Enrichment Mini-course

Enrichment Mini Course

Course Description


Hosted at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN), College of the North Atlantic (CNA), Marine Institute (MI) and District School (DS).

| |

|Mini Course Program |

|# |Course Title |Instructor |Date |Site |Description |

| |Introduction to Animal |Linda Gaborka |April 28 & 29, |MUN |How do rats find their way in a new environment? How do |

| |Psychology | |2015 | |wolves know whether other group members want to play or |

| | | | | |fight? How do Siamese fighting fish know which rivals they|

| | | | | |can defeat? How do ducks choose and keep their mates? We |

| | | | | |will observe animals and do experiments to increase our |

| | | | | |understanding of these and other questions, as well |

| | | | | |as discuss some of the underlying brain mechanisms. There |

| | | | | |will be at least one field trip outside so students must |

| | | | | |come prepared with proper outdoor gear (coat, hat, gloves,|

| | | | | |boots). |

| | | | | |Maximum 8 students |

| |A Taste for Chemistry |Dr. Christopher |April 28 & 29, |MUN |The first day students will make 3 or 4 highly colored |

| | |Flynn |2015 | |chemical compounds and collect their crystals. The second |

| | | | | |day will be an |

| | | | | |introduction to some organic chemistry techniques |

| | | | | |including chromatography and distillation concluding with |

| | | | | |a special chemistry magic show! For safety lab coats and |

| | | | | |goggles will be provided however students need to have |

| | | | | |their legs and feet fully covered, we suggest jeans and |

| | | | | |sneakers. |

| | | | | |Maximum 15 students |

| |Introduction to Basics of |Zaman Sajid |May 11 & 12, 2015 |MUN |Chemical engineering finds it wide applications in |

| |Chemical Engineering | | | |different areas. This short course would introduce |

| | | | | |students with applications of Chemical engineering in |

| | | | | |their daily life. Students would find this course much |

| | | | | |interesting when they would be able to see practical |

| | | | | |applications of Chemical engineering in their lives. |

| | | | | |Course would include manufacturing of soap, table salt, |

| | | | | |paper, paints, phenomena of different colors in paints, |

| | | | | |water purification, milk testing, fertilizer and biofuels.|

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Introduction of Matrices in |Munanza Younas |May 12 & 13, 2015 |MUN |Grade 9 Students Only |

| |Mathematics | | | |Students would know what are matrices, scalar |

| | | | | |multiplication, addition, subtraction, order of matrices, |

| | | | | |types of matrices such as scalar, rectangular, identity, |

| | | | | |inverse, singular, non-singular, upper triangular, lower |

| | | | | |triangular, rows and columns in a matrix, cross |

| | | | | |multiplication rule in matrices, unknown variable using |

| | | | | |inverse method and applications of matrices |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Aquaculture - Sustainable Food|Cyr Couturier & |May 14 & 15, 2015 |Marine |Aquaculture is the fastest growing sustainable food |

| |Production |Tracy Granter | |Institute |production sector in the world. Students will be exposed |

| | | | | |to the exciting world of sustainable aquaculture through a|

| | | | | |mixture of practical seminars, labs and tours of the |

| | | | | |Fisheries and Marine Institute & the Ocean Sciences Centre|

| | | | | |in Logy Bay. Students will handle a variety of fish and |

| | | | | |shellfish species in our aquaculture facilities and become|

| | | | | |familiar with the various research, development and |

| | | | | |production activities taking place in the province, Canada|

| | | | | |and across the globe! |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Earth’s Story |Sharon Deemer |April 23 & 24, |MUN |Earth has experienced an amazing history of interaction |

| | | |2015 | |between its solid surface, volcanism from the deep |

| | | | | |interior, the atmosphere, other bodies in the solar system|

| | | | | |and the life that has managed to thrive through radical |

| | | | | |changes in conditions. This session will highlight the |

| | | | | |most important events with samples of type rocks and |

| | | | | |fossils or fossil reproductions available for viewing. |

| | | | | |Maximum 15 students |

| |Introduction to Food Systems |Emily Doyle & Sarah |May 13 & 14, 2015 |MUN |The course will introduce students to the concept of the |

| | |Ferber | | |food system using the ‘Nourish’curriculum |

| | | | | |() which |

| | | | | |includes forming an understanding of the intricate web of |

| | | | | |relationships and processes that combine to bring our food|

| | | | | |to the table. We will highlight features of the |

| | | | | |environmental, health, political and economic components |

| | | | | |of the NL food system and engage in hands-on activities, |

| | | | | |such as making a local food snack and going for a walking |

| | | | | |local food tour. The sessions will be interactive, |

| | | | | |inspirational and educational. |

| | | | | |Maximum 24 Students |

| |How We Perceive the World |Meghan Collett |April 21 & 22, |MUN |Ever wonder how visual illusions work? Or why we find sad |

