement of CLIII malocclusion ,saudi pediatric dentistry club (SPDC), K.S.A.

* Sep 2000 oral & dental health weak , M.O.H. Riyadh,K.S.A.

* Nov 2000 Tissue management and Whitening , S.D.S. Riyadh, K.S.A

*23-25 jan 2001 Annual Scintific & membership meeting, S.D.S.Riyadh, K.S.A.

*25 Jun-12 July 2001 children participating in health promotion in schools, institute of education ,University of London, London,U.K.

*April 2002 The 7th Saudi dental congress ,M.O.H. Riyadh, K.S.A.

*Sept 2002 The 3ed alharamen doctors conference, alharamen Foundation , Riydh , K.S.A.

* 2002 Introduction to epidemiology M.O.H.

* Jan 2003 Rotary instrumentation &Obturation techniques

* Jan 2003 Management of medically compromised patient in dental chair.

* Jan 2003 Annual scientific & membership meeting of S.D.S.

*Oct. 2003 Advance Implant Dentistry Current Concepts & Techniques. By: Dr. NICOLAS ELIAN

* 2004 Pre-clinical courses in Endodontic & Prosthodontic & Restorative

*Jan. 2004 Non-surgical endodontic retreatment: decision making & problem solving in

endodontics. By: Dr. GERALD GLICMAN

*Jan. 2004 Diagnosis in endodontics & management of endodontic emergencies


*Jan. 2004 Management of medically compromised patient in dental chair. By: Dr. NASSER NOOH & DR. AHMED AL-YAMANI

*Jan. 2004 Surgical & prosthetic management of the edentulous maxillae By: PROF. NABIL BATAKAT & DR. NADIM ABOUJAOUDE

*Jan. 2004 Introduction to temporomandibular dysfunction & orofacial pain BY: DR.FAHAD AL-SUALMANI & DR.AHMED ALYAMANI.

*Jan. 2004 The SDS Annual scientific & membership meeting. Head & neck anatomy. BY: DR. HASSAN ABDEN & ZUHER HEDER

*April 2004 Oral histology, Oral biology & OMF pathology. BY PROF. MOSADOMI & PROF. RITA

* 2004 Oral microbiology & immunology. BY: DR. NASER AL BAQEAH.

* Oral & maxillofacial radiology. BY: DR. RA'ED ALSADHAN

*April 2004 1ST conference of the faculty of dentistry on recent advances in clinical dentistry. KAU. JEDAH

*April 2004 Esthetic in dentistry ( bleaching & porcelain laminated veneer) BY: DR. ABUDLGANI MERA & DR. MOTAZ A. GHULMAN

*May 2004 Practice management. By: PROF. ABDULLAH AL-SHAMMERY

*Dec. 2004 TMJ Disorders diagnosis & management. BY: DR. NASSER NOOH.

*Dec. 2004 Use of nanoceramic technology in restoratives&self etching primers.BY:DR.FRANK


* Jan 2005 Twin stage procedure for oral rehabilitation. BY: PROF. SUMIYA HOBO.

* Jan 2005 The SDS Annual scientific & IADR Saudi Arabian section meeting.

*Feb 2005 Self- etching Adhesive & Ultraconservation treatment option in esthetic dentistry.


* Mach 2005 Implant site preparation & why do dental implant fail. BY: DR. ALI ALGHAMDI & DR. ABDULHADI ABANMY.

*April 2005 Sensible implant dentistry. BY: DR. VINCENT MORGAN.

*August 2005 1st case presentation & treatment plan

*Sep 2005 Oral & maxillofacial pathology BY: DR. ZIAD F. NOUJEIM.

*Dec 2005 dental implant. BY: DR. FRKAN KISTLER & STEFFEN KISTLER.

*Jan 2006 Basic course of the straumann dental implant system. BY: DR. BILAL ALNAWAS.

*Jan 2006 17th Saudi international dental congress of SDS Dental biomaterial. BY: DR. SAAD


*Feb 2006 Endodontics for the general practitioner should you join the revolution .BY: DR. RICHARD MOUNCE

*Feb 2006 Dubai World Dental Meeting.

* 2006 Dental Adhesive & bleaching. BY: PROF. KHAMES HASSAN.

*2006 Occlusion review. BY DR. MOHAMMED ALRAFEE

*April 2006 2nd case presentation & treatment plan

*Nov. 2006 Amalgam restoration: usage & safety issues BY: DR. HANI SHAMES & DR. ALA'A ERABI & DR. HASAN SAEED & DR. TALAL ALGUNAN.

*Nov. 2006 1ST Riyadh international dental &health care meeting. RIYADH COLLEGE OF


*Nov. 2006 Aesthetic dentistry. BY : DR. BRIAN JAMES MILLAR & WILLIAM SHARPLING.

*Jan. 2007 18th Saudi international dental congress of SDS.

