Year 6, Unit 3, Week 1, Lesson 4 Multi-step problems

Year 6, Unit 3, Week 1, Lesson 4

Multi-step problems

National Curriculum attainment targets

? Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why

? Use estimation to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, an appropriate degree of accuracy

Lesson objectives

? Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why

? Use estimation to check accuracy of answers

Previous related lessons none

Prerequisites for learning Pupils need to: ? add and subtract large numbers mentally ? add and subtract decimals mentally Vocabulary problem, calculations

Future related lessons Unit 9, Week 1, Lesson 4; Unit 11, Week 1, Lesson 3; Unit 11, Week 1, Lesson 4 Success criteria Pupils can: ? read the problem ? use a diagram to represent the problem ? work out the calculations required ? work out the answer

Getting Started

? Choose an activity from Number ? Addition and subtraction. ? Choose a game or activity from Fluency in Number Facts: Y5/Y6 ? Addition and subtraction.

Te a c h

Resources mini whiteboard, pen and eraser (per child)

Year 6, Unit 3, Week 1


? Display: Slide 1. Read the problem to the class.

? Say: Talk to your partner about this problem, what we need to know and how we could work out the answer. Do not work out any calculations yet.

? Discuss the problem as a class and establish that books are either printed as hardbacks or paperbacks.

? Say: This is a challenging problem as it is not clear straight away how to work out the answer.

? Ask for any pair's suggestions as to how to work it out.

? You may wish to follow a suggestion from your class or use the method below.


? Display: Slide 2. Say: Let's start by focusing on what we know using this diagram. The large rectangle

can represent the total sales of both books. Write 8 288 751 in the rectangle on the board.

? Ask: What shall we label this rectangle? Write in a suitable label.

? Ask: How could we fill in the rest of the information on to the diagram? Ask for some feedback from some pairs. Use their suggestions to label the two rectangles Book One and Book Two. Draw out from them how to show the hardback and paperback sales and fill in the relevant numbers.

? You could show the hardback and paperback sales as subsets of Book One and Two rectangles.

? Say: Now we have filled in all the information, we have we can see what information we do not have. What shall we find out first?

? Establish that first the sales of hardback books for Book Two can be worked out using the information.

? Say: Write the calculation that needs to be worked out, and then estimate the answer. Ask some children to share their estimates.

? Say: Now work out the answer. Check children's calculations and answers. (2 800 000 ? 1 900 000 = 900 000) Fill in 900 000 on the diagram.


Unit 3: Number _ Addition and subtraction

? Ask: How can we find out how many copies of Book One were sold in paperback? Establish that the hardback sales for both books and the paperback sales of Book Two added together and then subtracted from the total sales will give this answer.

? Say: Write the first calculation and then estimate the answer. When you have your estimate, work it out. (2 800 000 + 2 293 946 = 5 093 946)

? Say: Now write the second calculation. (8 288 751 - 5 093 946) Check children's calculations. ? Ask: What is the best method to work this out? Establish the formal written method is the best

method for this. ? Say: Work this out using the formal written method. Ask a pair to share their working. ? Say: So we know 3 194 805 copies of Book One were sold in paperback. ? Say: Remember, once you know the calculation you need to work out for the problem, then you

need to decide the best method to work it out, mental or written.

Individualised Learning

Refer to Activity 4 from the Learning activities on page 155.

Pupil Book 6A ? Page 58: Book problems

Progress Guide 6 ? Support, Year 6, Unit 3, Week 1, Lesson 4: Book sales


? Say: Tell your partner about a problem that you feel proud of working out. Ask some pairs to share their ideas. Draw out what it was about the problems that made children feel like this.

? Choose one of the problems from the Pupil Book that many children found challenging or have not covered yet. Read it to the class.

? Ask: How would you work out this problem? Ask some pairs to share their ideas. ? Work through the problem as class. ? If any children who worked on Challenge 3 have written their own problems, ask them to share

them with the class. ? Ask: Do you think this will be a challenging problem to work out? Explain your reasons.

Overcoming Barriers

? Children will find this challenging if they are not secure with the mental calculations involved. Spend time consolidating these methods if this is the case. They will find the problems challenging if they do not fully understand what they are being asked to find out. Work through the problems with them using a visual way, such as using a diagram, to represent the problem.



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