AP WORLD HISTORY - Course Overview

Mr. Sager World History AP Spring 2018

Course Description

The World History AP course provides a perspective and understanding of how civilizations have adapted, modified, and evolved throughout time. During the course, students will develop a greater understanding of these evolutions of global processes and contacts and the interaction of these groups with different human societies.

The course will be broken down on units of study based on historical periodization. AP World History will use the approach of analyzing global events and interactions from the foundations of history to present. The primary goal of the course is to provide a student-centered learning environment and engage the student in a comprehensive curriculum. The culminating objective is for students to demonstrate a complete picture of world history. It is expected that students who want to take the AP exam will be prepared for that challenge.

Course Requirements

Textbook: Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past

Class materials:

• Binder and Notebook Paper

• Pens and pencils

• Paper

• Highlighters, markers, and colored pencils

• Large Post-It Notes

Course Units

In accordance with the AP College Board, this course will cover the following six units:

(All the following information given is approximate time. The teacher can adjust the schedule as he sees fit at any time.)

1. Foundations- 600 B.C.E. (Technological and environmental transformations) 5% Approx. 2 weeks

2. 600 B.C.E. - 600 C.E. (Organization and reorganization of societies) 15% 3 weeks

3. 600-1450 (Regional and Trans-regional interaction) 20% 7 weeks

4. 1450-1750 (Global interactions) 20% 7 weeks

5. 1750-1900 (Industrialization and Global Integration) 20% 7 weeks

6. 1900- Present (Accelerating Global change and Re-alignment) 20% 7 weeks

Five World History AP Themes

• Theme 1- Interaction between humans and the environment

• Theme 2- Development and Interaction of Cultures

• Theme 3- State-Building, expansion and interactions of Economic Systems

• Theme 4- Creation, expansion and interactions of Economic Systems

• Theme 5- Development and transformation of social structures


Exam Date: Thursday – May 18 – 8 am

| |Section I: Part A - Multiple Choice — 55 Questions | 55 Minutes  | 40% of Exam Score |

| |Questions appear in sets of 2 to 5. |

| |Students analyze historical texts, interpretations, and evidence. |

| |Primary and secondary sources, images, graphs, and maps are included. |

| |Section I: Part B - Short Answer — 3 Questions | 40 Minutes | 20% of Exam Score |

| |Question 1 - Required - Period 3 - 6 |

| |Question 2 - Required -  Period 3 - 6 |

| |Question 3 - Choose between 2 questions - one question from periods 1-3 and one question from period 4-6 |

| |Questions provide opportunities for students to explain the historical examples that they know best. |

| |Some questions include texts, images, graphs, or maps. |

| |Section II Part A: Document Based | 1 Question | 60 minutes (includes a 15-minute reading period) | 25% of Exam Score |

| |Assess written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical evidence. |

| |Develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence. |

| |The document-based question will focus on topics from periods 3-6. |

Section II Part B: Long Essay | 1 Question | 40 minutes | 15% of Exam Score

• Explain and analyze significant issues in world history

• Develop an argument supported by your analysis of historical evidence.

• You’ll select from one of three essay choices, each focusing on the same theme and skill but different time periods:

o Option 1: periods 1-2

o Option 2: periods 3-4

o Option 3: periods 5-6

Grading Policy

Student assessment will include:

← Unit tests (both multiple choice and essay)

← Quizzes

← In class Essays

← Out of Class Essays

← In-class projects

← Class assignments

← Homework

← Semester finals

← Participation:

1. Consistent, punctual attendance to class.

2. Participating in group activities.

3. Coming prepared to class.

4. Contributing to classroom discussions.

• All work is expected to be turned in on time. Work turned in late will lose 20 points per day.

• Absent Work: If a student is absent, he or she is responsible for obtaining his/her missed work. Work should be collected by student upon his/her return to school. For further explanation on missed work, students are encouraged to contact the teacher during lunch, or before or after school.

• Test make-up Policy: Students who are absent for a test are expected to make up the test upon the student’s return to school. If student does not makeup test within two days, student will receive a “0” grade for the test.

• Plagiarism/Cheating: Simply stated, DON’T DO IT! Any type of cheating will result in a “0” grade. No questions asked!

• The grading scale is as follows:

• Grading Scale

100 - 90 = A

89 - 80 = B

79 - 70 = C

69 - 60 = D

59 – 0 = F

The breakdown for grades is as follows:

Tests/Projects: 50%

Quizzes/Essays: 30%

Classwork/Homework: 20%

Attendance and Behavior Expectations

Student Academic success is tied directly to attendance. If the student is to have the greatest opportunity to learn and be successful, excellent attendance is essential. In addition, students are expected to adhere to the following class rules:

1. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.

2. No food, drink, or gum in classroom (water is acceptable)

3. Use class time effectively

4. Keep cell phones off and out of sight



1st offense: verbal warning

2nd offense: In School Suspension and parent contact

3rd offense: referral to administration

*Note- any of the above steps may be omitted by teacher*

Support for Students

Prior to the AP test, students will be given the opportunity to attend review sessions after school to prepare for the test.

Help is available during lunch, before and after school in my room. I make every effort to be in my room during these times, but if a student arranges to meet with me, I will guarantee to be there.

Just “coming by” is encouraged. If I am here, I have time!

Class Agreement

Parents and/or Guardians: Thank you for taking the time to look over our classroom rules and procedures. If your have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by telephone or email. I look forward to speaking with you and discussing any questions or concerns you may have. If you like to stay up to date with what we will be covering in class please visit our class website at the following address:


Also, if you like to receive reminders about when we will have tests and quizzes, please sign up for the Remind app by sending the text @2c867f to the number 81010.

Thank You, Mr. Sager

***We have read and understood classroom rules and procedures***

**Print student name: ___________________________________________________ Per: ________________

**Student signature: ________________________________________________________________________

**Print parent name: ________________________________________________________________________

**Parent/Guardian signature: _________________________________________________________________

**Parent email: ____________________________________________________________________________

**Phone # _______________________________________________ Best time to call: ___________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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