
One goal for this website is that it be useful for obtaining resources for your ministry and your congregration. This site can be of most help to you if you'll tell us what you need.  Please send suggestions or resources to: v.johnson@.


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District Churches

2007 Conference Journal

2008 Conference Journal 

Complete 2009 Journal (Large File: 12.4 MB)

InfoServ  the official information service of The United Methodist Church, responds to over 200 questions a day by e-mail, phone, and fax. Located in Nashville, TN, InfoServ is here to respond to not only your questions, but point you in the right direction to locate people and necessary resources.

Methopedia a world of news, tools and Church-wide resources for everyone.

Find-A-Church  to find out how to update and enhance your church’s page


Center for Clergy Excellence

Represents the caring, supportive ministry of the Texas Annual Conference among clergy and lay employees of our local congregations. Its mission is to create, promote, and administer a variety of services that strengthen morale, assist financially, and guide personal planning for the future.

• Candidates for Ministry

• Dove System

• Clergy recruitment

• Clergy E-newsletters

• Procedure for retirement

• General Board of Higher Education and Ministry

• General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits

• Retreat opportunities for pastors

• Pastors Retreat Network

• Silver Bay YMCA on Lake George

• Holden Village

• Davidson Clergy Center

• Ruah Center at Villa de Matel

• Cenacle Retreat Center

• Cramer Center 

• Lakeview United Methodist Conference Center 


Center for Congregational Excellence

Connects and equips local congregations and new church start leaders with tools and resources for congregational revitalization, transformation, and vitality in communities they serve.

o Certified Lay Ministry

o Safe Sanctuary

o General Board of Discipleship

o United Methodist Publishing House (UMPH)

o UMCom Training Center 

▪ Open Hearts Welcoming Training explores the basics of Igniting Ministry

▪ Exploring General Conference

o National United Methodist Campers



Center for Missional Excellence

Provides and equips leaders who carry forth ministries of mercy, justice, and wholeness so that all persons, inside and outside the church, experience mercy, justice, and wholeness: emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually.

o Kairos of Texas

o Walk to Emmaus

o Nothing but Nets

o General Board of Church and Society

o General Board of Global Ministries

o General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns (GCCUIC)

o General Commission on Religion and Race

o General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW)

o General Commission on United Methodist Men (UMM)

o United Methodist Women (UMW)

▪ Texas Conference UMW

o Celebration Women's Ministry

o United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)

o United Methodist Publication Links



Center for Connectional Resources

Provides fiscal oversight, property management, and archives and records to undergird the mission and ministry of the Texas Annual Conference. (formerly the Treasurer's Office)

o 2007 Benevolences-Apportionment Booklet

o Stewardship Tips

o General Council on Finance and Administration

o General Commission on Archives and History

o United Methodist Communications (UMCOM)

o Igniting Ministry  or

o 2007 Conference Journal

o 2008 Conference Journal

o Sending information for Conference Group Email


Pastoral Care, Christian Education & Spiritual Formation

Preaching, Theology & Worship

Mission Opportunities & Resources


Finance & Administration Resources

Downloadable District Directory



University Links

• Lon Morris College

• SFA Wesley Foundation

• Wiley College




Other Helpful Links


• Texas Annual Conference

• Lakeview United Methodist Conference Center

• Cramer Center

• Partners in Mission

• United Methodist Foundation

• Wesley Community Center

• Methodist Mission Home Newsletter

• McMahan Chapel

• Methodist Mission Home




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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