Employment - Cornerstone | United Methodist Church

11430012890500CORNERSTONE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHPERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURESThis document supersedes all previous versions.July 31, 2016Cornerstone United Methodist ChurchPersonnel Policies and ProceduresIntroductionWe recognize that every employee is in ministry, and we pledge our encouragement and support. We are dedicated to enhancing each staff member’s personal welfare, and job satisfaction.This handbook establishes personnel policies as well as standards of conduct and performance for employees of Cornerstone United Methodist Church. This handbook applies to both lay and clergy, except where the language of the Book of Discipline or policies of the North Georgia Annual Conference take precedent, or where so stated in these policies. NOTE: This document applies to all employees of Cornerstone United Methodist Church including the Cornerstone Preschool Director but does not apply to the other staff and teachers employed by the Cornerstone Preschool and Kindergarten.Staff Parish Relations CommitteeCornerstone United Methodist ChurchJuly 2016 TOC \o "1-3" \u I.Employment PAGEREF _Toc459973082 \h 5A.Employment at Will PAGEREF _Toc459973083 \h 5B.Job Descriptions PAGEREF _Toc459973084 \h 5C.Staff Classification PAGEREF _Toc459973085 \h 51.By Hours Worked PAGEREF _Toc459973086 \h 52.Exempt and non-exempt PAGEREF _Toc459973087 \h 5D.Hours and Work Schedules PAGEREF _Toc459973088 \h 61.Office Hours PAGEREF _Toc459973089 \h 62.Work Schedules PAGEREF _Toc459973090 \h 6E.Probationary Period PAGEREF _Toc459973091 \h 6F.Wage Increases PAGEREF _Toc459973092 \h 6G.Employment of Relatives PAGEREF _Toc459973093 \h 6H.Confidentiality PAGEREF _Toc459973094 \h 7I.Conflict of Interest PAGEREF _Toc459973095 \h 7J.Separation Practices PAGEREF _Toc459973096 \h 71.Voluntary Separation PAGEREF _Toc459973097 \h 72.Employee Coaching/Counseling PAGEREF _Toc459973098 \h 8K.Severance Pay PAGEREF _Toc459973099 \h 101.Severance pay eligibility PAGEREF _Toc459973100 \h 10L.Elimination of Position PAGEREF _Toc459973101 \h 10II.Employee Relations PAGEREF _Toc459973102 \h 10A.Employee Concerns PAGEREF _Toc459973103 \h 10B.Employee Conduct PAGEREF _Toc459973104 \h 111.Anti-Harassment Policy PAGEREF _Toc459973105 \h 112.Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Policy PAGEREF _Toc459973106 \h puter Use and Electronic Communications Policy PAGEREF _Toc459973107 \h 14C.Drug-Free/Alcohol-Free/Smoke-Free Workplace PAGEREF _Toc459973108 \h 16D.Safe Sanctuary and Child Youth Sexual Abuse Prevention PAGEREF _Toc459973109 \h 161.Safe Sanctuary Training PAGEREF _Toc459973110 \h 162.Child Youth Sexual Abuse Prevention PAGEREF _Toc459973111 \h 16III.Benefit Guidelines PAGEREF _Toc459973112 \h 17A.Pensions PAGEREF _Toc459973113 \h 171.Pension Provider PAGEREF _Toc459973114 \h 172.Pension Contributions PAGEREF _Toc459973115 \h 17B.Health Insurance PAGEREF _Toc459973116 \h 171.Appointed Clergy PAGEREF _Toc459973117 \h 172.Full-time Lay Employees PAGEREF _Toc459973118 \h 17C.Accident and Illness on the Job PAGEREF _Toc459973119 \h 17D.Time Off PAGEREF _Toc459973120 \h 181.Holidays PAGEREF _Toc459973121 \h 182.Personal Use Days PAGEREF _Toc459973122 \h 183.Vacation PAGEREF _Toc459973123 \h 184.Jury Duty PAGEREF _Toc459973124 \h 195.Funeral Leave PAGEREF _Toc459973125 \h 196.Leaves of Absence PAGEREF _Toc459973126 \h 197.Absences in Excess of Benefit Hours PAGEREF _Toc459973127 \h 20IV.Miscellaneous PAGEREF _Toc459973128 \h 20A.Personnel Files PAGEREF _Toc459973129 \h 20B.Staff Evaluation PAGEREF _Toc459973130 \h 211.Staff Evaluations (non-appointed clergy) PAGEREF _Toc459973131 \h 212.Staff Evaluations (appointed clergy) PAGEREF _Toc459973132 \h 21C.Staff Parish Relations Liaison PAGEREF _Toc459973133 \h 22D.Death in Service PAGEREF _Toc459973134 \h 22E.Procedure to Change/Amend Policy PAGEREF _Toc459973135 \h 22V.Forms PAGEREF _Toc459973136 \h 22Orientation Checklist PAGEREF _Toc459973137 \h 23Employee Coaching/Counseling Form PAGEREF _Toc459973138 \h 24Exit Interview Form PAGEREF _Toc459973139 \h 25Vacation Request Form PAGEREF _Toc459973140 \h 26Request for Leave PAGEREF _Toc459973141 \h 27Request for Personal Leave of Absence PAGEREF _Toc459973142 \h 28Personal Leave of Absence Acknowledgement PAGEREF _Toc459973143 \h 29Request for Medical Leave of Absence PAGEREF _Toc459973144 \h 30Medical Leave of Absence Acknowledgement PAGEREF _Toc459973145 \h 31Policy on Conduct by Church Staff PAGEREF _Toc459973146 \h 32Policy on Child Youth Sexual Abuse Prevention Acknowledgement PAGEREF _Toc459973147 \h 33Confidentiality Policy PAGEREF _Toc459973148 \h 34Safe Sanctuary Acknowledgement PAGEREF _Toc459973149 \h 35Personnel Policies and Procedures Acknowledgement PAGEREF _Toc459973150 \h 36Physician’s Statement PAGEREF _Toc459973151 \h 37APPENDIX PAGEREF _Toc459973152 \h 38Job Descriptions PAGEREF _Toc459973153 \h 39Cornerstone UMC Lay Staff Evaluation System PAGEREF _Toc459973154 \h 55EmploymentEmployment at WillEmployment with Cornerstone United Methodist Church is of an “at will” nature, which means that an employee may resign at any time, and the Church may discharge an employee at any time with or without cause. It is further understood that this “at will” employment relationship may not be changed by any document or by conduct unless the Staff Parish Relations Committee specifically acknowledges such a change in writing. If an employee is asked to leave, he/she may be eligible for severance pay. Any potential severance amount will be determined by the Senior Pastor and the Staff Parish Relations Committee and will be based on the tenure of the employee and the nature of the termination. It is further acknowledged that this document does not in any way constitute a contract of employment.Job DescriptionsA job description is defined for each job at Cornerstone United Methodist Church. A copy of each of job descriptions can be found in the Appendix.Staff ClassificationBy Hours WorkedFull-Time employees - Work 30 or more hours a week as specified in the applicable job description.Part-time employees - Work established schedules of less than 30 hours per week as specified in the applicable job description.Temporary employees - Work for a specified period or work intermittently as needed.Exempt and non-exempt In addition to the classification by hours worked all employees are also categorized as either:Exempt – Not subject to federal wage-and-hour laws (Fair Labor Standards Act)Non-exempt – Covered by Federal wage-and-hour laws.Hours and Work SchedulesOffice HoursBetween 8:30 am and 4:30 pm Monday – Thursday and 8:30 and 12:00 pm on Friday, either a support staff person or a designated volunteer shall be present to receive visitors and telephone calls. Work SchedulesExempt employees set and follow their own work schedules consistent with general church policy and with the consent of the immediate supervisor.Non-exempt employees working hours shall be set by the immediate supervisorDeviations in an employee’s assigned work schedule require advance approval from the employee’s immediate supervisorCurtailment of work hours by a non-exempt employee may be requested by the Senior Pastor or Staff Parish Relations Committee to avoid exceeding 40 hours in a given week Probationary PeriodEvery employee, except appointed clergy, must complete a probationary period of 90 calendar days.Wage IncreasesCornerstone United Methodist Church attempts to review compensation annually. Wage increases and other compensations are based on our church’s annual budget; employee job performance, attendance and punctuality; ability to get along with other employees; external economic factors; and the appropriate wage range for the job. Employees with questions concerning compensation should speak to his/her supervisor, the Senior Pastor and/or the Chairman of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. Employment of RelativesCare must be taken in the employment of a person who has a family member already on the staff, but the applicant should receive fair treatment. The Staff Parish Relations Committee must approve employment of a second family member. No staff member or immediate family member of a staff member my serve on the Staff Parish Relations Committee, as per the Book of Discipline Guidelines.ConfidentialityDuring the course of employment with Cornerstone United Methodist Church, an employee may have access or be exposed to information of a highly sensitive and confidential nature. This information may be contained in Church records, correspondence with church members and others, inter-office memoranda, or other similar documents. There may be times when confidential information is shared in staff meetings for the purpose of enabling staff members to minister to our community more fully. Employees of the Church are in a position of trust, and have an obligation to the Church and to those persons to whom we minister to see that the confidentiality of this information is strictly maintained and protected. Unauthorized use or disclosure, even if inadvertently, compromises both the employee and the Church and seriously erodes the confidence of others without which we simply could not effectively minister.An employee’s obligation to preserve the confidentiality of information acquired during employment continues even after the Church no longer employs him/her. An employee may not disclose, even after cessation of employment, any information of a confidential nature disclosed during employment. Moreover, an employee may not utilize the confidential information acquired when he/she was an employee after departure from the Church.All employees will sign a Confidentiality Policy acknowledgement statement that will be kept in their Employee Record.Conflict of InterestAn employee shall abstain from participating in decisions in which Cornerstone United Methodist Church‘s interest may conflict with the employee’s personal interests.Separation PracticesVoluntary SeparationWritten notice for voluntarily separating exempt employees, except appointed clergy, are expected to be submitted four weeks in advance of separation. Non-exempt employees voluntarily separating are expected to submit two weeks written notice. When notice is given, employees may take time off for accrued vacation time or may be paid for accrued vacation time at the discretion of the supervisor.After notice of separation is given, time off for personal reasons, emergencies or illness will be unpaid.Upon an employee’s voluntary departure, there will be no severance pay or compensation for accumulated health leave.Employee Coaching/CounselingCornerstone United Methodist Church is willing to work with an employee in order to help him/her grow and mature in their position. However, from time to time it is necessary to coach and document situations that are or have the potential of being disruptive to the workplace or Church-body.Certain behavior considered to be inappropriate behavior will result in immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination. The Staff Parish Relations Committee may for certain types of inappropriate behavior also recommend criminal charges. