Hawksworth Wood Primary School

Parklands Primary School

Headteacher’s Report to Governors Autumn Term 2017

Dates of the Term:

Mon 4th Sept – Fri Dec 15th

Training Days: Monday 4th September; Tuesday January 2nd Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday July 23rd – 25th July.

Personal feelings: Where do I start on evaluating the Summer Term? SAT scores – outstanding; Bridlington outstanding; Helicopter rides….. Live on BBC Breakfast…. Featured on Look North…. Winners of the TES Collaboration Award…. The West Yorkshire Playhouse – ‘Oh I do like to be beside the Sea (croft) spectacular show…..Wow all highlighting why this is the greatest job in the world at the greatest school in the world.. Ofsted have still not made the call but at present the school is standing strong if the call was to come…. It will be this term. The Summer data shows a continuation of outstanding progress in most classes. The ARE expectations are up dramatically on last year – especially in Y2 where their performance was based on the SIP 2016 17.

Exam results saw a dip in GLD in Reception. However gaining x 6 new children after March affected these figures of 53%. Y1 Phonics 65% pass – again though x12 new children started in Y1. KS1 saw record scores with 63% in Reading; 52% in Writing and 63% in Maths gaining ARE. Y6 continued the fine form from last year with 68% in reading; 76% in Writing and 71% in maths gaining ARE. An unprecedented 63% got Greater Depth in Maths! The Progress in Maths at +8 is the highest score from any school in the country. Reading was just short of being significantly higher than National – but was still highe. Writing was significantly higher, putting Parklands in the top 5% of schools.. The combined RWM score was 68% above the National Average of 61%. Reasons why Progress remains outstanding:

* Small classes

* Teacher and TA training in RWM high investment

* Quality resourcing

* Adrian Guy Maths Ofsted report

* x2 day GPS teacher for 2 years in Y5 Y6 – incl spelling afternoon

* External quality advisor support – triangulation and coaching 121 from JH and KK

* Early bird maths 20 min a day x 39 weeks (65 hours extra)


* Lesson studies

* Moderating with a coaching not capability head on, incl ext people and Gov

* Link to WR Maths Hub outstanding schools

* X tables

* New curriculum – high expectations

Maths – we hosted this years X Table Rock Wrangle in July. This saw our Y4’s playing against the quickest children in High Schools (Y9’s) and although we didn’t win, we gained some outstanding press coverage on the BBC both Nationally and Locally. The children were rewarded by having a helicopter ride.

Brooke Nolan hosted a SDI maths workshop for 50 teachers – showcasing how effective it is – she is also the face on the SDI Promotional DVD which all schools will receive.

White Rose Maths Hub sent us some wonderful gifts as a thank you for being their host school and allowing over 100 teachers to visit us this year.

Jean Hirst trained SLT in the new Teaching and Learning review. Her coaching of teachers and training TA’s the last year has really improved standards.

Karen Knepper completed her triangulation with 121 meetings with staff ensuring accurate levels were being passed on. Her reports were as glowing as ever – 63% Greater depth is the reason why we have showcased our Maths to over 150 HT’s this year.

Sarah Coltman moderated EYFS and their data – which came out as accurate and well organised.

Summer term saw lots of work completed with BITC. The gardens were maintained and the new bedding planters were re soiled as we now begin to grow our own produce to sell. The work with businesses saw us crowned National TES award winners where Julian Clarey was lucky enough to get a hug from me.

We were so proud to welcome Look North and BBC Breakfast to our school who did a full feature of our school showcasing our X tables – we have the reputation of being the quickest at Mental Maths in the whole country – something to be very proud of. X50 children slept at school as the breakfast team arrived at 445am and began filming at 6 am – they were awesome.

A meeting with the big bosses in charge of SEND ended with high praise for our RP provision and the addition of x2 additional funded places – making RP now x14 children.

Parklands Bake Off saw us make £300 for our school in Zimbabwe. Work about birds was completed and sent over to Katiyo.

Sports Day was a well-attended and we promoted the competitive aspects.

Phil Bateman (Olympic cyclist) did an assembly and then taught all KS2 in safe riding and controlling a bike…. Bikeability worked with Y6 and they did a bike ride to Temple Newsome.