| |(Psychology) | |2015 | |music so sad? In this mini course, we will look at how we |

| | | | | |perceive different aspects of our world. Through group |

| | | | | |activities and experiments we will discover what lies |

| | | | | |behind everything from colour perception to social |

| | | | | |perception. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 Students |

| |Understanding Mental Health |Melody Sorenson |April 27 & 28, |MUN |Student participants will be introduced to the concept of |

| |and Mental Illness | |2015 | |mental health – what it means to experience good mental |

| |(Psychology) | | | |health and what happens when we develop a mental illness. |

| | | | | |Specific illnesses will be touched on, but the focus will |

| | | | | |be on improving mental health and stigma reductions. |

| | | | | |Maximum 24 Students |

| |Marine Biology |Captain Jan Negrijn |May 27 & 28, 2015 |MI (Holyrood) |Come and experience the world of Marine Biology through a |

| | | | | |combination of boat cruises and beach hikes. |

| | | | |Coastal |You will: |

| | |Coastal Connections | |Connections |Learn how to steer a boat and do some basic navigation |

| | | | |Site |Use a plankton net and microscopes to investigate the |

| | | | | |smallest plants and animals in the ocean |

| | | | | |Haul up crab and lobster pots |

| | | | | |Fly a remotely operated vehicle ROV to explore life under |

| | | | | |the waves |

| | | | | |Explore the shallow shoreline with waders and underwater |

| | | | | |looking glasses and much more, |

| | | | | |All in an action packed two days of fun and discovery |

| | | | | |.Maximum 24 Students |

| |Two Days in Russia |Dr. J. Stuart |April 27 & 28, |MUN |Discover another world in two days- learn to read Russian,|

| | |Durrant |2015 | |acquire the basics about a “different” but very easy and |

| | | | | |logical foreign language, gain insights into a fascinating|

| | |(Honorary Consul for| | |culture and intriguing but baffling history. This |

| | |the Russian | | |structured mini-course includes MUN students’ own videos, |

| | |Federation) | | |Russian movies, souvenirs, music, food, pen pal addresses,|

| | | | | |internet links. Consider the benefits of knowing Russian |

| | | | | |if you want to be a diplomat, journalist, scientist, or |

| | | | | |work in international business. Because of the changes |

| | | | | |since “perestroika”, Russia, the largest country in the |

| | | | | |world is more open to you than ever! |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Two Days in Russia |Dr. J. Stuart |April 30 & May 1, |MUN |Discover another world in two days- learn to read Russian,|

| | |Durrant |2015 | |acquire the basics about a “different” but very easy and |

| | | | | |logical foreign language, gain insights into a fascinating|

| | |(Honorary Consul for| | |culture and intriguing but baffling history. This |

| | |the Russian | | |structured mini-course includes MUN students’ own videos, |

| | |Federation) | | |Russian movies, souvenirs, music, food, pen pal addresses,|

| | | | | |internet links. Consider the benefits of knowing Russian |

| | | | | |if you want to be a diplomat, journalist, scientist, or |

| | | | | |work in international business. Because of the changes |

| | | | | |since “perestroika”, Russia, the largest country in the |

| | | | | |world is more open to you than ever! |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Two Days in Russia |Dr. J. Stuart |May 4 & 5, 2015 |MUN |Discover another world in two days- learn to read Russian,|

| | |Durrant | | |acquire the basics about a “different” but very easy and |

| | | | | |logical foreign language, gain insights into a fascinating|

| | |(Honorary Consul for| | |culture and intriguing but baffling history. This |

| | |the Russian | | |structured mini-course includes MUN students’ own videos, |

| | |Federation) | | |Russian movies, souvenirs, music, food, pen pal addresses,|

| | | | | |internet links. Consider the benefits of knowing Russian |

| | | | | |if you want to be a diplomat, journalist, scientist, or |

| | | | | |work in international business. Because of the changes |

| | | | | |since “perestroika”, Russia, the largest country in the |

| | | | | |world is more open to you than ever! |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Japanese Language and Culture |Nami Ohara |April 20 & 21, |MUN |This course is intended to give beginners a basic |

| | | |2015 | |knowledge of understanding, communication and culture of |

| | | | | |Japan through a variety of activities.   |

| | | | | |Course Objectives:  |

| | | | | |(1) Learn basic Japanese using culturally oriented |

| | | | | |activities such as origami or cultural games. |

| | | | | |(2) Develop an ear for Japanese sounds and learn |

| | | | | |pronunciation basics. |

| | | | | |(3) Learn to read both Japanese syllabic letters (Hiragana|

| | | | | |and Katakana) |

| | | | | |(4) Understand and use common Japanese expressions. |

| | | | | |(5) Learn some basic Kanji characters |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Japanese Language and Culture |Nami Ohara |April 23 & 24, |MUN |This course is intended to give beginners a basic |

