Algebra II Honors/Gifted

Algebra II Honors/GiftedName__________________________________ @2286005588000Period_____Date________________________Assignment #______THE LANGUAGE OF SETS – PART IIWrite your answers on your own paper. Staple your answers behind this paper.1) Let U = {1, 2, 3, …, 12}; 5) In the following, is B the complement ofO = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11};A? If your answer is “no”, say why it is not theA = {2, 5, 8, 11}; and complement.P = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}. a)U = {matches played by Green Stars}Find the complements of O, A, and P.A = {matches which they won}B = {matches which they lost}b)U = {students in 9th grade}2) LetU = {vowels} = {a, e, i, o, u};A = {those who passed math}I = {different vowels in “intersection”};B = {those who failed math}N = {different vowels in “union”}; andc)U = {students in 9th grade}C = {different vowels in “complement”}A = {those who obtained the highestList the members of I’, N’, and C’. marks in math}B = {those who obtained the lowest3) LetU = {months}; marks in math}T = {months with 31 days};d)U = {points in a plane}A = {months whose names containA = {points inside a circle S} the letter “a”}; andB = {points outside a circle S}B = {months whose names end in “ber”}a) List the members of A’, B’, and T’.6a) In all of the examples in number 5, B wasb) Describe the members of A’, B’, and T’.obtained from A by using the oppositedescription. Does this method always give4) If U = {students at Saltpond Senior Secondarya complement set? Explain your answer.School}, describe the members of theb) In set B of 5a, replace “lost” by “did not win”.complements of the following sets. Do NOTIs the resulting set the complement of A? Do use the word “not” in the descriptions. the same thing in 5b, 5c, and 5d. Does thisP = {girls}method always give the complementary set?Q = {students whose surnames begin withA to M}R = {students who were present the first day of school}S = {students who live outside Saltpond} ................

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