United Nations Development Assistance Framework

United Nations Development Assistance Framework

Results Matrix

Turkey 2006-10

Cross-Cutting Objectives

Civil Society Development, Gender Equality and Respect for Human Rights

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|National Priority 1: a) Accountable, transparent, participatory governance with international norms taken into |

|consideration and equal opportunities for all. |

|b) Effective environmental governance in terms of capacity and instruments |

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|UNDAF Outcome 1: By 2010 strengthened individual and institutional capacity for both democratic and |

|environmental governance at local and central levels. |

| | | |Resource Mobilization |

|Country Programme Outcomes |Country Programme Outputs |Partners |Targets |

| | | | |

|Increased individual, collective and institutional capacity for |Strengthened and increased number of City Councils with |1.1 Directorate General for Status of | |

|participation at all levels of decision-making. (UNDP, UNICEF, UNIDO, |platforms of action for women, youth and children and enhanced |Women (DGSW), Parliamentary Commission on | |

|ILO, UNFPA, WHO, FAO, UNHCR) |civil society and public participation in localizing MDGs and |Health, Family, Labor and Social Affairs, State| |

| |follow-up to WSSD. (UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNFPA, ILO, WHO) |Institute of Statistics, State Planning | |

| |Women’s political empowerment strengthened and gender issues |Organization, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of | |

| |mainstreamed through CEDAW follow-up. (UNDP, UNFPA) |Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry | |

| |Access to information and participation enhanced through |of National Education, Social Services Dep., | |

| |effective utilization and diffusion of ICT technologies. (UNDP,|Religious Affairs, NGOs, Community Centers, | |

| |UNIDO) |other UN agencies, Gender Thematic Group, | |

| |Increased capacity of the social partners to engage in dialogue|universities, municipalities, Ministry of | |

| |to address economic and social issues. (ILO) |Interior, IULA- EMME, GAP RDA, Youth for | |

| |Increased capacity to monitor economic performance and |Habitat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Private | |

| |productivity gains, and to formulate effective strategies and |Sector including Microsoft, European | |

| |policies as input into decision-making at national and |Commission, Local Agenda 21 Municipalities, | |

| |enterprise levels. (UNIDO) |National Sustainable Development Commission, | |

| |Municipal and provincial capacity developed for decentralized |World Bank, Governors and Mayors, TURKIS, DISK,| |

| |local governance and improved service delivery through training|HAKIS, TISK, MOLSS, State Ministry Responsible| |

| |and networking in a select number of geographic regions. (UNDP,|of Family and Women Issues, Ministry of | |

| |FAO, ILO) |Interior, children including adolescents and | |

| | |civil society. General Directorate of Social | |

| | |Services and Child Protection Agency, ISKUR. | |

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| |Contribute to strengthened capacity at local and central levels| | |

| |for addressing human rights and EU political criteria. (UNDP, | | |


| |Increase awareness on international standards including the UN |1.2 European Commission, World Bank, Prime | |

| |Guidelines on Internal Displacement and international refugee |Ministry`s Human Rights Dept., Hacettepe | |

| |conventions in addressing issues related to displaced |University Institute of Population Studies, | |

| |populations. (UNDP, UNHCR) |Ministry of Interior, SPO, GAP RDA, Private | |

|Mechanisms for the implementation and monitoring of international norms |Government and non-governmental institutional capacity built to|Sector Companies Including Microsoft, NGOs, | |

|and standards on human rights strengthened. (UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, ILO, |incorporate IDP and refugee concerns into local/regional and |Corporate Governance Association of Turkey, | |

|WHO, UNFPA, FAO) |national planning and program implementation (UNDP, UNHCR) |Turkish Confederation of Employers Association,| |

| |Private enterprise engagement and adherence to the Global |Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen’s | |

| |Compact and corporate social responsibility facilitated and |Association, Union of Chambers and Commodity | |

| |strengthened. (UNDP, UNIDO, ILO) |Exchanges of Turkey, Trade Unions Confederation| |

