Markets Committee Meeting Minutes





|Attendee |Sector |Market Participant |

|D. Gates |Chair |ISO New England Inc. |

|M. Lyons |Secretary |ISO New England Inc. |

|E. Abend* |Alternative Resource |Swift River Trading Company |

|C. Beveridge |Transmission |Central Maine Power Company |

|R. Borghesani* |End User |The Energy Consortium, Harvard Dedicated Energy Limited, Associated|

| | |Industries of Massachusetts |

|A. Boutsioulis |Transmission |United Illuminating Company |

|C. Bowie* |Transmission |Eversource Energy |

|D. Bradt |Transmission |United Illuminating Company |

|N. Chafetz* |Supplier |Galt Power Inc. |

| | |Repsol Energy North America Corporation |

| | |Customized Energy Solutions for BP Energy Company, DTE Energy |

| | |Trading, Inc., Energy America, LLC and Mercuria Energy, Inc. |

|J. Dannels* |Supplier |ConEdison Energy |

|J. Davis* |Generation |Dominion Energy Marketing |

|J. Ellis |Alternative Resource |Genbright LLC |

|F. Ettori* |Transmission |Vermont Electric Power Company |

|J. Fenn |Transmission |Emera Maine |

|W. Fowler |Generation |Entergy Nuclear Power Marketing LLC, Essential Power LLC |

| |Supplier |Dynegy Power Marketing and Trade, Exelon Generation Company, |

| | |Calpine Energy Services |

| | | |

|S. Garwood* |Supplier |Marble River |

|W. Killgoar |Supplier |Long Island Power Authority |

|S. Kirk* |Supplier |Exelon Generation Company |

|A. Krich* |Generation |Boreas Renewables |

|C. Liu |Member |MMWEC |

| | | |

|J. Martin |Transmission |New England Power Company |

|B. McKinnon |Publicly Owned |Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative, South Hadley |

| | |Electric Light Department, New Hampshire Electric CoOp |

|F. Plett |End User |Massachusetts Attorney General Office |

|J. Rotger* |Transmission |Emera Energy Services |

|A. Scarfone |Transmission |Eversource Energy |

|P. Smith |Publicly Owned |Wallingford, Town of, |

| | |Braintree Electric Light Dept, Concord Municipal Light Plant, |

| | |Georgetown Municipal Light Dept, Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant, |

| | |Littleton (MA) Electric Light Dept, Merrimac Municipal Light Dept, |

| | |Middleton Municipal Light Dept, Pascoag Utility District, Rowley |

| | |Municipal Lighting Plant, Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant, and |

| | |Wellesley Municipal Light Plant |

|B. Swalwell* |Alternative Resources |Tangent Energy Solutions, Inc. |

| | | |

|Guest | |Affiliation |

| | | |

|D. Bergeron* | |Maine Public Utilities Commission |

|D. Capra | |NESCOE |

|G. Delovreta | |New England Power Company |

|J. Elliott | |ISO New England Inc. |

|K. Flynn | |ISO New England Inc. |

|F. Ibrahim | |ISO New England Inc. |

|E. Jacobi | |FERC |

|A. McBride | |ISO New England Inc. |

|C. Morin | |Central Maine Power Company |

|A. Nezam Sarmadi | |New England Power Company |

|B. Oberlin | |ISO New England Inc. |

|J. Porter | |New England Power Company |

|E. Runge | |Day Pitney |

|R. Somayajulu | |New England Power Company |

|C. Wilson | |New England Power Company |

|M. Winkler | |ISO New England Inc |

| | | |

| | | |

* -- Indicates participated by telephone

After determining that a quorum was present, the meeting was called to order.

Item 1.0 – Chair’s Remarks

Mr. Don Gates welcomed the committee and reviewed the day’s agenda. Mr. Gates reminded the committee that the reservation window is open for the 2016 RC/TC Summer Meeting in Newport, RI on August 9 & 10, 2016.

Mr. Eric Runge (Day Pitney) provided an overview of the NEPOOL memo on the DOE Quadrennial Energy Review.

Item 2.0 – Meeting Minutes

A review was performed of the April 19, 2016 RC Meeting Minutes.

There were no questions from the committee on this topic.