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to, the following:Misappropriation of church funds;Repeated unsatisfactory job performance;Disorderly conduct;Breach of confidentiality;Sexual misconduct or any harassing behavior;Any act of dishonesty or any act reflecting on the reputation of the church;Obtaining employment on the basis of false or misleading information;Falsified time sheets, attendance records, or other church records;Committing, or attempting to commit deliberate damage to church property;Advocating or taking part in seizure or theft of church property;Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances;Insubordination; andFalling into poor citizenship or work habits.The Senior Pastor and the Staff Parish Relations Committee have the sole authority to determine other behavior that may be considered inappropriate. Any coaching/counseling required for appointed clergy will be handled though the LaGrange District Superintendent’s office and/or the North Georgia Conference. If an employee acts in an unacceptable manner that doesn’t rise to the level resulting in immediate termination the following disciplinary procedure may be used:Omission of steps in processThe Staff Parish Relations Committee reserves the right to bypass one or more steps in this process should the situation so warrant.First Step:The employee will be verbally notified of the concern by his/her supervisor. The supervisor will then work with the employee to correct the situation. If he/she continues without improvement, the supervisor will document the concern on an Employee Counseling Form.The disciplinary process becomes formal with the execution of the Employee Counseling Form. This form, documenting the first warning must be signed by the supervisor and the employee.A copy of the completed Employee Counseling Form must be forwarded to the Administrative Assistant for placement in the employee file. A copy is to be forwarded to the Senior Pastor and the Staff Parish Relations Committee Chairperson. Either the Senior Pastor or the Staff Parish Relations Committee Chairperson will be available to counsel the supervisor through the process.In this step the employee is alerted that failure to correct the concern will lead to further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.Second StepThe employee may be given a second reprimand by his/her supervisor. The supervisor and the Senior Pastor must sign all second warnings. If the employee continues without improvement, his/her supervisor may use the next step.Final Step:As a last resort, the employee will be terminated. The Staff Parish Relations Committee will make the final determination concerning the dismissal of any employee of Cornerstone United Methodist Church. Severance PaySeverance pay eligibilitySeverance pay for a Cornerstone United Methodist Church employee is paid at the discretion of the Senior Pastor and the Staff Parish Relations Committee. Under no circumstances will the severance pay exceed three months’ pay. Full-time employees who are involuntarily terminated due to reasons other than inappropriate job performance may receive severance pay, paid at the discretion of the Senior Pastor and the Staff Parish Relations Committee, based on the following chart:Years of ServiceMaximum Severance Pay<1 No severance1-21 month3-102 monthsOver 103 monthsElimination of PositionDue to changes in Cornerstone United Methodist Church’s mission, vision, organizational structure, or finances, a staff position may be eliminated. Where possible, any impacted employee will be notified in writing four weeks prior to termination.Employee RelationsEmployee ConcernsEmployees are encouraged to seek answers to their questions and to get help with work related problems from their supervisors. Supervisors are expected to give prompt attention to employees’ suggestion and concerns. When a problem arises, the employee should first consult with the supervisor. If there is a conflict that is not satisfactorily resolved or if the employee is not comfortable talking with his/her supervisor, the employee may take his/her complaint to the Senior Pastor. If that step fails to resolve the conflict, the employee may appeal in writing to the Staff Parish Relations Committee.Employee ConductThe Cornerstone United Methodist Church Policy on Employee Conduct includes, but is not limited to, Anti-Harassment, Staff Sexual Abuse and Misconduct and Computer Use and Electronic Communications. An acknowledgement of this policy will be signed by the employee and kept in their Employee Record.Anti-Harassment PolicyCornerstone United Methodist Church, hereinafter referred to as Church, believes that each employee has the right to work in an environment free of harassment; therefore, the Church has adopted this policy that no employee may harass another. Anyone violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination. While the Staff Parish Relations Committee expects its pastoral staff to refrain from the types of harassment set forth below, the committee recognizes The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church provides the method for filing a complaint against an appointed United Methodist pastor and the method by which appointed United Methodist pastors are subject to review and discipline.To ensure no one ever feels he/she is being subjected to harassment and to create a comfortable working environment, the Church prohibits any offensive physical, written or spoken conduct, including the use of a computer, regarding any of the following subjects:(1) Unsolicited and unwelcome or unwanted written, verbal, physical and/or visual contact with sexual overtones. (Written examples: suggestive or obscene letters, notes and invitations. Verbal examples: derogatory comments, slurs, jokes and epithets. Physical examples: assault, touching, impeding or blocking movement. Visual examples: leering, gestures, display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons, posters or magazines.);(2) Unwelcome requests or demands for favors, including sexual favors. This includes either subtle or blatant solicitations, pressures or requests for any type favor, including unwelcome requests for dates whether or not they are accompanied by an implied or stated promise of preferential treatment or negative consequence concerning employment; (3) Verbal abuse or kidding that is oriented toward a prohibited form of harassment, including that which is sexually oriented and considered unwelcome. This includes comments about national origin, race, body, disability or appearance, where such comments go beyond mere courtesy, telling dirty jokes or any tasteless, sexually oriented comments, innuendo or actions that offend;(4) Creating a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, abusive or offensive because of unwelcome or unwanted conversations, suggestions, requests, demands, physical contacts or attentions related to a prohibited form of harassment;(5)Continuing to express sexual or romantic interest after being informed that the interest is unwelcome. (Reciprocal or mutual attraction is not considered sexual harassment);(6) Making reprisals, threats of reprisals, or implied threats of reprisals following a negative response to efforts to establish relationship, where the reprisal relates to compensation, promotion, discipline, tenure or job assignments;(7) Engaging in coercive sexual behavior which is used to control, influence or affect the career, salary, and/or work environment of another employee; or which may have that effect;(8) Offering favors or employment benefits, such as promotions, favorable performance evaluations, favorable assigned duties or shifts, recommendations or reclassifications in return for sexual/romantic favors; (9) Offering sexual favors in exchange for employment benefits, such as promotions, favorable performance evaluations, favorable assigned duties or shifts, recommendations or reclassifications; and (10) Sending pornographic, sexually explicit, or sexually exotic material through the computer or other means. Normal courteous, mutually respectful, pleasant, non-coercive interaction among employees, both men and women, that is acceptable to both parties, is not considered to be harassment, including sexual harassment. If any employee believes that he/she is being subjected to any of these forms of harassment or believes that he/she is being subjected to discrimination because other employees are receiving favored treatment in exchange, as an example, for sexual favors, he/she must promptly bring this to the attention of the Senior Pastor or the Chair of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. If both the Senior Pastor and the Chair of the Staff Parish Relations Committee are members of the same sex, the employee has the option to bring the complaint to the attention of a member of the Staff Parish Relations Committee whose sex is different than that of the Senior Pastor and the Chair of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. The name, address, and telephone number of the members of the Staff Parish Relations Committee is available in the church office. The person to whom the complaint is made must immediately report the complaint to the Staff Parish Relations Committee and the Senior Pastor. If the Senior Pastor is the subject of the complaint the person to whom the complaint is made must immediately report the complaint to the Staff Parish Relations Committee