Company Information - Sierra Pacific Mortgage

|Correspondent:       |

|Street Address:       |

|City:       |State:       |Zip Code:       |

|Sierra Pacific Relationship Manager:       |


| |Completed Application – All fields |

| |Executed Loan Purchase and Sale Agreement – Electronic signatures not accepted |

| |Audited Financial Statements for previous fiscal year &/or P&L and Balance Sheet – signed by Principal. |

| |(Banks: Form #FFIEC034, Savings and Loans: Form #FHLBB1313, Credit Unions: Form #NCUA5300) |

| |Unaudited YTD Financial Statements, if the reporting date on the audited is over SIX months old – signed by Principal |

| |** COMMITMENT letter from warehouse banks verifying minimum warehouse lines of $1,500,000 |

| |Wire instructions for all warehouse lenders |

| |Resumes of management, officers and key personnel |

| |QC Policies and Procedures |

| |Articles of Incorporation and all Amendments |

| |** Licenses and/or NMLS printout |

| |Completed W-9 |

| |Resolution of Board of Directors |

| |Authorization/Release for Businesses and Individuals - MARI/MIDEX (signed by ONE authorized person) |

| |** Disclosure AND Authorization to Obtain Information (signed AND completed by all owners with >25% ownership) |

| |Correspondent Contact Information Form – ALL FIELDS MUST BE COMPLETED WITH NAME, PHONE, FAX & EMAIL (PG 4) |

| |Limited Irrevocable Power of Attorney Form – Must be Notarized |

| |Hold Harmless/Indemnification Addendum |

| |BSA/AML BANK Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) |

| |Redistribution of Addendum Desktop Underwriter Schedule – Sign as “User” |

| |Errors and Omissions Declaration Page |

| |Fidelity Bond or Declaration Page |

| |MERS Approval Letter with ID |

| |Manager Review & Approval: |Signature: |Name :       |



|      |


|Legal Name of Company:       |D.B.A. (If Applicable):       |

|Street Address:       |City/State/Zip:       |

|Phone Number:       |Toll Free:       |Fax Number:       |

|Primary Contact Name:       |Primary Contact Email Address:       |

|MERS ORG ID #:       |MERS Membership Type: Lite TPO |

|Approval Requested:       |Date Founded:       |State of Incorporation:       |

|NMLS #:       |Federal Tax ID#:       |State License #:       |

|Company Type: C Corp. S. Corp. LLC Partnership Sole Proprietor Other:       |


|Name |Title |% Ownership |Social Security # |DOB |

|      |      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |      |

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|      |      |      |      |      |


|Fannie Mae # |Approved: Yes No Pending |Approval #:       |

|Freddie Mac # |Approved: Yes No Pending |Approval #:       |

|FHA # |Approved: Yes No Pending |Approval #:       |

|VA # |Approved: Yes No Pending |Approval #:       |


|Investo|Contact Person |Phone Number |$ Monthly Volume |Relationship Since | |

|r Name | | | | | |

| |      |      |      |      |      |

| |      |      |      |      |      |

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|Please check the box next to the investors listed above that you have delegated underwriting with. |


|Warehouse Lender |Contact |Phone Number |Line Amount |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |


|Loan Products |Current Year to Date |Prior Year |

|Conventional |      |      |

|FHA |      |      |

|VA |      |      |

|Jumbo |      |      |

|Alt A |      |      |

|USDA |      |      |

|Other:       |      |      |

|Total |      |      |

|Average Loan Size |      |      |

|% - Retail Originations |      |      |

|% - Wholesale Originations |      |      |

|% - Refinance Originations |      |      |

|% - Purchase Originations |      |      |


|How many employees do you have?       |

|Is there any pending legal action against your company, principals, or key officers? |

|(If so, please provide explanation on a separate letter and attach).       |

|Has the company ever been denied approval, suspended or terminated by HUD/VA/GNMA/FHLMC or FNMA? |

|(If so, please provide explanation on a separate letter and attach).       |

|Please provide a list of your branch office locations.       |

|Is the company or any of its’ principals or officers involved in any other mortgage related business? |

