Come, Enter the Mikvah – Set-Apart unto Yahuwah

PLANNED FOR YEARS! SHOCKING NEWS!IRAN: KEY TO WORLD WAR IIILAUNCHING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT Proven-truthful alternative news is being taken down so that only lies go out to the mind-programmed, mind-controlled, masses of the world’s people. Public news media of all types has suppressed truth, as was admitted back in 1920. They want you ignorant and unprepared for what has been planned for decades for you. Truth has been so suppressed that it often appears as silly “conspiracy theory” to those who believe what their told without checking things out. Utmost in importance is that you are so in tune with the Spirit of Yahuwah in your re-born spirit that His gift of the discernment of spirits stays keen and sharp. (Isaiah 59:14-15; Amos 5:10) Knowing the Word, taught by the Spirit to your re-born spirit, also helps you discern truth from error as soon as you hear it. False flags! False flags go back in America to the Boston Tea Party – Freemasons dressed up like Indians pouring tea from a British ship into Boston Harbor. What became world ruling “powers that be,” had to start a fake war. As noble a war as we’ve been taught the Revolutionary War was, we still pay taxes to the Queen of England. We are a corporation under the Virginia Company. If you have a U.S. birth certificate or citizenship in some way, you’re part of the corporation. Thus all you own and are, your property, including your children, is owned by the corporation. But, I’m sure you know all that by now. That’s very old news. Refer to: “False Flags”/Mikvah of Present Reality to learn the trickery. All U.S. wars have been based on “false flags.” All world wars have been based on false flags! Since the official creation of America in the late 1700s, wars worldwide have been created, many financed, directed, and controlled by the Jesuit Order and the Pope of Rome, like the U.S. “Civil War,” for example. Oh the illusions we’ve lived under! Please read: “America’s Secret Destiny”/Mikvah of Preparation. The infamous pre-planned 9/11 (2001) was indeed “ground zero.” It was ground zero for the U.S. to start a fictitious “war on terror.” Yet the U.S. is the creator, funder, and director of most all terrorist groups, and their extensive network in the world. 9/11 was one of the most obvious false flags in history--proven to be so over and over. Hitler declared war on Russia by blowing up his own government building and blaming it on Russia. The common practice of harming one’s own people and property, blaming it on a pretend enemy, then using that excuse to go after a non-harmful enemy, or to do whatever the government wanted to do anyway, is become so routine it’s not shocking anymore – it’s boring and sickeningly sick. It’s officially known as the “Hegelian Dialectic.” The U.S. is most infamous for using this deceptive routine. Why? - Because it works every time! Why does the Nachash, and his fallen angel forces, use the same deception that he did in the Garden of Eden every time with every human born since Cain and Abel? - Because it works every time! Those that are sensitive to patterns, notice the routine. I’ve been podcasting and writing about noticing patterns. Once you learn the enemy’s patterns, you won’t be gullible anymore. We’re called to be “wise as serpents but harmless as doves.” This is why we must learn the nature, ways, thinking, trickery, lies, and deceits of the fallen world. If we know how they operate, they can’t fool us. A good soldier knows his orders from his commanding officer and diligently carries them out. He also knows the wiles of the enemy and their trickery so he’s not deceived and trapped by the enemy. The excuse given for doing what the government wants to do anyway is to make it look like we have an enemy. America, the golden child, is the #1 creator and director of terrorist groups worldwide, of drug trafficking, child sex-slave trafficking, child pornography, violent movies and music, abortion, and eugenics. The U.S. is the leader in creating a new world order Why? - Because we were chosen in the early 1500s by renowned and powerful occultists in Europe to bring forth the new world order/one world government, under a resurrected, reincarnated Nimrod…founder of Babylon. Refer to: “America’s Secret Destiny”/Mikvah of Preparation. The call for the return of Nimrod is worldwide. Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 10, 13, 47, Revelation 18, and other passages, clearly give clues that the spirit of Nimrod and his “Babel”/Babylon went into Rome, then went into Western Europe, and then lodged and took up residency in America. Refer to “Thirty Clues and More…”/Mikvah of Preparation. Yes, it is a well-known fact that Al Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and all of its children and grandchildren had a common father – the American government, especially America’s C.I.A., and groups who worked for, and with, Nazis after World War II, both in Germany and the U.S. I know a lot of this first hand from living 16 years in the Middle East. Saddam Hussein, Hosni Mubarak, Bashar Assad -- none of them deserved what America did to them. In fact, these leaders protected Christians. But, America, Britain, France, and Israel, using their created terrorist groups, have been very active in targeting and killing