and to District Superintendent. When the pastor is the subject of the complaint, it is expected that the District Superintendent will report the complaint to the Bishop.Employees should report any incident of harassment in writing, if possible. If a complaint of harassment is made, then an investigation will be conducted as promptly as possible. The investigation of the complaint will be completed within thirty (30) days from the submission of the complaint, provided there are no extenuating circumstances. It is understood matters of this type are sensitive in nature and attempts will be made to so treat the information that is developed.The Church will not retaliate against an employee who is good faith files a complaint of harassment, nor will it retaliate against an individual for cooperating in good faith in an investigation of harassment. If an individual is found to have violated the Church ’s Anti-Harassment Policy, or if a complaint is found to have intentionally made false or malicious allegations, then sanctions may include the full range of disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment.This policy applies to all phases of the employment relationship, including recruiting, testing, hiring, upgrading, promotion/demotion, transfer, rates of pay, benefits, selection for training, layoff and termination.The Church maintains and enforces a policy prohibiting harassment by one employee of another, without regard to whether it is harassment of a co-worker, subordinate employee or supervisor.Sexual Abuse and Misconduct PolicyIt is the Church’s policy that no employee may engage in any form of sexual abuse or misconduct. Anyone violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination. While the Staff Parish Relations Committee expects its pastoral staff to refrain from the types of abuse and misconduct set forth below, the committee recognizes The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church provides the method for filing a complaint against an appointed United Methodist pastor and the method by which appointed United Methodist pastors are subject to review and discipline.All employees are expected to create an atmosphere free of sexual abuse and misconduct. Furthermore, all staff leaders and members are expected to immediately report any knowledge of sexual abuse or misconduct to the Senior Pastor or Chair of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. If both the Senior Pastor and the Chair of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee are members of the same sex, the employee may bring the complaint to the attention of a member of the Staff Parish Relations Committee whose sex is different than that of the Senior Pastor and the Chair of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. The name, address, and telephone number of the members of the Staff Parish Relations Committee is available in the church office.. The person to whom the complaint is made must immediately report the complaint to the Chairman of the Staff Parish Relations Committee and the Senior Pastor. If the complaint involves the Senior Pastor, the person to whom the complaint is made must immediately report the complaint to the Chairman of the Staff Parish Relations Committee and to the District Superintendent.Reports of any incidents of sexual abuse or misconduct should be in writing, if possible.If a complaint of sexual abuse or misconduct is made, then an investigation will be conducted as promptly as possible. The investigation of the complaint will be completed within 30 days from submission of the complaint, provided there are no extenuating circumstances. It is understood matters of this type are sensitive in nature and attempts will be made to so treat the information that is developed.The Church will not retaliate against anyone who in good faith files a complaint of sexual abuse or misconduct, nor will it retaliate against an individual for cooperating in good faith in an investigation of sexual abuse or misconduct. If an individual is found to have violated the Church’s Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Policy, or if a complainant is found to have intentionally made false or malicious allegations, then sanctions may include a full range of disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment. Sexual abuse is a criminal act and may be prosecuted by the authorities.This policy applies to all phases of the employment relationship, including recruiting, testing, hiring, upgrading, promotion/demotion, transfer, rates of pay, benefits, selection for training, layoff and puter Use and Electronic Communications PolicyThe Church is committed to providing an environment that encourages the use of computers, telephones, fax machines, and other electronic communications as essential tools to support the Church’s ministry. In utilizing either your own personal computer or the Church’s computers and electronic communications systems including, but not limited to, electronic mail and access to the Internet, it is important for all employees and users (hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as “User” or “Users”) to be aware of the Church’s policy regarding responsible use. It is the responsibility of each User to ensure that this technology is used for proper Church purposes and in a manner that 1) is responsible, professional, and legal; 2) does not compromise the confidentiality of proprietary or other sensitive information; 3) does not compromise the security of the Church’s computer resources; and 4) is consistent with good stewardship and the mission and ministry of the Church. All computers, electronic and telephonic communications system and all communications and information transmitted by, received from, or stored in these systems is the property of the Church. The Church reserves the right to monitor your computer and the e-mail system in order to ensure that it is being used for appropriate purposes. Additionally, the Church also reserves the right to monitor your own personal computer and e-mail when brought onto Church property and used for Church business. Employees and Users do not have a personal right to privacy in any matter created, received or sent from the e-mail or internet.To ensure that the use of computer, electronic and telephonic communications systems and Church equipment is consistent with the Church’s mission, authorized representatives of the Church reserves the right to monitor and review e-mail messages and Internet access, without prior notice. This includes the right to monitor Internet sites visited, and the duration of a User’s or employees(s) Internet use, and the substance and identity of files which have been viewed, accessed, or downloaded. E-mail messages and Internet access are not private, and Users should not consider their e-mail messages and Internet access to be private. An employee’s or User’s access code or password does not give her or him any right to privacy with respect to using the Church’s e-mail and Internet systems or your personal computer when brought onto Church property and used for Church business. The Church’s current policy and guidelines on the use of e-mail in conducting business is as follows:?All employees and Users should be sensitive to the fact that e-mail can create a permanent written record. Therefore, no text should be included in an e-mail message that would not be included in any other written communication?No information of a confidential nature may be transmitted via e-mail(or otherwise communicated or distributed) to anyone other than persons authorized to receive such material. Any email received by an unauthorized person should be permanently deleted and the unauthorized recipient should immediately inform the sender of the error.?Any questions about a specific item to be e-mailed should be directed to the Senior Pastor or her/his designee.?No electronic or telephonic communications system is to be used for the purpose of accessing pornography, sexually explicit or sexually erotic material, or any site for a purpose deemed to be immoral or against the law.Drug-Free/Alcohol-Free/Smoke-Free Workplace We expect all employees to report to work free of the use and effects of alcohol and illegal drugs and not to sell, distribute, dispense, possess, or use or conspire to sell, distribute, dispense, possess, or use an illegal drug or alcohol on Cornerstone United Methodist Church property and in church-owned vehicles, or during working time. Likewise, we expect all employees not to misuse or abuse any prescription or nonprescription medications.We look to our employees to support this policy and expect them to cooperate in our efforts to enforce this policy and in any investigation of its violation.Cornerstone United Methodist Church has a "smoke free" policy. Smoking of any type including traditional tobacco products as well as electronic cigarettes/vaping is not permitted within any of the church’s buildings, on church property, or in a church-owned vehicle at any time.Safe Sanctuary and Child Youth Sexual Abuse PreventionSafe Sanctuary TrainingAll employees of Cornerstone United Methodist Church are required to successfully complete Safe Sanctuary initial training and biennial recertification.Child Youth Sexual Abuse Prevention The Cornerstone United Methodist Church Policy on Child Youth Sexual Abuse Prevention follows the guidelines set forth in the current Cornerstone United Methodist Church Safe Sanctuary Policy. Benefit GuidelinesPensionsPension Provider The pension for appointed clergy and full-time employees of Cornerstone United Methodist Church will be provided through the General Board of Pension of the United Methodist Church. Part-time employees are not eligible for a pension through Cornerstone United Methodist Church.Pension ContributionsAppointed ClergyPension contribution amounts for appointed clergy will be made based on guidance/direction of the North Georgia Conference.Full-Time employees (excluding appointed clergy)Pension contribution amounts for Full-Time employees (excluding appointed clergy) will be equal to 3% of their gross pay.Health InsuranceAppointed ClergyThe North Georgia Annual Conference determines clergy health insurance contributions that Cornerstone United Methodist Church is responsible for paying for Clergy health insurance. Full-time