|(i.e. Appraisal, Title Company, etc.) (If so, please provide explanation on a separate letter and attach).       |

|The undersigned and company (“We”) represent and warrant that the information provided is complete and accurate in all respects. We understand that this |

|application is made for the purpose of inducing Sierra Pacific Mortgage to approve our request to be an approved Seller with Sierra Pacific Mortgage. We |

|authorize Sierra Pacific Mortgage to make such investigation of our financial condition and the representations contained in the application. We understand that|

|this application shall remain the property of Sierra Pacific Mortgage for all purposes. We understand that Sierra Pacific Mortgage will continue to rely on this|

|information being full and accurate until we provide you with notice in writing of any changes. We agree to notify you immediately of any adverse change |

|affecting the company. By this application We authorize Sierra Pacific Mortgage to file a financing statement describing the collateral which will be subject to|

|a security interest in favor of Sierra Pacific Mortgage if it approves the request. The Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act requires that all creditors, |

|including Banks, Savings and Loans, small loan companies, retail stores and others, make credit equally available to all credit worthy customers without regard |

|to sex, marital status, race, color, religion, national origin, age, the fact that all or part of applicants income is derived from a public assistance program,|

|or the fact that this applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act or applicable state law. |

|Signature: |Title:       |Date:       |

|Signature: |Title:       |Date:       |



|Name of Primary Contact:       |Phone Number:       |

|Email Address:       |Fax Number:       |


|Admin Web User:       |Phone Number:       |

|Email Address:       |Fax Number:       |


|Commitment:       |Phone Number:       |

|Email Address:       |Fax Number:       |


|Underwriting:       |Phone Number:       |

|Email Address:       |Fax Number:       |


|Loan Delivery:       |Phone Number:       |

|Email Address:       |Fax Number:       |


|Post Closing:       |Phone Number:       |

|Email Address:       |Fax Number:       |


|Servicing:       |Phone Number:       |

|Email Address:       |Fax Number:       |


|Purchase Advice:       |Phone Number:       |

|Email Address:       |Fax Number:       |


|      |

|OF (Name of Correspondent Lender):       |



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|      | |      |

|of this corporation, or any one or more of them or their duly elected or appointed successors in office, be and each of them is hereby authorized and empowered |

|in the name of and on behalf of this corporation and under its corporate seal from time to time while this resolution is in effect, to sell mortgage loans to |

|Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, Inc., and to execute any and all agreements, contracts, assignments, endorsements and issuance of checks, reports, mortgage |

|documents, and other papers in connection with documents, and furnish any information required or deemed necessary or proper by Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company,|

|Inc. in connection therewith. |



|      | |      |

|      | |      |

|of this corporation, or any one or more of them is hereby authorized and empowered in the name of and on behalf of this corporation and under its corporate seal|

|while this resolution is in effect, to execute any and all assignments, endorsements, and other papers in connection with documents, and furnish any information|

|required or deemed necessary or proper by Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, Inc. in connection therewith. |

|I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Board of Directors |

|OF:       |


|ON THE:       |DAY OF:       |YEAR: 20      |

|at which a quorum was present and voted, and that such resolution is duly recorded in the minutes book of this corporation; that the officers named in said |

|resolution have been duly elected or appointed to, and are the present incumbents of, the respective offices set after their respective names. |

|secretary name (typed name):       |

|secretary signature: |


|Name:       |

|City:       |State:       |

|(the “Applicant”) acknowledges that it is in the best interest of both Applicant and Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, Inc. (“Mortgage Lender”) for Mortgage |

|Lender to perform due diligence concerning Applicant’s background and experience. Applicant further acknowledges that Applicant benefits from the efficiencies |

|in the due diligence process that are possible when Mortgage Lender and other similarly-situated entities in the mortgage industry exchange information about |

|their experiences in doing business with individuals and companies such as Applicant. Therefore, Applicant hereby consents and gives Mortgage Lender permission|

