Jim’s Condensed Notes on Cell Respiration

Jim’s Condensed Notes on Cell Respiration

One gram of the sugar glucose (C6H12O6) produces 3811 calories when burned in the presence of O2.

A calorie is the energy necessary to raise 1g H2O 1 degree C. The Calorie from our food labels is 1000 of these calories.

6 O2 + C6H12O6 6 CO2 + 6H2O + Energy

It doesn’t happen all at once – it’s a gradual energy release.

Glycolosis is the first part of this process. This releases just a small amount of energy (in the form of ATP). It takes place in the cytoplasm.

If O2 is present, the next step is the Krebs Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain.

If O2 is absent, then you have fermentation.

Glycolosis is the process in which one molecule of glucose (6 carbons) is broken in half, producing 2 molecules of pyruvic acid (each has 3 carbons).

Glycolosis uses 2 ATP but produces 4ATP, for a net of 2 ATP.

It also transfers 4 high-energy electrons to NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). Each NAD+ molecule can take two electrons.

Although it produces only a small amount of ATP, Glycolosis happens so fast that it can produce thousands of ATP molecules in small fractions of a second. But it quickly uses up all the available NAD+ molecules.

Nevertheless, at the end of glycolysis, nearly 90 percent of the energy stored in the glucose molecule is still unused. It's locked in the pyruvic acid molecules,

Fermentation releases energy from food molecules in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic).

Two main types: Alcoholic and Lactic Acid Fermentation

Alcoholic Fermentation forms ethyl alcohol and CO2 from the products of glycolosis. It also produces NAD+ !

pyruvic acid + NADH alcohol +CO2 + NAD+

This causes bread to rise, with CO2 bubbles producing the spaces in the bread. The alcohol evaporates during baking.

Lactic Acid Fermentation also regenerates NAD+ so glycolosis can continue. In this type of fermentation,

pyruvic acid + NADH lactic acid + NAD+

Lactic acid is produced in your muscles when your muscles do not get enough oxygen. This is really only improved by long-term conditioning. That’s why long distance and endurance athletes are usually older.

With oxygen present, instead of fermentation, the next step is the Krebs Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain. With oxygen, the process is considered to be aerobic.

In the Krebs Cycle,

Uncle Jim's Easy Bread Recipe

This recipe is versatile enough to make pizza, garlic bread, focaccia, and even dog bicuits or pita bread if you experiment.

Materials: Here's what you are going to need:

• Active Yeast (in a jar or packets)

• Salt

• Warm water (warm, not boiling)

• Sugar

• Flour (any white baking flour)

• Olive Oil

Here is where you can get experimental. I encourage you to follow these directions, and then in a second batch, make a significant change in the amount of yeast or the amount of sugar (independent variables).


1. In a small bowl put in two cups of hot-warm water from the tap (careful, water more than 49oC will kill the yeast - think easily bearable to your fingers but no hotter - like a perfect bath).

2. Add your packet of yeast (or two teaspoons of yeast from a jar)

3. Add three teaspoons of sugar.

4. Stir it up and leave it to sit for a few minutes until the yeast starts to froth up (activate).

5. While waiting, add four cups of flour into a large mixing bowl.

6. Add about a couple of teaspoons of salt or other spices for flavor.

7. When your yeast is nice and foamy tip it into the bowl with the flour.

8. Add about a tablespoon or two of olive oil and mix it together with a fork..

9. Gradually add more flour until it comes together into a doughy blob.

10. Tip it out onto a flour-covered board or counter top.

11. This is important - fold it over on itself squish down and turn it, fold and turn, fold and turn...if it is too sticky add more flour.

After 5-10 minutes you should have a nice blob of dough. The key is the gradual addition of flour. If you do it this way there's no way it can be too dry. Leave it on the bench while you wash out your larger bowl.

12. Oil the sides of the bowl and put the dough back in it.

13. Rub a little oil over the dough too so it doesn't dry out and go all hard and crusty. Cover it with a clean tea-towel.

14. Put it in a warm place to rise. A sunny place in the kitchen is good or maybe you could preheat my oven a little then turn it off and put it in there.

After about an hour it will be all nice and puffy. Then you get to decide what you want to make (pizza, bread, rolls, etc.).

Krebs Cycle

First, notice why this is a "cycle".

We start with oxaloacetate (OAA) and add the incoming acetyl CoA (derived from the pyruvate endproduct of glycolysis) to form citrate. We proceed through 7 steps, and eventually regenerate OAA. This OAA once again joins with acetyl CoA, and we begin the process once again. Hence, we have a cycle.

You may also have heard the Krebs cycle called the Citric Acid Cycle -- now the reason should be obvious! Notice the spelling has no apostrophe - Hans Krebs was the German-British scientist who, in the 1930's, contributed significantly to the understanding of this cycle.

Remember that the cycle turns TWICE for each glucose molecule that enters glycolysis. This is because each molecule of glucose (6 carbon) is split into two molecules of pyruvate (3 carbon). Each molecule of pyruvate, in turn, is converted to acetyl CoA, which enters the Krebs cycle.

We can also keep track of the carbons easily:

Acetyl CoA is a 2 carbon compound (remember that it is generated when 1 carbon dioxide molecule is removed from pyruvate).

It enters the Krebs cycle by combining with oxaloacetate (4 carbon) to form citrate (6 carbon).

Now, we know that we have to get back to OAA in order for the cycle to repeat itself. So, we must have to LOSE 2 carbons along the way as we convert citrate (6 carbon) back to OAA (4 carbon).

Notice that we lose those 2 carbons in the form of two molecules of carbon dioxide that are given off when isocitrate is converted to a-ketoglutarate, and when a-ketoglutarate is converted to succinyl CoA.