| | | |2015 | |knowledge of understanding, communication and culture of |

| | | | | |Japan through a variety of activities.   |

| | | | | |Course Objectives:  |

| | | | | |(1) Learn basic Japanese using culturally oriented |

| | | | | |activities such as origami or cultural games. |

| | | | | |(2) Develop an ear for Japanese sounds and learn |

| | | | | |pronunciation basics. |

| | | | | |(3) Learn to read both Japanese syllabic letters (Hiragana|

| | | | | |and Katakana) |

| | | | | |(4) Understand and use common Japanese expressions. |

| | | | | |(5) Learn some basic Kanji characters |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Japanese Language and Culture |Nami Ohara |April 27 & 28, |MUN |This course is intended to give beginners a basic |

| | | |2015 | |knowledge of understanding, communication and culture of |

| | | | | |Japan through a variety of activities.   |

| | | | | |Course Objectives:  |

| | | | | |(1) Learn basic Japanese using culturally oriented |

| | | | | |activities such as origami or cultural games. |

| | | | | |(2) Develop an ear for Japanese sounds and learn |

| | | | | |pronunciation basics. |

| | | | | |(3) Learn to read both Japanese syllabic letters (Hiragana|

| | | | | |and Katakana) |

| | | | | |(4) Understand and use common Japanese expressions. |

| | | | | |(5) Learn some basic Kanji characters |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Japanese Language and Culture |Nami Ohara |April 30 & May 1, |MUN |This course is intended to give beginners a basic |

| | | |2015 | |knowledge of understanding, communication and culture of |

| | | | | |Japan through a variety of activities.   |

| | | | | |Course Objectives:  |

| | | | | |(1) Learn basic Japanese using culturally oriented |

| | | | | |activities such as origami or cultural games. |

| | | | | |(2) Develop an ear for Japanese sounds and learn |

| | | | | |pronunciation basics. |

| | | | | |(3) Learn to read both Japanese syllabic letters (Hiragana|

| | | | | |and Katakana) |

| | | | | |(4) Understand and use common Japanese expressions. |

| | | | | |(5) Learn some basic Kanji characters |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Japanese Language and Culture |Nami Ohara |May 4 & 5, 2015 |MUN |This course is intended to give beginners a basic |

| | | | | |knowledge of understanding, communication and culture of |

| | | | | |Japan through a variety of activities.   |

| | | | | |Course Objectives:  |

| | | | | |(1) Learn basic Japanese using culturally oriented |

| | | | | |activities such as origami or cultural games. |

| | | | | |(2) Develop an ear for Japanese sounds and learn |

| | | | | |pronunciation basics. |

| | | | | |(3) Learn to read both Japanese syllabic letters (Hiragana|

| | | | | |and Katakana) |

| | | | | |(4) Understand and use common Japanese expressions. |

| | | | | |(5) Learn some basic Kanji characters |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Japanese Language and Culture |Nami Ohara |May 7 & 8, 2015 |MUN |This course is intended to give beginners a basic |

| | | | | |knowledge of understanding, communication and culture of |

| | | | | |Japan through a variety of activities.   |

| | | | | |Course Objectives:  |

| | | | | |(1) Learn basic Japanese using culturally oriented |

| | | | | |activities such as origami or cultural games. |

| | | | | |(2) Develop an ear for Japanese sounds and learn |

| | | | | |pronunciation basics. |

| | | | | |(3) Learn to read both Japanese syllabic letters (Hiragana|

| | | | | |and Katakana) |

| | | | | |(4) Understand and use common Japanese expressions. |

| | | | | |(5) Learn some basic Kanji characters |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Chinese Language and Culture |Yaying Tu |May 12 |MUN |Students will gain a basic knowledge and understanding of |

| | | |&13, 2015 | |Chinese culture and language through films and activities.|

| | | | | |The participants will learn how to speak Chinese in four |

| | | | | |different tones as well as learn how to write Chinese |

| | | | | |characters. You will learn about life in modern Chinese |

| | | | | |cities but you will also explore traditional Chinese |

| | | | | |elements. Finally, the mini course will look at a typical|

| | | | | |Chinese junior high student’s day. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Chinese Language and Culture |Yaying Tu |May 14 |MUN |Students will gain a basic knowledge and understanding of |

| | | |&15, 2015 | |Chinese culture and language through films and activities.|

| | | | | |The participants will learn how to speak Chinese in four |

| | | | | |different tones as well as learn how to write Chinese |

| | | | | |characters. You will learn about life in modern Chinese |

| | | | | |cities but you will also explore traditional Chinese |

| | | | | |elements. Finally, the mini course will look at a typical|

| | | | | |Chinese junior high student’s day. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |A Journey Through 400 Years of|Amy Dalziel & Yaying|April 20 & 21, |MUN |This two day course presents an exciting musical journey |

