Unit #1 Mental, Emotional, Social, and Physical Health 6 Grade ...

Unit #1 Mental, Emotional, Social, and Physical Health

6th Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 3

7th Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 5, 6, 7


8 Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Dr. Rich

6th Grade

Chapter 1

Your Health and Wellness

Lesson 1 Your Total Health

1. Health is a mix of:

a. Physical Health

b. Mental/Emotional Health

c. Social Health

2. Good health is often pictured as a triangle with three equal sides.

3. Total health exists when all three parts are in balance.

4. How to be Physically healthy:

a. Staying active

b. Eating properly

c. Avoiding harmful substances (such as drugs and alcohol)

5. Develop good Mental/Emotional health:

a. Learning to handle stress

b. Expressing your feelings in positive ways

6. Social health determined by:

a. The way you relate to people in your life

b. Respecting others

c. Getting along with people

7. Wellness is the ability to successfully balance the three health parts.

Lesson 2 Influences on Your Health

1. Factors influence your health:

a. Heredity is passed to you by your biological parents.

i. Physical traits:

1. Eye color

2. Skin color

3. Body shape and type

b. Environment includes all your surroundings.

i. Your neighborhood

ii. The air you breathe

iii. The water you drink are parts of your environment

c. Culture is the collected beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group. Family and culture also affect

your health and influence.

i. Your eating habits

ii. Religious beliefs

iii. Physical activity

d. Peers are your friends and other people in your age group. Peers can influence you positively or


e. Media refers to various methods of communicating information. Information from the media can

help you live more healthfully, but some media messages are more reliable than others. Check

out all media messages carefully.

i. Newspapers

ii. Magazines

Unit #1 Mental, Emotional, Social, and Physical Health

6th Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 3

7th Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 5, 6, 7


8 Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Dr. Rich

iii. Radio

iv. Internet

f. Technology is the use of scientific ideas to improve the quality of life.

g. Behavior is the way you act in different situations. Some of the factors that influence your health

are out of your control. You do, however, have control over your behavior

h. Attitude, or what you believe or feel about something or someone, also influences your health.

Lesson 3 Building Health Skills

1. There are many important health skills that can have a positive effect throughout your life.

a. Stay informed¡ªknow how to access, or get, reliable information.

b. Take care of yourself¡ªeat the right foods and get enough sleep.

c. Analyze influences¡ªsome are more positive than others. Learn to tell the difference between

healthy and unhealthy influences.

d. Communicate with others¡ªgood communication skills include telling others how you feel.

e. Make decisions and set goals¡ªthese skills are step-by-step processes that require careful


f. Be an advocate¡ªsupport or speak out in favor of.

Lesson 4 Making Responsible Decisions

1. Decisions, or the choices you make, may be small or large. To make an important decision, you can

follow a six-step process.

a. (1) State the situation.

b. (2) List the options.

c. (3) Weigh the possible outcomes.

d. (4) Consider your values¡ªbeliefs that you feel strongly about that help guide the way you live.

e. (5) Make a decision and act on it.

f. (6) Evaluate, or review your decision.

2. To see if a decision is important enough to use the six-step process, ask yourself the following:

a. ? Will the decision affect others?

b. ? Will there be any long-term effects?

c. ? Will the decision hurt anyone or cause any problems?

3. If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may want to use the six step process.

Lesson 5 Setting Health Goals

1. Setting goals is an important skill that will help you achieve and maintain good health.

2. There are two types of goals:

a. Short-term goals are goals you plan to reach in a short period of time, such as days or weeks.

b. Long-term goals are goals you plan to reach in a period of months or years. Long-term goals are

often made up of many short-term goals.

3. Process of setting and reaching Healthy goals:

a. Thinking about your interests and abilities

b. Make a plan to help you reach your goals

c. Good planning is crucial to reaching goals

d. Make your goals specific.

e. List the steps you will take to reach each goal

Unit #1 Mental, Emotional, Social, and Physical Health

6th Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 3

7th Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 5, 6, 7


8 Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Dr. Rich






Breaking down a goal into smaller tasks helps make reaching the goal easier

Get help from others when you need it

Check your progress regularly

Reward yourself when you reach a goal

Celebrating your accomplishments helps you appreciate the process of setting and reaching


6th Grade

Chapter 2

Mental and Emotional Wellness

Lesson 1 A Healthy Self-Concept

1. Self-Concept, the view you have of yourself.

2. Many different people influence your self-concept

a. Your family

b. Friends

c. Teachers

3. As you get older, these people support and reinforce your healthy self-concept:

a. Through their actions

b. Messages

c. Hearing positive things

4. A positive self-concept:

a. Having a high level of self-esteem (is a measure of how much you like and respect yourself)

b. Having a high level of self-esteem helps you to be resilient (resilience is the ability to work

through and recover from disappointment)

5. How to develop a positive self-concept:

a. (1) Have confidence in yourself and your abilities

b. (2) Accept encouragement; use it to recognize your strengths

c. (3) Set a goal and work to reach it

d. (4) Develop realistic expectations

e. (5) Find friends that support and encourage you

f. (6) Avoid worrying about hurtful remarks or looks

Lesson 2 Your Character Counts

1. People who are honest, helpful, and understanding of others have good character.

2. Character is the way you think, feel, and act.

3. Your character is revealed in your attitude, thoughts, and opinions.

4. There are six main character traits. People with good character usually share many of the same traits:

? 1. Trustworthiness and Honesty

? 2. Respect, even when they do not share their views or opinions

? 3. Responsibility, for their actions

? 4. Fairness, treating everyone equally and honestly.