The following motion was moved and seconded by the Reliability Committee:

Resolved, the Reliability Committee recommends that ISO New England Inc. approve the previously distributed minutes of the following RC meeting:

• April 19, 2016

The motion was then voted. Based on a show of hands, the motion passed with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion passes.

Item 3.0 - Level II/III Proposed Plan Applications

Item 3.1 – West Coventry Wind Project – Level III NEP-16-G01

Mr. Jack Martin (NEP) provided an overview of the 15 MW West Coventry Wind Project.

There were no questions from the committee on this topic.

The following motion was moved and seconded by the Reliability Committee:

Resolved, the Reliability Committee recommends that ISO New England Inc. determine that implementation of the West Coventry Wind Project described in Proposed Plan Application (“PPA”) NEP-16-G01 from New England Power Company (“NEP”) on behalf of Narragansett Electric Company, as detailed in Mr. Arash Nezam Sarmadi’s May 4, 2016 transmittal to Mr. Donald Gates, Chair, Reliability Committee, will not have a significant adverse effect on the stability, reliability or operating characteristics of the transmission facilities of the applicant, the transmission facilities of another Transmission Owner or the system of a Market Participant.

The motion was then voted. Based on a show of hands, the motion passed with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion passes.

Item 4.0 – Level 0/I Proposed Plan Notifications

Item 4.1 – BWC Salmon Brook Grafton Solar Project – Level 0 NEP-16-GNF11

Mr. Arash Nezam Sarmadi (NEP) provided an overview of the BWC Salmon Brook Grafton Solar Project.

There were no questions from the committee on this project and no objections to the Level 0 classification.

Item 4.2 – Hilltop Charlton Solar Project – Level 0 NEP-16-GNF12

Mr. Jack Martin (NEP) provided an overview of the Hilltop Charlton Solar Project.

There were no questions from the committee on this project and no objections to the Level 0 classification.

Item 4.3 – ConEdison Westfield Solar Project – Level 0 CED-16-G01

Mr. Jeff Dannels (ConEd) provided an overview of the ConEd Westfield Solar Project.

There were no questions from the committee on this project and no objections to the Level 0 classification.

Item 4.4 – North Haven Transformer Replacement Project – Level I UI-16-T01

Mr. Alex Boutsioulis (UI) provided an overview of the North Haven Transformer Replacement Project.

Mr. Frank Ettori (VELCO) asked if UI were replacing the transformers for voltage support or age.

Mr. Boutsioulis replied that the primary reason for the replacement is voltage control.

There were no additional questions from the committee on this project and no objections to the Level I classification.

Item 4.5 – Pioneer Valley Energy Center (PVEC) Project PPA Withdrawal Notification

Mr. Bill Fowler (Calpine) provided an overview of the PVEC PPA Withdrawal Notification.

There were no questions from the committee and no objections to the withdrawal of the project PPAs.

Item 5.0 – Planning Procedures

Item 5.1 – PP 5-6 – Scope of Interconnection Studies for Generation and ETU’s

Mr. Al McBride (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to PP 5-6 regarding the scope of interconnection studies for generation and ETU’s.

Mr. Alex Boutsioulis (UI) asked if generators that are load reducers applicable to the standards in PP 5-6.

Mr. McBride replied that they are and PP 5-6 is a good place to capture that fact.

Mr. Jeff Fenn (Emera Maine) asked if you enter generation information into IRTT and well as the data submittal requirements of PP 5-6 into DDMS.

Mr. McBride replied that the data be uploaded into DDMS database as well as the IRTT database. We can add a reference to that into PP 5-6.

Mr. Bill Fowler (Exelon) asked if a new generator sponsor with no other resources in New England will need to go through the process of getting set up with a digital certificate in order to access DDMS.

Mr. McBride replied that they will.

Mr. Chung Liu (MMWEC) asked who should be contacted at ISO with technical or procedural questions on DDMS.

Mr. McBride replied that questions should be directed to ISO Customer Service.

Mr. Fowler asked if ISO can define what “unacceptable consequences of Delta P” is specifically.

Mr. McBride replied that we will take that back for discussion to see if we can clarify that language in Section 6.3.

Mr. Liu asked if there is an existing ten turbine wind project that was not initially required or set up for frequency response, but the project sponsor wants to add an additional 2 wind turbines, would the entire resource with the additional turbines be required to provide full frequency response as part of the PP 5-6 requirements.