|to submit the name of Applicant’s company and any and all employees of that company for screening through any and all mortgage industry background databases, |

|including, without limitation, databases operated by Mortgage Asset Research Institute, Inc., such as the Mortgage Industry Data Exchange (“MIDEX”). Applicant |

|understands that Mortgage Lender performs quality control reviews of the loans that Applicant submits to Mortgage Lender for registration, review, underwriting,|

|and/or purchase. Applicant understands and hereby consents to the release of information about any loan application that is believed to contain |

|misrepresentation and/or irregularities. Applicant agrees and gives its consent that it and its employees may be named as the originating entity or loan |

|officers on such loans, whether or not Applicant or its employees are implicated in the misrepresentations and/or irregularities. Applicant hereby releases and|

|agrees to hold harmless Mortgage Lender, Mortgage Asset Research Institute, Inc., all MIDEX subscribers, and any trade associations that endorse the MIDEX |

|system from any and all liability for damages, losses, costs, and expenses that may arise from the reporting or use of any information submitted by Mortgage |

|Lender or any other MIDEX subscriber to Mortgage Asset Research Institute, Inc., recorded in the MIDEX system, and used in any way by Mortgage Lender or any |

|other MIDEX subscriber. |


|Print or Type Name:       | |

|Its:       | |

|Company Name:       | |

|Street Address:       | |

|City:       |State:       |Zip Code:       |

|Date:       | |

|Print Name:       |Signature: |

|Print Name:       |Signature: |

|Print Name:       |Signature: |

|Print Name:       |Signature: |

|In connection with my association with Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, Inc., I understand that prior to or at any time after any acceptance of my association,|

|a Consumer Report may be requested from public records including, but not limited to, my Social Security number, motor vehicle operation history / driving |

|records, and criminal history to the extent permitted by law from various local, state, and federal agencies. I understand that this Report may include |

|information as to my character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living, whichever are applicable. |




|In accordance with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq. and state law, I understand that I have the right to request a complete|

|and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope of the investigation requested. Further, I am entitled to know if I am denied access because of information |

|obtained by a Reporting Agency. If so, I will be so advised in writing and be given the name and address of the agency, including their toll free number, a |

|statement that the action was based in whole or in part on information contained in the Report, and written notice that I have the right (i) if I request, to |

|obtain within sixty days a free copy of the Report from the Reporting Agency, and from any other Consumer Reporting Agency which compiles and maintains files |

|on consumers on a nationwide basis; and, (ii) to dispute the accuracy or completeness of any information in a consumer report furnished by the Reporting |

|Agency. I understand that upon my request with reasonable notice, REPORTING AGENCY will supply me with investigative information in my file during normal |

|business hours in person or upon written request, by mail or telephone as permitted by law. |

|I understand that ANY REPORTING AGENCY USED is a Consumer Reporting Agency and WILL NOT be involved in or make decisions or recommendations for the company |

|noted herein. SIERRA PACIFIC does not sell or otherwise provide any of the information found in its background investigations to any other party. |

|I understand that any Consumer Report or Investigative Consumer Report requested would be used strictly for permissible purposes under section 604(a)(f) for a |

|general business purpose, which I initiated as defined under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. In addition, I understand to be considered I must authorize the |

|procurement of such Report(s). A photographic or faxed copy of this form shall be as valid as the original. |

|The following must be filled out completely and signed for your application to be considered. Please Print: |

|Last Name:       |First Name:       |Middle Name/Initial:       |

|For identification purposes, please provide: |

|Full Date of Birth: |Month:       |Date:       |Year:       |

|Social Security Number:       |Percentage Owned:       |

|Have you ever used any names other than above?: Yes No |

|If Yes, please list other names used:       |

|Signature authorizing the procurement of the consumer report and/or investigative consumer report: |

|Print Name:       |Signature: |Today’s Date:       |

|Print Name:       |Signature: |Today’s Date:       |

|Print Name:       |Signature: |Today’s Date:       |

|Print Name:       |Signature: |Today’s Date:       |

|       (“Seller”) has sold or intends to sell certain one or more Mortgage Loans to Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, |

