Lesson: iCev- Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Units 7-9 - Fundamentals of Tech 1




Lesson: iCev- Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Units 7-9


Duty M- Perform common printing functions/ Duty S Demonstrate knowledge of graphics software/ Duty T- Be able to create & format simple presentations/

Tasks are listed from easiest/most simple to more complicated. Complete tasks in order. Each task Directions: completed earns you points for the Weekly Project Grade

0.0 Skill (50 Points)

I have little understanding of or can't demonstrate all of the Simple Learning Goals.

1 Go to unit 7, use these slides to help you complete the following...

2 Complete the " Unit 7 Slide Transitions Student Notes" & write score here:____________

3 Complete the " Unit 7 Slide Animations Student Notes" & write score here:____________ Complete the "Microsoft? PowerPoint? 2016 Basics - Unit 7 Applying Slide Transitions Worksheet" & write

4 score here:____________ Complete the " Microsoft? PowerPoint? 2016 Basics - Unit 7 Applying Animations Worksheet" & write score

5 here:____________

6 Go to unit 8, use these slides to help you complete the following...

7 Complete the "Unit 8 Saving Student Notes" & write score here:_________

8 Complete the "Unit 8 Presenting & distributing Presentation Student Notes" & write score here:_________ 9 Move to the next section of work

1.0 Skill (60 Points)

I know all of the Simple Learning Goals plus some of the Complex Learning Goals.

1 Go to unit 8, use these slides to help you complete the following... Complete the "Microsoft? PowerPoint? 2016 Basics - Unit 8 Saving Presentations Worksheet" & write score

2 here:_________ Complete the "Microsoft? PowerPoint? 2016 Basics - Unit 8 Showing the Slide Show Worksheet" & write score

3 here:_________ Complete the "Microsoft? PowerPoint? 2016 Basics - Unit 8 Creating & Printing Presentation Handouts

4 Worksheet" & write score here:_________

5 Go to unit 9, use these slides to help you complete the following...

6 Complete the "Unit 9 Final Review Student Notes" and write score here:___________ Complete the "Microsoft? PowerPoint? 2016 Basics - Unit 9 Final Review Vocabulary" and write score

7 here:___________

8 Keep the work and move to the next section

2.0 Skill (70 I understand or can do all of the simple and complex learning goals. I've learned


what the teacher wanted me to learn ? I've got it!

1 Go to unit 7

2 Open & read "Project - Business Partnership Plan Effects"

You will also need the "Project - Business Partnership Plan Effects Student File" to complete the

3 project

4 Save often to your Named drive!

5 Upload to Google Classroom for this week.

6 Keep the work and move to the next section

Turn page over for the rest of the work

2.5 Skill (80 I understand or can do all of the simple and complex learning goals. I've learned


what the teacher wanted me to learn ? I've got it!

1 Go to unit 8

2 Open & read "Project - Business Partnership Presentation"

You will also need the "Project - Business Partnership Presentation Student File" to complete the

3 project 4 Save often to your Named drive! 5 Upload to Google Classroom for this week. 6 Keep the work and move to the next section

3.0 Skill (90 Points)

My understanding goes beyond some of the Complex Learning Goals.

1 Go to unit 9 (you have 2 projects to complete)

2 Open & read "Project - Personal Resume"

3 Save often to your Named Drive!

4 Upload to Google Classroom for this week.

5 Open & read "Student Handout - Creating Effective Multimedia Presentations"

6 Take the information listed and turn it into a presentation

7 Don't use more than 6 slides, apply color, pictures, animation, and transitions

8 Save often to your Named Drive! Also upload to Google Classroom for this week.

9 Upload to Google Classroom for this week.

10 Print the work, but KEEP it and move to the next section

4.0 Skill (100 Points)

My understanding goes beyond all of the Complex Learning Goals. I made some connections, came to some conclusions or had some ideas beyond what the teacher taught me.

1 Open your "game" PowerPoint from last week

You should have created a 5 slide presentation about "how to play a game" (you select the game & if

2 it is board, card, sports...)

3 Your slides should look like...

Slide 1= Title slide, Slide 2= Content slide (60 words MAX), Slide 3= Content slide (60 words MAX),

Slide 4= Content & Summary slide (60 words MAX), Slide 5= Works cited

4 Apply a logo to the bottom of all your slides

5 Apply transitions that match your theme

6 Apply animations that match your them

7 Make any adjustments so you can view your slides on a loop

8 Save often to your Named Drive!

9 Upload to Google Classroom for this week. 10 Gather all papers to turn in

Study Review videos, vocabulary and work before taking the "Quiz"


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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