Mr. McBride stated that they would.

Mr. McBride stated that based on the next RC meeting scheduled for June 9, 2016, any final comments on PP 5-6 are due to ISO no later than Thursday, May 26, 2016 so they can be reviewed and included in the document in anticipation of a vote at the next RC meeting.

A vote on this topic will be taken at a future Reliability Committee meeting.

Item 5.2 – PP 10 – Planning Procedure to Support the Forward Capacity Market

Ms. Mariah Winkler (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to PP 10 to support Resource Retirement Reforms.

Mr. Bill Fowler (Exelon) asked if there are changes regarding the analysis of de-list bids, demand bids, and NPRs.

Ms. Winker replied that there is no change to the way we analyze these submission but there is a change to the timing of them.

A vote on this topic will be taken at a future Reliability Committee meeting.

Item 6.0 – Transmission Cost Allocations

Item 6.1 – Salem Cables Project TCA NEP-16-TCA-01

Mr. George Delovrda (NEP) provided an overview of the Salem Cables Project TCA for pool supported costs of $62.437M (2015 Estimated Costs).

Ms. Dorothy Capra (NESCOE) asked if this TCA is purely an asset condition issue or is the driver the retirement of the Salem Harbor generator.

Mr. Jack Martin (NEP) replied that this is an asset conditions issue only.

There were no additional questions from the committee on this topic.

The following motion was moved and seconded by the Reliability Committee:

Resolved, the Reliability Committee recommends that ISO New England approve, as consistent with the criteria set forth in Section 12C of the ISO New England Open Access Transmission Tariff for receiving regional support and inclusion in Pool-Supported PTF Rates, the Pool-Supported PTF costs of $62.43M (2015 Estimated Costs) for replacement of the S-145/T-146 underground cables with higher capacity cables between Salem Harbor and Canal Street associated with TCA Application NEP-16-TCA-01, submitted May 6, 2016 by National Grid.

The motion was then voted. Based on a show of hands, the motion passed with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion passes.

Item 6.2 – V-148N Line Reconductoring Project TCA Rev.1 NEP-16-TCA-03-Rev.1

Mr. Raman Somayajulu (NEP) provided an overview of the V-148N Line Reconductoring Project TCA for pool supported costs of $5.75M (2016 Estimated Costs).

There were no questions from the committee on this topic.

The following motion was moved and seconded by the Reliability Committee:

Resolved, the Reliability Committee recommends that ISO New England approve, as consistent with the criteria set forth in Section 12C of the ISO New England Open Access Transmission Tariff for receiving regional support and inclusion in Pool-Supported PTF Rates, the Pool-Supported PTF costs of $5.74M (2016 Estimated Costs) for V-148N Reconductoring – Washington substation to Woonsocket substation associated with TCA Application NEP-16-TCA-03 Rev. 1, submitted May 5, 2016 by National Grid.

The motion was then voted. Based on a show of hands, the motion passed with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion passes.

Item 6.3 – Comerford 230 kV Breakers Replacement and 230 kV Bus Tie Breaker Addition Project TCA NEP-16-TCA-07

Mr. John Porter (NEP) and Mr. Chuck Wilson (NEP) provided an overview of the Comerford 230 kV Breakers Replacement and 230 kV Bus Tie Breaker Addition Project TCA for pool supported costs of $36.63M (2016 Estimated Costs).

Mr. Al Scarfone (Eversource) asked if this work is already completed.

Mr. Jack Martin (NEP) replied that the work was completed in September 2014.

The following motion was moved and seconded by the Reliability Committee:

Resolved, the Reliability Committee recommends that ISO New England approve, as consistent with the criteria set forth in Section 12C of the ISO New England Open Access Transmission Tariff for receiving regional support and inclusion in Pool-Supported PTF Rates, the Pool-Supported PTF costs of $36.63M (2015 Actual Costs) for replacement of the Comerford 230 kV breakers and addition of a 230 kV bus tie breaker associated with TCA Application NEP-16-TCA-07, submitted May 6, 2016 by National Grid.

The motion was then voted. Based on a show of hands, the motion passed with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion passes.

Item 6.4 – Plumtree Series Breaker Installation Project TCA ES-16-TCA-11

Mr. Al Scarfone (Eversource) provided an overview of the Plumtree Series Breaker Installation Project TCA (part of SWCT project) for pool supported costs of $2.77M (2016 Estimated Costs).

