AFC Pamphlet 71-20-9

[Pages:129] AFC Pamphlet 71-20-9 This page intentionally left blank


AFC Pamphlet 71-20-9

Executive Summary

1. The Army Futures Command Concept for Command and Control 2028: Pursuing Decision Dominance (AFCC-C2) describes how the Army of 2028 and beyond capitalizes on the Army's ability to know ourselves, our adversaries, and the operational environment with greater clarity and precision to produce decision advantages through an all-domain-capable command and control (C2) warfighting function and system. In turn, consistently creating decision advantages across all echelons enables Army forces to seize, retain, and exploit the operational initiative and establish overall decision dominance (see figure below). The AFCC-C2 nests with the Army's MultiDomain Operations (MDO) and Echelons Above Brigade (EAB) concepts. The AFCC-C2 examines the problem of how Army commanders, operating as part of the joint force conducting unified action, will make and distribute decisions that enable operational initiative and overcome the five operational problems described in the MDO Concept (compete, penetrate, dis-integrate, exploit, and re-compete).

2. The future Army C2 system comprises people, processes, the communications network, and a command post constellation (CPC). The future Army C2 system enables the rapid receipt, organization, analysis, interpretation, and display of contextually-relevant information to generate comprehensive, multi-domain courses of action at speeds that overmatch adversaries and enemies. Informed by staffs, subordinate leaders, and advanced technology (including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analysis), commanders apply a combination of analytical reasoning and well-developed intuition to make rapid, quality decisions. Once made, decisions are quickly disseminated to subordinates and unified action partners in formats that are easy to understand and that allow for rapid action.

3. People are the core of the future C2 system. The Army requires bold, agile, adaptive, and competent leaders of character who thrive in ambiguity and fast-paced, data-driven operations and who can take disciplined initiative to accomplish their commanders' intents. Future Army leaders must be able to utilize an all-domain and whole-of-government approach to enable cross-domain maneuver, lethal and nonlethal all-domain fires, and unity of effort in the Army, the joint force, and the nation as a whole. Future Army leaders accomplish all C2 functions and activities across an agile and adaptable CPC--the variable arrangement of multiple, distributed, and meshed command nodes cross-functionally organized from home station into the close area.

4. The command nodes that form the future CPC are strategically deployable, tactically mobile, scalable, tailorable, and survivable. All command nodes are connected by a unified and resilient communications network, supported by common, standardized, shareable, and secure data that


AFC Pamphlet 71-20-9

links each node to the others to form one cohesively-functioning CPC. However, threats will likely disrupt or deny communications. Leaders and Soldiers, enabled through training, education, and experience and empowered with appropriate capabilities and authorities in all domains and environments, exercise disciplined initiative to preserve continuity of operations and create decision advantages. 5. To realize an all-domain-capable Army C2 system, the AFCC-C2 also describes the following cross-cutting ideas:

Leader development that fosters disciplined initiative Talent management in support of the mission command (MC) approach and MDO Operations in the information dimension integral to winning in competition, crisis response,

and armed conflict Seamless interoperability among unified action partners Appropriately tailored authorities and permissions Human-machine cooperation, collaborative decision making, and battle management Building trust in people, processes, the communications network, and the CPC Truth as a weapon against threat disinformation Supportive training environments and infrastructure 6. Through development of an all-domain-capable C2 system and attainment of the associated supporting ideas, future Army leaders have the required capabilities to achieve decision advantages. The components of the Army's future C2 system work in unity to integrate combat power across all of the domains, the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS), and the information environment (IE)--and with all other instruments of national power--to seize, retain, and exploit the operational initiative, achieve overall decision dominance, and succeed throughout competition, crisis response, and conflict.


AFC Pamphlet 71-20-9

Figure 1. AFCC-C2 logic map v

AFC Pamphlet 71-20-9

U.S. Army Futures Command Futures and Concepts Center Austin, TX 78701-2982

14 July 2021

Force Management


D. SCOTT MCKEAN Lieutenant General, U.S. Army Director, Futures and Concepts


History. This pamphlet is a revision of United States (U.S.) Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Pamphlet (TP) 525-3-3 dated 06 February 2017. Because this publication is altered extensively, not all changed portions are highlighted in the summary of change.

Summary. The U.S. Army Futures Command (AFC) Pamphlet (AFP) 71-20-9 describes broad capabilities the Army of 2028 and beyond will require to enable all-domain command and control (C2). This functional concept drives force design and force development efforts by establishing a common framework within which to design and develop required C2 capabilities for the future. Critically, this concept establishes the intellectual foundation for creating a decision advantage and allowing future Army forces to effectively converge capabilities from, in, and across all of the domains, the electromagnetic spectrum, and the information environment at speeds that overmatch adversaries and enemies. Overall, the concept identifies the C2 capabilities necessary to enable future multi-domain operations (MDO) in a complex, highly competitive, lethal, and hyperactive operational environment against near-peer adversaries.

Applicability. This functional concept guides future force design and development and supports the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System process. It also supports Army capabilities development processes described in the U.S. Army Futures and Concepts Center (FCC) Concepts and Capabilities Guidance, and functions as the Army's authoritative conceptual basis for developing affordable options for the future force pertaining to C2 across the realms of doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities,

*This publication supersedes TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-3, dated 06 February 2017.


AFC Pamphlet 71-20-9

and policy (DOTMLPF-P). This concept applies to all Department of the Army (DA) activities that develop DOTMLPF-P requirements.

Proponent and supplementation authority. The proponent of this pamphlet is the Director, FCC. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this pamphlet that are consistent with controlling law and regulations. Do not supplement this pamphlet without prior approval from Director, Futures and Concept Center, 210 West 7th Street, Austin, TX 78701-2982.

Suggested improvements. Users are invited to submit comments and suggested improvements via DA Form 2028 to Director, FCC (FCFC-CE), 210 West 7th Street, Austin, TX 78701-2982. Suggested improvements may also be submitted using DA Form 1045.

Availability. This AFC pamphlet is available on the AFC homepage at .

Summary of Change

AFC Pamphlet 71-20-9 Army Futures Command Concept for Command and Control

This revision --

o Changes the title to reflect doctrine returning to C2 from the mission command (MC) warfighting function and the applicability to 2028 and beyond (cover, title page, and throughout).

o Revises the foreword and logic map and adds an executive summary (pages iii-v).

o Updates the background, assumptions, and operational context that provide the base for the concept's solutions (paragraphs 1-4, 1-5, and chapter 2).

o Uses a threat-informed approach to capability development and updates the military problem, central idea, conceptual solutions, and supporting ideas (chapter 3).

o Revises appendices on required capabilities statements (appendix B), Army science and technology (appendix C), risks of adopting this concept (appendix E), the Army's future communications network operational imperatives (appendix H), and the functional characteristics of the command post constellation (appendix I).

o Adds appendices on this concept's critical dependencies on the development of other Army concepts' capabilities (appendix D), the C2 system's people and processes (appendices F and G), applying C2 system capabilities across the competition continuum (appendix J) and common C2 functions, activities, and tasks (appendix K).



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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