1rst announcement

1. Theme and objectives of the Congress.

Solutions to the challenges facing the development of mathematical sciences in Central Africa.

2. Objectives of the Congress.

The region of Central Africa is composed of 9 countries : Burundi, Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Rwanda and Tchad.

The principal objective of the congress is to bring together mathematicians of Central Africa in view to the creation of an association of mathematicians in the region. This association will be a component of AMU in the region. It aims at the following :

• Breaking the seclusion of mathematicians in the region ;

• Serving as a forum of discussion and resolution of the specific problems in the region (living and working conditions,…) ;

• Helping in the creation of national associations for mathematicians in countries in the region and encouraging existing associations ;

• Ensuring the training and research in mathematics and organizing regional cooperation with a call to international cooperation (particularly, the Millenium Science Initiative (MSI) project for Africa).

The congress will elect an executive committee of the association that will lead the association till the next congress.

A scientific workshop shall take place during the congress. Experienced and reputed researchers will give lectures and participants will be able to present their works in the workshop. A special session on the theme “Applications of mathematical sciences in various sciences and technologies” will be organized with the cooperation of SAMSA (Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association).

2. Dates and location of congress.

September 29 - October 3, 2003 in the University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon).

3. Participants.

• Teachers and inspectors of mathematics of secondary education ;

• Lecturers and researchers of mathematics of higher education ;

• Engineers using mathematical tools.

4. Programme of activities.

a) Constitutive assembly and an election of an executive committee for the Central African Mathematics Union.

b) Scientific workshop :

• plenary one-hour lectures ;

• parallel sessions of 30 minutes per communication.

The parallel sessions will be divided as follows : 1° pure mathematics ; 2° applied mathematics ; 3° applications of mathematics in science and technology.

5. International organization committee.

• Chairman :

Samuel Mawanda, University of Lesotho, vice president of AMU for Central Africa ;

• Vice Chairmen :

- Juma Shabani, UNESCO, former vice president of AMU for Central Africa ;

- Jean Wouafo Kamga, University of Yaoundé I, former treasurer of AMU and president of the Cameroon Mathematics Society.

• Members :

- Faustin Touadera, University of Bangui, Central African Republic ;

- Koina Rodoumta, University of Ndjamena, Tchad ;

- Eugène Okassa, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo ;

- Théophile Mavoungou, University of Masuku, Franceville, Gabon ;

- Rebecca Walo Omana, University of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo ;

- Jean-Pierre Luhandjula, University of Rwanda.

6. Local organization committee.

• Chairman :

David Békollé (University of Yaounde I).

• Vice-Chairman :

Walter Komo (Ministry of National Education, Cameroon).

• Secretaries :

Marcel Tonga (University of Yaounde I)

Christophe Mouaha (University of Yaounde I and Ministry of Scientific and Technical Research, Cameroon).

• Treasurer :

François Wamon (University of Yaounde I).

7. Scientific committee.

• Chairman :

Augustin Banyaga, Pennsylvania State University, USA.

• Members :

• Norbert Noutcheguémé, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon ;

• Jean Lubuma, University of Pretoria, South Africa ;

• Joachim Nzotungicimpaye, University of Burundi, Bujumbura, Burundi.

8. Contacted main speakers.

• Augustin Banyaga (Pennsylvania State University) : “Symplectic and Contact Geometry” ;

• Jean M.S. Lubuma (University of Pretoria) : "Finite element methods for elliptic problems" ;

• Rebecca Walo Omana (University of Kinshasa) : "Singular p-Laplacian type operators" ;

• Koina Rodoumta (University of Ndjamena) : "Mathematical Epidemiology of infectious diseases" ;

• Jean-Pierre Luhandjula (University of Rwanda) : "Semi-infinite mathematical programming ".

• Samuel Mawanda (University of Lesotho) : ”Open problems for finite sets”.

• Bitjong Ndombol (University of Dschang, Cameroon) : "(Co)simplicial models of topological spaces".

9. Postal address and Contacts.

Secretariat of the Congress : Secretariat of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, P.O. Box 812, University of Yaounde I, Yaounde (Cameroon).

Contacts :

• David Békollé

Tél. : (237)-752-35-80

Emails :

• Marcel Tonga

Tél. : (237) – 997-48-83

Email :


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