Christians and blaming it on “rebels.” Folks all this evil is directed towards one goal: To bring about a one world government, in which an Elite class will rule earth. America is “ground zero” for making this happen--the number one promoter of the long-known plan to bring forth a world ruler to rule earth from Jerusalem. Let’s go back to 1896, to the return of fallen angels and Nephilim/Rephaim into the earth as related by Enoch’s “70 generation prophecy.” At that time we see one of the very 1st things that the fallen ones, the reptilian race, gave mankind was the philosophy of eugenics, [Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”/Mikvah of the Great Adventure], along with technology for vehicles to travel in, for weapons of war, for airplanes, for mind-control, along with new ways of immorality and murder. It’s just like “in the days of Noah” before the Flood. Henry Ford and the Founder of General Motors were loyal supporters of Hitler. Hitler honored Ford. As revealed by Israeli and Pentagon military recently, they are now working with reptilian giants, with 9000 IQs, to learn how to manipulate the earth’s life support system to “terraform” earth, to use our life support systems for war purposes, weapon technology, space war, and mind control. Dave Hodges’ father worked in Naval Intelligence. He was assigned to aid Nazi scientists after WWII, and incorporate them into U.S. military operations. He said they were 100-300 years ahead in technology. The scientists told him that they got their technology from “aliens.” Werner von Braun said the same thing. Nicola Tesla in the 1920s said that he got his far-advanced technology from “aliens.” The Vril Society in the early 1920s received technology for building “flying saucers” via séances, from aliens. Like I said, they returned in 1896 and got right with it to teach man what they taught man before the Flood. It led to Yahuwah destroying the earth by Flood. I also learned recently that the technology for use of radio waves began in 1896. Today this technology is known as electromagnetic pulse waves, Ionosphere heating, “5-G,” and other expressions of making the planet radioactive, i.e. so full of radiation that nothing can grow, and all dies of radiation poisoning. Refer to: “5-G – Satan’s Latest Gift to Humanity and Planet Earth”/Mikvah of Present Reality. The earth is becoming one giant microwave oven! Now 60 satellites orbit the earth to blanket earth with 5-G microwaves. 60 more satellites are planned to go up soon, so says Elon Musk. I’ll be writing on this technology as soon as I can. The U.S. Navy and Air Force are creating weapons that control the mind using these radiation waves. And much of this goes back to the early 1960s! 1896? Yes! That year was the beginning of the 120 years of the Spirit’s “striving” with those “who are also flesh.” (Genesis 6:1-4) 2016: His “striving” ended. The Spirit withdrew, and now we’re watching the fallen angels, Nephilim/Rephaim take over earth to prepare it for the antichrist. In January 2016, I wrote a trilogy on the Spirit’s withdrawal. Refer to: “Terraforming the Earth – We Have Little Time Left! – Our Planet is Being Radically Destroyed to Prepare it for “Them”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. Men like Mike Adams are exposing the “terraforming.” GOOD NEWS for the faith-filled servants of Messiah Yahushua: The Spirit has not withdrawn from you! He is increasing His teaching and instructions into your spirit, not your brain--into your re-born spirit. The enemy can direct electromagnetic e.l.f. waves, extra low frequency waves, at your brain and shut it down. But, THEY CANNOT SHUT DOWN YOUR SPIRIT! General Wesley Clark: Wars were planned on seven ... - YouTube Wesley Clark: Wars were planned on seven ... - YouTube 19, 2017 - A 15 minute excerpt. The full interview is here: . WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW WITH IRAN HAS BEEN PLANNED FOR A LONG TIME! General Clark said that America is after “regime change” in all Middle East/North Africa nations – also Venezuela, and other nations like them. The nation of Yemen also has been under U.S. “regime change” war and sanctions since Obama. Look at what Obama did to Syria. “Regime change” is to get out those opposed to global rule, world government, dissolving of borders, and get in puppets who will bow to the rulers/ruler of the new world order. General Wesley Clark said in several interviews that you can watch on YouTube that wars were planned years ago: “Years ago it was planned to take out seven countries in five years.” He said the decision to go to war with Iraq was pre-planned. He said this is about taking down governments for a new world order. He said “…there was no reason to take down Iraq; they just decided to take down the government.” President George W. Bush told Clark how they intended to take out seven countries in five years, and Iran would be the last one to be taken down. Here are the countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Libya, and Iran. Notice the order and the execution of each one?This has been planned for years! ***October 3, 2007 interview for “General Wesley Clark: The U.S. Will Attack Seven Countries in Five Years” (7.36 minutes)***General Wesley Clark: The US will attack 7 countries in 5 ... - YouTube Sep 3, 2013 – General Wesley Clark said that in 