*Nov.- Feb 2007 2nd Implant Training Program. RIYADH DENTAL COLLAGE

*Feb. 2007 3rd case presentation & treatment plan

*April. 2007 New dental Era 1st national guard symposium. KING ABDULAZIZ MEDICAL CITY.

*April 2007 Controversies & Innovations in Implant dentistry BY: PROF. DENNIS TARNOW

*April 2007 Dental ceramic for the contemporary dentist BY: PROF. STEVEN MORGANOO

*April 2007 Endodontic Workshop BY: DR. SAUD ORFALI

*May 2007 Oral Traumatology for Dentistry, RIYADH DENTAL COLLAGE, KSA, Riyadh.

*April 2008 12th Saudi International Dental Meeting, SDS, Riyadh, KSA,

* Jun. 2009 , Innovation Themes in the medical Curriculum , King Saud bin AbdulAziz University for health sciences

*Jun 2009, Integrating Patient Safety in Undergraduate medical Curricula, world alliance for patient safety, WHO.

* Oct. 2010 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (BLS), King Fahad Medical City , Riyadh, KSA.

*Nov. 2010 ultimate success in esthetic dentistry & periodontal plastic and esthetic surgeries SDS, Riyadh.

*Nov. 2010 introduction to clinical research , King Saud bin AbdulAziz University for health sciences.

*Dec. 2010 Statistics Made Easy course, King Saud bin AbdulAziz University for health sciences

*Dec. 2010 international conference in medical education, Abu Dhabi, UAE

*Dec. 2010 Developing an OSCE, international conference in medical education, Abu Dhabi, UAE

*Dec 2010 FAME fundamental of assessment in medical education, Abu Dhabi, UAE,.

*Jan 2011 workshop in research methodology , King Saud bin AbdulAziz University for health sciences.

*Jan. 2011 22nd Saudi Dental Society international conference, Riyadh, KSA.

*Oct. 2011 the 3rd National Guard & 1st Saudi Endodontic Society international conference , Riyadh ,KSA

*Oct. 2011 Rotary canal treatment using rotary reciprocating NiTi instrument. By PROF. PAUL DUMMER

*Feb. 2012 14 International Dental Conference & 23th Saudi Dental Society conference, Riyadh KSA

* Feb. 2012, full mouth esthetic rehabilitation: A comprehensive prosthtic approach. By DR. MAURO FRADEANI.

*March, 2012 3rd international conference of king Abdulaziz University Faculty of Dentistry, Jeddah,KSA.

* March, 2012 Anterior Etched Ceramic Restorations (ECR’S):A to Z by PROF EDWARD MCLAREN

*April 2012, the Saudi international medical conference SIMEC 2012, Al - Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh.

*April 2012, Dental Internship Training program evaluation in three dental college in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia presentation, the Saudi international medical conference, Al - Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh.

* April 2012, Effective feedback –why, how, how not to do it, IMAMU, Riyadh.

*Sep. 2012, Esthetic rehabilitation (ceramic material selection from single restoration to full mouth rehabilitation, Pesaro, Italy.

* Jan 2013, the 24th Saudi dental society international dental conference, Riyadh, KSA

* Jan 2013 the occlusion, joint stability and temporomandibular disorders workshop, Riyadh KSA.

* Jan 2014 KSU 15th international dental conference 25th for the SDS KSA, Riyadh

* April 2014 Stem Cell Laboratory. College of medicine, KSA, Riyadh.

* Jan 2015 the 26th Saudi dental society international dental conference, KSA, Riyadh

* March 2015 Pacific dental conference. Vancouver, Canada.

* March 2015 anterior and Posterior Direct Composite Restorations - Hands-On. Vancouver, Canada.

* March 2015 Hands-On Digital and CAD/CAM Dentistry: It's Not the Future, It's Now. Vancouver, Canada.

* March 2015 the Art of a Beautiful Smile/The Direct Composite Veneer - Hands-On. Vancouver, Canada.

*Jan 20162 KSU 16th international dental conference 27th for the SDS, Riyadh, KSA

* Jan 2016 “How to establish a privet dental clinic “(workshop), 27th SDS, Riyadh, KSA,

* Jan 2016 3rd restorative dentistry annual meeting, SBRD, Riyadh, KSA

* April 2016 Saudi international medical education conference SIMEC2016, Riyadh, K.S.A

* April; 2016 American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry AACD2016, Toronto, CANADA


▪ With under graduate student in the Collage of Dentistry, KSU

▪ With dental internship training program in the clinic & presentation

▪ With Saudi Board in Restorative Dentistry (SBRD) in the clinic & scientific activity


• Membership in Saudi dental society.

• Membership in German society of oral implantology.

• Member/ organizing committees of oral health education program in primary school. MOE.

• Participant in Community and volunteer service at charitable health society for patient care (ENAYAH).

• Member in SBRD Curriculum committee, Saudi commission for health specialties SCFHS, Riyadh, KSA


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