Pack 308


Cub Scout Pack 348

Parent Handbook


Riner, VA

Charter Organization:

Auburn United Methodist Church

2012 - 2013

Table of Contents


4…………. Cub Scouting Core Values

5………..... Cub Scout Promise, Law of the Pack, Cub Scout Motto

6…………. Den and Pack meetings, Snow days

7…………..Cub Scout uniform, Fees & Dues

8…………. Your Year of Scouting

9………….. Your Role as a Parent, Leader Training

10………... Volunteer Positions

11………… Camping and Outings Rules

12………….Cub Scout Ranks, Awards & Recognitions

15…………..Area Scout Stores, Useful Websites, Phone numbers


19.................Pack Organization Chart


Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 348! You have joined a Pack that has been active in Riner for many years. You are joining a group of Scouts that share your interest in learning new skills, participating in group activities, and helping to enrich the community. With the help of your AKELA and trained Scout leaders, you will do things that will challenge your body and mind. On this Journey you will learn skills that will increase your independence and leadership skills, making you a vital part of the Community. We will see you through each stage of this Journey from Tiger Cub to Webelos, and hopefully to the Arrow of Light. Once again, welcome to Pack 348!

New Members: When joining Pack 348 you will be required to pay a registration fee to Pack 348 to cover the dues for the remainder of the year. We have provided a way for you to recoup this fee, please see the “Your Year of Scouting” section of this guidebook.

You will also need the following items for you new Scout.

A copy of the Handbook for your Scouts rank. (Tiger, Wolf, Bear or Webelos)

The official Cub Scout uniform shirt with the Blue Ridge Mountains Council shoulder patch, unit numbers and US flag shoulder patch. (Webelos may wear either a blue shirt or the official khaki Boy Scout shirt with blue shoulder loops.)

The neckerchief and slide that corresponds with the Scouts rank.

The official Cub Scout pants and belt that correspond to your Scouts rank. (Tiger through Bear are blue; Webelos wear blue or olive green with blue belt.)

The official Class “B” shirt for Pack 348.

We have included a list of locations where you will be able to find these items in the back of the handbook. We will get an order together for Class B shirts once or twice a year.

Tiger Cubs (First graders) are required to have their Adult Partner with them at all times. Wolf, Bear and Webelos Scouts are not required to have their AKELA with them, but it is encouraged.

There will be weekly Den meetings and one Pack meeting each month. Parents and family members are welcome and encouraged to attend all Pack meetings and activities.





4 Cub Scouting's 12 Core Values


Citizenship: Contributing service and showing responsibility to local, state, and national communities.


Compassion: Being kind and considerate and showing concern for the well-being of others.


Cooperation: Being helpful and working together with others toward a common goal.


Courage: Being brave and doing what is right regardless of our fears, the difficulties, or the consequences.


Faith: Having inner strength and confidence based on our trust in God.


Health and Fitness: Being personally committed to keeping our minds and bodies clean and fit.

Honesty: Telling the truth and being worthy of trust.


Perseverance: Sticking with something and not giving up, even if it is difficult.


Positive Attitude: Being cheerful and setting our minds to look for and find the best in all situations.


Resourcefulness: Using human and other resources to their fullest.


Respect: Showing regard for the worth of something or someone.


Responsibility: Fulfilling our duty to God, country, other people, and ourselves.




3 Cub Scout Promise

I, (say your name), promise


To do my DUTY to GOD

And my Country

To HELP other people, and

To OBEY the LAW of the Pack

4 The Law of the Pack

The Cub Scout follows Akela.

The Cub Scout helps the pack go.

The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.

The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

5 The Cub Scout Motto

Do Your Best!

6 Tiger Cub Motto

Search, Discover, Share


Den Meetings

Den meetings are the weekly meetings where your son will receive guidance in achieving the requirements for his rank, and participate in other fun activities. This meeting is headed by a Den Leader and his/her assistance(s). By following the guidelines below you can help your son have a successful Den.

