Algebra 1 Unit 2: Linear Functions Romeo High School

嚜澤lgebra 1

Unit 2: Linear Functions

Romeo High School


Jennifer Boggio

Jennifer Burnham

Jim Cali

Danielle Hart

RHS Mathematics Department

Algebra 1 Linear Unit 2012-2013

Robert Leitzel

Kelly McNamara

Mary Tarnowski

Josh Tebeau


Algebra 1 每 Unit 2: Linear Functions

Prior Knowledge GLCE

A.RP.08.01; A.PA.08.02; A.PA.08.03;

A.FO.08.04; A.RP.08.05; A.RP.08.06;

A.FO.08.07 每 A.FO.08.09

HSCE Mastered Within This Unit

A3.1.1 每 A3.1.4

HSCE Addressed Within Unit

A1.1.1; A1.1.3; A1.2.1 每 A1.2.3;

A1.2.8; A2.1.1 每 A2.1.3; A2.1.6;

A2.1.7; A2.2.1 每 A2.2.3; A2.3.2;

A2.4.1 - A2.4.4; A3.1.2; A3.1.4;

L1.1.2 - L1.1.5

Visit for HSCE*s

After successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:


Understand the concept of functions; independent and dependent relationships,

concepts of variables.


Identify the zeros of a function and their role in solutions to equations.


Identify domain and range in context of a given situation.

Understand linear functions have a constant rate of change and be able to identify it

graphically, in a table, symbolically and verbally.



Give the output, given the input and a function in function notation, table form or



Identify the inverse of a function as a way to find the inputs for given multiple outputs.


Solve equations algebraically by substituting one equivalent form of the equation for

another equation or by converting from one form of an equation to another.


Connect the concept of parallel lines and vertical translations (perpendicular lines) to

solving equations.



Solve one or more inequalities graphically or algebraically.

Determine if a given situation can be modeled by a linear function or not. If it is linear,

write a function to model it.

RHS Mathematics Department

Algebra 1 Linear Unit 2012-2013


Algebra 1 每 Unit 2: Linear Functions Alignment Record




Give a verbal description of an expression that is presented in symbolic form, write an algebraic

expression from a verbal description, and evaluate expressions given values of the variables.

Write and solve equations and inequalities with one or two variables to represent mathematical

or applied situations.

Associate a given equation with a function whose zeros are the solutions of the equation.

Solve linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, including systems of up to three linear

equations with three unknowns. Justify steps in the solutions, and apply the quadratic formula


Solve an equation involving several variables (with numerical or letter coefficients) for a

designated variable. Justify steps in the solution.

Recognize whether a relationship (given in contextual, symbolic, tabular, or graphical form) is a

function and identify its domain and range.

Read, interpret, and use function notation and evaluate a function at a value in its domain.

Represent functions in symbols, graphs, tables, diagrams, or words and translate among


Identify the zeros of a function and the intervals where the values of a function are positive or

negative. Describe the behavior of a function as x approaches positive or negative infinity,

given the symbolic and graphical representations.

Identify and interpret the key features of a function from its graph or its formula(e), (e.g.,

slope, intercept(s), asymptote(s), maximum and minimum value(s), symmetry, and average

rate of change over an interval).

Combine functions by addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Apply given transformations (e.g., vertical or horizontal shifts, stretching or shrinking, or

reflections about the x- and y-axes) to basic functions and represent symbolically.

Recognize whether a function (given in tabular or graphical form) has an inverse and recognize

simple inverse pairs.

Describe the tabular pattern associated with functions having constant rate of change (linear)

or variable rates of change.

Write the symbolic forms of linear functions (standard [i.e., Ax + By = C, where B ≧ 0],

point-slope, and slope-intercept) given appropriate information and convert between forms.

Graph lines (including those of the form x = h and y = k) given appropriate information.

Relate the coefficients in a linear function to the slope and x- and y-intercepts of its graph.

Find an equation of the line parallel or perpendicular to given line through a given point.

Understand and use the facts that nonvertical parallel lines have equal slopes and that

nonvertical perpendicular lines have slopes that multiply to give -1.

Adapt the general symbolic form of a function to one that fits the specifications of a given

situation by using the information to replace arbitrary constants with numbers.

Using the adapted general symbolic form, draw reasonable conclusions about the situation

being modeled.

Use methods of linear programming to represent and solve simple real-life problems.

Explain why the multiplicative inverse of a number has the same sign as the number, while the

additive inverse has the opposite sign.

Explain how the properties of associativity, commutativity, and distributivity, as well as identity

and inverse elements, are used in arithmetic and algebraic calculations.

Describe the reasons for the different effects of multiplication by, or exponentiation of, a

positive number by a number less than 0, a number between 0 and 1, and a number greater

than 1.

Justify numerical relationships.

























RHS Mathematics Department

Algebra 1 Linear Unit 2012-2013


Solving Multi-Step Equations


Linear Unit

Algebra 1



* Remember to distribute before your start the ※undoing§ process. (To distribute you need to

take the number directly in front of the parenthesis and multiply it by everything inside the

parenthesis. Be careful of your signs!!!

* Don*t forget to combine like terms if they are on the same side of the equal sign. Only

perform the opposite operation if you are moving a piece to the other side of the equal sign.

* You can check your answers by substituting the value you found for x into the original


Solving Multi-Step Equations

1. 2x + 6 = 4x 每 2



2x = 4x 每 8

-4x -4x

-2x = -8

2. 4x + 5 + 2x = 20 + 3x

6x + 5 = 20 + 3x



6x = 15 + 3x



3. 3(2x + 4) = 48

6x + 12 = 48

- 12 -12

6 x 36




? 2x ? 8




3 x 15







4. 5(3 + 4x) + 9 = 15x 每 1

5. -7x 每 4 + 9 = 2x + 14

6. ? 10 +

RHS Mathematics Department

Algebra 1 Linear Unit 2012-2013





7. -6x 每 3 + 7 = 2x + 12

10. ? 5 +




RHS Mathematics Department

8. 2x + 3 + 7x = 13 + 4x

11. 6x + 1 = 3x 每 5

Algebra 1 Linear Unit 2012-2013

9. 3(8x + 5) = 63

12. 4(2 + 7x) + 1 = 16x + 45



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