Mr. Jeff Fenn (Emera Maine) asked that since the TCA dollar threshold is $5M, why is this $2.77M coming before the RC for approval.

Mr. Scarfone replied that since it is part of the group of SWCT projects which exceeds the $5M threshold, ISO has directed Eversource to bring the TCA to the RC for vote and approval.

The following motion was moved and seconded by the Reliability Committee:

Resolved, the Reliability Committee recommends that ISO New England approve, as consistent with the criteria set forth in Section 12C of the ISO New England Open Access Transmission Tariff for receiving regional support and inclusion in Pool-Supported PTF Rates, the Pool-Supported PTF costs of $2.77M (2016 Estimated Costs) for the installation of a 115 kV circuit breaker in series with the existing 29T breaker at Plumtree Substation (Part of SWCT) associated with TCA Application ES-16-TCA-11, submitted April 14, 2016 by Eversource Energy.

The motion was then voted. Based on a show of hands, the motion passed with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion passes.

Item 7.0 – Operating Procedures

Item 7.1 – OP 22 – Disturbance Monitoring Requirements and OP 22A & OP 22B

Mr. Jerry Elliott (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to OP 22, OP 22A, and OP 22B.

Mr. Jose Rotger (Emera Energy) asked if OP 22 regarding PMUs only apply to transmission owners or does it apply to generators with PMUs.

Mr. Al McBride (ISO) replied that it currently applies to TO’s with PMUs. However, we are still investigating is we should expand the PMU requirements for generators. If it is determined that it is, we will come back to the RC for stakeholder input and feedback.

The following motion was moved and seconded by the Reliability Committee:

Resolved, the Reliability Committee recommends Participants Committee support for revision of ISO New England Operating Procedure No. 22 – Disturbance Monitoring Requirements, ISO New England Operating Procedure No. 22A - Disturbance Monitoring Requirements – DDR Information, together with such other changes as discussed and agreed to at the meeting, and such other non-material changes as may be approved by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Reliability Committee following the meeting.

The motion was then voted. Based on a show of hands, the motion passed with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion passes.

Item 7.2 – OP 19 – Transmission Operations and OP 19J & OP 19K

Mr. Jerry Elliott (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to OP 19, OP 19J and OP 19K.

There were no questions from the committee on this topic.

The following motion was moved and seconded by the Reliability Committee:

Resolved, the Reliability Committee recommends Participants Committee support for revision of ISO New England Operating Procedure No. 19 – Transmission Operations, ISO New England Operating Procedure No. 19J – Transmission Operations – Contingency List and Criteria, and ISO New England Operating Procedure No. 19K – Transmission Operations – Operating Voltage Criteria by LCC, together with such other changes as discussed and agreed to at the meeting, and such other non-material changes as may be approved by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Reliability Committee following the meeting.

The motion was then voted. Based on a show of hands, the motion passed with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion passes.

Item 7.3 – OP 1A – Central Dispatch Operating Responsibilities and Authority – Assignment of Responsibilities

Mr. Jerry Elliott (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to OP 1A.

Mr. Bill Fowler (Exelon) asked when the effective date be for this document.

Mr. Elliott replied that the document will be effective as soon as it is approved by the PC in mid-June and should be effective by July 1, 2016.

The following motion was moved and seconded by the Reliability Committee:

Resolved, the Reliability Committee recommends Participants Committee support for revision of ISO New England Operating Procedure No. 1A – Central Dispatch Operating Responsibilities and Authority – Assignment of Responsibilities, together with such other changes as discussed and agreed to at the meeting, and such other non-material changes as may be approved by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Reliability Committee following the meeting.

The motion was then voted. Based on a show of hands, the motion passed with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion passes.

Item 7.4 – OP 4 – Action During a Capacity Deficiency and OP 4A

Mr. Jerry Elliott (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to OP 4 and OP 4A.

There were no questions from the committee on this topic. As it was a data change only, it was notification to the committee only and no vote was required

The Meeting was adjourned 11:45 AM


The next meeting of the Reliability Committee is scheduled to be held on June 9, 2016 at the Doubletree Hotel in Westborough, MA.

Respectfully submitted,


Marc Lyons


Reliability Committee[pic]


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