Florida State College at Jacksonville

I’ve never had this problem so I don’t know the cause. I googled it.  Here are some suggestions:


You are trying to install a version of Java designed for another version of Microsoft Windows, for example Windows 2000, XP or Vista. In that case, the installer would be incompatible with your system. (Java 5.0 Update 16 for Windows 2000/XP is NOT the same as Java 5.0 Update 16 for Windows 98/ME!)


Make sure that this error is not generated by Windows Installer by trying to install any other software or application that requires Windows Installer. If, this same error is generated when installing other applications, then it is most likely that you have a Windows installer problem and not a corrupt Java software. To reinstall the latest version of Windows Installer, do the following:

- Go to Control Panel and click on Administrative Tools, then double click on Computer Management.

- Expand the Services & Applications menu item.

- Double-click Services.

- Double-click Windows Installer and stop the service.

- Launch regedit from run.

- Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSIServer.

- Select the MSIServer subkey.

- Delete this key value.

- Go to and redownload the latest version of Windows Installer.


The problem happens when Java has been partially or fully removed but there is still one more installer left pointed to in the registry.

First search and find your windows/installer folder and delete the file that is your java installer. It is an exe file. You may need to unhide hidden files, give yourself admin access, ask to see protected system files etc through folder options. do all of that before deleting the installers. Next, open regedit and look a subkey which contains "Java" and "installer" in its data, in one of the values. Delete the whole thing. Recheck your registry so that there are no references at all to java. NOW and only now, install Java through the installer of your choice. It won't find any old installers to clash, and the error goes away.

There is the alternative possibility of a faulty JRE installation or the corruption of your windows installer. For the first, search and delete JDK/JRE manually and follow the steps above. For the second, you will need to delete it and get a new copy of the windows installer from


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