Please have your son at the Den meetings on time and ready to participate in the planned activities.

Please have a good attitude! Your son can feel the tension you give off and it will reflect in his attitude in the meeting. Help to make all the Scouts feel that this is a safe place they can go and have fun.

If you choose not to stay for the Den meeting please be there to pick up your son on time. Let the Den Leader know if you plan to have someone else pick up your son.

Please come in to pick up your son. This way we know who your son is leaving with. This also gives the Den Leader a chance to let you know of any upcoming events or information you may need to know.

If you would like to Lead a Den, or be an assistant Den Leader, please see the Cubmaster for the appropriate forms.

Class “A” or “B” uniforms are both acceptable dress for Den meetings unless notified otherwise.

Pack Meetings

Pack Meetings are held once a month. They are lead by the Cubmaster and are an important part of Cub Scouting. They give the individual Dens a chance to show the rest of the Pack what they have been working on that month. It is also a time for the Scouts to show their different talents (skits, stunts & jokes), and receive recognition for their advancements that month. All Scouts are expected to participate in the Pack Meeting activities either by program participation or setting up before or cleaning up after the meeting. You can help ensure a great pack meeting by following the guidelines below.

Please have your son there on time or a little early, to make sure everything is set up and in order.

Encourage your son to participate in the program by doing a skit, stunt or joke.

Have your son wear his class “A” uniform. This is a time to be proud and looking sharp doesn’t hurt.

Invite your family and friends to come to the meeting. Who knows, maybe one of your friend’s sons will want to join the Pack.

Snow days

Simple: If school is canceled or released early due to weather. Scouts is canceled as well.


Cub Scout Uniforms

Class “A” uniform is the full official Cub Scout uniform consisting of the official Cub Scout shirt with correct patches, Cub Scout pants or shorts, neckerchief & slide, Cub Scout belt, and Cub Scout socks.

Class “B” uniform is the official Pack 348 t-shirt with Cub Scout pants, belt, and socks.

Class “C” uniform is a scouting shirt with any pants or shorts.

NOTE: Class “A” uniforms are always to be worn when traveling to any official Cub Scout activity, unless told otherwise by the Cubmaster or Adult Leader in charge.

Boys’ Life Magazine (optional): A year’s subscription to Boys’ Life Magazine (The official magazine of the Boy Scouts of America) is $12.00.

Den dues: None; the weekly Den expenses, are covered as part of the registration fee.

This could range from craft supplies to project materials.

Fundraising: Pack 348 has several fund raisers during the year. All pack members are encouraged to participate in this critical part of scouting. Registration fees pay only a fraction of the true cost of scouting at all levels (averages $100 per year per scout). The annual Trails End Popcorn fall fundraiser supports the National BSA, the Blue Ridge Mountains Council, the New River District BSA and our pack as well. Other fundraisers and donations pay for pack expenses including:

● Advancement and recognition awards & devices, participation patches

● Handbooks & neckerchiefs

● Pinewood Derby Car Kit & Rain gutter Regatta Sailboat Kit subsidies

● General program expenses & extra pack activities, including the Blue & Gold Banquet, etc. . . .

Donations: Donations are always welcome, of course. Certain donations are tax-deductible – see the Pack Treasurer for more information.

Everyone hates fund-raising, but we want to remind parents that fund-raising has an important role in scouting.

Also, please remember that some employers will donate money to 501(c) (3) organizations that their employees volunteer time to. Please investigate your employer’s community donation programs to help support our pack.

Financial Assistance is available to scouts who cannot afford to pay the required fees. Any boy who wants to participate in scouting will not be turned away merely for financial reasons. Please contact the Pack Committee Chairman or Cubmaster if you are interested in assistance (Contact numbers are provided in the useful numbers section of the handbook).


The scouting year.

