According to the Bible

Jesus Christ is God

by John S. Oliver


The Bible offers dozens of proofs that Jesus Christ is God. However a person must pay close attention to the words used and the context in which they are found. Much is said in a very small space. It is easy to miss profound truths if one is rushing along.

Remember that the New Testament was written originally to the believers and unbelievers of the first century. This information about Jesus was brand new information. They did not have centuries of religious baggage associated with the text. Thousands of people had not put their spin on each parable and historical account. This information was fresh like a newspaper. It was like those today that receive a copy of the Bible freshly translated by Wycliffe into their language.

The Bible says he who has ears to hear let him hear (Luke 8:8). The truth is right there in the divinely inspired Word of God. However some will hear and some will not hear. Some will see and some will not see. Kindly make an effort to shed the ways you have viewed the familiar verses. Review them with new seeking eyes.

New believers often receive more inspiration from the gospel accounts than seasoned saints. Partly that is because they bring unprejudiced perspectives.


Examine the gospel accounts closely. Pay attention to what Jesus said and what He did. His words were profound. Yet the skeptics could have dismissed them (at that time and today) except that they were backed up by deeds that only God could do.

The works he did were called signs in the gospel of John. They were done to establish the credibility of the One who dared to teach and preach such things about God, Heaven, judgment, etc.

Over and over again Jesus rebuked the crowds and His disciples for paying more attention to the amazing things He did and not to the words He spoke. The two go together. Recognize that the healings, miracles and deliverances point to the credibility of His teachings and prophecies.

Jesus spoke about Heaven, Hell, judgments, angels, sin, forgiveness, Satan, what happens after death, fallen angels, etc. Thousands of people have spoken on these topics before and after His time. Today there are New Age teachers that write best selling books that present all kinds of views. There are cults that ignore or emphasize various subjects. A talented speaker might be able to sway a huge audience but his or her popularity does not make what he says the truth. Satan is the father of lies. No truth is in him. (John 8:44) Jesus, John and Paul warned us of false teachers.

These highly respected communicators do not perform the deeds that Jesus did. They do not walk on water, feed five thousand, raise the dead, heal the blind, etc.

Talk is cheap. A science fiction writer can weave together words that can make your imagination believe that there are all sorts of alien species that are at war on distant galaxies. When these are presented in a movie with lots of stunning special effects you may have a box office hit. But you do not have the truth. Ultimately that was just appealing words with imaginative images.

All that Jesus did was motivated by His compassion for people. He did not perform stunts to wow the crowd like they do in the circus.

Remember the paralytic that was lowered from the roof by his friends. (Matt. 9:1-8) Jesus asked if it were easier to say your sins are forgiven or arise and walk? But so that it can be know that He had the power to forgive sins He spoke to the man. He arose and walked away.

Each time this happened it was another proof of His deity. These were like exhibits in a courtroom -- Exhibits A, B, C, D …


Jesus performed many miracles during His brief public ministry. These were recorded accurately in the gospel accounts. They are the kinds of events that make for Sunday school lessons, bedtime stories or sermon illustrations. Stained glass windows have been made for centuries to recall these. If you grew up as a Christian from your childhood then you are very familiar with all of them. New believers without a long church background often become quickly familiar with these. But beware least this familiarity with the report of what occurred decrease the significance of the event.

You can find a list of the miracles that Jesus performed in a good study Bible, Bible reference book or go online to a Web site. (Just put MIRACLES OF JESUS CHRIST in a search engine and explore the hits.)

A few examples include that Jesus Christ turned water into wine, fed the five thousand, stilled the storm, walked on water, raised Lazarus from the dead, caused a miraculous catch of fish, and many more.

When considered together this list is staggering. You are invited to invest the time to prayerfully read and reflect on each account. You could come away with a richer understanding of our Savior. Also you are invited to prayerfully read the account of the deliverances and healings.


We live in a time when those who have severe troubles are sent away to psychiatric hospitals. There they are given all kinds of drugs to control their symptoms. Yet this was not an option during the time of Christ. Any person that was manifesting mental or emotional disorders was right there in the village for all to see.

Just imagine that you were in the crowd that witnessed one such deliverance. Consider how that would impact you emotionally if you had grown up in the community where that person had been suffering and causing anxiety for others. Then suddenly in one moment before your very eyes this troubled person become normal. This occurred instantly after Jesus said some powerful words.

Only God can cast out devils. The disciples did this in the name of Jesus. This was not a trick. It manifested His deity.

The same study Bible, Bible reference book or Web site has a list of the deliverances. Sometimes these are listed with the healings of Jesus.