| |Child justice system consistent with international standards |of Turkey. TUSIAD, KOSGEB, Ministry of Industry| |

| |and norms developed. (UNICEF)). The incident of deprivation of |and Trade, TOBB | |

| |liberty for child alleged offenders reduced through improved |Chambers of Industry. MoI ; MoH ; MoNE ; MoJ ; | |

| |child justice system. |SHCEK. TISK, MOLSS, State Ministry Responsible | |

| |Law enforcement officials, judiciary and social workers apply |of Family and Children Issues . | |

| |gender- sensitive and child-friendly reintegrations measures | | |

| |for children in contact with the law. (UNICEF) | | |

| |Child protection mechanisms improved in order to prevent | | |

| |adolescents, especially in urban centers to come into contact | | |

| |with the law.(UNICEF) | | |

| |Preventive mechanisms including family mediation and | | |

| |alternative models of care and protection for vulnerable | | |

| |children especially working and street children introduced | | |

| |(UNICEF, ILO) | | |

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| |Strengthened capacity of the National Sustainable Development | | |

| |Committee to follow-up WSSD and to support achieving the MDGs | | |

| |related to environment. (UNDP, UNIDO, FAO) | | |

| |Increased government and NGO capacities for sustainable | | |

| |management of agriculture, fisheries, forests, and energy for a| | |

| |pro-poor approach to conservation. (UNDP, UNIDO, FAO) | | |

| |UNFCCC implementation supported by strengthening national and | | |

| |local capacities to formulate and implement strategies to | | |

| |address climate related risks. (UNDP, UNIDO) |1.3 Ministry of Environment and Forestry, | |

| |Increased capacity to phase-out the use of Ozone Depleting |Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, | |

| |Substances and eliminate Persistent Organic Pollutants. (UNIDO)|Ministry of Agriculture, iFAD, METU, Regional | |

| |Increased productivity and competitiveness through improved |Environment Center/Turkey, Government Research | |

| |energy efficiency and conservation. (UNDP, UNIDO) |Institutions including Tubitak-MAM, | |

| | |Environmental NGOs including Eurosolar and WWF | |

| | |Turkey, Foundations including Turkish | |

|Strengthened management and protection of ecosystems for environmental | |Technology Development Foundation. | |

|sustainability. (UNDP, UNIDO, FAO) | |Ministry of environment and forestry, Ministry | |

| | |of Energy and Social Resources, SPO, Ministry | |

| | |of Industry and Trade, TOBB, KOSGEB, Chambers | |

| | |of Industry, Chamber of Environmental | |

| | |Engineering and EU | |

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|Coordination Mechanisms and Programme Modalities: |

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|National Priority 2: Reduction of poverty for a significant portion of population living under the poverty-line; |

|increased quality of basic social services for people in need. |

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|UNDAF Outcome 2: By 2010, social and economic policies for poverty and disparity reduction implemented effectively and quality basic social services reaching vulnerable groups ensured. |

| | | |Resource Mobilization |

|Country Programme Outcomes |Country Programme Outputs |Partners |Targets |

| | | | |

|Pro-poor policies developed through partnership with the civil society |2.1.1 All MDG targets systematically monitored and achieved |2.1 Ministry of Health and regional and local| |

|and private sector for social and economic development at all levels of |(UNCT and UN Working Group on MDG) |health authorities, and EU (within the | |

|society to achieve the MDG targets for all. |2.1.2 Pro-poor sectoral development policies implemented |framework of EU RH Programme), Ministries of | |

| |including social assistance through dialogue. (UNIDO, UNDP, |National Education and Defence, Parliamentary | |

| |ILO, UNFPA) |Commission on Health, Family, Labour and Social| |

| |2.1.3 Statistical and disaggregated demographic data and |Affairs, Regional and local authorities, and | |

| |information available and considered in social and economic |selected NGOs. | |

| |policy formulation and implementation. (UNFPA, UN WG on CCA |SPO, European Commission, World Bank, | |