Scouting comes at a cost. In order to provide a quality program for your son; Pack 348 asks scouts to pay the annual dues of $65.00, participate in the annual popcorn sale or a combination of the two.

For scouts with financial difficulties, scholarships are available. Please mark this form or see the Cub Master, your Den Leader, or the Pastor of Auburn United Methodist Church, to receive these funds. Scholarships will be kept confidential.

Your son will receive the following:

All awards, charter dues, insurance, den book, a years subscription to Boy's Life Magazine, 1 Pinewood Derby car, (1 Raingutter Regatta Boat or Space Derby Rocket), participation and food at the Pack camp-out, Food and Decorations for the Blue and Gold Banquet, Webelos to Boy Scout Bridging Ceremony.

Scout Name: __________________________________________


Parents Name:_________________________________________

Phone number:________________________________________



Your Role as a Parent

Cub Scouting encourages closeness to family. The program will give you opportunities to take part in activities with your son that you normally might not do. It provides a positive way for parent and son to grow closer together, and encourages you to spend quality time together. In this way, Cub Scouting is a program for the entire family, and your involvement is vital to the program's success.

Some specific things you can do to help your son in Cub Scouting are:

Work with your son on projects

Help your Cub Scout along the advancement trail

Participate in monthly pack meetings

Be an active participant in the pack Committee

Go on family campouts with your son

Provide support for your son's den and pack


Youth Protection Training: All Leaders and Scouters, as well as any interested parents, are encouraged to complete Youth Protection Training. YPT is a very serious and important part of the BSA program that is currently offered online.

Leader Training: Pack Committee Members, Cubmaster, Den Leaders, & Assistants have additional training requirements that include:

➢ Fast Start Training can be completed online in about 20 minutes.

➢ New Leader Essentials and at Leader Specific Training

➢ Leader Specific Training is for your position and earns you the “Trained” patch.

➢ Recurrent Leader Training includes:

○ Monthly Roundtable (attendance at 4 required for leader awards, or 1 Pow Wow)

➢ Additional Training

○ BALOO (Basic Leader Outdoor Orientation) required for Pack Campout

○ Health & Safety (Guide to Safe Scouting)

○ Safe Swim Defense & Safety Afloat

ScoutParents Unit Coordinator Fast Start Training



Cub Scouting is an all volunteer lead organization at the Pack level. You and other parents or adults, who are interested in helping provide a quality program for our young boys are always needed. No matter what your skill or profession is there may be a need for your help in the Pack.

If every parent volunteers to lead, assist, chair, co-chair, or coordinate, then no one has to bite off more than he or she can chew. And that means a quality program for your son.

Volunteer Positions

While some positions require more time and often a one-year commitment, some are

Simple, one-time events conducted annually. (* positions should register with BSA)

Annual leadership commitments include

Cubmaster* & Assistant

Pack Committee Chairperson*

Pack Trainer*


Advancement Coordinator*


Membership Chair*

Public Relations*

Outings/Events Chair*

Tiger Cub Den Leaders*

Wolf Den Leaders*

Bear Den Leaders*

Webelos Den Leader*

Assistant Den Leaders*

One-time event commitments include:

School Night for Scouting Chair

Trails End Popcorn “Kernel”

Pack Fundraising Coordinator

Pinewood Derby Coordinator

Blue & Gold Banquet Coordinator

Friends of Scouting Coordinator

Summertime Activities Coordinators

Activity Badge / Achievement / Academic &

Sports Coordinators


Pack Leaders are encouraged to register with the BSA. Adult leader registration is necessary for building tenure for adult award recognitions. Registered adults will receive the bi-monthly “Scouting” magazine, filled with ideas and information. We need registered leaders to help us give our Cub Scouts a quality program, and to continue to earn the National Quality Unit Award!


Camping & Outing Rules

As the Cub Scout Motto “Search, Discover, Share” implies, your son will have the opportunity to go on various outings and camping trips throughout the year. To make sure that your son is safe, and gets the most enjoyment possible from these outings, we ask that you read and follow the Pack rules for Camping and Outings.