| |Classical Music |Tu |2015 | |that spans over 400 years of history, including the |

| | | | | |Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern eras. We will |

| | | | | |explore the various characteristics od each era through |

| | | | | |lectures, stories, short movies and activities. In |

| | | | | |addition, students will further explore the various |

| | | | | |composers and repertoire of these time periods through |

| | | | | |basic group activities at the keyboard. |

| | | | | |Maximum 24 students |

| |A Journey Through 400 Years of|Amy Dalziel & Yaying|April 23 & 24, |MUN |This two day course presents an exciting musical journey |

| |Classical Music |Tu |2015 | |that spans over 400 years of history, including the |

| | | | | |Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern eras. We will |

| | | | | |explore the various characteristics od each era through |

| | | | | |lectures, stories, short movies and activities. In |

| | | | | |addition, students will further explore the various |

| | | | | |composers and repertoire of these time periods through |

| | | | | |basic group activities at the keyboard. |

| | | | | |Maximum 24 students |

| |Much Ado about Shakespeare |Carolyn Colbert |April 23 & 24, |MUN |"All the world's a stage." Fight duels, perform magic, or|

| | | |2015 | |plan revenge. Learn about the Shakespearean theatre, "the |

| | | | | |wooden O," and find out if Shakespeare wore tights! |

| |Acting Course | | | |Become an actor or a director for two days. |

| | | | | |Perform scenes from your choice of Shakespeare's plays and|

| | | | | |produce appropriate costumes and sets. |

| | | | | |Maximum 24 students |

| |Much Ado about Shakespeare |Carolyn Colbert |April 30 & May 1, |MUN |"All the world's a stage." Fight duels, perform magic, or|

| | | |2015 | |plan revenge. Learn about the Shakespearean theatre, "the |

| | | | | |wooden O," and find out if Shakespeare wore tights! |

| |Acting Course | | | |Become an actor or a director for two days. |

| | | | | |Perform scenes from your choice of Shakespeare's plays and|

| | | | | |produce appropriate costumes and sets. |

| | | | | |Maximum 24 students |

| |Geographic Information |Arpik Hakobyan & |May 26 & 27, 2015 |MUN |Creating and working with electronic maps. |

| |Systems(GIS) and Remote |David Mercer | | |Displaying and working with satellite images. Combining |

| |Sensing | | | |maps and satellite images together. Analyzing the spatial |

| | | | | |information. |

| | | | | |Maximum 24 students |

| |Electrical Engineering – The |Arpik Hakobyan |May 28 & 29, 2015 |MUN |Understanding the fundamentals of electrical engineering |

| |Basics | | | |and its applications, and what the electrical engineers |

| | | | | |do. Conducting basic electromagnetic experiments in the |

| | | | | |electrical lab at MUN. Touring the facilities where the |

| | | | | |electrical engineering is used as a research tool. |

| | | | | |Understanding the basic safety rules and why the safety |

| | | | | |is important when people work with or near electricity. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Crossroads of the World: |Lisa M. Daly |April 21 & 22, |MUN |This course will look at the history of aviation in |

| |Aviation in Newfoundland and | |2015 | |Newfoundland and Labrador. The first day will look at |

| |Labrador | | | |early aviation in Newfoundland, with a focus on the |

| | | | | |Trans-Atlantic race which brought aviators from all over |

| | | | | |the world the Newfoundland, the Harbour Grace Airfield, |

| | | | | |and other early aviation stories.  The second day will |

| | | | | |look at World War II and post-war aviation in |

| | | | | |Newfoundland, with a focus on Gander, Goose Bay and |

| | | | | |Stephenville airfields.  This day will also look at |

| | | | | |historically important aviation events such as the Sabena |

| | | | | |and Saglek Bay crashes and the Arrow Air disaster. |

| | | | | | Students will have the opportunity to handle and |

| | | | | |photograph artifacts from aviation sites around the |

| | | | | |province.  Instruction will be based on historic images, |

| | | | | |discussions about famous aviators and events, how this |

| | | | | |history is still important and recognizing artifacts |

| | | | | |recovered from archaeology sites for how they are the same|

| | | | | |or different from today’s products. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Crossroads of the World: |Lisa M. Daly |May 12 & 13, 2015 |MUN |This course will look at the history of aviation in |

| |Aviation in Newfoundland and | | | |Newfoundland and Labrador. The first day will look at |

