Study Sheet for Chapter 12 Test - MsJuo2011

Study Sheet for Gene Action Test – DNA, protein synthesis, and genetic engineering

Format of Exam: This test will be composed of multiple-choice and short essay questions to assess your knowledge and understanding of DNA.

Content of Exam: You are responsible for understanding the concepts found in Chapter 12, 13, and 14 as indicated by your reading guide as well as information from the notes, discussion, group work, activities done in class.

Review sheet: You will need to create your own study sheet (HW credit) by answering the questions below. The answers to these questions can be found in the textbook, your notes, and answers from activities. Please type your answers (2 pts E.C. for typing), either download the file from msjuo2011. and insert your answers after each question OR write the question into the answer. You should follow the Unit Planner for deadlines. This HW is given a one day grace, after that it is ½ credit until the final deadline (the moment you begin taking the Test).

Index card: Students will be allowed to use notes written on a 3.5” x 5” index card (both sides) during the test. You will turn this in with your test (late is ½ credit). As with all index cards, the entire card must be hand-written unless you have a special accommodation (see me ahead of time). I suggest that as you study, you identify concepts that give you the most difficulty and use the index card for those concepts. You will supply your own index card for this exam – it must be 3.5” x 5” or smaller. Honor students may not write definitions, but diagrams, hand-drawn pictures, T-charts, etc. are fine.

DNA: Gene Action

1. What type of organic macromolecule is DNA? What is the building block (monomer) of DNA? What are the 3 subunits of this building block?

2. James Watson and Francis Crick (using data from Rosalind Franklin) constructed a model for the structure of DNA. Describe this structure.

3. What were the results of Griffith’s study? What were the results of Hershey and Chase’s study?

4. What are the four nitrogenous bases in DNA (write out full names) and how do they bond (i.e. what base complements what other base)? Honor: What are the two groups of nitrogenous bases and why are they grouped this way?

5. What types of bonds are found in a molecule of DNA and where are they found? (Hint: There are two types).

6. In what part of the DNA molecule is the coded information stored? Explain.

7. Suppose that you had the following DNA sequence: ATCGGCTATGA. Write the complementary DNA strand.

8. Suppose that you have a double-stranded molecule of DNA. If 15% of the nitrogenous bases are thymine, what percentage must be adenine bases? Therefore, what percentage are guanine bases? cytosine bases?

9. What is DNA replication? In your explanation, include answers to: Which enzymes are involved? When would DNA replication occur? DNA strands are complementary - how does this allow DNA to duplicate itself (replicate)?

10. Why is DNA replication called semiconservative?

11. Using a hand-drawn diagram and multiple colors, illustrate and explain the process of DNA replication.

12. From an evolutionary perspective, why do you think that DNA (as a molecule) is structured as it is? Be as specific as possible in your response. (For example, DNA is structured such that one nitrogenous base can only pair with one other base. A can only pair with T, and C can only pair with G. What would happen if just any base pair match-up were possible? Would this be an advantageous or disadvantageous change for organisms?)

13. What are the similarities and differences between DNA and RNA? List as many as possible, including overall structure, specific subunit changes, location in the cell, function, etc.

14. What is transcription? In your answer, include: Where does it occur? What is the role of messenger RNA (mRNA)? Which enzyme(s) are involved? What is a stop sequence?

15. What is translation? In your answer, include: Where does it occur? What are the roles of transfer RNA (tRNA), and ribosomes (contains ribosomal RNA)? What is a codon? What is an anticodon? What type of molecule do you use to look up amino acids in a Genetic Code Chart?

16. Transcribe and translate the sequence of DNA: TACCGGTAGCATCTGATT

17. What is meant by “the nature vs. nurture debate”?

18. What is the difference between genotype and phenotype?

19. How does genotype determine phenotype (use sickle cell disease OR cystic fibrosis as an example of this pathway)?

20. What is an amino acid? A polypeptide? A protein? What is the significance of proteins? How do proteins determine phenotypic traits?

21. What are mutations? Include answers to: How do mutations affect polypeptide synthesis? What are differences between the two types of mutations (substitution and frameshift)?

22. How do scientists get bacteria such as E. coli to make human proteins such as insulin? In your explanation, include answers to: What do restriction enzymes do? How do they work? What is a plasmid? recombinant DNA? sticky ends?

23. How does gel electrophoresis work? In your answer, include: When DNA fragments undergo electrophoresis, which fragments travel the farthest and why? Why do you need electric current? How do you interpret the DNA band patterns that result?

24. Briefly describe the uses of the following: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), gene therapy, human genome project, genetic screening.

25. What are some ethical concerns regarding the use of recombinant DNA technology?


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