Wear your full Class “A” Scout uniform to and from all camping trips or other activities unless otherwise informed. Class “B” or Class “C” uniform may be designated as the uniform for a particular trip or activity at the Cubmaster’s discretion.

No hazing or harassing behavior (physical or verbal) of any kind will be tolerated.

Always use the “Buddy System” on all outings and outside activities (hiking, swimming, etc.).

Respect other Scouts equipment and Personal property. Do not use, touch or take anything that doesn’t belong to you without permission.

Cell phones must be turned off at all times unless you have the permission of the Cubmaster or adult Leader in charge.

All Scouts will be required to perform camp site duties (camp site set up, clean up, break down, etc.)

No Scout is to leave the camp site or activity unless they have permission from the Cubmaster or the Adult leader in charge.

Always practice the “Leave no Trace” policy.

No rock throwing

An item put in the campfire will stay in the fire

Safe Swim Defense guidelines will be followed when any activities involve water

These items are prohibited on all Scouting activities:

Fireworks or explosives of any kind

Sheath Knives

Folding knives with a blade longer than three inches

Aerosol cans of any kind

Radios, Electronic equipment (Nintendo, iPod, etc.)

Glass bottles or jars

Tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs

Firearms or ammunition of any kind

Slingshots, num-chucks or other weapons of any kind

Failing to abide by the Camping and Activities Rules of Pack 348 may result in disciplinary action ranging from a verbal warning or isolated quiet time to being sent home from the outing or activity.

Pack hike

Pack 348 offers a monthly hike for Scouts and their families, see your den leader for details. Also, please abide by the rules listed above.

6 11

Cub Scout Ranks


The Bobcat badge is the first badge earned. No matter what age a boy joins the Cub Scouts, he must earn the Bobcat badge before working on the badge for his age.

Tiger Cub

The Tiger Cub badge is for those boys who have completed kindergarten (or are 7 years old).


The Wolf Badge is for those boys who have completed first grade (or are 8 years old).


The Bear badge is for those boys who have completed the second grade (or are 9 years old).


(We Be Loyal Scouts)

The Webelos badge is for those boys who have completed the third grade (or are 10 years old).

Arrow of Light

The Arrow of Light Award is earned after a boy has earned the Webelos rank, usually during his second year of Webelos Scouting. A boy who enters Webelos Scouting as a fifth grader (or age 10) may earn both the Webelos badge and the Arrow of Light Award, but will have to work hard to do so for six months.

This award is the highest award in Cub Scouting, good attendance is a must. Good attendance is a minimum of 75% participation in Den and Pack Meetings.


Academic & Sports Program (Belt Loops & Pins)

The Cub Scout Academics and Sports program is a supplemental enrichment program that complements the existing Cub Scout program. Cub Scouts at all levels can work towards earning belt loops and pins.

The belt loops have fairly simple requirements. They are awarded at the Pack meetings and can be worn on the Scout belt. After completing additional, slightly more difficult requirements, a Scout can earn the corresponding pin in that academic or sports area. Pins are not part of uniform wear, and therefore, Pack 348 does not provide these awards. Parents may purchase the pins on their own at the scout shop in Roanoke. (*can only be earned at Council Scouting events)










Disabilities Awareness

Family Travel



Good Manners


Language & Culture

Map & Compass




Pet Care


Reading and Writing


Video Games


Wildlife Conservation






BB Shooting*




Flag Football





Horseback Riding

Ice Skating



Physical Fitness

Roller Skating


Snow Ski & Board





Table Tennis





Recruiter Strip

The Recruiter strip may be awarded to a Cub Scout who recruits another boy into the program. It is worn centered below the right pocket on the uniform.


