Working With Words


agreeable: nice; pleasant

appreciate: to understand the value of


increased quickly

descendants: relatives of someone who lived in the past

emigration: moving away from your home to settle somewhere else


people among the first to explore and settle a region

transportation: a system for moving people from place to place


means of transportation

Configuration Station

Write the words from the word bank in the correct boxes.

boomed vehicles


agreeable pioneers

transportation emigration descendants

Riding the Rails West/Wonders Third Grade Unit 3 Week 5 Cherry Carl, 2017

What's Missing?

Fill in the blanks with words from the word bank.

1. Taking a train was a much faster kind of than riding a horse or taking a wagon.

2. The first

rode in covered wagons

from Missouri to farmland in Oregon.

3. The weather was not always


railroad workers had to work during cold, heat, and storms.

4. The new railroad to the west made


much easier.

5. People who traveled west learned to railroad.

6. The population emigrated by train.

the out west as people

7. The descendants of these early travelers now use other for traveling . . . cars!

boomed vehicles


agreeable pioneers

transportation emigration descendants

Riding the Rails West/Wonders Third Grade Unit 3 Week 5 Cherry Carl, 2017

Sentence Sense

Write a 6-8 word sentence for each pair of words below.

agreeable appreciate

boomed pioneers



vehicles transportation

Riding the Rails West/Wonders Third Grade Unit 3 Week 5 Cherry Carl, 2017

Where Are the Words?

Find and circle all of the words from the word bank. Most words appear twice!

apprec i atefvd g i v ed j q u rmk e e r o eme f kwa i bh s enh i syaqngo i c ee i gcugj sroce a e c r ewr f p am l n br l anqekoteed l setdyeur i dsa ef s i axawt okun k j qonzbyanfwt fuwn tk l xt j zys qxapprec i atef k y b f z j u b o omed jwxq k p i o n ee r s

boomed vehicles


agreeable pioneers

transportation emigration descendant

nvolved timid





merchant carpetmaker Riding the Rails West/Wonders Third Grade Unit 3 Week 5 Cherry Carl, 2017


Rhyme Time

Read each word and listen for the ending chunk. Find and paste three words that rhyme with each word.




volunteer groomed navigate detective interfere loomed zoomed objective souvenir

Riding the Rails West/Wonders Third Grade Unit 3 Week 5 Cherry Carl, 2017

Order in the Court

Place the story words below in alphabetical order.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

boomed vehicles



transportation emigration

pioneers descendant

plenty straying

merchant Riding the Rails West/Wonders Third Grade Unit 3 Week 5



Cherry Carl, 2017

Clever Connector

Draw a line to connect the words that have the opposite meaning.







Awesome Artist

Many pioneers used the railroad for transportation to the west.

Riding the Rails West/Wonders Third Grade Unit 3 Week 5 Cherry Carl, 2017

Definition Derby

Read each word in the first column. Find the correct definition and write the matching letter next to the word (see sample). Write each word in a sentence.


1. agreeable

2. appreciate

Sentence c The new teacher

seems like an agreeable person!


a. offspring: children, grandchildren, etc.

b. to carry someone or something to another place

3. boomed

c. friendly; pleasant

4. descendants 5. emigration 6. pioneers 7. transportation 8. vehicles

d. leaving your country for another

e. means of transportation such as cars, buses, etc.

f. to be thankful for

g. people who do something first in order to prepare for others

h. grew in size rapidly

Riding the Rails West/Wonders Third Grade Unit 3 Week 5 Cherry Carl, 2017


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