Lay EmployeesFull time personnel are eligible to participate in the conference sponsored health insurance program if they so desire. Cornerstone United Methodist Church will pay the church designated cost portion of the premiums for the employee and family as outlined by the North Georgia Conference.Eligible lay employees must enroll within the first 30 days of employment to avoid having to show proof of eligibility.Accident and Illness on the JobAll employees are covered by workers compensation and liability insurance. All employees of Cornerstone United Methodist Church should, as soon as possible, report any on the job injury or illness to their supervisor and/or the Senior Pastor. Refer to Workers Compensation regulations on file with other insurance documents.Time OffHolidaysThe following are paid holidays:New Year’s DayIndependence DayMLK BirthdayLabor DayGood FridayThanksgiving (2 days)Memorial DayChristmas (2 days)When a holiday occurs on Saturday the holiday will be observed on the preceding Friday. When a holiday occurs on Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday. When prior approval is granted, a day in lieu of the actual observed holiday will be granted.Personal Use DaysFull-time exempt and full-time non-exempt employees are granted three paid personal use days annually in January. These days off should be used for personal needs. This time shall be paid at the rate the employee is earning at the time he/she uses it.Scheduled personal use time should be coordinated with the supervisor.Unused days cannot be carried over to the following year..VacationVacation scheduling Vacation is coordinated through the supervisor to ensure coverage for the particular area. All vacation schedules are to be posted on the master calendar maintained in the church secretary’s office.Vacation time (appointed clergy)Appointed clergy receive vacation in accordance with the North Georgia Annual Conference recommendations and in coordination with the Staff Parish Relations Committee.Full time exempt (except appointed clergy) Full time exempt (except appointed clergy) and full-time non-exempt employees shall be granted vacation time as stated below:Years Accredited ServiceVacation timeProbationary Periodno vacation grantedThree months through one year5 work daysAfter one year through six years10 work daysAfter six yearsone additional day/ year to max of 15daysPart time staff Part time staff shall receive vacation time of 5 work days per year. Part time staff do not accumulate any vacation time during the probationary period.Carryover Vacation TimeVacation time cannot be carried over from one year to the next.Jury DutyTime away for jury duty is coordinated through the supervisor when a summons is received. Employees shall be paid for such absence and any payments received for such service need not be reimbursed to the church. If the court services are not required for the full day, the employee is expected to report to the church for the remainder of the day.Funeral LeaveDeath in Family: on the death of a member of the immediate family, leave with pay up to 3 days per occurrence may be granted. Family members are defined as spouse, child, parent, sibling, or spouse’s parent or sibling family. Such leave may also be granted up on the death of other family member regularly living in the household.Leaves of AbsenceSick LeaveFull-time employees shall accrue leave due to illness of the employee or dependent children at the rate of 10 days per year. Part time staff shall accrue sick leave at the rate of 3 days per year. Upon termination, no claim for accumulated health leave may be made. Sick leave with pay is provided for either illness or obtaining health related examinations and care. The employee must keep his/her supervisor informed as to the status and anticipated return to work.Maternity/Paternity Leave for full-time lay employeesMaternity /paternity leave up to 3 months is available at the birth or the adoption of a child. Compensation will not be paid during this time after any available vacation time and/or sick time is used. A request for a Medical Leave of Absence shall be submitted to the Staff Parish Relations Committee prior to the start of a maternity/paternity leave.Military LeaveStaff members serving in the Reserve/Guard component of the Armed Services shall be granted military leave to perform their duties. If the period of duty is expected to be greater than the annual two week training commitment, the military member shall notify the Senior Pastor and Staff Parish Relations Committee. The military member will continue to accrue years of service during military leave of absence.Absences in Excess of Benefit HoursEmployees who miss work after exhausting benefit time will have their pay docked. Excessive absences after exhausting benefit hours may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.MiscellaneousPersonnel FilesThe Personnel Files are confidential records of the employee’s work life at Cornerstone United Methodist Church and will be maintained by the Senior Pastor.The Employee Record contains information and documents pertinent to employment and includes documents such as, but not necessarily limited to the Employee Information form, Criminal History Check, signed acknowledgement of Policy statement on Conduct by Church Staff; Child and Youth Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy; Safe Sanctuary Policy; Confidentiality Policy; Staff Evaluation Record; and Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual acknowledgement. The Senior Pastor maintains the Employee Record in the personnel file.The Staff Evaluation Record is a means of recording periodic conversations between employee and supervisor. These records are maintained in a secure place by the Senior Pastor and may be accessed by the Senior Pastor or Chairman of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. The Staff Evaluation Record will go in the Employee’s file.Staff EvaluationStaff Evaluations (non-appointed clergy) Staff evaluations will be performed annually. A copy will provided to the employee and a copy will be placed in the Employee’s Personal File. The employee may request more frequent meetings with the supervisor for job clarification. Staff Evaluation records (See Appendix for the Evaluation forms) are confidential and access is limited to the supervisor(s) of the employee, Senior Pastor and Chairman of the Staff Parish Relations Committee.During the first quarter of each year of employment the supervisor and employee will determine goals for the year. The supervisor and the employee are responsible for documenting these goals with a copy placed in the Employee’s Personal File.The Senior Pastor/Supervisor will meet with each supervisor/employee on a as needed basis to determine and document progress with pre-established goals.The Senior Pastor will provide at least an annual report to the Staff Parish Relations Committee that documents the completion or non-accomplishment of each staff person’s pre-established goals.Staff Evaluations (appointed clergy) Appointed clergy will be evaluated in accordance with the Annual Conference practice and guidelines.Staff Parish Relations LiaisonEach year the Chairman of the Staff Parish Relations Committee will assign a Staff Parish Relations Committee member for each staff member with the exception of part-time nursery workers. This committee person will be the liaison for the staff member for support and communication.Death in ServiceIn the event of the death of a full-time or part-time staff employee, four weeks salary will be paid to the designated beneficiary.Procedure to Change/Amend PolicyThe Personnel Policy of Cornerstone United Methodist Church will be reviewed annually by the Staff Parish Relations Committee. A Cornerstone United Methodist Church staff member may also request a review of specific portions of this policy. Staff Parish Relations Committee shall inform staff of changes in policy. Staff shall read the revised personnel policy and sign acknowledgement of receipt. This acknowledgement receipt will be kept in the Employee Record.FormsOn the following pages are the HR forms for Cornerstone United Methodist Church. The forms included are:Form NameLast UpdatedOrientation Checklist 7/31/2016Employee Counseling Form7/31/2016Exit Interview Form7/31/2016Vacation Request Form7/31/2016Request for Leave7/31/2016Request for Personal Leave of Absence7/31/2016Personal Leave of Absence Acknowledgement7/31/2016Request for Medical Leave of Absence7/31/2016Medical Leave of Absence Acknowledgement7/31/2016Policy on Conduct by Church Staff7/31/2016Confidentiality Policy7/31/2016Physician’s Statement7/31/2016Safe Sanctuary Acknowledgement7/31/2016Personnel Policies and Procedures Acknowledgement7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Orientation ChecklistEmployee Name: __________________________________Date: ________________The following topics should be discussed with each new employee on the first day of employment. At the conclusion of the orientation, please forward the signed original to the Senior Pastor for placement in the employee’s employment record. FORMCHECKBOX Pay Periods FORMCHECKBOX Employee Personnel Policies FORMCHECKBOX Review of job description FORMCHECKBOX Policy on Conduct by Church Staff FORMCHECKBOX Confidentiality Policy FORMCHECKBOX Overtime practices FORMCHECKBOX Dress and conduct FORMCHECKBOX Reporting absences and tardiness FORMCHECKBOX Telephone, mail, fax and copier policies FORMCHECKBOX Computer/Internet policies FORMCHECKBOX Housekeeping FORMCHECKBOX Show facilities, including restrooms, kitchen, etc. FORMCHECKBOX Introduction to other workers_______________________________________Employee Signature_______________________________________Supervisor/Senior Pastor SignatureForm Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Employee Coaching/Counseling Form FORMCHECKBOX First Warning FORMCHECKBOX Second Warning FORMCHECKBOX Final RecordEmployee’s Name: __________________________________Date: _____________Job Title: ___________________________________________Issue: ___________________________________________Comments:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Action Steps and/or Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Employee SignatureDate______________________________________________________________Supervisor SignatureDate______________________________________________________________Senior Pastor SignatureDate______________________________________________________________Staff Parish Relations CommitteeDateForm Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Exit Interview FormName of Employee: ______________________________Position: _______________Reason for Termination: ________________________________________________Date of Termination: ______________________Would you consider this employee for re-hire? