AP Psychology - Central Bucks School District

AP Psychology

Directions: Follow the directions below and complete the States of Consciousness Guide document. Prior to the inclass flipped unit test, you will want to review the content below along with Unit 5 of the "Myer's Psychology for AP" textbook.

Objective 1: Videos & Synopses

Video # 1: View Crash Course Philosophy "Where does the mind reside?" and complete the tasks on the States of Consciousness Guide:

Video #2: View Crash Course Psychology "Consciousness" and complete the tasks on the States of Consciousness Guide:

Video #3: View SciShow "The Chemistry of Addiction" and complete the tasks on the States of Consciousness Guide:

Video #4: View Crash Course Psychology "Sleep & Dreams" and complete the tasks on the States of Consciousness Guide:

Objective 2: Research & Reflection

Activity #1: Take the Sleep Deprivation Quiz and reflect:

Activity #2: For one week keep a sleep habits journal detailing your daily sleep (hours, times, quality, issues, etc.). After the week, reflect/evaluate your sleep, in relation to what you studied from the video and links. See the States of Consciousness Guide for details.

Activity #3: Research and summarize your findings on psychologist William Dement and either Stanley Krippner or Gregg Jacobs.

Activity #4: Complete the following online quiz testing your knowledge of drugs:

Activity #5: Write a short reflection on the following prompt: How educated are we about drugs and addiction?

Activity #6: Google the question - Is hypnosis real? Choose two VALID sources (cite them and identify why it is a valid source) that present opposing views. Read and evaluate, then briefly summarize YOUR position on hypnosis.

Objective 3: Key Terms and Names The following links will help in completing most of this unit's vocabulary:

? Consciousness ? Hypnosis ? Posthypnotic suggestion ? Dissociation ? Ernest Hilgard ? Stroop effect ? Selective Attention EEG ? Circadian rhythm ? REM sleep ? Paradoxical Sleep ? Alpha waves ? Sleep ? Hallucinations-hypnagogic sensations ? Delta waves ? NREM sleep ? Suprachiasmatic nucleus ? Sleep deprivation ? Insomnia ? Narcolepsy ? Sleep apnea ? Night terrors ? Dreams

? Manifest content Latent content ? REM rebound ? Freud's wish-fulfillment ? Substance use disorder ? Psychoactive drugs ? Tolerance ? Addiction ? Withdrawal ? Depressants ? Alcohol use disorder ? Barbiturate ? Opiates ? Stimulant ? Amphetamines ? Nicotine ? Cocaine ? Methamphetamine ? Ecstasy ? Hallucinogens-LSD ? Near-death experiences ? THC

Essential Questions ~ by the end of this assignment, you should be able to answer these questions. You are not required to type these out.

1. What does it mean to be conscious? 2. What is hypnosis? 3. How do biological rhythms affect everyday life? 4. Why do we sleep? 5. If sleep is so important, why do some people avoid it? 6. How do sleep disorders affect daily life? 7. Are dreams important to daily life? 8. How does the misuse of drugs affect daily life? 9. Why is it important to know about the different types of psychoactive drugs?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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