| |Labrador | | | |early aviation in Newfoundland, with a focus on the |

| | | | | |Trans-Atlantic race which brought aviators from all over |

| | | | | |the world the Newfoundland, the Harbour Grace Airfield, |

| | | | | |and other early aviation stories.  The second day will |

| | | | | |look at World War II and post-war aviation in |

| | | | | |Newfoundland, with a focus on Gander, Goose Bay and |

| | | | | |Stephenville airfields.  This day will also look at |

| | | | | |historically important aviation events such as the Sabena |

| | | | | |and Saglek Bay crashes and the Arrow Air disaster. |

| | | | | | Students will have the opportunity to handle and |

| | | | | |photograph artifacts from aviation sites around the |

| | | | | |province.  Instruction will be based on historic images, |

| | | | | |discussions about famous aviators and events, how this |

| | | | | |history is still important and recognizing artifacts |

| | | | | |recovered from archaeology sites for how they are the same|

| | | | | |or different from today’s products. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |What is Human Nature? |Dr. Peter Trnka |May 5 & 6, 2015 |MUN |This course will introduce you to the methods and subjects|

| | | | | |of philosophy. What is a human being? What is a good |

| | | | | |life for a human being? What is freedom? What is |

| | | | | |happiness? We shall examine questions like this through |

| | | | | |readings, videos, and discussion. The aim of the course |

| | | | | |is to show you how to express and criticize your own and |

| | | | | |others beliefs about nature, society, and technology. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |The Holocaust |Dr Edita Bosák |April 20 & 21, |MUN |Why were the Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals singled out for|

| | | |2015 | |“special treatment” (annihilation) in the German Reich |

| | | | | |during World War Two? |

| | | | | |This course is intended to give students an understanding |

| | | | | |of who the victims were, where they came from and why they|

| | | | | |were considered the enemy. The subject matter is treated |

| | | | | |with sensitivity and reverence through the media of |

| | | | | |lectures, discussions, films and demonstrations. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |The Holocaust |Dr Edita Bosák |April 22 & 23, |MUN |Why were the Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals singled out for|

| | | |2015 | |“special treatment” (annihilation) in the German Reich |

| | | | | |during World War Two? |

| | | | | |This course is intended to give students an understanding |

| | | | | |of who the victims were, where they came from and why they|

| | | | | |were considered the enemy. The subject matter is treated |

| | | | | |with sensitivity and reverence through the media of |

| | | | | |lectures, discussions, films and demonstrations. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |The Holocaust |Dr Edita Bosák |April 27 & 28, |MUN |Why were the Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals singled out for|

| | | |2015 | |“special treatment” (annihilation) in the German Reich |

| | | | | |during World War Two? |

| | | | | |This course is intended to give students an understanding |

| | | | | |of who the victims were, where they came from and why they|

| | | | | |were considered the enemy. The subject matter is treated |

| | | | | |with sensitivity and reverence through the media of |

| | | | | |lectures, discussions, films and demonstrations. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |“The Roma, aka Gypsies” |Dr Edita Bosák |April 29 & 30, |MUN |Who are these people, where do they come from and why does|

| | | |2015 | |societyboycott them whenever possible? The aim of the two |

| | | | | |day course is to introduce students to the history and |

| | | | | |culture of the Roma, and to explore the prejudice and |

| | | | | |mistreatment that is so much a part of the Roma’s tragic |

| | | | | |history. Films will be seen, music heard, conversations |

| | | | | |and pictures presented. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 Students |

| |Male Basketball Camp |Coach Peter Benoite |April 30 & May 1, |MUN |Come develop your basketball skills. Develop the proper |

| | | |2015 | |jump shot, lay up and foul shot. Hone your defensive |

| |For elite and experienced | | | |skills. Enjoy scrimmages at the MUN gym and the new Field|

| |athletes only. | | | |House gym. Instructors to include members of the Sea Hawk |

| | | | | |Men’s Basketball Team. |

| | | | | |Maximum 40 students Males only |

| |Female Basketball Camp |Coach Doug Partridge|May 7 & 8, 2015 |MUN |Come develop your basketball skills. Develop the proper |

| | | | | |jump shot, lay up and foul shot. Hone your defensive |

| |For elite and experienced | | | |skills. Enjoy scrimmages at the MUN gym and the new Field|

| |athletes only. | | | |House gym. Instructors to include members of the Sea Hawk |

| | | | | |Women’s Basketball Team. |

| | | | | |Maximum 40 students Females only |

| |Let’s Talk Health |Drs. Erin McGowan, |April 22 & 23, |MUN |Through hands-on experiential learning (learn through |

| | |Erin Cameron and |2015 | |doing) students will explore the concept of health and |

| | |Richard Buote, Ryan | | |well-being. Specifically, students will learn about |

| | |Collins | | |healthy active living through various health topics (e.g.,|

| | | | | |eating well, physical activity, body image, self-esteem, |

| | | | | |mindfulness, media literacy, etc.). |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 Students |

| |Exploring Leadership and |Holly White |May 7 & 8, 2015 |MUN |During this hands-on and interactive course students will |