1991, “we” (America) provoked the Shiite uprising in the Middle East! He said he was told that “…we can use our military in the Middle East and the Soviets won’t stop us.” [The main Shiite nations are Iraq and Iran. Main groups aligned with them are Hamas and Hezbollah] Clark said he was told: “…we’ve got about five to ten years to clean up those old Soviet regimes – Syria, Iran, Iraq, before the next great super power comes on the scene to challenge it.” [Saddam Hussein of Iraq was a Communist. He only converted to Islam before Gulf War I to get the aid of his Arab allies. He was a personal friend of George Bush, Sr.] Clark referred to the U.S. “Starting wars and change governments, invading countries…” Clark said of America: “This country is taken over too…” (He names men like Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld. “THEY WANTED US TO DESTABLIZE THE MIDDLE EAST, to turn it upside down, and bring it under our control.” Did Syria know about this plan? Does Iran know about this plan? YES! They know what’s going on and why. Are they willing players in this plan? NO! Clark said he was told by military superiors that: “They could hardly wait to finish with Iraq and then move into Syria.” Clark said: “This is not what the American people voted Bush into office … well, they didn’t vote him into office…” [No, they didn’t, not for either term!] General Wesley Clark said: “If you’re an American, you ought to be concerned about the US strategy in this region. What is our aim? What is our purpose? Why are we there? Why are Americans dying in this region?” Folks, Jimmy Carter created the Taliban. Now the Taliban is taking over Afghanistan. Why did we go into Afghanistan? They were not threatening us. Bush’s actions were based on several reasons, including the Talmudic “law of the Rodif.” President George W. Bush created Al Qaeda. Bush, Jr. was a business partner with Osama bin Laden, as was the Queen of England. The bin Laden family built most of America’s military bases in the Middle East. He was no terrorist. He died of kidney failure just a few days after 9/11. That went public before 9/11, but not in America. America brought down the twin towers to make it look like we had to go into Afghanistan. There was no war on terror. We went into Afghanistan to take over the heroin and opium poppy trade. America is the biggest trafficker of illegal drugs in the world. President Obama created ISIS. Before that, the CIA created the Muslim Brotherhood. Today military and government officials are leaking information about when the take down of Iran will begin. See the two articles below. The reason I don’t reject the timing is because the Israeli Mossad, a few months ago, began training ISIS troops in the UAE. ISIS was trained to carry out the explosions, sinking, and seizures of oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. The code name for the ISIS rebels in this false flag is: “frogmen.” When the British tanker was seized, the news said it was “frogmen” who boarded the vessel, and that there was no resistance by the crew. I know that the term “frogmen” is common, but at the same time, this is the code name they gave them. Mossad-trained ISIS carried out the attacks Saudi Oil Fields and airports, too. These attacks were either blamed on Iran or on the Houthi rebels of Yemen, supposed proxies of Iran. Under the guise of evil Iran, Israel is bombing Syrian targets and targets in Iraq to provoke war and justify it. Recently Iran was accused of striking Saudi oil fields. U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, immediately said it was Iran. He always says “it’s Iran,” before he has any information that proves it. It has been proven that the two tankers taken down leaving Iraq with oil bound for Japan was an obvious hoax. Yes, the ships were damaged, one sank. But there was no “mine” attached to the tankers as reported. The result of lies is that everyone hates Iran. The world wants Iran taken out. No, Iran’s government is not saintly, but they didn’t want war and told Israel so. America and Israel have so many false flags flying to reach their goal of war that it’s not boring anymore, it’s very angering. The plan to take out Iraq goes back before the 9/11 kick off for world government to slowly begin to take over. Yes 9/11 was “ground zero” – for a one world government - the new world order. The antichrist is waiting in the wings! Of course, if America attacks Iran, there will be a kick-back on the U.S. - and hell in the U.S. will begin. Jeremiah 50-51 will begin! Last night, I learned that FEMA, actually America’s secret “shadow government,” with its own President, Cabinet, and etc., is giving out special phones to all their top officials to be used in underground bunkers when war breaks out. Recently, they’ve been shipping body bags and food into the area of the New Madrid Fault Line, and into the area of the Cascadia Fault Line. But, they’re also planning their “hunker down” strategy. I personally saw the announcement of the one world government on CNN Europe from Jordan. It was an official announcement from the Pentagon. It was seen in Europe, I talked to someone from the UK and they confirmed it. They saw the announcement. It did not air at all in the U.S. The U.S. is paving the way with Israel for Jerusalem to be the headquarters of the one world government. Donald