Mrs Ellerbey excelled with her end of term singing shows for the whole school. These were really well attended by parents. The choir and the drama group (Sara Allkins) joined forces with professional actors in putting on the show at WYPlayhouse – Oh I do like to be beside the Sea (croft) show … it sold out and over 500 people watched it. I can’t tell how brilliant it was. Sadly, the Leeds Youth Theatre that we have hosted for the duration of my time here at Parklands, lost its funding and will therefore stop. Sara has done an amazing job and we wish her well. Her parting gift was a £1000 donation to the school. We will use the money promoting the Arts.

I was asked and honoured to Chair the first Mental Health Conference at Leeds Beckett University.

SIP 2017 18

4 Key Priorities:

1. (i) To improve the achievement of all learners in Maths with regard to Topic Lessons and Science

(ii) To improve the achievement of all learners in Literacy with regard to Topic Lessons and Science

(iii) Raise Standards with SEND and Intervention Children

2. To improve the quality of Teaching and Learning and Assessment so that children are fully engaged in their learning.

3. To continue to develop Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare throughout the school.

4. To continue to improve the effectiveness of Leadership and Management.

Supplemented by

5. To develop the role of the Subject Leaders

6. To continue to Develop the Effectiveness of Early Years


In the whole year – 1 day (£220) was spent on supply. Actually with the IPEEL money and staff insurance we are currently +£7000. Laura Darley continues to do a fantastic job in utilising staff out of class including myself to cover classes.

Covering Maternity Leave was a real challenge with x3 re adverts and only x1 recruited. Permanents wouldn’t touch it…. NQT’s wanted a year contract not 2 terms…. We observed some very week teaching. Thinking out of the box – I managed to persuade ‘Pobble’ (a Writing Initiative Company) to second me an outstanding teacher for a term – I have observed her and simply she is outstanding teaching Literacy. I also got them to lower the £400 a day charge to only £200 on the condition other schools can observe the ‘Pobble’ way of teaching.

In summary then – we have lost JH (confidential) LT – Brussels; LB (wellbeing) … JB; SJN and EA are on Mat Leave (due back in Feb and Easter)…. And we have taken on an NQT in Y3 ( 1 year) – a Pobble Teacher in Y3 (JB will return and take over) – a teacher in Y4 (2 term contract) – SJN can replace here…. We have x2 big TLRs spare and a permanent position for the best of the temporary staff.

No DHT salary and on costs pay for:

Jean Hirst - worked for x7 days last term. See above. A real success this has been.

Ian Stokes has shone with his data analysis. He produced a detailed report from the Summer Term in house data. He has produced The Stokes report from Raise in July showing the school compared to Leeds Schools (Oct he will produce V2 with the release of ASP (new Raise)).

Karen Knapper – after seeing the success of JH in Literacy we rolled out the same format for Maths. KK was employed for x2 days this term.

Human Resources – Sam worked (free) x1 day a month to work on Stage 1 and Stage 2 sickness meetings. Thus all the DHT roles are covered by industry experts.

Learning Mentors are all fully trained and Julia is the Lead officer. We have 4 as Designated Officers.

Other Exciting Things In School Last Term.

New Building Works

The entire 17 acres of fencing has been painted – lifting the physical appearance of the school. Y3 was painted with new lighting (all free). The 2nd final window phase was completed – just leaving a few more to replace. The kitchen ventilation. Health and Safety issues addressed (Gym and Main Hall). New bell for Invacuation.

We are looking at making the school gate more secure (electric) however we are looking at £10k.


Buisness in the Community

• We hosted Give and Gain Day welcoming 120 volunteers on the same day – the fence challenge began and live Xtables

• Lloyds Bank provide x17 readers per week working in Y4 Y5 Y6.

• Unilever provided x6 readers per week working in Y3

• Pratt Solicitors from Leeds send in x3 Maths volunteers every week to work with Y6

• All Y6 visited TD Direct for their World of Work Day an inspirational time was had by all.

• 150 volunteers did work in and around the school grounds.

• Y2 Y3 Y4 had a Lloyds Bank Banking Day

• Real Junk Food / Fuel For School initiative.... is going from strength to strength. We are open 52 weeks a year providing food where you ‘pay what you can.’

• See the website for ‘What People Say About Our School.’

