Unit 3: Bonding Rev. Jun 2016 Chemistry Essential Questions

[Pages:4]Unit 3: Bonding Rev. Jun 2016 Chemistry

10 Class Meetings

Essential Questions

How does the structure of particles predict chemical behavior? How does naming chemical compounds exhibit organizational patterns?

Enduring Understandings with Unit Goals

EU #1: Most elements exist in chemical compounds, where elements are held together by chemical bonds. Naming and formulas are systematically obtained according to rules established for ionic and covalent compounds o Apply the rules for naming and writing formulas for compounds o Compare and contrast ionic and covalent bonds o Apply the rules for naming hydrocarbons

EU #2: Changes in and properties of matter can be described as chemical or physical. o Compare and contrast physical and chemical changes. o Analyze evidence to identify type of change in matter. o Apply knowledge of acids and bases to an investigative task


Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9?10 texts and topics

Next Generation Science Standards: Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.

Connecticut State Science Standards: 9.4 - Atoms react with one another to form new molecules. o The configuration of atoms and molecules determines the properties of the materials. D12- Explain the chemical composition of acids and bases, and explain the change of pH in neutralization reactions.


Unit 3: Bonding Rev. Jun 2016 Chemistry

10 Class Meetings

MSMHS 21st Century Learning Expectations

Competency 1: Read and write effectively for a variety of purposes Competency 2: Speak effectively with a variety of audiences in an accountable manner Competency 3: Make decisions and solve problems independently and collaboratively

Unit Content Overview

Ionic bonding Covalent bonding Formula writing Nomenclature Physical and chemical properties and changes Naming hydrocarbons Acids and Bases

Students will be able to...

Learning Objectives

Apply the rules for naming and writing formulas for binary ionic compounds. Apply the rules for naming and writing formulas for binary molecular compounds. Predict with evidence if a substance is an ionic or covalent solid. Differentiate physical and chemical changes and properties Create an infographic comparing and contrasting physical/ chemical properties/ changes Apply rules for naming hydrocarbons Predict if a substance is an acid or base in terms of pH Explain changes in pH during a neutralization reaction

Assured Learning Experiences

? Instructional strategies: ? PowerPoint lecture with note taking ? Reading and accountable talk discussion of text ? Individual response board ? Guided notes ? Graphic organizers/ outline ? Strategic grouping ? Peer tutoring/ student teaching ? Restating information


Unit 3: Bonding Rev. Jun 2016 Chemistry

10 Class Meetings

? Limited student choice ? Student use of headphones ? Alternative test setting ? Concrete or varied examples ? Interdisciplinary connections ? Environmental Science- Environmental hazards



o Guided notes o Formulas poker o MSMHS Rubric 3: Problem Solving

o Salt and Sugar lab o MSMHS Rubric 2: Accountable Talk

o Physical/ Chemical Project


Quiz on EU #1 Quiz on EU #2 Salt and Sugar lab

o MSMHS Rubric 3: Problem Solving Physical/ chemical project

o MSMHS Rubric 2: Accountable Talk Unit Test

Unit Task

Unit Task Name: Physical/ Chemical Project

Description: Students will use information learned in this unit about bonding (EU #1), and changes in matter (EU #2) to create a digital artifact. This will demonstrate and communicate their understanding of the differences and similarities between physical properties, chemical properties, physical changes, and chemical changes. The differences and similarities of each type of change will be communicated. The digital artifact will be clear, concise, and visually appealing.

Evaluation: MSMHS Rubric 2: Accountable Talk


Unit 3: Bonding Rev. Jun 2016 Chemistry

10 Class Meetings

Unit Resources

Textbook (Abraham, et al. (2012). Chemistry. California: Pearson Education.) MSMHS School-wide Rubrics Internet databases Laptops



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