Take a little time to consider that medicine during the time of Christ was crude at best. Illness was devastating during those days without our modern advantages like hospitals, medicine, surgery, etc. An illness or injury would usually go from bad to worse and maybe to a slow death. (Note that this about the same among the poor in developing countries where there is no health insurance or public welfare. Thankfully mission agencies have set up clinics in some remote villages to help bring healing.)

Notice that when those who were sick, their family members or friends came to Jesus. He was their only hope. They had faith that He could heal them. He often said, “be it unto you according to your faith.”

There are detailed accounts to many specific instances when Jesus healed individuals like the woman with the issue of blood, the man with the withered hand, the lame man by the pool, various ones that were blind but then could see, the servant of the Centurion, the ten lepers, the ear of the soldier in the garden, etc.

There only a few dozen people whose healings were specifically recorded in this manner. However let me point out to you the many passages that say that Jesus healed numerous people on various occasions. People would come to Him from all over the countryside when they heard He was teaching. The accounts say things like and He healed them ALL – for a small sample go to Matthew 4:24, 8:16, 9:35, 14:14, 14:36, 15:30. Do not hurry past that word ALL. On many occasions He healed them ALL. Together that is MUCH more that the FEW specific accounts in the Bible.


People flocked to Jesus because of His words and works. This upset the religious leaders of His time. He was getting a large following. The people loved Jesus. He had come to set them free and not to burden them with more bondage to the law.

Again do your best to wash away the hundreds of times that you have read or heard that Jesus referred to God as His Father. Either that was the truth or a lie. Either it was a statement of a fact or arrogance. No teacher dared to make such a claim before this. Plus none of the founders of world religions or cults has dared to make this claim, God is my personal father and I am his own son.

The model prayer begins with Our Father. Jesus repeatedly referred to God as His very own Father. This is an indirect claim to His deity.

He said I and the Father are one. (John 10:30)

He said believe that the Father is in me and I in Him. (John 10:38)


When God spoke audibly at the baptism of Jesus (Luke 3;22) and on the mount of transfiguration (Matt. 17:5). There God called Jesus His Son in a audible voice so that others could hear. That is a powerful testimony!

Recall that during the various trials they lacked anything to accuse Him of so that he would be killed. Yet in Mark 14:61-62 it was His report that as the Son of God He will sit at the right hand of Power and come in the clouds of Heaven. That was too much for the high priest. This religious expert knew that Jesus was claiming to be God.

Our right to be called the sons of God is based on the fact that as believers we and IN Christ. When we were born again our unrighteousness was exchanged with His righteousness. We are co-heirs of His divine nature. Our position before the holy God of the universe is due to Who the Son of God is and what He has DONE on our behalf on the Cross. Our assurance of a home in Heaven with God is due to the completed work of the Son of God.


At the burning bush God told Moses that He is “I am that I am”. (Exodus. 3:14) The Jews of Jesus’ time were well aware of that. This was pentacle event in their spiritual heritage.

Note that Jesus said “Before Abraham was I am.” John 8:58 The Jews that He spoke this to knew that He was claiming to be eternal and thus God. They took up stones to kill Him. The book of Leviticus mandated that the one blasphemes was to be stoned to death. (Lev. 24:16)

Over and over Jesus used the term ‘I am’ in association with other terms. Are these the words of a mere mortal or of God? Examine each reference in context.

I am the bread of life - John 6:35-40

I am the light of the world - John 8:12,13

I am the gate - John 10:7-10

I am the good shepherd - John 10:11-18

I am the resurrection and the life - John 11:17-27

I am the way, truth and live - John 14:1-7

I am the true vine - John 15:1-11

When He said “I am the way, the truth and the life.” He followed that by NO one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 Could a mere mortal make that claim? This is yet another indication that according to the Bible Jesus Christ is God!


Some people say that Jesus was JUST a good teacher. If you are one of those, then when was the last time you reviewed His teachings? Your challenge is to get a red letter Bible. Carefully read all the red lettered verses carefully. Notice the context too. Was He only a teacher or was He also God? What did He teach about His Father, His purpose and His return? Could a merely wise man say those things?


Likewise, some people say that Jesus was JUST a prophet. If you are one of those, then when was the last time you reviewed His prophesies? Your challenge is to find a study Bible or go online to examine the many prophesies He made during His brief lifetime. Which of those prophesies have already been fulfilled and how many yet remain to be fulfilled? What were the prophesies about his birth, life and death? Besides pointing to the coming messiah what else was said about Him before He was born?  Get a red letter Bible. Carefully read all the red letters. Notice the context too. Was He only a prophet or was He also God?


There are people who say that Jesus was just a good example for us to follow. However, on various occasions individuals came and knelt before Him worshiping Him ( Matt. 8:2, 9:18, 14:33, 15:25 ) Thomas knelt before Him saying my Lord and my God. When Jesus encountered the women in His resurrection body they held Him by the feet and worshiped Him (Matt. 28:9)

If He were just good example then would He allow people to knell before Him, worship Him and call Him Lord? Are we supposed to accept worship?