Other Events.

• The Parklands P Factor was a huge success showcasing the children’s talents.

• All YG got a morning with the RSPB doing environmental studies – free

• The whole school got to do the Rocket Challenge with SteamCo…. Firing one 1 mile into the sky and then seeing it return to earth with a parachute was spectacular.

• The Whole school took part in the Drone flying project. These return in September to do a Science day in each class

• The Whole School watched Romeo and Juliet and did a Shakespeare Day.

• The Whole School celebrated the life of Stephen Lawrence as we tackled racism head on.

• Network Rail did a morning in KS2 re rail safety .. Y6 spent a morning in Leeds Train Station working alongside the Transport Police

• Parklands Bake Off and the P Factor really promoted the community feel of the school.

• Tom Cunliffe put on the spectacular Parklands Art Gallery which really showcased some fabulous pieces being made at home.

• Y6 Put on free the most spectacular Puppet Show ever. Backstage was filled with cameras – it was so professional.

• Y5 suffered from Mosque Gate again with only 1/45 children being allowed to go. Facebook was busy that night but I don’t give in easily – so I changed the trip to The Mosque; Bowling and McDonalds .. 40/45 went… and they had an excellent time.

• Y4 had a sleepover which was very successful and rewarding … plus very cheap.

• Y4 visited the Biodiversity workshop at Leeds Uni

• Y4 to support their novel Charlie and The Chocolate Factory – had the Ministry of Chocolate Wokshop which was very enjoyable for staff and children.

• Y2 Y3 Y4 had a Banking morning with Lloyds Bank – all gaining their own money box

• Y2 had an amazing visit to the Church

WRITERS of the WEEK – has been a HUGE success. Every Monday I see the WOW from each class. They are presented with a laminated certificate and are treated to tea and biscuits with myself. This will move to the next level in September with the ‘Pobble’ teacher and Grace Huby starting.

TIMES TABLE KNOCKOUT – equally to the weekly WOW- the X Table Knockout has seen ALL the classes really get to know their X tables with pace and accuracy. The class champions all play the Grand Final live on the 215pm Friday Celebration Assembly. Parents are amazed at the speed the children show as we saw on Look North and BBC Breakfast.

Friends of Parklands – have had monthly meetings. Mmmmm may be on its last legs. No summer Fayre and loads of donations just sat in my office.

Performance Management - Performance Management observations were changed and linked to the new Teaching and Learning reviews.


RT RE = 53

1A = 21  1J = 21

2M = 21  2MS = 22

3H = 22  3R = 23

4C = 22  4T = 21

5B = 21  5N = 23

6D = 17  6R = 17

RP = 12

Total 316 (x5 more than Spring Report)

| |

|Special Educational Needs and Disabilities June 2017 |

| |

|Status of the SEND Register |

| |

|13 EHC Plans |

| |

|2 children with Statements. |

| |

|12 of the above children are in RP. 1 child with a statement in is a mainstream class in Year 4 and two other children have had EHC plans |

|finalised this month and are transitioning into RP in September 2017. |

| |

|74 Children in on SEND register. All with the status of SEN Support (Code K on SIMS) |

| |

|This gives a total of 89 SEND children in school. |

| |

|Boys |

| |

|Year Group |

|Number of SEND Boys |

| |

|Reception |

|9 /9 (1RP) |

| |

|Year 1 |

|5/6 |

| |

|Year 2 |

|12/21 (2 RP) |

| |

|Year 3 |

|14/19 (1RP) |

| |

|Year 4 |

|9/14 (2 RP) |

| |

|Year 5 |

|6/10 (1RP) |

| |

|Year 6 |

|7 /10( 2 RP) |

| |

|Total |

|62 out of 89 = 69.7% |

| |

| |

|PP |

| |

|Year Group |

|Number of SEND PP |

| |

|Reception |

|3/9 |

| |

|Year 1 |

|4/6 |

| |

|Year 2 |

|14/21 |

| |

|Year 3 |

|14/19 |

| |

|Year 4 |

|10/14 |

| |

|Year 5 |

|8/10 |

| |

|Year 6 |

|9/10 |

| |

|Total |

|62 out of 89 = 69.7% |

| |

| |

| |

Breakdown of the School.