Trump has been, and is, paving the way for the plans in Israel this like a crazed operator of a huge bulldozer. Now for two articles that expose why David Goldberg was murdered. I don’t say it will happen as planned, but a man lost his life for reporting this information publically. I don’t set dates. I hear dates and then “put it on the shelf” until Abba says “pay attention.” But, He’s been showing me some things lately, and bottom line: “WE MUST BE PREPARED!” Shocking Update on Man Killed for Revealing Date of Iran War! It's Real!Wednesday, June 12, 2019 -- Before Its News “UPDATE:?There’s new information on David Goldberg’s death. ?It appears he was poisoned and found foaming at the mouth. ?His friends say they have copies of some very devastating documents apparently and have made many copies of them should anything happen to any of them also. They say they will be releasing it all soon. I must say if this information is true then I’m very disappointed in Trump. He’s really messing up if he gets into this Iran War just to win re-election with the help of these powerful Rabbis.” [Yedidah: Comment on that last sentence: Chabad is dedicated to making sure that Trump wins the election. Compare this to: “Chabad Listed As A Dangerous Criminal Cult” along with “Trump and 50 Governors Affirm Noahide Laws and the Celebration of Rebbe Schneerson’s Birthday,” (with pictures) to show you how deeply Chabad controls America. These are under Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance] Continuing: “Latest Shocking Updates on David Goldberg’s Blog!: I think everything put out by Goldberg and now his friends after his death is REAL! I believe Goldberg’s information was absolutely correct and he was killed for it! The Iran War propaganda and LIES is happening right now just as he said it would! Nobody?wants an Iran War but Israel!” [Yedidah: America and the whole Globalist hierarchy want this war to complete Pike/Mazzini Plan Part III to bring in a new world order. The four main world leaders that control the world are all Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 multi-billionaires. Your questions can all be answered if you’ll read “Beware of the Noahide Laws”/Mikvah of Present Reality, and the 19 articles on the same subject from December 2018 to September 2019 under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance.] ? Continuing with the article about Ginsburg, written by his friend, “`David kept me abreast of things over email, and he told me he had been given some documents he felt could, for certain, get him killed. The documents related to some internal White House memos in which a couple of New York rabbis were meeting with Trump frequently, and the memos talked about the nature of those meetings. I didn’t get full details, except that it seems the rabbis were going to deliver for Trump a reelection victory if he did things they were asking. I guess Trump was listening intently, because — well this is what David said to me — because the rabbis had a lot of power, in ways in which they could rig the elections if they needed to. I guess they just have a lot of control or something, and Trump needed them. David said the documents, if they ever got out, would be very bad for Trump, because there was no way to put a positive spin on them. He said the memos were pretty blunt, and seemed to have been written by a couple of staffers coordinating the meetings. There were also documents in David’s safe that we were able to recover after the cops left. They took a lot of David’s stuff without any explanation as to why, but they didn’t get the safe, which was a floor safe and it’s possible they didn’t even know it was there. In fact, we’re pretty certain they didn’t know it was there, because it is very well hidden.? David was smart and put pretty much everything in that safe that was important. David had also given at least three friends access to his online accounts, and said if something happened to him, to be ready to take over. The rest of his stuff, which was paper, notes, his computers and phones had some information but nothing like what was in the safe, where he kept all of it. The friends removed everything from his safe, and have made copies of what they could and have those copies in safe places in case anything happens. There will be some more updates coming. We are talking on a video which will show the documents, and also we have retained a lawyer to go over how best we can present the information David left behind.’?- A Friend of D.E.G. Goldberg said his White House source said the Iran War would start in October for sure and they would begin massive propaganda for it in the next few months. David Goldberg goes over his latest information on the Iran War. ?David’s sources have been exactly right on their information. ?He reported 120,000 troops being sent to counter Iran a month before it was reported in the New York Times. Here are some highlights: More troop increases for Iran War will be announced in the coming months.? The Iran War is totally fake! This has been planned for years. ?There is no threat from Iran of course. War is scheduled for October and they will continue ramp up the propaganda.” (NOTE: This is already happening!) The White House source says this Iran War WILL happen. ?It could start World War III since Iran has great war-fighting