

 "God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. 

Manage them well so that God's generosity can flow through you." (1 Peter 4:10 NLB)

When we join the United Methodist Church, we are asked to participate in the life of the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, and service.  Each of these components is an integral part of a holy covenant.  

Stewardship involves Prayer.  When we pray for our newly forming church, we aren’t praying for an organization or an institution.  We are praying for the people who are working in the ministries of the church start and for all the people we will reach for Christ.  We are praying for one another and for Gods will to be done.  Prayer binds us together, creating a spiritual link between the ones praying, the One being prayed to, and the ones being prayed for. Please pray for our new church its vision and its mission.  We need your prayers. 

Stewardship involves Presence.  It has been said that one doesn't have to participate in a local church to be a Christian.  While this is true in the sense that church membership and attendance does not make one a Christian, a Christian will not live as good a Christian life apart from participating in all that the church has to offer.  At church, we fellowship with others who share our belief. In turn, we are touched by God as we worship Him and through the fellowship of ministering to one another. The first step is showing up!

Stewardship involves Gifts. Being a good steward means putting our feet to our faith. It is not possible to be a good steward unless we have a plan. God wishes that we use the gifts that He has given us whether they are gifts of our time, or of our talents or of our financial resources in order to provide for not only ourselves but for the needs of others and for the spread of the Gospel in the world, God’s plan is that we give back 10 percent, but there are many Christians who can not give back 10 percent because of other commitments.  If you find yourself in that position, pray and ask God how much He wants you to be faithful in giving.  Look at the Tithing Chart below and see where you currently are.  If it is one percent, be faithful in giving one percent as the first fruits at the beginning of every month. If it is three percent, be faithful.  Consider that your starting point and begin organizing your life and working towards a full 10 percent.  If you already give 10 percent and can do more, consider increasing your tithe. 

Stewardship involves Service.  Think of the work we could do if every member was active in the life of Christ Church.  God has a place for everybody on His team.  Don't feel adequate?  Neither did Moses.  Read Exodus 4. You are needed to serve others in so many ways.  You are needed to be a steward.

In Jesus' time, a steward was the person responsible for an owner's property--and not the owner of the assets.  Could we say then that God owns our time and talents, but we are responsible for using them wisely? 

“Earn all you can; save all you can; give all you can!”

~ John Wesley


I pray for myself, my friends and my family.…

❑ Rarely

❑ Monthly

❑ Weekly

❑ Daily

❑ Frequently through the day.

I pray for the church its people & its ministries…

❑ Rarely

❑ Monthly

❑ Weekly

❑ Daily

❑ Frequently through the day.

I pray for those who are lost, alone, ill or broken…

❑ Rarely

❑ Monthly

❑ Weekly

❑ Daily

❑ Frequently through the day.


I attend worship ______ times per month.

❑ 0-1

❑ 1-2

❑ 2-3

❑ 3-4

❑ 4+

I attend Launch team activities.

❑ Never. Yuk!

❑ When I think they will be fun.

❑ When they are convenient

❑ When my work schedule will allow me.

❑ Every time we have them. (barring emergencies)


I give ______% of my income per year.

❑ I am currently unable to give financially to the church

❑ I currently am working towards tithing.

❑ I currently tithe

❑ I currently give beyond a tithe



I serve Christ by participating in the following servant ministries

❑ Intercessory prayer team

❑ Usher team

❑ Greeter team

❑ Lay Reader Ministry

❑ Communion Steward

❑ Roadie for “Christ” team (Set-up/Take-down Crew)

❑ Altar Design team

❑ Communion steward team

❑ Hospitality team

❑ Technology team

❑ Parking Lot team

❑ Children’s Sermon team

❑ Children’s Programming Team

❑ Adult Life Group Facilitator

❑ Adult Life Group Host

❑ Adult Seminar Team

❑ Nursery Servant Team

❑ V.B.S. Servant Team

❑ Guest Follow-up Team

❑ Praise Team Musician

❑ Praise Team Vocalist

❑ Publicity Team

❑ Flyer walker

❑ Location & Procurement Team

❑ Men’s Ministry Team

❑ Women’s Ministry Team

❑ Singles Ministry Team

❑ Family Ministry Team

❑ Mission Teams


I seek to deepen my faith in Christ by practicing the following Spiritual disciplines

❑ Attending Worship regularly

❑ Receiving Holy Communion regularly

❑ Daily Prayer and Mediation

❑ Daily Study of the Holy Scriptures

❑ Daily reading of Devotional materials

❑ Attending a Life Group or Small Group Bible Study

❑ Attending a Sunday School Class

❑ Fasting on a regular basis

❑ Daily physical exercise

❑ A practicing acts of kindness and mercy

❑ Seeking the guidance and fellowship of spiritual mentors.

❑ Regularly sharing my faith with others

Tithing Chart

|Annual Income|Weekly Income |Tithe |Upper Range |Middle Range |Lower Range |

| | |per week |of Giving |of Giving |of Giving |

| |10% |9% |8% |7% |6% |5% |4% |3% |2% |1% | |$22,000 |$423 |$42 |$38 |$34 |$30 |$25 |$21 |$17 |$13 |$8 |$4 | |$25,000 |$481 |$48 |$43 |$38 |$34 |$29 |$24 |$19 |$14 |$10 |$5 | |$30,000 |$577 |$58 |$52 |$46 |$40 |$35 |$29 |$23 |$17 |$12 |$6 | |$40,000 |$769 |$77 |$69 |$62 |$54 |$46 |$38 |$31 |$23 |$15 |$8 | |$50,000 |$962 |$96 |$87 |$77 |$67 |$58 |$48 |$38 |$29 |$19 |$10 | |$60,000 |$1,154 |$115 |$104 |$92 |$81 |$69 |$58 |$46 |$35 |$23 |$12 | |$70,000 |$1,346 |$135 |$121 |$108 |$94 |$81 |$67 |$54 |$40 |$27 |$13 | |$80,000 |$1,538 |$154 |$138 |$123 |$108 |$92 |$77 |$62 |$46 |$31 |$15 | |$90,000 |$1,731 |$173 |$156 |$138 |$121 |$104 |$87 |$69 |$52 |$35 |$17 | |$100,000 |$1,923 |$192 |$173 |$154 |$135 |$115 |$96 |$77 |$58 |$38 |$19 | |$110,000 |$2,115 |$212 |$190 |$169 |$148 |$127 |$106 |$85 |$63 |$42 |$21 | |$120,000 |$2,308 |$231 |$208 |$185 |$162 |$138 |$115 |$92 |$69 |$46 |$23 | |$140,000 |$2,692 |$269 |$242 |$215 |$188 |$162 |$135 |$108 |$81 |$54 |$27 | |  "There are three conversions necessary (for the Christian life): the conversion of the heart, the mind, and the purse." 

~ Martin Luther


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