Manheim Interactive Business Glossary

|WinCVS SourceForge Setup Guide |

|WinCVS_guide.doc |Version 1.0 |5/10/2002 |

This guide will help you get WinCVS and the related tools (CVS, SSH) setup for DSDG on SourceForge. Please make notes of any difficulties and solutions encountered, and we will add them to the end of the document.

- Charles McCann (mccann@users.)

- Thanks to: KC (Gravitas) and Ian Dillon (mech_blaster) for their help in ‘debugging’ this doc.

- Thanks to Clanwolfer for his document on CVS (in Doc Manager) that I will be integrating into this one.

Get WinCVS and Setup 2

Get SFSetup Tool and Run 2

Setup Accounts on SF 2

Finish Configuring WinCVS 2

Get the Source Code 4

Steps to using WinCVS: 5

Get WinCVS and Setup

1. Get WinCVS from

2. Extract into temp directory and run “setup.exe” to install into c:\devtools\wincvs directory (or where ever you’d like).

Get SFSetup Tool and Run

1. Download the Zip file containing the SFSetup () from:

2. Unzip and Run sfsetup.exe with the file "" in the same directory as the exe file. If you are running Win2K, it might not work for you, but I think you’ll just need to update your Environment Variables manually. (My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables)

3. Follow the directions of the application. You are able to ‘skip steps’ if you’ve already installed one of the applications.

4. Project Directory (what ever you like) example: c:\projects

5. Verify that your Environment Variables were actually setup correctly. Type ‘set’ at the dos prompt and look for ‘HOME=’ and ensure that it points to the SSH directory.

6. REBOOT your machine.

Some of the Env Variables you’ll see when you run SET from the Dos Prompt (the data might be different depending on your setup):







Setup SSH and CVS Accounts on SourceForge

1. Get onto the Internet. You will need an open Internet connection for all the following steps.

2. Open a Dos Prompt window by typing “cmd” or “command” at the Start menu -> Run.

3. At the Dos Prompt (from your ssh directory if ssh isn’t in your path) type:

ssh -l username shell.

a. Remember to replace ‘username’ with your SourceForge username.

b. You will see a ‘telnet’ window. Provide your SF password when it requests it. Access to the web site can be obtained from here. Type ‘exit’ to close.

4. At the prompt (from your ssh directory if ssh isn’t in your path) type:

ssh -l username cvs.dsdevguild.

a. Remember to replace ‘username’ with your SourceForge username.

b. You will see it log in and then close the connection. This is OK. Message should read: “This is a restricted Shell Account. You cannot execute anything here. Connection to cvs.dsdevguild. closed.”


Figure 1: ssh –l username cvs.projectname.

This is completely normal

Finish Configuring WinCVS

1. Start WinCVS and configure as follows (leave tabs not mentioned unchanged):


Figure 1:WinCVS Server preferences dialog

Set CVSROOT: @cvs.dsdevguild.:/cvsroot/dsdevguild

Set Authentication: “SSH server”, RSA identity set only when you have created a SSH identity file (worry about this later) – leave unchecked for now.

Use CVS version: 1.10


Figure 2: WinCVS Global preferences dialog

Under “Globals” tab set:

Check-out read-only. (not mandatory.)

Prune (remove) empty directories.

Quiet mode

Use TCP/IP compression


Figure 3: Ports Preference

Under “Ports” tab set:

Check for an alternate rsh name: ssh


Figure 4: WinCVS Tool preferences dialog

THIS TAB is not mandatory! It will just help in viewing data and performing diffs. However, you will need the appropriate applications (a text editor and a “diff” tool). |

Under “WinCVS” tab set:

Set default viewer optionally to your favorite editor.

External Diff program: \wincmp.exe

Home folder: c:\

Get the Source Code

Select Create/Checkout Module and enter the following in the dialog:


Figure 5: WinCVS checkout settings dialog

Enter “dsdevguild” as the module name

Enter “C:\projects” (or your appropriate project file) at the local folder to checkout to. All of the files will be copied from the remote repository to your local machine under “C:\projects” directory. (i.e. c:\projects\dsdevguild is what you will have once the module is downloaded.)

Leave other tabs unchanged.

You should notice a Dos Prompt window appear (if you didn’t setup the RSA identity). Fill in the password and WinCVS should start pulling down the files.

**NOTE TO WIN95,98, and ME USERS**

If you encounter an error message that look like this when trying to get the source code.


Check your autoexec.bat on the C: drive and verify that the line is in the autoexec.bat. This might require you to unhide all hidden files. (adjust paths as appropriate.)


If you have another line that reads


(X being and drive and or directory)

You might have to comment it out by:


Steps to using WinCVS:

1. Remember the golden rule Update: Edit: Update: Commit

2. Make sure you “update” all of your files that you have edited FIRST such that CVS merges the changes from other people. After you have resolved the conflicts automatically or manually, then “commit” these files. DO NOT “commit” before doing an update otherwise you are overwriting the files in the repository…Unless you are sure that you are the only one editing this file, do not commit before update.

3. Always checkout read-only. Keep this option checked in the “Globals” tag of WinCVS.

4. If you want to edit a file, make sure “Update” to get the latest version and then click the “Edit Selection” or “pencil” in WinCVS.

5. If you didn’t want to edit a file, click the “Unedit Selection” or “eraser” in WinCVS.

6. If you modified the file and don’t want to keep the changes, delete it from your disk (NOT from WinCVS) and do an “update” on the folder.

7. Always, Always do an Update before Commit. You don’t know who changed that file before you edited it.

8. If you want to make sure that you are the only one editing this file, ”update” it, “lock” it and then “edit” it. If somebody else has it locked, you will get a warning. At this point let it go, even though you can still edit it. Talk to the person who has it locked, there must be a reason for it. Once you are done with your changes, “commit” (don’t need to update since you have it locked) and then “unlock” your file.

9. WinCVS is the client view and not the server view. Make sure you remember that! This means that what you see is what is on your hard drive. If you just updated, you should have a copy of what is out on the server – unless one of your files had a conflict.

10. If you are working with a Binary file (not a text or HTML file, but an image or model), make sure that you lock the file so that no one else modifies it. It is also good to let others know that you are modifying it if it is a shared and commonly updated file.

11. Don’t check in anything until you have it to a working state and you are willing to let others check it out.

Current CVS Directory Structure for DSDEVGUILD module. (This will be changing in the future.)

• dev – all assets created for a project. This can be source code, models, images, design docs, textures, music, etc.

• docs – any docs that we might need to keep up with for the Guild.

• web – all web sites under dsdevguild.. Guild is the main site. Projects are located under sub directory.

• web_assets – contains photoshop files, etc for the web sites


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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