Athlete Empowerment Workshop - Special Olympics

Leadership 101 Workshop


1. Participants will be introduced in a manner that establishes them as unique and valued leader in the organization.

2. Workshop participants will understand the objective of the training and the expectations of them as participants.

• For all to recognize leadership traits in themselves and others

• For all to develop personal strategies to develop personal leadership abilities.

• For all to develop strategies for fostering leadership in those around them.

• For Special Olympics: to promote leadership as an integral part of Special Olympics management at all levels.

3. Participants will demonstrate an understanding of the Mission of Special Olympics and the aspects of Special Olympics that makes it unique among sports organizations.

4. Participants will be introduced to Athlete Leadership Programming and how they might participate in or promote them.

5. Participants will answer the questions:

▪ What makes someone a leader?

▪ What do we need leaders to do in Special Olympics?

▪ What could I do today to be more of a leader?

6. Participants will demonstrate knowledge of the three major attributes of a leader:

• Vision

• Communication

• Trust

7. Participants will identify real examples of leaders with vision within Special Olympics.

8. Participants will develop a sense of personal vision in relation to the mission of Special Olympics

9. Participants will identify real examples of leaders who are good communicators within Special Olympics.

10. Participants will develop a strategy for improving personal communication skills related to their vision.

11. Participants will identify real examples of leaders who are trusted within Special Olympics.

12. Participants will develop a strategy for improving personal trust building skills realted to their vision.

13. Participants will prepare:

1. A personal Special Olympics Vision Statement

2. A statement on how their personal vision supports the mission of Special Olympics

3. A personal plan for:

• Reminding themselves of their vision

• Improving personal communication skills

• Maintaining trust among people they work with in Special Olympics

14. Participants will discuss the workshop and evaluate its effective for them.

ALPs Leadership 101 Workshop

Sample Agenda

|Time |Outcome |Title |Strategy |Materials |Leader |

| | | | | | |

| |1 |Participants will be introduced in a manner that |Introductions: | | |

| | |establishes them as unique and valued leader in the |Everyone introduces themselves with name and the name of someone they | | |

| | |organization. |know of who they consider to be a leader. (Vision) | | |

| | | |Everyone interviews a partner and then introduces their partner by | | |

| | | |giving the person’s name and who they consider to be a leader. | | |

| | | |(Vision/Communication) | | |

| | | |Everyone stands to introduce himself or herself and tell one trait that| | |

| | | |they think you need to be a leader. The workshop leader lists these | | |

| | | |traits for future discussion. (Vision) | | |

| | | | | | |

| |2 |Workshop participants will understand the objective of the|Objectives/agenda for the Workshop: | | |

| | |training and the expectations of them as participants. |Instructor lists them in bullet form and asks | | |

| | |For all to recognize |for participation to help define what each | | |

| | |leadership traits in |object means and why it would be important. | | |

| | |themselves and others |(Communication) | | |

| | |For all to develop personal | | | |

| | |strategies to develop |Workshop is split into three groups. Each | | |

| | |personal leadership abilities. |group is given on of the Essential | | |

| | |For all to develop strategies |Components (Vision, Communication, | | |

| | |for fostering leadership in |Trust) to discuss. The groups are | | |

| | |those around them. |encouraged to reflect on their local Special | | |

| | |For Special Olympics: to |Olympics programs and how they, as | | |

| | |promote leadership as an |individuals, might be able to bring more of | | |

| | |integral part of Special |that component to the program. Each group | | |

| | |Olympics management |reports to the workshop. (All three | | |

| | |at all levels. |components, but mostly personal vision). | | |

| | | |The workshop leader then incorporates the | | |

| | | |ideas into each of the three units. | | |

|Time |Outcome |Title |Strategy |Materials |Leader |

| | | |Present the Key Words of the Mission statement and have volunteers | | |

| |3 |Participants will demonstrate an understanding of the |define the words and explain why they must be in the mission statement.| | |

| | |Mission of Special Olympics and the aspects of Special |Present the fact that a mission statement tells people who we are and | | |

| | |Olympics that makes it unique among sports organizations. |what we do. Ask for ideas about who Special Olympics is and what we do| | |

| | | |and record them on a flip chart. Then compare your answers with the | | |

| | | |mission statement. | | |

| | | |Cover the key concepts of the mission statement and then discuss the | | |

| | | |issues that make Special Olympics unique: | | |

| | | |Divisioning | | |

| | | |Multiple awards | | |

| | | |Selection criteria for higher level competition. | | |

| | | |Review the slides that explain the 3 aspects of ALPs and the existing | | |

