UNESCO Institute for Statistics

List of Participants

Workshop on MDG Monitoring, Beirut, Lebanon, 7-10 December 2009



|Egypt | |

|Wafaa MAGED |E-mail: maged_wafaa@ |

|Senior Specialist |Tel.: (2 022) 4500786 |

|Central Agency for Public Mobilization |Fax: (2 022) 4024099 |

|and Statistics | |

|Cairo, Egypt | |

|Egypt | |

|Rasha Awad |E-mail: rawad@.eg |

|Director of Policies’ Monitoring and Evaluation Departement |Tel: 202 24180859 |

|The Egyptian Cabinet, IDSC |20227929292 |

|Magless El-Shaab, ElKasr El-Einy, Cairo |20101670812 |

| |Fax: 20227929222 |

|Senior Economic Advisor to the Minister | |

|Ministry of Manpower and Immigration | |

|Cairo, Egypt | |

|Egypt |E-mail: maha_ayad2000@ |

|Maha Ayad |Tel.: (2 022) 4500786 |

|Senior Specialist |Fax: (2 022) 2024099 |

|Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics | |

|Cairo, Egypt | |

|Iraq | |

|Dhyaa Awad Kadhum |E-mail: drdhiaa@ |

|Director of Human Development Statistics |Tel: (9 647) 901 744224 |

|Central Organization for Statistics | |

|And Information Technology (COSIT) | |

|Ministry of Planning | |

|P. O. Box 8001 | |

|Baghdad, Iraq | |

|Iraq |E-mail: preventiv11@ |

|Mohammed Jaber Hwoal AlTaae |Tel : 009647901446432 |

|Ministry of Health | |

|Baghdad, Iraq | |

|Jordan |E-mail: Basem.K@.jo |

|Basem Kanan |Tel : +6962777484763 |

|Head of monitoring division | |

|Ministry of Planning and International cooperation | |

|Amman , Jordan | |

|Jordan |Email: manal@.jo, manalsweidan@ |

|Manal Sweidan |Tel: 00962797194154 |

|Department of Statistics |Fax: 009625300710 |

|Amman, Jordan | |

|Lebanon |Email : maysaadaher@ |

|Mayssaa Daher |Tel : 961 1 373 167 |

|Central Adminstration for Statistics |Fax : 961 1 373 161 |

|Math Statistician | |

|Beirut, Lebanon | |

|Lebanon |Email : lara_badre@ |

|Lara Badre |Tel : 961 1 373 160 |

|Central Adminstration for Statistics |Fax : 961 1 373 161 |

|Sociologist | |

|Beirut, Lebanon | |

|Morocco | |

|Noure Ddine Ibnoussina |E-mail: ibnoussina65@ |

|Direction de la Statistique |Tel.: (2 126) 60102145 |

|Haut Commissariat au Plan |Fax: (2 123) 537773217 |

|Rue Mohamed Belhassan el Ouazani, | |

|Haut Agdal, 10001, Rabat | |

|Maroc, BP. 178 | |

|Morocco | |

|Mostafa Bouabdellah |E-mail: mostafa.bouabdellah@.ma |

|Chef de service des enquetes |Tel.: (2 125) 37 6872 21 |

|et analyses statistiques |(2 126) 627463 |

|Ministere de l'education Nationale, |Fax: (2 125) 37 772046 |

|de l'enseignement superieur, | |

|de la formation des cadres | |

|et de la recherche scientifique | |

|Departement de l'enseignement Scolaire | |

|Bab Rouah | |

|Rabat, Morocco | |

|Occupied Palestinian Territory | |

|Maher Sbieh |E-mail: msbieh@.ps |

|Head of MDGs Team in PCBS |Tel.: (9 702) 2 2982700 |

|Director of Education and Culture |Fax: (9 702) 2 2982710 |

|Statistics Departement | |

|PO Box 1647 | |

|Ramallah | |

|Palestine | |

|Oman |E-mail: moneom@ |

|Ahmed Al-Yaqoubi |yaqoubia@.om |

|Statistician |Tel.: 00 968 24 695 169 |

|Ministry of National Economy |Fax: 00 968 24 695 169 |

|Oman | |

|Oman |Email : safri123@ |

|Salah Al-Muzahmi |Tel: 00968 24 605 474 |

|Director, Health Information and Statistics |Fax: 0096824696533 |

|Ministry of Health | |

|Muscat, Oman | |

|Saudi Arabia |Email: alneghemshi@.sa |

|Abdalla Zayeb AlNoughoushi |Tel: 009661401413811360 |

|Statisitcian |Fax: 0096614050648 |

|NSO-Saudi Arabia | |

|Sudan | |

|Mahasin Abdel Ghani |E-mail: elsirabbas@ |

|Director of the Statistics Office, |Tel.: (2 491) 83777255 |

|River Nile State |Fax: (2 491) 83771860 |

|Sudan Government | |

|Central Bureau of Statistics | |

|PO Box: 700 | |

|Khartoum, Sudan | |

|Syrian Arab Republic | |

|Sonia Khoury |E-mail: zahraward@ |

|Head, Health Policies Department |Tel : 963944535022 |

|Ministry of Health |Fax: 963113340451 |

|Alabed Street, Ministry of Health | |

|Planning Directorate | |

|Damascus, Syria | |

|Syrian Arab Republic | |