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoReason for Separation (Eligible for re-hire) FORMCHECKBOX Advancement FORMCHECKBOX Better Benefits FORMCHECKBOX Better Working Conditions FORMCHECKBOX Education FORMCHECKBOX End of Assignment FORMCHECKBOX Leaving the Work Force FORMCHECKBOX Medical FORMCHECKBOX Performance FORMCHECKBOX Relocation FORMCHECKBOX Retirement – Drawing Check FORMCHECKBOX Standards Not Met FORMCHECKBOX VoluntaryReason for Separation (Not Eligible for re-hire) FORMCHECKBOX Involuntary FORMCHECKBOX Job Abandonment – Left w/o notice FORMCHECKBOX Resign – In lieu of terminationThe following is a checklist of Church property that must be turned in by the exiting employee. Please check off the items as they are returned and note the date, as well.Cell Phone FORMCHECKBOX Date turned in: _______________Church Keys FORMCHECKBOX Date turned in: _______________Charge Cards FORMCHECKBOX Date turned in: _______________E-mail/Voice-mail accountDate Cancelled: _____________Health InsuranceDate Cancelled: _____________PensionDate Cancelled: _____________Supervisor Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________Form Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Vacation Request FormEmployee Name: ______________________________________ Date: __________Days Requested: From: _________________To: ______________________From: _________________To: ______________________From: _________________To: ______________________Purpose of Request: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Projects or Activities to be covered during absence: _________________________________________________________________________________________________Person/s Responsible for Activities during absence: ___________________________ ______________________________________________________________________Employee’s Signature: ______________________________Date: ______________Approved/Disapproved: ______________________________Date: ______________ SupervisorApproved/Disapproved: _______________________________Date: ______________ Senior Pastor******************************************************************************Employee Starting Date:________________________________________No. Vacation Days Available: ________________ As of: _________________No. Vacation Days Approved: ________________No. Vacation Days Remaining: ________________Administrative Assistant: ________________Form Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Request for LeaveEmployee Name: __________________________________________Date:______________________Type of Leave:________ Sick________ Conference Leading/Attending________ Bereavement________ Family Illness________ Jury Duty________ Leave Without Pay________ Other: ____________________Days Requested:From: ___________________________To: _____________________________________________________________________Date: ___________________Employee Signature______________________________________Date: ___________________Supervisor/Senior Pastor Signature______________________________________Date: ___________________Staff Parish Relations Committee *****************************************************************************For Office Use:Employee Start Date: ______________________Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Form Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Request for Personal Leave of AbsenceName of Employee: __________________________________________I request a Personal Leave of Absence as follows:From: ______________________________ To: ______________________________Reason for Personal Leave of Absence:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I understand that when the personal leave of absence is expected to, or does, exceed six weeks, that the Church cannot guarantee that I will return to the same position held at the beginning of the personal leave of absence. If the same or comparable position is not available, the Church will consider me for recall of the next available opening for which I am qualified. If I refuse a position for which I am qualified, my employment will be terminated.I also understand that if my personal leave of absence exceeds six weeks my salary upon returning to work will be determined by the available opening. It may or may not be the same as at the beginning of the personal leave of absence._________________________________________________________________Employee’s Signature DateForm Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Personal Leave of Absence AcknowledgementI understand that I have been granted a Personal Leave of Absence as follows:Date of Personal Leave of Absence:From: __________________________________ To: _________________________When I am available to return to work, I understand that the Church will make every effort to reinstate my employment to the same or comparable position I held at the beginning of the personal leave of absence. I further understand that when the personal leave of absence is expected to, or does, exceed six (6) weeks, that the Church cannot guarantee that I will return to the same position held at the beginning of the personal leave of absence. If the same or comparable position is not available, the Church will place my name on a recall list for the next available opening for which I am qualified. If I refuse a position for which I am qualified, my employment will be terminated.I also understand that if my personal leave of absence exceeds six (6) weeks my salary upon returning to work will be determined by the available opening. It may or may not be the same as at the beginning of the personal leave of absence.______________________________________Date: __________________________Employee’s Signature______________________________________Date: __________________________Senior Pastor Signature______________________________________Date: __________________________Staff Parish Relations CommitteeForm Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Request for Medical Leave of AbsenceName of Employee: ___________________________________________I request a Medical Leave of Absence as follows:From: _______________________________To: ____________________________Reason for Medical Leave of Absence:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I understand that when the medical leave of absence is expected to, or does, exceed six (6) weeks, the Church cannot guarantee that I will return to the same position held at the beginning of the medical leave of absence. If the same or comparable position is not available, the Church will consider me for recall for the next available opening for which I am qualified. If I refuse a position for which I am qualified, my employment will be terminated.I also understand a Physician’s Statement certifying my ability to work is required prior to my reinstatement.I also understand that if my medical leave of absence exceeds six weeks my salary upon returning to work will be determined by the available opening. It may or may not be the same as at the beginning of the medical leave of absence.______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Employee’s SignatureForm Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCHMedical Leave of Absence AcknowledgementI understand that I have been granted a Medical Leave of Absence as follows:Date of Medical Leave of Absence:From: ________________________________To: ____________________________When I am available to return to work, I understand that the Church will make every effort to reinstate my employment to the same or comparable position I held at the beginning of the medical leave of absence. I further understand that when the medical leave of absence is expected to, or does, exceed six (6) weeks, that the Church cannot guarantee that I will return to the same position held at the beginning of the medical leave of absence. If the same or comparable position is not available, the Church will place my name on a recall list for the next available opening for which I am qualified. If I refuse a position for which I am qualified, my employment will be terminated.I also understand a Physician’s Statement certifying my ability to return to work is required prior to my reinstatement.I also understand that if my medical leave of absence exceeds six weeks my salary upon returning to work will be determined by the available opening. It may or may not be the same as at the beginning of the medical leave of absence._______________________________________ Date: ____________________Employee’s Signature_______________________________________ Date: ____________________Senior Pastor Signature_______________________________________ Date: ____________________Staff Parish Relations Committee Form Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCHPolicy on Conduct by Church StaffThe Cornerstone United Methodist Church Policy on Employee Conduct includes, but is not limited to, Anti-Harassment, Staff Sexual Abuse and Misconduct and Computer Use and Electronic Communications I understand that Cornerstone United Methodist Church has a policy on staff conduct and have been provided a copy of this policy. _______________________________________ Date: ____________________Employee’s Signature_______________________________________ Date: ____________________Supervisor/Senior Pastor SignatureForm Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Policy on Child Youth Sexual Abuse Prevention AcknowledgementThe Cornerstone United Methodist Church Policy on Child Youth Sexual Abuse Prevention follows the guidelines set forth in the current Cornerstone United Methodist Church Safe Sanctuary Policy I understand that Cornerstone United Methodist Church has a policy on child/youth sexual abuse prevention and acknowledge that I have been made aware of this policy. _______________________________________ Date: ____________________Employee’s Signature_______________________________________ Date: ____________________Supervisor/Senior Pastor SignatureForm Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCHConfidentiality PolicyDuring the course of employment with Cornerstone United Methodist Church, an employee may have access or be exposed to information of a highly sensitive and confidential nature. This information may be contained in Church records, correspondence with church members and other, inter-office memoranda, or other similar documents. There may be times when confidential information is shared in staff meetings for the purpose of enabling staff members to minister to our community more fully. Employees of the Church are in a position of trust, and have an obligation to the Church and to those persons to whom we minister to see that the confidentiality of this information is strictly maintained and protected. Unauthorized use or disclosure, even if inadvertently, compromises both the employee and the Church and seriously erodes the confidence of others without which we simply could not effectively minister.An employee’s obligation to preserve the confidentiality of information acquired during employment continues even after the Church no longer employs him. An employee may not disclose, even after cessation of employment, any information that any confidential information disclosed during employment. Moreover, an employee may not utilize the confidential information acquired when he/she was an employee after departure from the Church.I understand that Cornerstone United Methodist Church has a policy on confidentiality and acknowledge that I have been made aware of this policy and will comply with this policy. _______________________________________ Date: ____________________Employee’s Signature_______________________________________ Date: ____________________Supervisor/Senior Pastor SignatureForm Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Safe Sanctuary AcknowledgementI understand that Cornerstone United Methodist Church is a Safe Sanctuary church. I acknowledge that I have been made aware of this policy and will comply with this policy. _______________________________________ Date: ____________________Employee’s Signature_______________________________________ Date: ____________________Supervisor/Senior Pastor SignatureForm Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCH______________________________________________________________________Personnel Policies and Procedures AcknowledgementI have received a copy of the Cornerstone United Methodist Church Personnel Policies and Procedures manual dated July 1, 2016 and agree to read and keep the Handbook for future reference and to direct any questions about the Handbook or its contents to the Chair of Staff Parish Relations Committee. I understand that this Handbook is not a contract of employment and does not alter my at will employment relationship with Cornerstone United Methodist Church. I further understand that the church reserves the right to change the policies, procedures, benefits, and other general information contained in this Handbook._______________________________________ Date: ____________________Employee’s Signature_______________________________________ Date: ____________________Supervisor/Senior Pastor SignatureForm Updated 7/31/2016CORNERSTONEUNITED METHODIST CHURCHPhysician’s StatementPERSONAL INFORMATION73152145669Last: _________________________ First: ____________________ MI: _______Social Security #: ___________________ Birth Date:____________ Sex: ______Job Title: ________________________ Last Date Worked: ________________Home Address: _____________________________________________________Home Telephone: ___________________________________________________Diagnosis: _________________________________________________________Complications, if any: ________________________________________________Today’s Date: ________________________00Last: _________________________ First: ____________________ MI: _______Social Security #: ___________________ Birth Date:____________ Sex: ______Job Title: ________________________ Last Date Worked: ________________Home Address: _____________________________________________________Home Telephone: ___________________________________________________Diagnosis: _________________________________________________________Complications, if any: ________________________________________________Today’s Date: ________________________76200212725PHYSICAL RATING FOR RETURN TO WORK (check one)[ ] No limitations, return to regular duties.[ ] Return to light duty, limitations as defined by physician below.[ ] Unable to return to work at this time because of restrictions listed below.00PHYSICAL RATING FOR RETURN TO WORK (check one)[ ] No limitations, return to regular duties.[ ] Return to light duty, limitations as defined by physician below.[ ] Unable to return to work at this time because of restrictions listed below.TREATMENT INFORMATION73025232410PHYSICIAN’S NOTES: _______________________________________________PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________00PHYSICIAN’S NOTES: _______________________________________________PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TREATMENT INFORMATION762001270TREATMENT INFORMATIONDate of first visit for treatment: ________ Date of last visit for treatment: ________Form updated 7/31/2016Form Updated 7/1/2016Has patient’s progress: [ ] Improved [ ] Remained the same [ ] Deteriorated00TREATMENT INFORMATIONDate of first visit for treatment: ________ Date of last visit for treatment: ________Form updated 7/31/2016Form Updated 7/1/2016Has patient’s progress: [ ] Improved [ ] Remained the same [ ] DeterioratedAPPENDIXJob DescriptionsCurrent job descriptions for each staff job at Cornerstone United Methodist Church are found on the following pages.Position Title – Senior PastorFLSA StatusExemptJob StatusFull-time Salaried (Appointed)Average Weekly Hours 40 HoursReports to SPRCBenefitsPension, Health InsuranceHousing AllowanceDisability InsuranceVacationCredited Years of ServiceVacation1 to 5 years3 weeks (including 3 Sundays)6 to 10 years4 weeks (including 4 Sundays)11+ years5 weeks (including 5 SundaysQualifications Recognized Ordained Elder within the United Methodist Church Eager to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ Good Christian example Needs to be willing to reach out to the community outside the church Strong motivational, leadership and organization skills Needs to be an excellent communicator Needs to be able to delegate to others Team player Hard worker with a can-do attitudeResponsibilitiesDevelop a preaching and worship plan for Sunday services which would include responsibility for all worship services throughout the year and assigning associate clergy and occasional guests. Oversee the ministries and missions of Cornerstone UMCConduct baptisms and Holy Communion as needed throughout the yearGeneral oversight of Cornerstone UMC staffContact with all worship guests. Working with responsible committees, responsibility for financial development and stewardship, to address the General Operating Budget, capital campaigns, and special gifts Chair the Nominations Committee. Job Description Last ReviewMay 2016Position Title – Associate PastorFLSA StatusExemptJob StatusFull-time Salaried (Appointed)Average Weekly Hours 40 HoursReports to SPRC, Senior PastorBenefitsPension, Health InsuranceHousing AllowanceDisability InsuranceVacationCredited Years of ServiceVacation1 to 5 years3 weeks (including 3 Sundays)6 to 10 years4 weeks (including 4 Sundays)11+ years5 weeks (including 5 Sundays)Qualifications Recognized Ordained Deacon/Elder within the United Methodist Church Eager to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ Good Christian example Needs to be willing to reach out to the community outside the church Strong motivational, leadership and organization skills Needs to be an excellent communicator Needs to be able to delegate to others Team player Hard worker with a can-do attitudeResponsibilitiesSupport the Senior Pastor in the accomplishment of the church’s mission through ministry effectiveness evaluation, discernment, decision making, planning and overall direction of church ministries and programsDevelop, provide training for and maintain a process of assimilation including community outreach and evangelism, connection to programs and small groups, serving on mission teams, Cornerstone 101 classes and ongoing stewardshipLead the ministry staff in the establishment and ongoing direction of ministries that effectively reach the church’s demographic, ensuring the accomplishment of the overall mission.In concert with the Sr Pastor facilitate the annual strategic planning process including evaluation of the church ministry performance; review of mission, vision and core values; development of key objectives and tactics; and establishment of three year goals.Establish and maintain a set of key performance measures that provide the Senior Pastor and church staff with ongoing visibility of the effectiveness of all functional areas of the churchChampion the development of infrastructure by all ministry and support areas that supports healthy, long-term growth of the church. This includes networking with other churches and organizations in order to learn best practices and innovations in church growthPerform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor and/or SPRCJob Description Last ReviewMay 2016Position Title – SecretaryFLSA StatusExemptJob StatusFull-time Salaried (Hired)Average Weekly Hours 35 HoursReports to SPRC, Senior PastorBenefitsPensionHealth InsuranceVacationYears of ServiceVacation>1 year service 2 weeks>5 years service 3 weeksQualifications Three to 5 years experience in an administrative roleExcellent software skillsExcellent interpersonal skillsDemonstrate personal faith in Jesus ChristResponsibilitiesProvide administrative support for church staffMaintain official membership records including entering new members and making any necessary changes to current member recordsDraft the weekly bulletin/announcements, submit to the Senior Pastor for approval and printing of bulletinsOrder supplies for church including office supplies, janitorial supplies, and other items as requestedMaintain various records