| |4 |Participants will be introduced to Athlete Leadership |programs that are offered. | | |

| | |Programming and how they might participate in or promote |Before introducing the slides, ask participants to say what they think | | |

| | |them. |of when they hear the phrase, “Athlete Leadership Programs”, then | | |

| | | |compare that to the slides. | | |

| | | |Have the questions on a flip chart and ask participants to provide | | |

| |5 |Participants will answer the questions: |answers to one question at a time. Be sure to post the ideas generated| | |

| | |What makes someone a leader? |by the last question for future reference. | | |

| | |What do we need leaders to do in Special Olympics? |Prepare answers to the first question on index cards posted on a wall | | |

| | |What could I do today to be more of a leader? |in the room. Have several cards of each trait. Have participants go to| | |

| | | |the wall and pick out the trait they think is most important. Explain | | |

| | | |that they will be asked to define the trait and tell why it is | | |

| | | |important. | | |

| | | |Conduct the “Discover Leaders” exercise. | | |

| | | |Ask participants to describe a time when they had a “vision” for how to| | |

| |6 |Participants will demonstrate knowledge of the three major|improve something. Then repeat for effective Communication and Trusting| | |

| | |attributes of a leader: |someone. Talk about leaders throughout history and in our personal | | |

| | |Vision |lives that have had all three traits. | | |

| | |Communication |Divide participants into three groups and give each group one of the | | |

| | |Trust |traits to focus on. Ask each group to develop a role-play scene that | | |

| | | |shows what it looks like when someone is being a visionary, | | |

| | | |communicating effectively or building trust. | | |

| | | | | | |

| |7 |Participants will identify real examples of leaders with |Think of someone you know in Special Olympics that has great ideas that| | |

| | |vision within Special Olympics. |you wish people would listen to more. Name that person and tell how | | |

| | | |their ideas are good ones. | | |

|Time |Outcome |Title |Strategy |Materials |Leader |

| | | | | | |

| |8 |Participants will develop a sense of personal vision in |Personal Vision: | | |

| | |relation to the mission of Special Olympics. |Developing Personal Vision (Use as many strategies as necessary to | | |

| | | |instill a sense of personal vision and mission centered on the | | |

| | | |organizational mission and vision of making the program available to | | |

| | | |more athletes.) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Discuss the key words of the Special | | |

| | | |Olympics mission and each person then | | |

| | | |decides which key words most closely match | | |

| | | |their own personal vision for the | | |

| | | |organization and their participation in it. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |What makes Special Olympics a good | | |

| | | |experience for you? What can you do to | | |

| | | |1) help more people inside the organization | | |

| | | |see or hear about that? | | |

| | | |2) make Special Olympics even better? | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Open the floor up to a brainstorm on the | | |

| | | |statement: “Five years from now I hope | | |

| | | |Special Olympics is a place where…” Keep | | |

| | | |the list for use in the communications | | |

| | | |section! | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Open the floor up to a brainstorm on the | | |

| | | |statement: “If I were in charge of Special | | |

| | | |Olympics, I would make it better by…” | | |

| | | |Keep the list for use in the communications | | |

| | | |section! | | |

|Time |Outcome |Title |Strategy |Materials |Leader |

| | | | | | |

| |9 |Participants will identify real examples of leaders who |Communicators: | | |

| | |are good communicators within Special Olympics. |Use strategies and/or mentoring in the workshop to help participants | | |

| | | |more effectively communicate their vision for a better Special | | |

| | | |Olympics. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Have each participant name three people in | | |

| | | |Special Olympics that they like to listen to, | | |

| | | |then explain to a partner or small group what | | |

| | | |types of things this person talks about most | | |

| | | |and why they are fun to listen to. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Make a list of great communicators in | | |

| | | |history and then what traits they shared that | | |

| | | |made them stand out as great | | |

| | | |communicators. Then ask each group to | | |

| | | |come up with at least one person they know | | |

| | | |personally in Special Olympics who shares | | |

| | | |each of the traits listed. | | |

|Time |Outcome |Title |Strategy |Materials |Leader |

| | | | | | |

| |10 |Participants will develop a strategy for improving |Personal Communication: | | |

| | |personal communication skills related to their vision. |Using the lists from 3.3 and/or 3.4, break | | |