|Fadel Alchikh |E-mail: cbs.syr@ |

|Deputy Director General |Tel.: (9 631) 13335830 |

|Central Bureau of Statistics |Fax: (9 631) 13322292 |

|Nizar Kabbani Street | |

|Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic | |

|Tunisia | |

|Yassine Jmal |E-mail: yassine_jmal@yahoo.fr |

|Head, Household consumption |Tel.: (2 169) 8 915 869 |

|and Living Standards Section |Fax : 21671792559 |

|National Institute of Statistics | |

|United Arab Emirates |E-mail: aaalmasawi@economy.ae; aaalmasawi@ |

|Abdul Gader Ahmed Almusawi |Tel.: (9 712) 612 3271 |

|National Bureau of Statistics | |

|Dubai, United Arab Emirates | |

|Yemen | |

|Abdulkarem Ali ALAHMAR |E-mail: cso1@.ye; abd_alahmar@ |

|General Manager, Training Programme |Tel.: (9 671) 250 108 |

|Central Statistical Organization, |(9671) 711848989 |

|Ministry of Planning and |Fax: (9 671) 250 664 |

|International Cooperation | |

|Al-Huriah St. | |

|Sana'a, Yemen | |

|P.O. Box 13434 | |

|Yemen |E-mail: omujalli@ |

|Omar Hussein Mujalli |Tel.: 967 77779088 |

|Assistant Deputy Minister |Fax: 967 1 251622 |

|Ministry of Public Health | |

|Al Hassaba, Sanaa, Yemen | |

Resource People

|United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) | |

|Danzhen You |E-mail: dyou@ |

|Division of Policy and Planning |Tel.: (1) 212 326 7235 |

|United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) | |

|3 UN Plaza | |

|New York, NY 10017 | |

|USA | |

|United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) |E-mail: rluyendijk@ |

|Rolf Luyendijk |Tel.: (212) 303-7975 |

|Sr. Statistics and Monitoring Specialist | |

|Water and Sanitation | |

|UNICEF Statistics and Monitoring Section | |

|UNICEF House | |

|3 UN Plaza, Rm. H-480 | |

|New York, NY 10017 | |

|UNESCO Institute for Statistics | |

|Talal El Hourani |E-mail: t.elhourani@uis. |

|Statistician, Assistant Programme Specialist |Tel.: (514) 343 7694 |

|Education Indicators and Data Analysis |Fax: (514) 343 5740 |

|Region of the Arab States | |

|UNESCO Institute for Statistics | |

|C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-Ville | |

|Montreal, QC, Canada H3C 3J7 | |

|Istituto Nazionale di Statistica |Email: sindoni@istat.it |

|Giuseppe Sindoni, | |

|IT Senior Technologist | |

|Istituto Nazionale di Statistica | |

|Via C. Balbo, 16 - 00184 | |

|Roma, Italy | |

|International Labor Organization |Email: stoevska@ |

|Valentina Stoevska |Tel : 39 06 46734473 (4574) |

|Department of Statistics | |

|ILO | |

|Geneva, Switzerland | |

|DevInfo Suppot | |

|Sameer Thapar |E-mail: sthapar@ |

|DevInfo Expert | |

|DevInfo Support Group | |

|Delhi, India | |



|Statistics Division, United Nations | |

|Maria Martinho |E-mail: martinho@ |

|UNSD, DESA |Tel.: (212) 963 4947 |

|2 UN Plaza, DC2-1656 |Fax: (212) 963 9851 |

|New York, NY 10017 | |

|Statistics Division, United Nations | |

|Sara Duerto Valero |E-mail: duertovalero@ |

|UNSD, DESA |Tel.: (1212) 963 2038 |

|2 UN Plaza, DC2-1648 | |

|New York, NY 10017 | |

|Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) | |

|Neda Jafar |E-mail: jafarn@ |

|Statistics Division |Tel.: (96 11) 978 344 |

|United Nations Economic and Social |Fax: (96 11) 980 511 |

|Commission for Western Asia | |


|PO Box 11-8575 | |

|Riad El-Solh Square | |

|Beirut | |

|Lebanon | |

|Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) |Email: doumit@ |

|Roy Doumit |Tel: 009611978368 |

|Statistics Division | |

|United Nations Economic and Social | |

|Commission for Western Asia | |


|PO Box 11-8575 | |

|Riad El-Solh Square | |

|Beirut | |

|Lebanon | |

|Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) |Email: ramadanf@ |

|Farah Ramadan |Tel: 009611978356 |

|Statistics Division | |

|United Nations Economic and Social | |

|Commission for Western Asia | |


|PO Box 11-8575 | |

|Riad El-Solh Square | |

|Beirut | |

|Lebanon | |


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