| |Database) |Universities including Ataturk University, | |

| |2.1.4 Private sector competitiveness strengthened through |Ministry of Rural Affairs, GAP RDA, KOSGEB, | |

| |alignment with the Global Compact and improved product |NGOs including Flying Broom, KOSGEB, Maya | |

| |standards. (UNIDO, UNDP, ILO) |Enterprise and KADER, Government institutions | |

| |2.1.5 Incentives and other investment policies, including |including KSSGM, Private Sector companies, | |

| |policies for FDI, rationalised for ensuring maximum impact on |Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, | |

| |regional disparity reduction and employment creation. (UNDP, |Turkish Bankers Association | |

| |UNIDO, ILO) |State Ministry responsible of the Social | |

| |2.1.6 Increased integration of SME’s in national and global |Solidarity Fund; GAP-RDA; ISKUR; MONE; MOLSS; | |

| |value chains through entrepreneurship and business development |TURKIS; DISK; HAKIS; SHCEK; MoH; MoI; NGOs; | |

| |services, clustering, use of appropriate technologies and |CSOs; Local Municipality; Parliamentarians; | |

| |vocational training. (UNDP, UNIDO, ILO) |Private Sector; National and Local Media. | |

| |2.1.7 Local level poverty initiatives implemented including |KOSGEB, Ministry of Industry and Trade, | |

| |micro-finance with civil society and private sector partnership|Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, | |

| |for social and economic empowerment of the poor including women|TOBB, YASED, TUSIAD, Chambers of Industry, SPO,| |

| |and youth. (UNDP, UNIDO, FAO) |Undersecretary of Treasury, IBRD, EU, TISK, | |

| |2.1.8 Rural development and productivity models, including |State Ministry Responsible of the Social | |

| |organic farming techniques and agro-industrial innovations |Solidarity Fund. | |

| |piloted in less developed regions. (UNDP, UNIDO, FAO) | | |

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| |2.2.1 At national level a compulsory pre-school education | | |

| |policy established and funded (UNICEF) | | |

| | | | |

| |2.2.2 Child friendly school criteria rolled out to at least 30 |2.2 MoNE; Pre-School Education GD; Non-formal | |

| |per cent of primary schools (UNICEF) |Education GD; ACEV. | |

| |2.2.32 Achieve and sustain gender parity in primary school |MoNE; Primary Education GD. | |

| |enrollment and expand advocacy for secondary school girls’ | | |

| |enrollment .(UNICEF) |MoNE; Primary Education GD; Secondary Education| |

| | |GD. | |

| |2.2.4 30 percent of children in urban areas complete | | |

|Children, especially girls’ enrollment in pre-school and primary and |pre-school and community based pre-school system models in |MoNE; Primary Education GD; Board of Education;| |

|secondary education increased. |rural areas developed with trained local women.(UNICEF) |In-Service Department. | |

| | | | |

| |2.2.53 Girls’ enrollment in secondary education increased . | | |

| |(UNICEF)) Mone suggested to delete this output and mainstream | | |

| |it with 2.2.3 | | |

| |2.2.54 Quality primary education programme for never enrolled | | |

| |and out of school girls and boys aged 10-14in place. (UNICEF, | | |

| |ILO) | | |

| | | | |

| |2.3.1 90 percent of children under one year of age fully | | |

| |immunized. (UNICEF, WHO) | | |

| |2.3.2 Exclusive breastfeeding rate of infants increased to at |2.3 MoH; MoNE; MoA, Willows Foundation, MoCEF; | |