Religious Emblems

“A Scout is reverent." All Scouts show this by being faithful in their duty to God. Some go further and give special service. This can qualify them for a religious emblem. Such an emblem is not a Scouting award. It is conferred on a Scout by his religious leader. Each faith has its own requirements for earning its emblem. See for more information.


BSA Family Award

The BSA Family program is a series of activities designed to help strengthen all families – whether two-parent, single-parent, or nontraditional. All family members are encourage to participate, and may earn the BSA Family Award. A family must complete two activities from each of five categories:

1) Learning through Fun & Adventure

2) Strengthening Family Relationships

3) Developing Character

4) Teaching Responsibility

5) Handling Difficult Situations


World Conservation Award

This international award is earned by completing varying requirements outlined in the Scout’s handbook. Each rank has different requirements. For example, the Wolf requirement is to complete the “Your Living World” achievement, complete two of three designated electives, and participate in a Den or Pack Conservation Project. Upon completion of his requirements, the Cub will be awarded his World Conservation Patch at a Pack meeting ceremony.


Whittling Chip

The Whittling Chip can be earned by Bear Cub Scouts and older. It confers the privilege of carrying a pocketknife to Cub Scout activities. Cubs will follow the tenets of the Pocketknife Pledge in order to maintain this privilege.


Physical Fitness Award

This award is designed to heighten fitness awareness and to help change the lifestyles of American youth and adults regarding exercise and a healthy diet to improve the quality of their lives. Scouts completing the seven requirements can receive a patch.


Emergency Preparedness BSA

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has partnered with BSA to increase the level of citizen preparedness across the country. DHS has asked the BSA to build upon the foundation of the Ready campaign and to help citizens across the country prepare for emergencies of all kinds. While each rank has different requirements for this award, they’ll focus on three areas: individual preparedness, family preparedness, and community preparedness.


Leave No Trace Program

Leave No Trace is a plan that helps people to be more concerned about their environment and to help them protect it for future generations. Leave No Trace applies in a backyard or local parks (front country) as much as it does in the wilderness (back country). The Cub Scout Leave No Trace Pledge promises to practice the following guidelines wherever he goes:

1) Plan ahead

2) Stick to trails.

3) Manage your pet.

4) Leave what you find.

5) Respect other visitors.

6) Trash your trash.


Area Scout Stores

Blue Ridge Mountains Council

2131 Valley View Blvd NW

Roanoke, VA 24012 (540) 265-4443

Useful Websites

National Boy Scouts of America

Blue Ridge Mountains Council

Riner Scouts; the Pack and Troop 348 web site


Boy Scouts of America online Store

US Scouting Service Project



Useful Phone Numbers

Auburn United Methodist Church..............................................................540 382-4478

Blue Ridge Mountains Council....................................................................540 265-0656

Pack 348 Cubmaster…………….…..Ken Hall.........….................…..... 540 449-6443

Pack 348 Training Chairman...…......Rob Knapp………...………….......540 449-8445



Achievements are requirements for advancement listed in the Cub Scout handbook.

Activity badges or “Pins” are part of the Webelos advancement program. Each of the 20 activity badges has a set of requirements that each Webelos Scout must meet, usually in den meetings. Certain activity badges are required to earn the Webelos badge and Arrow of Light.

Every Tiger Cub has an Adult Partner. This is usually a parent or guardian but can be another relative or other adult approved by the boy's parent/guardian. The partners share the leadership of the Tiger Cub den, usually taking responsibility for one month's program.

Advancements in rank are presented at each pack meeting and include Tiger Cub, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light badges.

Akela is the Cub Scout term for a leader - any leader - including den leaders, Cubmaster, teachers, parents, and any other adult the Cub Scout looks up to.

The Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouting, is awarded to a Webelos Scout who completes additional requirements, including additional activity badges and interaction with a Boy Scout troop (such as a joint hike).

Arrow points are earned by Cub Scouts after they earn their Wolf or Bear badges. The first arrow point is gold; the rest are silver. Cub Scouts can earn three arrow points for uniform wear.