capabilities. The citizens are sheep and they know nobody will stop them. That’s why they told us about 9/11 in the TV show `The Lone Gunman’ on Fox. They have to tell us what they are going to do so you will see more predictive programming through the summer for the buildup to the Iran War.” Yedidah: I know for sure that it is the policy of the Illuminati, Jesuit, Zionist, Freemason Alliance--the copying of Yahuwah’s Amos 3:7 pattern for His set-apart prophet-servants. This Alliance, all founded and controlled worldwide by the Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 type of “Jews,” is obsessed with giving the truthful information, but in concealed form to the public, before they do anything. It’s also the Isaiah 6 modus operandi – concealing from the masses what they are not supposed to know, while revealing it clearly to His “special forces.” “WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: War with Iran planned by Trump to occur in the Fall of 2019” - by Government Slaves 04/18/2019 - “UPDATE: White House insider who predicted Iran False Flag, David Goldberg…” [***Yedidah’s comment: Trump did NOT plan this! This plan goes back to 1874! Trump maybe a “looser” of prophetic events, but not the source of them! He is being controlled by the reptilian hierarchy and their followers. The decisions he makes most likely do NOT originate with him. The goal is “Babylon is fallen, is fallen,” and for that the power nations have to be provoked to make it fall.] “…President Donald Trump and his inner circle are planning an extensive invasion of Iran, according to a source working in the White House. The plan involves a ground invasion and the use of tactical nuclear weapons, in a campaign planned for the Fall of 2019. The war effort is expected to cost `two and half times the Iraq War.’?The war will be promoted by the news media and Trump will go right along with it, after an “expected False Flag pinned on Iran, probably something involving the boats in the Strait of Hormuz.” The False Flag is an `integral part of the plan’ as Iran has reportedly no desire or intent to start a war, according to the whistleblower.” [Yedidah: Oh how right that last sentence is. We’ve been watching the false flags for months! Those doing these attacks have been the Mossad-trained ISIS operatives. They’ve destroyed and sunk ships/boats in the Straits of Hormuz. They’ve attack Saudi Arabia’s airports and oil fields. The Houthi rebels of Yemen are friends of John Bolton, the “war Hawk” that Trump just fired!] “The war plans have the White House staff `in an excited tizzy’ …President Trump initially showed resistance to the plan, but has since jumped on board with enthusiasm, convinced Iran is an `existential threat to Israel’ and as such, a war is required to `eliminate them.’ ? 100 tactical nukes will be used to eliminate the Iranian military. 120,000 U.S. ground troops will be used in the invasion. France, the U.K., Canada, Saudi Arabia and Israel are expected to join a “coalition” in support of the war. CIA assets and counter-intel efforts have been ramped-up over the past year in preparation. A “False Flag” is being prepared to be used before the war with Iran.Propaganda is being prepped by White House and Israeli counterparts.Israel will support the effort and Benjamin Netanyahu was reportedly “smiling ear to ear” during a recent meeting with John Bolton. There are concerns Trump’s `base’ may resist or criticize the efforts, so further propaganda efforts are being made to “shore up support” for the war. Expected casualties range between 1.2 Million and 2 Million Iranians and 5,000 US troops. Due to President Trump’s close relationship with Jared Kushner, a sense of `sober import’ has been placed on the war effort, which is being as a fulfillment of `Jewish prophecy’ within White House circles. Many in the White House believe Jared Kushner is the `Messiah’ or Jewish `Moshiach’ who cannot attain his `throne’ until Iran is wiped out. The White House source is a high level official who has been right about many other things in the past, and their identity has been verified.? Further information on the war with Iran is revealed in the video below:” No matter how this plays out, one thing’s for sure, once it starts, America won’t be America as we know it anymore. We’ve set up the end game and now we’re expendable! Trump is caught in a vice – “damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.” Here’s one more thing I want to share with you. September 29, 2012, Bibi Netanyahu was in a family environment. Different family members and friends were asking him questions about the P.A., about the Arabs, and the U.S. He did not know that the relaxed home chit chat was being recorded by a camera. Below is the link to the about a 2 minute video. It’s surprising. His arrogance is incredible! What he thinks of the U.S. is also incredible. Here are a few comments: “I know what America is. America is something that can be easily removed - Moved to the right direction…they won’t get in our way…80% of the Americans support us. May Yahuwah’s will prevail! Yahuwah is allowing the evil ones to reach their goals - then He’ll reach His!!! Rejoice in Sukkot! This might be the last one we can celebrate freely. Yedidah, September 19, 2019 ................

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