|INC. (“Purchaser”) pursuant to that certain Mortgage Loan Purchase and Sale Agreement dated |

|       (“Agreement”). Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the |

|Agreement. |

|Now, therefore, Seller does hereby irrevocably makes, constitutes and appoints Purchaser, and all of its officers and such employees as any of SPM’s officers |

|may designate from time to time, the true and lawful attorney-in-fact of Seller and in Seller’s name, place and stead for the following limited purposes: |

|To execute, acknowledge, record and deliver to Purchaser any assignment of mortgage or other document necessary to complete, correct or transfer to, or vest in |

|Purchaser or to protect the right, title and interest of Purchaser in and to those Loans; |

|To sign, endorse, receive and apply the proceeds of any checks or other instruments (made payable to Seller) received as payment with respect to the Mortgage |

|Loans after each related purchase; |

|To notify the Mortgagors' insurers of the assignments of such Loans to Purchaser, and to request that all loss payee designations be changed to Purchaser in the|

|event of default by such Mortgagor; and |

|To correct errors, where necessary, in documents for such Mortgage Loans to ensure the proper perfection of Purchaser's liens and security interests relating to|

|such Mortgage Loans. |

|This Limited Power of Attorney is coupled with an interest and is not revocable. |

|Seller further grants to Purchaser as its attorney-in-fact full authority to act in any manner both proper and necessary to exercise the foregoing powers, and |

|ratifies every act that Purchaser may lawfully perform in exercising those powers by virtue thereof. |

|IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has executed this Limited Irrevocable Power of Attorney this: |

|Month:       |Date:       |Year:       |

|Signature: |

|Name:       |

|Title:       |

|State of:       |County of:       |

|On this, the        day of       , the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a |

|notary public, in and for the State of       , by       , personally known to me, by me duly |

|sworn, did say he/she is the        of       . |

|Notary Public: |

|My Commission Expires:       |


|Company Name (Seller):       |Sierra Pacific Seller Code:       |

|This addendum is incorporated in to and will be made a part of the Loan Purchase and Sale Agreement contract between Seller and Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company,|

|Inc., (“Purchaser”). |


|Acknowledges and is confirming that as of the date stated above s/he does not employ any individual involved in the origination process of the mortgage |

|transaction that is listed on the General Services Administration (GSA) Excluded Party List (EPL) or the HUD Limited Denial of Participation List (“LDP” List). |

|Seller has and will take reasonable steps to ensure that it does not employ an individual on either list in compliance with FNMA Announcement SEL-2010-01. |


|Seller is responsible for the safety, protection and proper handling of any Non-Public Information (NPI) or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that |

|Seller, it’s employees or agents may receive from them or have access to, intentionally or inadvertently. |

|Seller acknowledges that it is also responsible for meeting all compliance requirements, both state and federal associated with the possession of or access to |

|that information. |

|Seller acknowledges that it has reviewed the requirements of the Red Flags Rules associated with the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA) or 2003, |

|the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Regulation P) and all other federal and state laws and regulations as may be appropriate and |

|have implemented appropriate policy and procedural changes in accordance with said requirements including, but not limited to: |

|Implementation of a privacy and identify theft prevention program inclusive of approved policy and procedures and training program for all current and new |

|employees |

|Incorporated appropriate Red Flags that detect indicators of potentially fraudulent activities on every transaction |

|Procedures for the notification of data owners of any perceived fraudulent activity |


|Seller hereby certifies that for all submissions to Sierra, Seller will conduct an analysis of the fees charged by the Seller, LO, escrow company, Title |

|Company, closing attorney and all third parties and will accurately account for those fees when completing the Good Faith Estimate. Seller acknowledges and |

|accepts that failure to accurately collect and disclose all required fees may result a requirement for seller to contribute funds for closing with said funds |

|payable to borrower for fees that may have been under disclosed, omitted or not disclosed properly. Seller acknowledges that fees cannot be changed unless there|