Ethnicity - 91 children – down 1 = 29%

BME 54 = 17%

Refugees & Asylum Seekers - 0

EAL - 51 = 16% - down 1%

Looked After Children – 7 – same

In House Data

Accelerated progress (over 9 points) made in Reading in EVERY CLASS from EY’s to Y6

Accelerated progress made in Writing in in EVERY CLASS from EY’s to Y6

Accelerated progress made in Maths in in EVERY CLASS from EY’s to Y6


The target that governors have set for 2015-2016 was 95%.

Attendance at the end of the year was 94.91% (95%)

Parents have been informed that children under 90% attendance this year will be contacted daily and Learning Mentors will visit.

Exclusions and Behaviour (see report for full comparisons)

Analysis of behaviour incidents


Red: 138 Red: 98 Red: 60

Orange: 35 Orange: 31 Orange: 29

Yellow: 32 Yellow: 8 Yellow: 15

Combined: 205 Combined: 137 Combined: 104

• Total amount of combined incidents continues to decrease, term by term. This has decreased from Autumn to Spring by 68 incidents, then Spring to Summer by 33 incidents. Total 101 reduction from Autumn to Summer.

• Total amount of red incidents continues to decrease term by term. This dropped Autumn to Spring by 40 incidents, Spring to Summer 38. Total, 70 reduction from Autumn to Summer.

• Looking at data per ½ term, the number of red incidents has slightly decreased since Spring across Summer 1 and 2.

• Compared to previous year (2015/16) there continues to be a significant reduction in behaviour incidents; 2015/16 SUMMER term there were 248 combined incidents (see graph below), whereas 2016/17 there were 104 incidents SUMMER term.

• Compared to previous year, this has also reduced term by term.

2016-17 Autumn 205/ 2015/16 – Autumn 260

2016-17 Spring 137/ 2015/16 – Spring 326

2016-17 Summer 104/ 2015/16 – Summer 248


2016 / 17 Sept – July – 0 exclusions

2015 / 16 Sept - July

3 exclusions ( 15 sessions ) 2 children – 1 in RP 1 now at the Pru and is off role

20 Racial Incidents recorded - 3 reported to the LA

2014 - 2015

12 exclusions from Sept 2014 to July 2015 ( 29 sessions)

2013 – 2014

150 sessions from Sept 2013 – July 2014

Racial / Homophobic Incidents

2015/16 16 reported incidents in school – 5 reported to the authority.

2016/17 14 reported in the book 7 reported to the authority. The late increase came after the spate of terrorist attacks. #MosqueGate


Not in Summer Term …. Reports home to parents

Pupil behaviour questionnaire

Not in Summer Term

Continuous Professional Development

TA’s LM’s Office Staff

|Georgia Egan |Teacher |LCC |Meet the Moderator |

|Julia Thubron |Teacher |LCC |Statutory Moderation |

|Julia Thubron |Teacher |LCC |EYFS Leading in |

| | | |excellence |

|Julia Thubron |Teacher |LCC |Meet the Moderator |

|Laura Butler |SENco |LCC |Meeting Needs of |

| | | |children with SpLD |

|Laura Butler |SENco |LCC |SEN Conference & amp |

|Sarah Jimenez-Novoa |Teacher |LCC |Meeting Needs of |

| | | |children with SpLD |

|All teachers |121 with Jean Hirst Lliteracy Writing stimulus |

|All teachers |121 with Jean Hirst triangulation |

|All teachers |Family of schools Writing moderation in creating ARE examples |

|All teachers |121 with Maths – Karen Knapper |

| | | | |

|Gill Barrass |TA |Team Teach |  |

|Helen Barkakoti |TA |Team Teach |  |

|Aysha Arien |TA | | |

| | |Mable Speech and Language x2 days | |

| |121 JH differentiation | | |

|All TA’s | |121 KK Maths Vocabulary | |

Subject Leaders:

All subject leaders have had a half day out of class to drive forward their subjects. On the SIP this year and hopefully a book moderation exercise by the T+L sub committee – Cross Curricular is on the SIP 2017 18


School Council

Completed the year in style with a brilliant organising of the P FACTOR – KS2 Talent Show – what a great end to the year.

Chris Dyson September 4th 2017. [pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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