for churchCompiles invoices, prepare checks for signatures and maintain accounts payable recordsPrepares payroll, prepares payroll checks for signatures and prepares monthly and quarterly tax records/paymentsPerform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor and/or SPRCJob Description Last ReviewMay 2016Position Title – Music DirectorFLSA StatusExemptJob StatusPart-time SalariedAverage Weekly Hours Approximately 20 HoursReports to SPRC, Senior PastorBenefitsVacation per Cornerstone UMC Personnel Policy Vacation ScheduleQualifications Knowledge of and prior experience in church musicDegree in music preferredAbility to work with multiple age groups from children to adultsResponsibilitiesPlan music for Sunday services in consultation with Senior PastorEnsure that the weekly musical selections to be included in the bulletins are submitted to church secretary in a timely manner Order new music in collaboration with the directors of each musical groupMaintain and organize music library and musical inventoryAttend staff meetings and other church committee meetings as necessary to collaborate and represent the musical programs of the churchPrepare/monitor the annual budget for the music programMeet as necessary with the directors of all musical groupsOrganize music for all special servicesPlan audio equipment for service with techniciansEnsure the care and maintenance of musical instrumentsWork with directors of all musical groups to plan musical performancesMonitor copyright restrictions and ensure appropriate licensing is maintainedJob Description Last ReviewMay 2016Position Title – AccompanistFLSA StatusExemptJob StatusPart-time SalariedAverage Weekly Hours Approximately 10 hoursReports to SPRC, Senior PastorBenefitsVacation per Cornerstone UMC Personnel Policy Vacation ScheduleQualifications Broad knowledge of musicExperience as a church organist/pianist preferredAbility to play a variety of musical stylesGood/strong sight reading abilitiesDegree in music preferredResponsibilitiesAccompany all music during services as needed.Accompany chancel choir during services and rehearsals.Performs preludes, offertories and postludes as necessary.Take part as needed in rehearsals for all music to be used in servicesJob Description Last ReviewMay 2016Position Title – Choir Director/Worship LeaderFLSA StatusExemptJob StatusPart-time SalariedAverage Weekly Hours Approximately 20 HoursReports to Music Director, SPRC, Senior PastorBenefitsVacation per Cornerstone UMC Personnel Policy Vacation ScheduleQualifications 3 - 5 years experience preferred College degree in music, worship arts or the equivalent preferred spiritually committed to Jesus Christ (United Methodist preferred) willing to transform lives through music to make disciples demonstrate high energy be an effective communicator ability to work with the staff on all worship opportunities ResponsibilitiesAs part of the music ministry team, this person will:Lead the music during services to include contemporary, traditional and special servicesRehearse/direct the chancel choir. Rehearse/direct the Praise BandRecruit new members for the Praise Band and Chancel ChoirJob Description Last ReviewMay 2016Position Title – Music Assistant - HandbellsFLSA StatusExemptJob StatusPart-time SalariedAverage Weekly Hours Approximately 10 HoursReports to Music Director, SPRC, Senior PastorBenefitsVacation per Cornerstone UMC Personnel Policy Vacation ScheduleQualifications Knowledge of and prior experience in church musicDegree in music preferredResponsibilitiesAs part of the music ministry team, this person will:Rehearse/direct the handbell choir/s. Recruit new members for the handbell choir/sJob Description Last ReviewMay 2016Position Title – Director of Student MinistriesFLSA StatusExemptJob StatusPart-time SalariedAverage Weekly Hours Approximately 20 HoursReports to SPRC, Senior PastorBenefitsVacation per Cornerstone UMC Personnel Policy Vacation ScheduleQualifications College education preferred, preferably in Christian Education or equivalent3-5 years work experience preferredRelevant ministry experience (volunteer or paid)Passionate follower of Jesus Christ, United Methodist background preferredResponsibilitiesDeveloping, casting vision for, implementing and overseeing ministry strategies and programming for Middle and High School students to include, but not limited to,:Recruiting, training and shepherding a volunteer teamConnecting relationally with student and familiesTeaching regularly, but not exclusively, within the ministryDeveloping and managing the student ministries vision and programDeveloping culture that promotes and provides for a personal connection to leaders, students and parentsOther duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor and/or SPRCJob Description Last ReviewMay 2016Position Title – Preschool DirectorFLSA StatusExemptJob StatusPart-time SalariedAverage Weekly Hours Approximately 25 hoursReports to SPRC, Senior PastorBenefitsVacation per Cornerstone UMC Personnel Policy Vacation ScheduleQualifications At least 1 year experience in early childhood or elementary school education required. Bachelor of Education preferred.Experience in church-sponsored preschool program preferredMust display an easily distinguishable Christian orientationMust be capable of developing working relationships with children, teachers, parents and church staffBookkeeping skills and knowledge of working with a budgetResponsibilitiesHire, supervise and terminate preschool staffAccept student applications, screen applicants and be available for parent interviewsCollect all applicable fees from students; perform appropriate follow-up on delinquent paymentsIn accordance with school handbook and with input from the preschool committee, expel students when necessary due to late payment or disciplinary issuesDevelop, administer and publish the programs late payment and expulsion policyDevelop, administer and publish the programs behavioral and disciplinary policies. Develop, administer and oversee the financial operations of the preschool to ensure budgetary requirements are met.Provide all requested information to the finance committee for quarterly review and an annual auditPresent an overview of the preschool program for the charge conferenceEvaluate, develop, distribute and monitor each class’s curriculum with input from the preschool committee. Ensure that each teacher and aide fully understands the curriculum and administers it with the preschool director’s guidelines.Coordinate maintenance of materials, equipment and facilities as needed.Provide resources for and monitor training for teachers and aides as required. Develop annual operating budgets for review and approval by the finance committeeDevelop and maintain a procedure for providing feedback to parents at least monthly, preferably weeklyParticipate in classroom activities as needed due to staff absencesMaintain each child’s privacy and confidentiality; ensure that teachers and aides do as wellProvide for each child’s safety and welfare while attending the preschoolMaintain 100% accountability during hours of operation. Ensure that each child is accepted by preschool staff members and delivered back to the appropriate parent each day.Promote good morale and professional atmosphere Maintain 100% accountability during hours of operation. Ensure that each child is accepted by preschool staff members and delivered back to the appropriate parent each day.Promote good morale and professional atmosphereMaintain open, timely communication with the preschool staff, parents, children and the preschool committeeMaintain upkeep of the playground and submit budget request to Trustee Committee ChairMaintain the school’s certification as a “School of Excellence” with the North Conference of United Methodist Churches.Participate in all required church staff activitiesOther duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor and/or SPRCJob Description Last ReviewMay 2016Position Title – Director of Children’s MinistriesFLSA StatusExemptJob StatusPart-time SalariedAverage Weekly Hours Approximately 20 HoursReports to SPRC, Senior PastorBenefitsVacation per Cornerstone UMC Personnel Policy Vacation ScheduleQualifications 3 - 5 years experience preferred College degree in Christian Education, Religion or the equivalent preferredspiritually committed to Jesus Christ (United Methodist preferred) demonstrate high energy be an effective communicator ability to recruit, equip and lead ability to work with the staff on all worship opportunities ResponsibilitiesResponsible for development of new educational ministries impacting children from birth through 5th gradeAssess personnel needs of education program, coordinate inviting teachers/leaders to participate in all education ministries, Sunday School, Children’s Church, nursery ministries, midweek programs, special programs, VBS, Confirmation classes and new education ministriesServe as a resource person for curriculum, literature and teaching aids. Promote and assist in the use of the resources as approved by the Director of Children’s Ministries.Evaluate/assess education ministry programs for ages birth to 5th grade including Sunday School, midweek programs, special programs and VBSResponsible for development of new educational ministries impacting children from birth through 5th gradeAssess personnel needs of education program, coordinate inviting teachers/leaders to participate in all education ministries, Sunday School, Children’s Church, nursery ministries, midweek programs, special programs, VBS, Confirmation classes and new education ministriesServe as a resource person for curriculum, literature and teaching aids. Promote and assist in the use of the resources as approved by the Director of Children’s Ministries.Evaluate/assess education ministry programs for ages birth to 5th grade including Sunday School, midweek programs, special programs and VBSCoordinate, oversee and approve VBS, special programs for children, teacher training for Christian education ministries for ages birth to 5th grade.Attend workshops and district/conference meetings to network with other Children Christian educatorsReport results of children’s programs evaluations to Administrative CouncilCoordinate scheduling of volunteers for Children's programsCoordinate efforts to develop policies and