An assistant Cubmaster is an adult (18 years or older) who assists the Cubmaster with the pack program. You may have several assistant Cubmasters. One of them might be the next Cubmaster.

An assistant den leader is an adult (18 years or older) who assists the den leader with the den meetings.

An assistant Webelos leader is an adult (18 years or older) who assists the Webelos den leader with the den meetings.

Sir Robert S. S. Baden-Powell, a British war hero, founded Boy Scouting in England in 1906. He devoted his life to the program. Boy Scouts around the world fondly call him B-P.

The Bear badge is awarded when a Cub Scout completes 12 of 24 achievements in the Bear Cub Scout Book.

Most packs have a Blue and Gold Banquet in February (the anniversary month of Boy Scouting) for all members of the pack and their families.

The Bobcat badge is earned by all Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts when they join the pack.

Boy Scouting is the program for 11- to 18-year-old boys that further the development of the boy through camping, outdoor activities, skills development, and advancement. Boy Scouts belong to a troop.

A chartered organization is a community group - often a religious, civic, fraternal, educational, or other organization - that sponsors a Scouting unit, such as a Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout troop, or Venturing crew. The Boy Scouts of America issues a charter to each chartered organization, allowing them to use Scouting as part of their youth program.

Charter renewal is the annual process during which the charter issued by BSA to your chartered organization is renewed. The pack committee must help by verifying the list of boys and adults registered in the pack.


The Code of Conduct helps your meetings run smoothly without disruption by getting the Cub or Webelos Scouts' agreement on what behavior is acceptable.

Your local Boy Scouts of America Council supports Scouting units throughout its geographical area. If you don't know the location or phone number of your council, ask an experienced leader or check the phone book under "Boy Scouts of America." You can also find it on the Internet at .

The Cubmaster is responsible for monthly pack meetings, the program of the pack, and the operation of the dens.

A Cub Scout den consists of six to eight Cub Scouts with a den leader and one or more assistants, as well as a den chief. It meets every week at a time and place chosen by the den leader and parents.

A Cub Scout den leader is an adult volunteer who leads a Cub Scout den, with the help of assistant den leaders and parents.

The Cub Scout Den Meeting Program form lists all the parts of a den meeting and is used to plan your weekly meetings. You can find a copy in your Cub Scout Leader Book. Additional blank copies may be purchased at your council service center.

Cub Scout Leader: You and all the other adult volunteers in your pack.

The Cub Scout sign is used when Cub Scouts say the Cub Scout Promise and Law. The sign is also used to get the attention of any Cub Scout group. To make the sign, hold up your right hand with the arm straight and first and middle fingers extended. The other fingers and thumb are folded over into the palm.

A Den Chief is a Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer who serves as an activities assistant, helping the den leader with the den and providing fun and interesting things for the boys to do.

A Denner is one of your Cub or Webelos Scouts who is elected to help the den leadership for one month. An assistant Denner is also elected and will become Denner the following month.

A District is a part of a council, covering a smaller area. Districts provide training, activities, roundtables, and other support to units.

Field trips are den or pack trips away from the usual meeting place. They can be as simple as a den trip to tour a local fast food restaurant or as big as a bus trip to a museum or sports event. If you are going outside your own town, you must file a tour permit with your local Boy Scouts of America council.

Friends of Scouting (FOS) is a fund-raiser for your local council. You may be asked to host an FOS presentation at a pack meeting. FOS was formerly called Sustaining Membership Enrollment (SME).

A Webelos Graduation Ceremony is held to "crossover" Webelos Scouts into Boy Scouting. Ceremony ideas can be found in Cub Scout Ceremonies for Dens and Packs.

An Induction Ceremony is usually held to welcome new Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, or Webelos Scouts into the pack. Ceremony ideas can be found in Cub Scout Ceremonies for Dens and Packs..