|is a qualified “Changed circumstance”, as defined under RESPA, and some fees are subject to a 10% variance only and has conducted appropriate training with all |

|staff members. |

|Seller further acknowledges that it will not issue any GFE’s other than those which are submitted to Sierra; that loan submissions will contain the initial and|

|any/all subsequently issued GFE’s provided to the customer due to any changed circumstances and Sierra will be provided with a history of any changed |

|circumstances for each GFE that has/may have been issued including an analysis of what the changed circumstance was and a breakdown of any/all fees that were |

|modified as a result of the changed circumstance. Seller certifies that all initial and any subsequent GFE’s issued to the customer were issued within 3 |

|business days of receipt of the loan application or knowledge of a changed circumstance as defined under RESPA. |

|Signature below acknowledges and represents that Seller has read the foregoing, understands it and is signing it voluntarily. No oral representations, statement|

|or inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement, have been made. The signature below is an authorized signer for the seller as per the appropriate |

|resolution, licensing or current Loan Purchase and Sale Agreement on file with Sierra Pacific Mortgage. |

|Please sign and date below: |

|Authorized Signature: |Date:       |

|Company Name (“Applicant”):       |

|Street Address:       |

|City:       |State:       |Zip Code:       |

|Sierra Pacific Mortgage Code:       |

|This addendum is incorporated in to and will be made a part of the Loan Purchase and Sale Agreement between Applicant and Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, Inc. |

|Applicant hereby certifies that it has adopted and implemented a BSA/AML program in accordance with FinCEN’s requirements of said program: |

|The applicant has developed written policies and procedures outlining the program, |

|The program provides for a system of internal control to assure ongoing compliance with the law, |

|The program provides for the independent testing of the program for compliance with the law, |

|The applicant has designated an individual as the responsible individual for the coordination and day-today monitoring of the program. |

|The program contains procedures for filing Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR’s). |

|The applicant has conducted training as required by the law and will conduct annual training on or before the anniversary date of the implementation of the |

|applicant’s BSA/AML program every year. |

|Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, Inc., reserves the right to request evidence of compliance with the requirements of the BSA/AML program requirements including |

|policies and procedures, evidence of training, etc. and Applicant agrees to provide evidence of compliance when requested. |

|Signature below acknowledges and represents that Applicant has read the foregoing, understands it and is signing this addendum voluntarily. No oral |

|representations, statement or inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement, have been made. The signature below is an authorized signer for the |

|applicant as per the appropriate resolution, licensing or current LPSA on file with Sierra Pacific Mortgage. |


|Signature: |Title:       |

|Printed Name:       |Date:       |

Check One:

Affiliate User

Subsidiary User

User Agreement

|THIS AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into by |      |


between ("User") and ("Licensee"). Any capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings given them in the License Agreement (as hereinafter defined).

WHEREAS, Licensee has entered into Fannie Mae Licensed Application Master Terms and Conditions ("Master Terms") and its Desktop Underwriter® Schedule and associated Redistribution Addendum thereto ("DU Schedule" and “Addendum”, respectively, which, together with the Master Terms, constitute the "License Agreement") with Fannie Mae governing the rights and obligations of Licensee and Fannie Mae with respect to Licensee's use of Desktop Underwriter (the “Licensed Application”).

WHEREAS, User is an Affiliate or Subsidiary of Licensee and desires to use the Licensed Application in connection with Prequalification Analysis, mortgage loan origination and/or underwriting activities.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above, and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, Licensee and User agree as follows:

1. Definitions. The following terms are used in this Agreement as defined below:

"Affiliate" shall mean a mortgage lending entity or Third Party Originator that performs Prequalification Analyses, origination or underwriting in relation to mortgage loans intended to be closed by Licensee or assigned or sold to Licensee.

