Civil War Review Sheet - Ewing Public Schools

Civil War Review SheetPeriod 5: 1844-1877Content terms:expansionismmigration/immigrationManifest DestinyMexican-American Warethnic communitiesnativismCivil Warsectionalismfree labor manufacturingabolitionistsstates' rightsnullificationsecessionElection of 1860Compromise of 1850Kansas-Nebraska ActDred Scott decisionRepublican PartyAbraham Lincolnfree soil platformReconstructionConfederacyEmancipation Proclamation13th Amendmentsharecropping systemradical v. moderate Republicans14th Amendment15th AmendmentsegregationVocabulary:infrastructureamendmentemboldenCause of the WarPopular SovereigntyFree Soil Party, politicians, and their IdeasUnderground RailroadThe terms of the Compromise of 1850Fugitive Slave ActThe political views and views on slavery of Stephen A DouglasKansas Nebraska ActKnow Nothing Party / Nativists Mason Dixon LineProminent Abolitionists and their arguments Uncle Tom’s Cabin and its effects on North and SouthBleeding KansasNortherner and Southern response to John Brown’s TrialDred Scott Case Decision and the impactEconomic Effects of Panic of 1857Major Arguments of Lincoln-Douglas DebatesSignificance of Harpers Ferry RaidFree Soilers VS. AbolitionistsLincoln’s “A House Divided” SpeechDivisions within the Democrats Coalition of the New Republican PartyCampaigns / Election of 1860Failure of Crittenden Compromise Jefferson Davis / Alexander H. StephensReasons for South Carolina Secession Formation of ConfederacyCivil War 1861-1865Significance of Fort SumterBorder StatesPro Lincoln and Anti Lincoln arguments for Suspension of Habeas CorpusNorthern Advantages / Disadvantages going into warSouthern Advantages / Disadvantages going into warGeorge McClellan’s conflict with LincolnImpact of Stonewall Jackson / What did he represent about the Southern culture?Strategy of Robert Lee VS. Ulysses GrantImmigrant participationCotton Production during warEngland and France’s roleNY Draft RiotsEconomics in North and SouthSignificance of First Bull RunSignificance of AntietamEmancipation ProclamationMassachusetts 54th RegimentSignificance of GettysburgWilliam T ShermanGeorgia CampaignElection of 1864Lincoln’s Second Inaugural AddressLincoln’s AssassinationAppomattox CourthouseReconstructionPolitical GoalsSocial / Cultural GoalsEconomic Goal13th, 14th, and 15th AmendmentsFreedmen BureauBlack CodesJim Crow lawsVoting RestrictionsAndrew JohnsonCopperheadsCarpetbaggers10 percent planSharecroppers40 acres and a muleMorrill TariffPacific Railroad ActRadical RepublicansThaddeus StevensCharles SumnerAfrican American participation in governmentKKKJohnson ImpeachmentCorruption in Grant AdministrationEnd of Reconstruction ................

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