You know that when we EXHALE, we breathe out carbon dioxide. This is where it comes from!!!!

The Krebs cycle occurs entirely in the matrix of the mitochondrion (inside the inner membrane).

Let's do a check of how much we've spent and what we've gained:

1 molecule of acetyl CoA + 3 NAD+ + 1 FAD + 1 ADP yielded 2 CO2 + 1 FADH2+ 3 NADH + 3 H+

You'll notice that we have now only got ATP, FADH2, and NADH as products (CO2 is exhaled). The organic glucose was broken down to 2 molecules of pyruvate in glycolysis. Pyruvate was converted to acetyl CoA (with the net loss of ONE carbon in the form of carbon dioxide per pyruvate, a total of TWO carbon dioxides per glucose molecule), and acetyl CoA entered the Krebs cycle.

During the Krebs cycle, we lost 2 carbons in the form of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to the loss of the original acetyl CoA that we invested (so for each molecule of glucose, the cycle turns twice and we lose a total of 4 carbons).

This means that we have lost, by the end of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, a total of 6 carbons -- the amount we put in when we started with glucose. So, now we're ready to harvest the energy stored in FADH2 and NADH.

Electron Transport Chain

The electron transport chain is located in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. There are thousands of copies of the electron transport chain per mitochondrion. The key is that one side of the chain faces the matrix and the other side faces the intermembrane space.

Remember that we have generated some molecules of ATP already (through a process called substrate-level phosphorylation, whereby phosphate groups are transferred directly from some intermediate in glycolysis or the Krebs cycle to ADP to form ATP!). We have also generated NADH and FADH2. Now, we need to harvest the energy that is stored in the electrons of NADH and FADH2, the reduced forms of NAD+ and FAD. We do this through a series of redox reactions that are carried out along the electron transport chain. Remember our discussion at the beginning of this tutorial: as electrons move from a less electronegative atom towards a more electronegative atom (favorable)

energy is released.

Most of the components along the electron transport chain are proteins. These proteins have nonprotein groups attached to them (called prosthetic groups) that can be reduced as electrons are passed to them, and can be oxidized as electrons are removed from them. The electrons "fall" down the electron transport chain because it is energetically favorable for them to do so! Why is it favorable for the electrons to fall down the chain? Well, from our previous discussion, you might infer that each successive component of the electron transport chain is slightly MORE electronegative than the component before it. And we know that electrons like to be close to electronegative atoms! So, electrons move down the transport chain because they are successively moving closer and closer to more and more electronegative atoms. The final carrier in the electron transport chain is oxygen. This makes sense since oxygen is an EXTREMELY electronegative atom.

Electrons start out bound to NADH. Remember that NADH retains the potential energy that electrons had when they were in food. When NADH encounters the first component of the electron transport chain (FMN), it gives its electrons to FMN. In other words, NADH is an electron donor (it gets oxidized back to NAD+) and FMN accepts electrons (it gets reduced). The electrons are then passed from FMN to an iron-sulfur containing protein (i.e. FMN gets oxidized and the Fe-S protein gets reduced). And so on... all the way down the electron transport chain until the final carrier (cytochrome a3) becomes re-oxidized after it passes a pair of electrons to oxygen (which gets reduced!). FADH2 acts

like NADH, except that its electrons have less energy associated with them than the electrons of NADH. Therefore, FADH2 dumps its electrons further down the electron transport chain (they don't have as far to fall to reach the bottom).

So now all of the electrons have passed successively lost energy as they have fallen down the electron transport chain, but how does this yield energy??? The answer is chemiosmosis.


You already know that electrons "fall" down the electron transport chain because it is energetically favorable. As it turns out, when electrons are passed to some members of the electron transport chain, those specific members of the electron transport chain not only pass the electron on to the next component in the chain, but they also pick up a H+ from the solution of the mitochondrial matrix and pump it into the intermembrane space! In this way, as electrons fall down the electron transport chain, protons get pumped from the matrix to the intermembrane space, thereby establishing a concentration GRADIENT.

We know that substances like to move from where they're more concentrated to where they're less concentrated (they move down their concentration gradients). So the H+ that build up in the intermembrane space during the transport of electrons down the electron transport chain want to come back into the matrix to re-establish equilibrium. However, we also know that lipid bilayers are not permeable to ions! It takes energy to continue to push H+ into the intermembrane space because this movement represents a movement AGAINST the concentration gradient. The energy to pump the H+ from the matrix to the intermembrane space comes from the passage of electrons down the electron transport chain.

IN OTHER WORDS, the cell couples the exergonic "fall" of electrons down the electron transport chain with the

ENDERGONIC pumping of H+ from the matrix to the intermembrane space against their concentration gradient!

Once the cell has established a H+ concentration gradient (called a proton-motive force), it allows the H+ to flow back into the mitochondrial matrix through specialized proteins called ATP synthases. The flow of H+ back into the mitochondrial matrix (DOWN their concentration gradient) is EXERGONIC. The ATP synthase captures the energy being released from this flow of H+ and couples it with the synthesis of ATP!. This process of coupling the redox reactions of electron transport to ATP synthesis via the establishment of a H+ gradient is called chemiosmosis.

Summary of Energy Release

glycolysis (net): 2 ATP + 2 NADH

conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA: 1 NADH for each pyruvate = 2 NADH

Krebs cycle: 1 ATP + 1 FADH2+ 3 NADH times two = 2 ATP + 2 FADH2+ 6 NADH

TOTAL = 4 ATP (by substrate level phosphorylation) + 2 FADH2+ 10 NADH

1 NADH has enough energy stored to make 3 ATP by oxidative phosphorylation

1 FADH2 has enough energy stored to make 2 ATP by oxidative phosphorylation

So, the total amount of ATP possible = 38 ATP


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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