? 5. Caring of others

? 6. Citizenship

o They follow rules and obey laws and take action to make their community better.

Good citizens practice advocacy, or taking a stand to make a difference.

5. Your family and others around you shape your character. You learn character from:

a. Experience (such as sports, games)

Unit #1 Mental, Emotional, Social, and Physical Health

6th Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 3

7th Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 5, 6, 7


8 Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Dr. Rich

b. School.

6. One important way you learn character is through positive role models. A role model is a person whose

success or behavior serves as a good example for others.

7. When you have good character:

a. Promote your own health

b. Promote the health of others

c. You make responsible decisions

d. You set good examples for others

Lesson 3 Expressing Emotions

1. Emotions are feelings, such as happiness, anger, or fear.

2. Daily events often trigger emotions. You may experience many emotions, or mood swings, on a daily


3. Mood swings are often caused by hormones, which are powerful chemicals, produced by glands that

regulate many functions.

4. All the emotions you experience are normal. Understanding how to express emotions healthfully is

important. Holding emotions inside can harm all sides of your health triangle.

5. There are many ways to deal with strong feelings:

a. (1) Engage in physical activity to help reduce tension

b. (2) Talk with friends or family members. They can provide help and support

c. (3) Create something, such as a drawing, or writing a poem

d. (4) Listen to music. This can help you relax.

6. Dealing with emotions in healthy ways includes abstinence, or refusing to participate in health-risk


7. Risky behaviors:

a. Joining a gang

b. Becoming sexually active

c. Using alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs

Lesson 4 Coping with Stress

1. Stress is your body¡¯s response to changes around you.

2. People sometimes react to stressful events with anxiety (feelings of uncertainty or worry over what may


3. Positive stress is healthy and can provide you with energy and excitement

4. Negative stress is unhealthy and often caused by things you cannot control

5. Fight-or-Flight response, the stress response results in physical changes that prepare the body to deal

with threats of harm

a. During this stress response, your body experiences physical changes

b. A faster heartbeat

c. Tighter muscles

6. Healthy ways to manage your stress:

a. (1) Set priorities and limit your activities

b. (2) Budget your time to avoid having to rush to get things done

c. (3) Use the energy caused by stress in a positive way by learning a hobby or helping others

d. (4) Talk to someone

Unit #1 Mental, Emotional, Social, and Physical Health

6th Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 3

7th Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 5, 6, 7


8 Grade - Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Dr. Rich

e. (5) Put things in perspective. Everyone has stress and problems

f. (6) Exercise to help you relax

Lesson 5 Emotional Problems

1. Everyone feels sad or fearful sometimes. Feeling this way for days or weeks may be a sign of an

emotional problem.

2. Common emotional problems include:

a. (1) Anxiety disorder, a serious emotional problem that keeps a person from functioning normally

b. (2) Mood disorder, a serious emotional problem where a person¡¯s mood goes from one extreme

to another

c. (3) Depression, an emotional problem marked by long periods of hopelessness and despair.

3. The effects of emotional problems can be so severe that the person considers suicide, the deliberate act

of taking one¡¯s own life.

4. Tell a trusted adult if someone you know shows any of the warning signs of suicide:

a. avoiding activities that involve family or friends

b. taking greater risks than usual

c. losing interest in hobbies, sports, or school

d. giving away treasured possessions

5. Sources of help and support for emotional problems:

a. Your home or at school

b. Talk to a parent or other family member

c. A teacher or a school counselor is another good person to turn to

6th Grade

Chapter 3

Healthy Relationships

Lesson 1 Communication Skills

1. Communication is the sharing of thoughts and feelings between people.

2. Healthy relationships are built on good communication.

3. People mainly communicate through language

a. Talking with each other in person or on the telephone

b. Writing letters, e-mail, and instant messages

c. Body language

i. Facial expressions

ii. Eye contact

iii. Gestures

iv. Posture

4. Successful communication depends on:

a. An effective sender (speaker or writer)

(You can be a better speaker by speaking clearly and taking care not to send mixed messages)

b. An effective receiver (listener or reader).

(You can be a better listener by showing interest, asking questions to show you are following, and not


5. There are also different communication styles

a. Aggressive communicators are forceful and most successful style of communicating is to be

assertive, or to make your wants or needs known in a positive, active manner.


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