| |Personal Development | | | |learn about leadership and personal development. |

| | | | | |Self-awareness and self-understanding are key to |

| | | | | |effectively living one’s leadership; effective leadership |

| | | | | |is tied to interactions with others.  |

| | | | | |Drawing on literature and concepts from experiential |

| | | | | |learning, narrative research and education, this course |

| | | | | |aims to provide an opportunity for participants to learn, |

| | | | | |reflect back and look forward.  Through lecture, exercises|

| | | | | |and guided reflection, students will build a foundation of|

| | | | | |leadership theory and complete four modules which will |

| | | | | |explore the concepts of personal leadership, values, |

| | | | | |teamwork and group dynamics and diversity. This course |

| | | | | |will be introspective, interactive and engaging.  By |

| | | | | |participating in this session, students are committing to |

| | | | | |positively contribute to a safe and welcoming learning |

| | | | | |space for self-reflection and articulation.  Everyone is |

| | | | | |welcome.  |

| |Funky Fresh Folklore: What is |Terra Barrett |April 20 & 21, |MUN |What does the children’s game kick the can, your |

| |it and where to find it? | |2015 | |grandmother’s recipe for molasses cookies, and the word |

| | | | | |skeet all have in common? They are all forms of folklore.|

| | | | | |In this two day course you will learn about different |

| | | | | |folklore genres, folk groups, and most importantly how |

| | | | | |folklore is found in your everyday life. |

| | | | | |Students will learn the folklorist’s tools of the trade. |

| | | | | |This will include how to use recorders and microphones, |

| | | | | |how to conduct a folklore interview, and where to find |

| | | | | |folklore in your community. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 Students |

| |Funky Fresh Folklore: What is |Terra Barrett |April 23 & 24, |MUN |What does the children’s game kick the can, your |

| |it and where to find it? | |2015 | |grandmother’s recipe for molasses cookies, and the word |

| | | | | |skeet all have in common? They are all forms of folklore.|

| | | | | |In this two day course you will learn about different |

| | | | | |folklore genres, folk groups, and most importantly how |

| | | | | |folklore is found in your everyday life. |

| | | | | |Students will learn the folklorist’s tools of the trade. |

| | | | | |This will include how to use recorders and microphones, |

| | | | | |how to conduct a folklore interview, and where to find |

| | | | | |folklore in your community. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 Students |

| |Engineering Design |Mr. Raj Jani |April 27 & 28, |CNA |Safety glasses are mandatory. |

| | | |2015 | |How are machines made??? Experience the engineering design|

| | | | | |process. First you will identify a need, define the |

| | | | | |problem and set your design objectives. Then you will |

| | | | | |brainstorm for solutions and choose your ‘best’ option. |

| | | | | |Next you will develop sketches for your design, generate a|

| | | | | |3-D computer model, and get ready to plan your production!|

| | | | | |What materials will you need? What equipment? What |

| | | | | |skills? Finally you will fabricate your components using |

| | | | | |a variety of advanced technology systems; computer |

| | | | | |controlled machining centres, robotics and laser cutting |

| | | | | |systems. And there you have it, just what you needed! |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Engineering Design |Mr. Raj Jani |April 29 & 30, |CNA |Safety glasses are mandatory. |

| | | |2015 | |How are machines made??? Experience the engineering design|

| | | | | |process. First you will identify a need, define the |

| | | | | |problem and set your design objectives. Then you will |

| | | | | |brainstorm for solutions and choose your ‘best’ option. |

| | | | | |Next you will develop sketches for your design, generate a|

| | | | | |3-D computer model, and get ready to plan your production!|

| | | | | |What materials will you need? What equipment? What |

| | | | | |skills? Finally you will fabricate your components using |

| | | | | |a variety of advanced technology systems; computer |

| | | | | |controlled machining centres, robotics and laser cutting |

| | | | | |systems. And there you have it, just what you needed! |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Robot Design |Jordan Smith |May 26 & 27, 2015 |MUN |Interested in mechanisms or electronics? Ever wonder how |

| | | | | |robots see and plan? This course will challenge students |

| | | | | |in the field of robotics as they create and program their |

| | | | | |own real robot from basic components. Students will |

| | | | | |develop practical skills in Engineering, Computer Science |

| | | | | |and Art which will help them continue on to start their |

| | | | | |own creative projects. Experience with Lego Mindstorms or |

| | | | | |similar is recommended but not required. Try if |

| | | | | |you’re new! |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Robot Design |Jordan Smith |May 28 & 29, 2015 |MUN |Interested in mechanisms or electronics? Ever wonder how |

