~Different Views on Gangs~


~Different Views on Gangs~



There are many different view on gangs not only hear in New York but also in Los Angeles California where these gangs started. The united blood nation started out in New York, in 1993 in Riker’s Island. Bloods are mostly known for the slashing with razor blades or knifes during several robberies. Bloods can be found in New York City, Upper New York state, New Jersey, Baltimore, Hagerstown, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. There can and are more places where the United Blood nation can be found since this gang is getting bigger day after day.



In this web quest you’re going to research the history of the bloodz.

How did this gang begin?

Do you consider the bloodz as a bad gang?

Would you like to join this gang one day?

Write 5 good or bad reasons on why you would like or wouldn’t like to join this gang?


:: Process::

For some facts on Bloods check out this website:



In this web quest you have 2 choices::

1: Answer each question in a paragraph form

2: write an essay answering the question in the task.

The links are in the “process” to help you complete this web quest.

*:: Conclusion::*

This gang is one of the most dangerous gangs out there. This gang first started out in Compton California and what this gang mostly does is fight other gangs especially the crips. These two gangs have fighting each other since 1972. Mostly what this gang does is steal, kill and jump other people. It’s hard for a person who has joined the blood gang to back out because one your in that gang your in there forever. You can’t leave the gang and say you don’t want to be part of it anymore but there’s a way to back away from the gang, which is to stop hanging around with the people involved in that gang.

Rubric for the Essay

5-clear, understandable, answer all questions with back up information, No spelling or grammar errors, Your essay must have an Introduction, a body and a conclusion.

4-Clear and understandable, answer 3 out of the four questions with back up information, 2 or 3 spelling errors. Your essay must have an Introduction, a body and a conclusion.

3-some what clear and not understandable, answered 2 of the 4 questions with back up information, 10 or less spelling and grammar errors, Your essay must have an Introduction, a body and a conclusion.

2-Not clear, not understandable, answered 1 of the 4 questions with back up information has a lot of spelling/grammar errors. Your essay must have an Introduction, a body and a conclusion.

1- Did not try to do the assignment!



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