In a Living Circle, Cub Scouts and leaders stand in a circle, left hands extended to the center, palm down. Each person grasps the thumb of the person to their left, forming a complete circle of hands. The right hand is raised in the Cub Scout sign. Pumping the left hands up and down, everyone says "Ah-KAY-la, we'll do our best."

Outdoor activities are an important part of Cub Scouting. They can include hikes, picnics, games, and similar day events. Cub Scouts can also participate in pack camping,


in which each Cub Scout has family members present. Cub Scout day camp and resident camp, as well as family camping opportunities, are also an important part of the program.

Pack activities are additional activities and trips run by the pack.

The pack committee is responsible for the operation of the pack, including planning, finances, records, activities, advancement, and more.

A Pack Leaders' Meeting is held monthly to finalize details for the pack program and pack meeting for the current month, and to plan upcoming months.

The Pack Meeting is a monthly gathering of all the Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos Scout dens in the pack, along with their families, for recognition, fun, and program.

The Pack Meeting Planning Chart is a guide to planning your pack meeting. It lists all the required and optional parts of the meeting. You can choose the parts you want, determine their order, and indicate who will be responsible for preparing each.

Parent-son overnight campouts are conducted by the Pack, with a parent present for each Scout.

Pinewood derby is an activity for all Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts. Boys build wooden race cars with adult assistance and race them down pinewood tracks for prizes and trophies. Other similar activities are the raingutter regatta (boats) and space derby (spaceships).

The annual pack Program is planned to lay out the themes and activities that will be used for the upcoming year. A monthly theme is chosen, and most den and pack activities for the month relate to that theme. The annual Cub Scout Program Helps contains suggested themes.

Recognitions include Wolf and Bear arrow points, Webelos activity badges, and nonadvancement recognitions, such as Cub Scout Academics and Sports belt loops, service stars, etc.

The Cub Scout sign is used when Scouts say the Promise and Scout Law. To make the sign, raise the right hand, palm forward, arm straight. The first two fingers are held erect and the thumb covers the nail of the third finger.

Service projects are part of Cub Scouting's citizenship training. They can include service in the neighborhood, to the community, or to the chartered organization.

Tiger Cub dens use Shared Leadership, in which each adult partner plans and leads the den program for one month.

The Boy Scouts of America encourages the Spiritual Growth of its members but is absolutely nonsectarian and leaves decisions about religion to each Cub Scout's family.

A monthly Theme is chosen by the pack committee, and most den and pack activities for the month relate to that theme. The annual Cub Scout Program Helps contains themes suggested by the Boy Scouts of America.

The Tiger Cub den leader is a pack leader who leads a Tiger Cub den, supporting the shared leadership of the adult partners.

A Tiger Cub den consists of five to nine Tiger Cubs and their adult partners. Each month, the den has two meetings, a "Go See It" activity, and participates in a pack meeting.

The Tiger Cub motto is "Search, Discover, Share."

The Tiger Cub badge is awarded to a Tiger Cub when he completes 15 achievements in the Tiger Cub handbook.

A BSA Tour Permit is required when a den or pack conducts an activity outside of its normal meeting place. Contact your council for tour permit forms and instructions for approval.


Venturing is the program for 13 to 21 year old boys and girls. Venturing youth belong to a Crew.

The Webelos badge is awarded to a Webelos Scout who completes the requirements, which include activity badges and learning about Boy Scouting.

A Webelos Den Leader is an adult volunteer who leads a Webelos Scout den, with the help of assistant Webelos den leaders and parents.

The Webelos Den Meeting Program form lists all the parts of a den meeting and is used to plan your weekly meetings.

A Webelos Scout den consists of six to eight Webelos Scouts with a Webelos den leader and assistants, as well as a Webelos den chief. It meets every week at a time and place chosen by the Webelos den leader and parents.

The Wolf badge is awarded when a Cub Scout completes all 12 achievements in the Wolf Cub Scout Book.

Pack organization:



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