| | | | | |robots see and plan? This course will challenge students |

| | | | | |in the field of robotics as they create and program their |

| | | | | |own real robot from basic components. Students will |

| | | | | |develop practical skills in Engineering, Computer Science |

| | | | | |and Art which will help them continue on to start their |

| | | | | |own creative projects. Experience with Lego Mindstorms or |

| | | | | |similar is recommended but not required. Try if |

| | | | | |you’re new! |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Robot control using |Howard Guy |May 6 & 7, 2015 |CNA Ridge Road|Are you into robots building things and computers? The |

| |Microcontrollers | | |Campus |first part of the course will have you soldering a mini |

| | | | | |light sensor car. The second part will have you become |

| | | | | |familiar with microcontrollers and servo control. The |

| | | | | |final section of the mini course will be hooking a netcam |

| | | | | |to the robot and getting it working through a website. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 |

| | | | | |Grade 8 & 9 Students Only |

| |Computer programming from |Theodore Norvell |April 27 & 28, |MUN |Computer programming is the art of turning ideas into |

| |0 to infinity | |2015 | |plans. These courses introduce the basic concepts of |

| | | | | |modern computer programming. By the end of the course, |

| | | | | |students will be able to create interactive computer |

| | | | | |programs such as simple video games, animations, and |

| | | | | |automated art generators. |

| | | | | |Maximum 24students. |

| | | | | |Grade 8 & 9 Students Only |

| |Introduction to Computer |Theodore Norvell |April 29 & 30, |MUN |Computer programming is the art of turning ideas into |

| |Programming | |2015 | |plans. These courses introduce the basic concepts of |

| | | | | |modern computer programming. By the end of the course, |

| | | | | |students will be able to create interactive computer |

| | | | | |programs such as simple video games, animations, and |

| | | | | |automated art generators. |

| | | | | |Maximum 24students. |

| | | | | |Grade 8 & 9 Students Only |

| |Creating Virtual worlds with |Rhada Gupta |May 5 & 6, 2015 |MUN |Alice is a simple 3D interactive animation environment. |

| |Alice | | | | In this course the students will write simple stories, |

| | | | | |create animated virtual worlds, populate their virtual |

| | | | | |worlds with characters and objects they desire, and see |

| | | | | |their stories come to life.  That is, the students will |

| | | | | |learn to become the scriptwriters and directors of their |

| | | | | |own stories. |

| | | | | |Script writing, creativity and visualization play a |

| | | | | |greater role in students’ learning, and these elements are|

| | | | | |supported by Alice’s environment.  Thus, this course |

| | | | | |should be of great interest to all students; girls or |

| | | | | |boys, who are creative and have no prior programming |

| | | | | |experience as well as to those girls and boys who are |

| | | | | |looking for a deeper understanding of the basic |

| | | | | |programming concepts.   |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Creating Virtual worlds with |Rhada Gupta |May 7 & 8, 2015 |MUN |Alice is a simple 3D interactive animation environment. |

| |Alice | | | | In this course the students will write simple stories, |

| | | | | |create animated virtual worlds, populate their virtual |

| | | | | |worlds with characters and objects they desire, and see |

| | | | | |their stories come to life.  That is, the students will |

| | | | | |learn to become the scriptwriters and directors of their |

| | | | | |own stories. |

| | | | | |Script writing, creativity and visualization play a |

| | | | | |greater role in students’ learning, and these elements are|

| | | | | |supported by Alice’s environment.  Thus, this course |

| | | | | |should be of great interest to all students; girls or |

| | | | | |boys, who are creative and have no prior programming |

| | | | | |experience as well as to those girls and boys who are |

| | | | | |looking for a deeper understanding of the basic |

| | | | | |programming concepts.   |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Textiles |Katie Parnham and |TBA |CNA |A fun packed two days is planned for the textile fanatics.|

| | |Gina-Rae Hoyles | | |This year we will offer a screen printing session, which |

| | | | | |will teach the students how to design, create and print a |

| | | | | |silkscreen. We will use this silkscreen to print onto a |

| | | | | |shirt, which they can bring themselves. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |We will also spend some time learning about all over |

| | | | | |printing and colour families and will create a number of |

| | | | | |print and colour samples. We will then print our images |

| | | | | |onto a piece of fabric, that we will dye accordingly. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Textiles |Katie Parnham and |TBA |CNA |A fun packed two days is planned for the textile fanatics.|

| | |Gina-Rae Hoyles | | |This year we will offer a screen printing session, which |

| | | | | |will teach the students how to design, create and print a |

| | | | | |silkscreen. We will use this silkscreen to print onto a |

| | | | | |shirt, which they can bring themselves. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |We will also spend some time learning about all over |

| | | | | |printing and colour families and will create a number of |

| | | | | |print and colour samples. We will then print our images |

| | | | | |onto a piece of fabric, that we will dye accordingly. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Landscapes with Textile |Susan Furneaux |April 27 & 28, |CNA |We will explore different types of landscapes using |

