Observation Worksheet - Johns Hopkins University


|Child’s Name: |Date: |Setting: |

|Develops positive social relationships (positive social emotional|Demonstrates and uses knowledge and skills |Takes appropriate actions to meet needs |

|skills) |Sorts, classifies, and compares objects |Takes care of basic needs (feeding dressing, etc.) |

|Recognizes and identify emotions of self and others |Demonstrates problem solving actions |Can move body to get to desired location or get desired object |

|Demonstrates ability to resolve conflicts with others |Demonstrates understanding of spoken words and sounds |Uses hands to play and manipulate objects |

|Manages the expression of feelings, thoughts, impulses, and |Follows single and/or multiple step directions given |Communicates wants and needs |

|behaviors |Interacts with books and other print material |Contribute to own health and safety |

|Demonstrates cooperative behavior in interactions with others | | |

|Looks to adults for emotional support and guidance | | |

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