| |least six months (UNICEF, WHO) |P&G. | |

| |2.3.3 Increased access to quality reproductive health services | | |

| |for all women and men enabling them to exercise their RH | | |

| |rights. (UNFPA, WHO) | | |

| |2.3.4 Increased access by young people to information and youth| | |

| |friendly services for SRH (UNFPA) | | |

| |2.3.5 Better access for all to information and services for | | |

| |prevention of STIs and HIV/AIDS. (HIV/AIDS TG) | | |

| |2.3.6 Iodine deficiency disorders eliminated and iron | | |

| |deficiency anaemia reduced. (UNICEF) | | |

| |2.3.87 Child and maternal mortality reduced through provision | | |

| |of pre-natal, neonatal and post natal care for expectant | | |

| |parents. (UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO) | | |

|Pro-active strategies to increase demand and strengthen delivery of | | | |

|quality basic health services reaching vulnerable groups implemented. | | | |

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|Coordination Mechanisms and Programme Modalities: |

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|National Priority 3: Protective environment enabled for women, children and youth with equal opportunities |

|and promotion of services to these groups. |

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|UNDAF Outcome 3: By 2010 a more protective environment established for women, children including adolescents and youth to claim and fully enjoy their rights. |

| | | |Resource Mobilization |

|Country Programme Outcomes |Country Programme Outputs |Partners |Targets |

| | | | |

|Political and budgetary commitment increased and enabling laws, |Policies and action plans for children, youth and women |3.1 Directorate General for Status of Women| |

|policies, plans and social budgets adopted and effectively implemented |developed at all levels. (UNFPA, UNICEF) |(DGSW), Parliamentary Commission on Health, | |

|for women, children and youth. (UNICEF, UNFPA, ILO, WHO, UNHCR, IOM, |National Time Bound Policy and Program Framework for the |Family, Labour and Social Affairs, SIS, SPO, | |

|UNDP) |elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor implemented. |Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal | |

| |(ILO) |Affairs, MoH, MONE, Social Services Dep., | |

| |Parliamentarians encouraged to establish a mechanism to monitor|Religious Affairs, NGOs, Community Centers, | |

| |and analyze budgetary expenditures from a child perspective. |Gender Thematic Group, Universities, | |

| |(UNICEF, ILO) |Municipalities, European Union, World Bank, GAP| |

| |Policy and decision-makers, professional, parents and |RDA, Ataturk University. SHCEK. National and | |

| |children’s knowledge on children’s rights increased. (UNICEF) |local media, CSOs, private sector, Parliament, | |

| | |Bar Associations, RTÜK, SHCEK; Willows | |

| | |Foundation; P&G; | |

| | |MOCEF ?. | |

| | | | |

| |30 percent of parents and caregivers know and use positive |3.2 MONE; Non-Formal Education GD; Media; MoI | |

|Prevention and protection mechanisms are established and awareness |child raising practices including timely birth registration. |Population and Citizenship GD; AÇEV. | |

|raised to reduce harmful practices, violence, abuse, neglect, |(UNICEF) | | |

|exploitation. (UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, ILO) |Adolescents and youth including those out of school, those |MONE; Non-Formal Education GD; SHCEK, MoH. | |

| |living outside of parental care and/or with special needs, | | |

| |aware of how to protect themselves from harmful practices, | | |

| |violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. (UNICEF, UNFPA, | | |

| |UNDP, ILO,UNICEF) | | |

| |Awareness of policy and decision makers and the media increased| | |

| |on gender issues especially violence. (UNFPA, UNDP, ILO) | | |

| |developed.Minimum standards of care and protection for children| | |

| |in need of special protection developed to contribute towards | | |

| |the establishment of a child protection model. (UNICEF) | | |

| |A comprehensive national child labour monitoring mechanism | | |

| |developed in line with international standards against child | | |

| |labour established.(ILO) | | |

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| |Improve coordination mechanism amongst institutions responsible| | |

| |for women, children and youth. | | |

| |Improved reporting, complaints and enforcement systems for |3.3 SHCEK; MONE; MoJ. | |

| |women’s and children’s rights. (UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF) | | |

|Capacities strengthened at both national and local levels for reporting | |SHÇEK; MoJ; MoI; MoH. | |

|on, protecting and enforcing the rights of women and children. (ILO, | | | |

|UNICEF) | | | |

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