| | | |into small groups of 6-8 and prioritize the | | |

| | | |ideas as a group. Then present those | | |

| | | |priorities to the larger group in a persuasive | | |

| | | |way by explaining how the priorities match | | |

| | | |the organizations and your vision. | | |

| | | |Communication requires both talking and | | |

| | | |listening. Have people work in pairs. Each | | |

| | | |member of the pair should explain to the | | |

| | | |other their top priority for improving Special | | |

| | | |Olympics and why it is important to them. | | |

| | | |Then have two groups join together (now | | |

| | | |there are 4 in the group). Have the listeners | | |

| | | |from the previous exercise explain to the | | |

| | | |others what their partner feels is important | | |

| | | |and why – then add whether they agree or | | |

| | | |disagree and why. Repeat until all four sets | | |

| | | |of priorities are explained. Look for good | | |

| | | |listening as well as effective articulation of | | |

| | | |ideas. The whole group should feel free to | | |

| | | |help mold the message until it agrees with the | | |

| | | |intent of the leader. | | |

| | | |Trusted: | | |

| |11 |Participants will identify real examples of leaders who |Work on the importance of action that follows talk and reliability in | | |

| | |are trusted within Special Olympics. |sticking to the mission. | | |

| | | |Have each participant name at least one | | |

| | | |(but no more than three) name of someone | | |

| | | |that they know they can count on to do what | | |

| | | |they say they will or to stand up for what | | |

| | | |they believe in. Tell the group about this | | |

| | | |person. | | |

| | | |Have the group(s) list traits that they think | | |

| | | |are shared by people who are trust worthy. | | |

| | | |Then put names of real Special Olympics | | |

| | | |people who share those traits up on the chart. | | |

|Time |Outcome |Title |Strategy |Materials |Leader |

| | | | | | |

| |12 |Participants will develop a strategy for improving |Personal Trust Building: | | |

| | |personal trust building skills related to their vision. |Have participants work in teams of two or | | |

| | | |three to develop personal lists of actions they | | |

| | | |can take when they get home to help | | |

| | | |themselves develop a better sense of vision, | | |

| | | |communication and trust. Then each person | | |

| | | |should record this list (of at least three | | |

| | | |actions) and address envelopes to another | | |

| | | |member of the group for each action. As | | |

| | | |each action is completed, the workshop | | |

| | | |participant is to mail a card inside the | | |

| | | |envelope that tells of completion of the task. | | |

| | | |Set deadlines so that partners can call or | | |

| | | |write each other if the envelope doesn’t | | |

| | | |arrive! | | |

| | | |Set up groups of four (4). Each person | | |

| | | |should have a card with an assignment to | | |

| | | |lead the group to a decision on and then to | | |

| | | |enact. The group will have to live with | | |

| | | |these decisions for the rest of the workshop! | | |

| | | |1. Where will the group meet? (hall, | | |

| | | |corner of the room, outside, restaurant, | | |

| | | |etc.) | | |

| | | |2. What will the seating arrangement be? | | |

| | | |(circle, tables, floor, casual or formal) | | |

| | | |3. What will the agenda for the rest of the | | |

| | | |day look like, given that everyone must | | |

| | | |come up with a personal vision | | |

| | | |statement, a link to the Special | | |

| | | |Olympics mission and vision statements | | |

| | | |and a personal action plan for | | |

| | | |developing personal leadership skills | | |

| | | |when they get home. | | |

| | | |How will the group report back to the | | |

| | | |workshop at the end of the day on their | | |

| | | |progress? | | |

|Time |Outcome |Title |Strategy |Materials |Leader |

| | | |Have a worksheet for each participant with space for them to write | | |

| |13 |Participants will prepare: |their personal vision and how it supports the mission of Special | | |

| | |1. A personal Special Olympics |Olympics. It should also include space for personal goals realted to | | |

| | |Vision Statement. |improving their leadership skills. | | |

| | |2. A statement on how their | | | |

| | |personal vision supports the | | | |

| | |mission of Special Olympics. | | | |

| | |3. A personal plan for: | | | |

| | |Reminding | | | |

| | |themselves of their | | | |

| | |vision | | | |

| | |Improving personal | | | |

| | |communication skills | | | |

| | |Maintaining trust | | | |

| | |among people they | | | |

| | |work with in Special | | | |

| | |Olympics | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |14 |Participants will discuss the workshop and evaluate its |Comment and Evaluation: | | |

| | |effective for them. |Open the floor to comments about what worked and what didn’t work for | | |

| | | |individuals in the workshop. Have each participant complete and | | |

| | | |evaluation that asks about personal growth during the workshop, ideas | | |

| | | |for self-directed growth after the workshop and plans for future | | |

| | | |opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills. | | |

| | | |Use the evaluation form in the handbook and ask participants to | | |

| | | |complete one evaluation per individual first. Once that has been | | |

| | | |handed in, complete the same form as a group. Then talk about how the | | |

| | | |two varied and which evaluation they think is the most valid now. | | |


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