Jakarta International School - Stutz family

|[pic]Jakarta International School |

|Unit Name: Rates, Ratios, and Proportions | |

|Duration: Week 22, 3 weeks | |

|Grade/Subject: 6 / Mathematics | |

|Summary: In grade 6, students will build on their previous knowledge of fractions to develop an understanding of ratios, rates, and proportions. Students will |

|focus on understanding how ratios, rates, and proportions are connected to multiplication and division. The ultimate goal is for students to be able to use ratio |

|and rate to describe relationships, and use equivalent ratios (proportions) to solve a variety of problems. |


|Standards and Benchmarks (Learning Goals) |

| |

|NCTM: Curriculum Focal Points, NCTM: Grade 6, Focal Points |

|Number and Operations: Connecting ratio and rate to multiplication and division |

|Students use simple reasoning about multiplication and division to solve ratio and rate problems |

|By viewing equivalent ratios and rates as deriving from, and extending, pairs of rows (or columns) in the multiplication table, and by analyzing simple drawings |

|that indicate the relative sizes of quantities, students extend whole number multiplication and division to ratios and rates. |

|Thus, they expand the repertoire of problems that they can solve by using multiplication and division, and they build on their understanding of fractions to |

|understand ratios. |

|Students solve a wide variety of problems involving ratios and rates. |

|NCTM: Curriculum Focal Points, NCTM: Grade 6, Connections to the Focal Points |

|Number and Operations: |

|They recognize that ratio tables not only derive from rows in the multiplication table but also connect with equivalent fractions. |

|Students distinguish multiplicative comparisons from additive comparisons. |

|Enduring Understandings |Essential Questions |

|Rates, ratios, and proportions are simply relationships between two units. |How does comparing quantities describe the relationship between them? |

|Rates, ratio, and proportions can be represented by fractions. |How can change be described mathematically? |

|Shapes and objects can be transformed using scale factors, which are | |

|mathematically constructed by applying ratios and proportions. | |

|Knowledge |Skills |

|Students will be able to |L.1. |

|Determine the difference between ratios and rates |Textbook – 8.1 |

|Write ratios and equivalent ratios |Standard. |

|Identify the difference between rates, equivalent rates, and unit rates |Write ratios and equivalent ratios. |

|Write and solve proportions |Advanced. |

|Use proportions to find measures of objects |Splitting quantities in a given ratio. |

| |Highly Advanced. |

| |Changing ratios. |

| |Combining ratios. |

| | |

| | |

| |L.2. |

| |Textbook – 8.2 |

| |Standard. |

| |Write rates, equivalent rates, and unit rates. |

| |Advanced/Highly Advanced. |

| |More complicated unit conversions. |

| | |

| |L.3. |

| |Textbook – 8.3 |

| |Standard. |

| |Write and solve proportions. |

| |Advanced. |

| |More complicated unit conversions. |

| | |

| |L.4. |

| |Textbook – 8.4 |

| |Standard. |

| |Use proportions to find measures of objects. |

| |Use scale drawings to find actual lengths. |

| |Highly Advanced. |

| |Use algebra to solve proportions.  |


|Pre and Post Test |


|U5L1. Ratios. (8.1) |

|U5L2. Rates. (8.2) |

|U5L3. Proportions. (8.3) |

|U5L4. Measures and scale drawings. (8.4) |


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