“Consumer Credit Data” shall mean any information obtained by User, either directly or indirectly, which bears on a consumer’s creditworthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living (the “Seven Factors”) and which is used or expected to be used or collected in whole or in part for the purpose of serving as a factor in underwriting a Mortgage Loan Application or performing a Prequalification Analysis. Such data may include, but are not limited to, data contained in: (i) residential mortgage credit reports, “in-file” credit reports, or “consumer reports,” as defined in the FCRA; (ii) the Uniform Residential Loan Application, including any attachments and/or supplements thereto; and (iii) any correspondence or communication from the consumer or any third party which includes information relating to one of the Seven Factors.

“Mortgage Loan Application” shall mean the submission by a mortgage loan applicant of financial information and identification of the specific property to secure the mortgage loan for the purpose of obtaining an underwriting decision.

“Prequalification Analysis” shall mean the evaluation of Consumer Credit Data with respect to a prospective mortgage loan applicant for the purpose of evaluating such prospective applicant’s qualification for mortgage financing, other than in connection with a Mortgage Loan Application.

"Subsidiary" shall mean a mortgage lending entity more than fifty percent (50%) of whose controlling interest or outstanding voting shares or securities are owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by Licensee.

2. User represents that it is an Affiliate or Subsidiary of Licensee and that it has received and read the License Agreement and understands and agrees that it shall be fully obligated to comply with each and every provision of such License Agreement in connection with its use of the Licensed Application.

3. Licensee agrees that, as and to the extent set forth in the Agreement, its license rights under the License Agreement shall extend to User in connection with the Licensed Application. User agrees that the rights granted to it shall not extend to any third party, including, but not limited to, User's customers, subsidiaries and/or affiliates.

4. User expressly appoints Licensee as its agent, as that term is defined in the FCRA, in connection with any use of the Licensed Application by User with respect to Mortgage Loan Applications or Prequalification Analyses.

5. In connection with the processing and evaluation of Consumer Credit Data by the Licensed Application for purposes of making an underwriting recommendation or performing a Prequalification Analysis (if applicable), User expressly appoints Fannie Mae, as owner of the Licensed Application, as its agent, as that term is defined in the FCRA. As User's agent, Fannie Mae shall, and is hereby expressly authorized by User to, obtain Consumer Credit Data for the sole purpose of performing a Prequalification Analysis and/or making an underwriting recommendation. User also expressly acknowledges, understands and agrees that Fannie Mae's role as User's agent shall not extend beyond the limited purposes set forth in this Paragraph 5, and for all other purposes, there shall be no such principal and agent relationship. Moreover, User shall in no way misrepresent to third parties the limited extent of this principal/agent relationship. User further acknowledges, understands and agrees that any recommendation rendered by the Licensed Application in the evaluation of Consumer Credit Data will not constitute an approval or denial of the Mortgage Loan Application by Fannie Mae or a commitment to purchase the loan by Fannie Mae. User shall disclose any secondary use of Consumer Credit Data that is facilitated by use of the Licensed Application to the issuing consumer reporting agency.

6. If User is an Affiliate, User shall use the Licensed Application for the primary purpose of (i) originating or underwriting mortgage loans intended to be closed by Licensee, or assigned or sold to Licensee, and/or (ii) performing Prequalification Analyses for Licensee (to the extent that the performance of Prequalification Analyses utilizing the Licensed Application is permitted under the License Agreement). If User is an Affiliate, User shall not be permitted to use the Licensed Application’s wholesale lending (“DU® wholesale”) functionality pursuant to this User Agreement. If User is a Subsidiary, User shall use the Licensed Application only in connection with its own Mortgage Loan Applications and/or Prequalification Analyses and/or those of Licensee (to the extent that the performance of Prequalification Analyses utilizing the Licensed Application is permitted under the License Agreement).

7. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in that Section of the DU Schedule captioned “Use of Licensed Application,” User must first obtain written permission from the mortgage loan applicant to request additional consumer reports before using the Licensed Application as described below:

a. With respect to Mortgage Loan Applications previously approved but not yet closed:

i. to request and receive additional Consumer Reports through the Credit Retrieval Module, when User is requesting such reports in connection with its own Mortgage Loan Applications and/or Prequalification Analyses, or because other circumstances exist which User believes justify the request for such additional consumer reports under the FCRA;

ii. to analyze or evaluate Consumer Credit Data, including Consumer Reports, when User determines that data obtained subsequent to its initial approval may affect its prior underwriting approval decision;

iii. to request and receive Consumer Reports and/or analyze or evaluate Consumer Credit Data when the loan applicant(s) request different loan terms or a different loan product than that originally requested by the loan applicant(s); and

b. With respect to Mortgage Loan Applications previously denied by User, which denial decision has been communicated to the applicant(s):

i. to request and receive Consumer Reports through the Credit Retrieval Module, when User is requesting such reports in connection with its own Mortgage Loan Applications and/or Prequalification Analyses;

ii. to analyze or evaluate Consumer Credit Data, including Consumer Reports, when (A) User determines that data obtained subsequent to its initial denial decision may affect its prior underwriting decision, and (B) User intends to make and communicate an offer of credit to the applicant(s) if an approval recommendation decision is rendered by the Licensed Application as a result of consideration of the additional data obtained.

8. The parties acknowledge and agree that Fannie Mae is an intended beneficiary of this Agreement.

9. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Section. The parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is subject to the License Agreement and that this Agreement shall automatically terminate upon termination of the Desktop Underwriter Schedule and/or the Redistribution Addendum by Fannie Mae and/or Licensee. In the event that User breaches any term or condition of this Agreement, Licensee may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to User. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the other. The parties acknowledge that, pursuant to the terms of that Section of the Redistribution Addendum captioned “Termination of Affiliates and Subsidiaries“, Fannie Mae may, in its absolute discretion, immediately terminate access by User to the Licensed Application for any breach of (a) the License Agreement, (b) the User Agreement, or (c) any other agreement between User and any lender (including Licensee) that has access to the Licensed Application.

10. Immediately upon termination of this Agreement, User shall cease using the Licensed Materials, and destroy or return all copies of the Licensed Materials in its possession to Licensee. Promptly upon request from Licensee or Fannie Mae, User shall provide Licensee or Fannie Mae with written certification of its compliance with the foregoing, executed by a duly authorized officer of User.

11. Licensee, and not Fannie Mae, shall be responsible for providing User with (i) first line support with respect to User questions and comments concerning Fannie Mae's automated underwriting guidelines and policies, including, but not limited to, questions concerning the interpretation and applicability of the Licensed Application's findings reports and questions relating to Fannie Mae's Selling Guide and (ii) appropriate training relating to the use of the Licensed Application and such guidelines and policies.

12. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the License Agreement, the terms of the License Agreement shall govern.

13. This Agreement may not be assigned by User to any other person(s), firm(s), corporation(s) or other entities without the prior express written consent of Fannie Mae and Licensee.

14. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications (other than routine operational communications) required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been received by a party (i) when actually received in the case of hand delivery, (ii) one (1) business day after being given to a reputable overnight courier with a reliable system for tracking delivery, (iii) when sent by confirmed facsimile with a copy sent by another means specified in this paragraph, or (iv) seven (7) days after the date of mailing, when mailed by United States mail, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and addressed to the recipient's contact person/address set forth below:


|User:       |

In the event that the recipient does not so specify a contact person/address, notices shall be addressed to the general counsel at the recipient’s corporate headquarters. A party may from time to time change its address or designee for notification purposes by giving the other party prior written notice of the new address or contact person.

15. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed solely and exclusively in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia, without reference to its conflicts of law principles.

16. 16. In the event that any provision of the Agreement conflicts with the law under which the Agreement is to be construed, or if any such provision is held invalid, void or unenforceable by a court with jurisdiction over the parties to the Agreement, such provision shall be deemed to be restated to reflect as nearly as possible the original intention of the parties in accordance with applicable law, and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the date last written below.

|“Licensee”: SIERRA PACIFIC MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC. | |“User”:       |

|By:       | |By:       |

|Name:       | |Name:       |

|Title:       | |Title:       |

|Date:       | |Date:       |


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