Are we supposed to follow His example and do the same miracles like feed 5,000 people, walk on water, raise the dead and heal the blind.

Are we supposed to follow His example and die on a cross?


The wise men from the east followed a star. The star led them to where the infant Jesus was staying. They brought gifts for the king of the Jews. They bowed and worshiped Him. Were these events an accident or another indication that Jesus is God. If the infant were just a mortal then He could not control the special star from many miles away. He could not prompt these outsiders to come a long distance. (Matt 2. 1-12)


The teaching that we have on the deity of Jesus Christ is not limited to the four gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The epistles are given to us from the pens of Paul, Peter, John, Jude and the writer of the book of Hebrews. Each one brings unique and valuable insights that are worthy of much study.

From the epistles we learn that Jesus is currently seated at the Father’s right hand. He has a ministry of intercession there. He is the advocate for believers where the enemy comes to accuse. Jesus must be God to perform such duties.

What occurred spiritually on the Cross is brought out in many passages of the epistles. The richness, complexity and depth of the gospel message is in the epistles not the gospels. Jesus was the unique God-Man. He was perfect humanity while complete deity without any conflict or dilution. That was and is a mystery. But the unavoidable FACT is that He was and is GOD .

Colossians 1:15-18 says that Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God. All things were made by Him and for Him. He was before all things and in Him all things consist. Thus Jesus is God as co-equal with God, Creator and sustainer.

Colossians 2:9 says that “in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” Again a spiritual being that is on par with the great God of the universe and superior to other spiritual powers.

Carefully read the first part of the epistle First John and the first chapter of the gospel of John. There are all sorts of indications that Jesus Christ is God.


The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the SAME yesterday, today and forever. Heb. 13:8

The four gospels give an account of His brief life on earth. According to the words of Jesus as well as Paul -- the SAME Jesus existed before He was virgin born. The book of Revelation gives many glimpses of the SAME Jesus in Heaven.

Your challenge is to read the book of Revelation Chapters 1-5 and 21-22. Do this seeking for how Jesus is described and/or to listen it on tape while reading along with an open Bible. (Also why not highlight or otherwise mark such references.) You may recognize Jesus Christ as God in whole new ways.


I came from the Father and I am going back to Him.

No one comes to the Father but through me.

I will come back and judge.

I will raise up this temple (of My body) in three days.


C. S. Lewis was the first to coin the idea that Jesus Christ was lair, lunatic or Lord.

He was a liar if He knew the truth but told lies.

He was a lunatic if He did not understand what He was saying.

He was Lord if what He said is the truth. And some day every human will give an account to Him.

During recent years there have been some people that claim He was just a legend. Fortunately there is a wide variety of other historical accounts by non-Christians during His time to bear witness to His presence during that time. Josh McDowell and others point to these ancient sources. Go to Josh’s books at or seek other references in the library.

(Beware we live in a time that people seek to revise history to accommodate their current world view. For example there are those who claim that the holocaust did not occur in Nazi Germany.)


According to the Bible Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day. You are invited to prayerfully read and reflect on each of these biblical accounts.

The risen Jesus Christ appeared to many people at various times and places. These people were eye witnesses. In their presence He spoke, responded to their questions, ate fish, was touched, accepted worship, taught the Bible and much more.

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary - Matt 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-11, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:11-18

Simon Peter - Luke 24:34,

Simon Peter with John – John 20:3-10

The two from Emmaus – Mark 16:12,13, Luke 24:13-31

The disciples – Luke 24:36-49, Acts 1:3-5

The disciples expect Thomas - John 20:19-23

The disciples with Thomas - John 20:24-31

Seven disciples at the sea shore - John 21:1-23

500 plus followers - 1 Corinthians 15:6

James - 1 Corinthians 15:7

Paul - Acts 9:3-6, 1 Corinthians 15:8


Jesus fulfilled prophecies in His birth, life, death and resurrection.

He lived and moved among the ordinary people. He referred to God as His very own Heavenly Father. He did acts that were supernatural.

The Easter story says that the unique God-Man was the Lamb of God that took away the sins of the world. While on the Cross our Savior became the substitutionary sacrifice. He bore our sins in His Body. There they were justly judged. Forgiveness is complete. God is satisfied with the perfect work that was done by His perfect Son.

The dead body of Jesus Christ was placed in a borrowed tomb. On the third day He arose just like He said that He would. His resurrection is the pivotal event of all of human history. It was a miracle.

According to the Bible Jesus Christ existed before the heavens and the earth were created. He was the eternal God then just as He is now.

He promised that He will return again. The rapture could occur at any moment. Are you ready?


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