| |Techniques | |2015 | |textile techniques. Drawings will be made to use as design|

| | | | | |to create a number of pieces with the use of fabric and |

| | | | | |fibres. |

| | | | | |Participants will create 2 small textile pieces. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Hooking Some Fish |Susan Furneaux |April 30 & May 1, |CNA |Using traditional Newfoundland mat hooking techniques, |

| | | |2015 | |create a small hooked mat inspired by the fish of swimming|

| | | | | |off our coast. |

| | | | | |Day 1 |

| | | | | |Presentation of hooked mats and the history in the |

| | | | | |province |

| | | | | |Understanding how to hook. |

| | | | | |Frame preparation. |

| | | | | |Designing the image. |

| | | | | |Transferring the image. |

| | | | | |Materials preparation and cutting. |

| | | | | |Discussion of texture and colour. |

| | | | | |Day 2 |

| | | | | |Hooking the fish. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Crystallographic Design…Repeat|Stephanie Stoker |April 27 & 28, |CNA |Design and print your own fabric! |

| |Patterns | |2015 | |Get inspired by an organic/natural form and create your |

| | | | | |personalized motif. This motif will then be sampled in |

| | | | | |multiple ways to create exciting repeat patterns, which |

| | | | | |you will then print on fabric using a block printing |

| | | | | |method. |

| | | | | |Day 1: |

| | | | | |Learn about repeat patterns and their use |

| | | | | |Learn how to create a design motif from a natural form |

| | | | | |Learn how to design an exciting repeat pattern |

| | | | | |Day 2: |

| | | | | |Carve a printing block |

| | | | | |Print your fabric |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Drawing and Painting – realism|Stephanie Stoker |April 30 & May 1, |CNA |Look at how you can take a real subject matter and alter |

| |and abstraction | |2015 | |it to create a unique work of art. Using realism in |

| | | | | |drawing and painting recreate your idea in multiples ways;|

| | | | | |contour drawing into abstract painting, drawing and |

| | | | | |painting the negative shape, mixed media. |

| | | | | |Day 1: |

| | | | | |Learn/review the basics of drawing; space, line, shape, |

| | | | | |value, etc. |

| | | | | |Drawing techniques; contour, gesture, negative drawing |

| | | | | |Basics of painting (Acrylic) |

| | | | | |Day 2: |

| | | | | |Create basic composition based on previous day’s work |

| | | | | |Recreate composition using a variety of methods; drawn, |

| | | | | |painted, mixed media. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Self-Expression Through |Yani Sheng |May 7 & 8, 2015 |District |This course will offer students a glimpse into the world |

| |Abstract Painting (Art) | | |School |of self expression through abstract painting. We will |

| | | | | |explore how music and mood can be expressed on canvas |

| | | | | |through colour, shapes, and tone. This style of painting |

| | | | | |can be liberating; allowing us the ability to just put our|

| | | | | |feelings and ideas into our art without being focused on |

| | | | | |ensuring that an image is “right” or “wrong,” your only |

| | | | | |limitation is your imagination and what you want to share |

| | | | | |with the world. Each student will learn about the |

| | | | | |foundations of abstract artwork, and create several |

| | | | | |original paintings utilizing various techniques. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Introduction to Sculpture |Yani Sheng |May 14 & 15, 2015 |District |This course will provide students an introduction to |

| |(Art) | | |School |three-dimensional artwork and sculpture techniques. |

| | | | | |Students will learn about the huge range of techniques and|

| | | | | |mediums for creating three-dimensional work, as well as |

| | | | | |create and paint two pieces of original work using a |

| | | | | |polymer clay. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |

| |Introduction to Printmaking |Yani Sheng |May 21 & 22, 2015 |District |This fun and creative course will offer students an |

| | | | |School |introductory experience to the world of printmaking. This |

| | | | | |versatile art form allows you the ability to make multiple|

| | | | | |copies, or variations of an image, using many different |

| | | | | |styles and mediums. In this course each student will have |

| | | | | |the opportunity to create their own image, and make |

| | | | | |various editions using block printing techniques. |

| | | | | |Maximum 10 students |

| |Introduction to Mixed Media |Yani Sheng |May 28 & 29, 2015 |District |Mixed media offers an artist the opportunity to challenge |

| |Artwork | | |School |his or her creative potential, combining different |

| | | | | |artistic techniques and mediums in combinations and ways |

| | | | | |that are only limited by your imagination! Students will |

| | | | | |learn about the opportunities mixed media has for self |

| | | | | |expression, and will be encouraged to produce artwork that|

| | | | | |combines classical mediums like painting and drawing with |

| | | | | |unconventional mediums like journaling and collage. This |

| | | | | |will allow the students to push their own creative |

| | | | | |boundaries, and express themselves in new and exciting |

| | | | | |ways. |

| | | | | |Maximum 12 students |


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