procedures for various education ministries and report such policies to the Administrative CouncilSubmit and review all education ministry opportunity information in the weekly bulletin and monthly newsletterProject financial needs for Christian education ministries and be accountable for money spent as it relates to the budget of the churchAssist senior pastor (when requested) with worship services, confirmation classes and other special duties related to children’s ministries.Establish a Children’s Ministries Advisory Council to function under the direct leadership of Director of Children's’ Ministries. This council will include directors of all children’s programs including VBS director, Pioneers Coordinator, Children’s Church Coordinator, Nursery Director, Children’s Coordinator and Education Committee Chairmen.Recruit, hire, oversee and terminate, as needed, paid nursery workersEnsure all nursery workers comply with Cornerstone UMC nursery and safe sanctuaryJob Description Last ReviewMay 2016Position Title – Nursery WorkerFLSA StatusNon-ExemptJob StatusPart-time HourlyAverage Weekly Hours VariesReports to Director of Children’s MinistriesBenefitsNoneQualifications Current CPR certifiedCurrent Safe Sanctuaries certifiedClear background checkPrevious experience caring for children preferredResponsibilitiesProvide childcare, in accordance with Cornerstone UMC Nursery Policies, for children ages infant – 5th grade whose parents attend Cornerstone UMC functions.Job Description Last ReviewMay 2016Cornerstone UMC Lay Staff Evaluation SystemThe supervisor/Senior Pastor and select members of the Staff Parish Relations Committee complete the Church Staff Evaluation Form for each employee. The employee also completes their copy of the Church Staff Evaluation FormThe employee meets with the reviewers and the evaluation is discussed.The employee signs and dates the Acknowledgement which states that “I have reviewed this document and discussed the contents with the pastor and others of the SPRC. I acknowledge that I have been advised of my performance status, which does not necessarily imply that I agree with the evaluation.”Cornerstone UMC Staff EvaluationSUPERVISOR FORMJob title: _______________________Employee name: _______________________ Employment start date: _____________Review period: (MM/DD/YYYY) _________ to _________; Reviewers: _________________, ___________________, _________________ PERFORMANCE COMPETENCIES COMMUNICATIONS........................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Expresses ideas and thoughts verbally; Exhibits good listening and comprehension; Keeps others informed; Uses appropriate communication methods COOPERATION............................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Establishes and maintains effective relations; Exhibits tact and consideration; positive outlook and pleasant manner; Offers assistance and support to coworkers; Works cooperatively in group situations DEPENDABILITY.............................................................................. (Overall score) 1 2 3 4 5 Follows instructions, responds to management direction............................. 1 2 3 4 5 Takes responsibility for own actions............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Keeps commitments; meets attendance and punctuality guidelines..……… 1 2 3 4 5 INITIATIVE..........................................................……..…………………………………… 1 2 3 4 5 Volunteers readily; Seeks increased responsibilities & takes independent actions; Looks for and takes advantage of opportunities; Asks for help when needed JOB KNOWLEDGE............................................................................ (Overall score) 1 2 3 4 5 Competent in required job skills and knowledge.............................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Requires minimal supervision........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Displays understanding of how job relates to others ........................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Uses resources effectively................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 JUDGMENT..............................................................................................………………...1 2 3 4 5 Displays willingness to make decisions; sound, timely, and accurate judgment; includes others in decision making when appropriate PLANNING & ORGANIZATION...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Prioritizes and plans work activities; Integrates changes smoothly; Sets goals and objectives; well organized program/activities PROBLEM SOLVING...................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Identifies problems in a timely manner; Gathers and analyzes information skillfully; Develops alternative solutions; Works well in group problem-solving situations QUALITY.......................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Demonstrates accuracy and thoroughness; Looks for ways to improve and promote quality; Applies feedback to improve performance USE OF TECHNOLOGY..................................................................... (Overall score) 1 2 3 4 5 Demonstrates required skills ...............................................................................1 2 3 4 5 Adapts to new technologies .................................................................................1 2 3 4 5 Troubleshoots problems .......................................................................................1 2 3 4 5 Uses technology to increase productivity..............................................................1 2 3 4 5 Keeps technical skills up to date ..........................................................................1 2 3 4 5 DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Anticipated actions, new initiatives, and revised emphasis within your programs: Long Range Goals: Supervisor Comments: Acknowledgement: I have reviewed this document and discussed the contents with the pastor and others of the SPRC. I acknowledge that I have been advised of my performance status, which does not necessarily imply that I agree with the evaluation. ________________________________________________________________ Employee signature/Date ________________________________________________________________ Supervisor/Senior Pastor signature/Date ________________________________________________________________ SPRC Member signature/Date Cornerstone UMC Staff EvaluationEMPLOYEE FORMJob title: _______________________Employee name: _______________________ Employment start date: _____________Review period: (MM/DD/YYYY) _________ to _________; Last review date: __________(MM/DD/YYYY)PERFORMANCE COMPETENCIES COMMUNICATIONS........................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Expresses ideas and thoughts verbally; Exhibits good listening and comprehension; Keeps others informed; Uses appropriate communication methods COOPERATION............................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Establishes and maintains effective relations; Exhibits tact and consideration; positive outlook and pleasant manner; Offers assistance and support to coworkers; Works cooperatively in group situations DEPENDABILITY.............................................................................. (Overall score) 1 2 3 4 5 Follows instructions, responds to management direction............................. 1 2 3 4 5 Takes responsibility for own actions............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Keeps commitments; meets attendance and punctuality guidelines..……… 1 2 3 4 5 INITIATIVE..........................................................……..…………………………………… 1 2 3 4 5 Volunteers readily; Seeks increased responsibilities & takes independent actions; Looks for and takes advantage of opportunities; Asks for help when needed JOB KNOWLEDGE............................................................................ (Overall score) 1 2 3 4 5 Competent in required job skills and knowledge.............................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Requires minimal supervision........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Displays understanding of how job relates to others ........................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Uses resources effectively................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 JUDGMENT..............................................................................................………………...1 2 3 4 5 Displays willingness to make decisions; sound, timely, and accurate judgment; includes others in decision making when appropriate PLANNING & ORGANIZATION...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Prioritizes and plans work activities; Integrates changes smoothly; Sets goals and objectives; well organized program/activities PROBLEM SOLVING...................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Identifies problems in a timely manner; Gathers and analyzes information skillfully; Develops alternative solutions; Works well in group problem-solving situations QUALITY.......................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Demonstrates accuracy and thoroughness; Looks for ways to improve and promote quality; Applies feedback to improve performance USE OF TECHNOLOGY..................................................................... (Overall score) 1 2 3 4 5 Demonstrates required skills ...............................................................................1 2 3 4 5 Adapts to new technologies .................................................................................1 2 3 4 5 Troubleshoots problems .......................................................................................1 2 3 4 5 Uses technology to increase productivity..............................................................1 2 3 4 5 Keeps technical skills up to date ..........................................................................1 2 3 4 5 DEVELOPMENT PLANS:Anticipated actions, new initiatives, and revised emphasis within your programs: Long Range Goals: Comments: ________________________________________________________________ Employee signature/Date ................

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