Mind Map Rubric - Weebly

Mind Map Rubric

|[pic] |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Neatness and Presentation|The mind map was well |The mind map was well |The mind map was well |The mind map was not |The mind map was |

|[pic] |presented and text is |presented and most of |presented. |neat in all areas. |untidy. Lettering was |

| |legible and font is |the text is legible |Lettering was |Lettering was |hard to read and font |

| |particularly |and font is appealing.|sometimes hard to read|sometimes hard to read|was unappealing. |

| |appealing. | |and font was |and font was | |

| | | |unappealing. |unappealing. | |

|Use of images/shapes |All categories are |Three categories are |Two categories are |One category is |Shapes and images were|

|[pic] |enhanced with |enhanced with |enhanced with |enhanced with |not used, only text |

| |appropriate shapes or |appropriate shapes or |appropriate shapes or |appropriate shapes or |and connecting lines. |

| |images. |images. |images. |images. | |

|Use of colour |Has included colour to|Has included colour to|Has included some |Has used very little |Has failed to include |

| |clarify all |demonstrate some |colour in the mind map|colour in the mind map|colour in the mind |

|[pic] |connections and/or to |connections and or |but has not used |and has not used |map. |

| |categorise topics |topics throughout the |colour to categorise |colour to categorise | |

| |throughout the mind |mind map. |throughout the mind |throughout the mind | |

| |map. | |map. |map. | |

|Understanding |The mind map |The mind map |The mind map |The mind map |The mind map |

| |demonstrates a |demonstrates a very |demonstrates some |demonstrates some |demonstrates little |

|[pic] |thorough understanding|good understanding of |understanding of the |understanding of the |understanding of the |

| |of the 4 topics |the graphic novel and |graphic novel and |graphic novel and |graphic novel and |

| |related to their |includes 3 or more |includes at least 2 |includes 2 elements |includes 2 or fewer |

| |graphic novel and |elements for some |elements for each |for some categories. |elements for each |

| |includes multiple |categories. |category. | |category. |

| |elements for each | | | | |

| |category. | | | | |


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