Methodology - Kings Park High School

GLOBAL I UNIT IAIM: How is History Studied?MethodologyChronologyBC/BCE and AD/CEBC (Before Christ)BCE (Before Common Era) “Politically correct term” AD(Anno Domini) CE (Common Era) “Politically correct term ”Decade (10years ) , Century (100 years) , Millenium (1,000years), etc.ERA- a specific time period VocabularyHistorical PerspectivePoint of ViewBiasPlagiarism- using someone else’s work/words/ideas without giving them creditAIM: How do Social Scientists Study History?Social SciencesVocab: Primary (original ex: autobiography) and secondary sources (copy ex: almanac)Geographer- study people and how their environment affects them. (How they adapt to their environment)Globes/ mapsLatitude and longitudeTemperature-distance from equatorTopography- earth surfacesAlmanacEconomist- MONEY, trade resourcesWhat to Produce?How to Produce?Who gets it?(1) Capitalism- Goods are distributed to those who can pay for them(2) Communism- Government decides who gets goodArcheologist- analyzes and evaluates artifacts to study large groups of people.VocabularyArtifacts- object made by human Fossil- Remains of something livingLouis & Mary Leakey are archeologists and anthropologists who proved that the origins of the human race are in the GREAT RIFT VALLEY of Africa. They did so by studying “Lucy,” oldest found remains of a hominid (human).Political Scientist: Study Gov’t, laws, leaders (politics)Sociologist- study small groups of peopleHistorian- study Past Events-can have biased ideasAnthropologist- Study Large Societies by OBSERVATION (Study languages and genetics)AIM: What was the Neolithic Revolution?Early Man “ Stone Ages”Paleolithic Age “Old Stone Age”- survival of the fittest Gender RolesMale non-sedentary hunter,female gatherersNomadic- Travelers/migrate (They followed their food)small populations- easier to move and provide foodcave dwellerscave burialscave art- pictures of animals (their food)NO Permanent HousingFire- use fire for protection and cookingMigrated to Europe by frozen glaciers- Bering StraitNeolithic Revolution “the change” aka “The turning pointsDiscovery of food crops (Controling/cultivating seed)Dog domestication Neolithic Age “New Stone Age”Domestication of animal food sources- Herded and fencedSubsistence Agriculture (just enough food) that led to permanent settlements, which began to develop a food surplus and bartering (trading) with other villages.Corn and wheat (domesticated seed)Traditional economy- led by a patriarchal council of male elders.No money just trade (BARTER)Agriculture based societyLarge populations led to social stratification, hierarchy and classesJob Specialization developsInteraction with other groups begins (trading/sharing ideas)Better tools are createdArrows made from stonePotteryCalendar- to keep track of fertile seasonAIM: What are the 8 basic features of a civilization?“Why Are People Running Cities So Jobs Grow?”Civilization- citizens under 1 Gov’t. must have 8 CharacteristicsWriting Systems- to keep records, and record eventsHieroglyphics Scribes- trained to read and writeCalendarArts and Architecture- People express beliefs through artworkTemples (pyramids)Palaces Statues (Sphinx)Public Works- objects built for public use (funded by gov’t through taxes)Roads Bridges Defense walls Irrigation systemsTECHNOLOGY !!!!Religion- organized belief system that explains the unexplainedLeaders- Priests Belief in a God or Gods - Polytheistic (many gods), Sun God, etc.Cities- villages turned into cities as population expanded due to surplus of food. Example Cities: Cairo, Babylon, etc.Social Classes- people ranked according to job/valuea.k.a Social Stratification and Social HierarchyPriest at top (Pharaohs could top them)Slaves at bottomJob Specializations- specialty in one trait Artisans- skilled craftsman Ex: brick layer Government- (organizes laws/ protection) Organize, create and maintain laws Maintain food supplyStability and order Collect taxesProtect society (military) Maintain public works *******IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ALL 8 YOU ARE NOT A CIVILIZATION!*******AIM: What were the Early River Valleys? Early River ValleysChina: River ValleyBackgroundLocation- Central Asia, ChinaLandforms/FeaturesHimalayan Mountains -Gobi Deserts Huang He River= Yellow River (from loess)= River of Sorrows (flooding from Loess from Gobi Desert) AchievementsShang Dynasty – 1650 BC Shang’s had a centralized Gov’t (everything goes to 1 source)Zhou Dynasty- 256 BC Zhou’s used a Dynastic Cycle (or Dynastic Rule)- where a family was mandated (chosen) by Heaven to rule. Shaman decides which families to let rule and when to overturn (riot against them) by “reading” the heaven’s signs- earthquakes, monsoons etc. MANDATE of HEAVEN-right to rule given by god(s)Terrace Farming-Carving steps into mountains to farm onChina’s Written LanguagePictographs and records of tax collection on silk production . Indus River Valley (India)BackgroundLocation- South Asia, India (today’s Pakistan)Landforms/featuresIndian OceanHimalayan MountainsKhyer Pass and Hindu Kush (ways through the Mts.)Hot Rainy- Monsoons (months of rain)Indus River (ERV) & Ganges Rivers (religious purpose)AchievementsCreation of Cities- 2500BCGov’t laid out 2 planned main Cities in a Grid pattern built with new technology- MUD/CLAY BRICK Mohenjo-DaroHarappaIrrigation system- controls water- provides a reliable water sourceHouses had plumbing with baths that led to sewers Plants could be watered with stored water Mesopotamia (between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq)BackgroundLocation- South West Asia, Iraq (today’s Iraq)Landforms/FeaturesArabian DesertTigris & Euphrates Rivers- river silt (dirt)Fertile CrescentAchievementsMany City States (ex: Sumer & Babylon) ruled by kings linked to . . religion (theocracy) Babylon had 1st law codes in history- “Hammurabi’s Code” Ziggurats- temples that were built to worship Gods. (polytheism) Cuneiform- written language –symbols carved in clayTECHNOLOGY ADVANCE-Sumer’s invented wheel and ox led plow Egypt (Nile River Valley)BackgroundLocation- Africa3 KingdomsOld kingdom along RiverMiddle Kingdom Captures neighboring tribes as slaves New Kingdom – built pyramids.Landforms/featuresSahara Desert-Hot and dryNile River flows upward with cataracts-salt from deltaAchievementsCities along one side of riverCairo ruled by pharaoh, god like king -THEOCRACY Polytheistic- prepared for after life in pyramids and mummies Irrigation Systems –dikes, shadufs etc.Hieroglyphics writing system on papyrus by scribes for tax records to use for public works, such as irrigation and buildings ................

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