Unit 2 - Ecology - CP Biology

Word Bank. Identify the following statements with a word from the list below. There is only one best answer per statement. Not all words will be used but you should know what each of them means.Abiotic factorBiotic factorCarrying capacityCommensalismCommunityDensity dependentDensity independentEcologyEcosystemExponential growthHabitatLimiting factorsLogistical growthMutualismNichePredationResourcesPopulationPopulation densityA living or biological aspect of a habitat. ________________________________A community and all its physical aspects. ________________________________The place where an organism or population of organisms lives. __________________________Energy and materials needed by a Species. ________________________________One organism killing and eating another for food. ________________________________Pattern of increase in number due to a steady growth rate. _____________________________Restrains the growth of a population. _____________________________Population size the environment can support for a long time. _________________________________9. Grizzly bears, snakes, and worms are most likely to be members of the samea. species.b. trophic level.c. community.d. population.______ 10. Mutualism and commensalism are two types ofa. symbiosis. b. competition. c. parasitism.d. predation.______11. Because the two species of barnacles attempt to use the same resources, theya. are parasites on each other.b. are in competition with each other.c. have a mutualistic relationship.d. have a symbiotic relationship.______ 12. Which of the following is a density-dependent factor that may limit population growth?a. climate change b. forest fire c. habitat destruction d. spread of disease______13. When the birth rate and the death rate of a population are equal, and there is no immigration or emigration, thea. population is growing in size.b. population is remaining constant in size.c. population is decreasing in size.d. life expectancy of individuals in the population is very great.______ 14. Which of the following does NOT represent a population?a. all the robins in Austin, Texasb. all the grass frogs in a pond in Central Park, New York Cityc. all the birds in Chicago, Illinoisd. all the black bears in Yosemite National Park vcfdert______ 15. Weather and climate are environmental conditions that affect populations, and are often3895725111125categorized asa. density-dependent factors. b. density-independent factors. c. logistical factors.d. dispersion factors.Answer the following questions in complete sentences.16.How would the food web on the right beaffected if the plants were eliminated? (2pts)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________17.Identify at least one way food chains differ from food webs. (1pt)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________18. Why are energy pyramids always larger at the bottom than at the top? (2pts)_________________________________________________________________________________19. Why are producers an essential component of an ecosystem? (2pts)_________________________________________________________________________________20. The Kaibab plateau is located in which state? (1pt) (hint: look at Kaibab activity)21. Refer to the illustration above. The process shown in the diagram is known as __________________________.22.Why are both bacteria and fungi important organisms in an ecosystem?23. What are four ways in which organisms play a role in the water cycle.a.b.c.d.24. What is the role of the cod in the food chain below? Also indicate the trophic level the cod represents. Geochemical CyclesUse the diagram to answer the following question.25. Look at the graph above. Using what you know about the carbon cycle and how plants use and produce CO2, name the months during the least amount of photosynthesis occurring. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26. Explain how you know this.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________27. List each of the geochemical cylcles we discussed in class:a. _________________________________________b. _________________________________________c. _________________________________________28. Other than through exchange by plants during photosynthesis and respiration, name two other ways in which carbon may enter the atmosphere. a._________________________________________________b._________________________________________________29. Define the following:a. nitrogen fixation:b. decomposition:c. denitrification:30. Nitrogen is a critical component of amino acids which are needed to build what in an organism’s body? _________________________________________31. In what form is Nitrogen found in the atmosphere? _______________________32. Nitrogen and carbon can both be found in organic materials that compose _________ and ______________ _________________________.Decide whether the statement is true or false. If it is false rewrite the sentence to make it true.33. True / False Energy cycles through an ecosystem and nutrients like carbon and nitrogen flow one way through an ecosystem.34. True / False The process of photosynthesis takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.35. What is another name for the water cycle? ___________________ ____________36. In what four ways do organisms play a role in recycling carbon?a. _____________________________________b. _____________________________________c. _____________________________________d. _____________________________________37. There needs to be a balance between what three factors in order to have to have a sustainable human population?a. ___________________________________________________b. ___________________________________________________c. ___________________________________________________38. Name three factors that affect human population sustainability:a. ___________________________________________________b. ___________________________________________________c. ___________________________________________________39. Name the three things that must be in balance in order to have a sustainable human population.a. ___________________________________________________b. ___________________________________________________c. ___________________________________________________40. Name two factors upon which an increasing human population may have an effect.a. ____________________________________________________b. ____________________________________________________ ................

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