Format Job Description

FAO - Associate Professional Officer (APO) position

funded by the Government of the Netherlands

Position: APO Collaborative Programme United Nations on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN-REDD)

Duty station: Jakarta, Indonesia (FAO Representation)

Reference number: FAOR/INS/NRCD/8096

Deadline: 5 May 2009

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking qualified candidates for the following Associate Professional Officer (APO) position funded by the Government of the Netherlands. The selection process is open for Dutch nationals or permanent residents of the Netherlands, and for candidates from eligible developing countries.

Minimum requirements

- under 32 of age on the date of application;

- university education at M.Sc./MA level, (working experience considered beneficial); or

- university education at B.Sc./BA level followed by minimum 3 years of working experience;

- not having worked earlier as APO/JPO/JE/AE;

- no blood relatives of the first degree within FAO.

Additional requirements for nationals from developing countries:

- nationality of a developing country indicated on the list of “eligible countries Netherlands JPO/JE/APO/AE Programme”, to be consulted on the Web page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands: ;

- part of the academic training must have been followed in an eligible developing country;

- candidates to apply for APO positions outside country of origin.

Contract information

APOs shall be appointed for an initial period of 12 months. Subsequently an appointment may be extended up to a maximum period of three years, including the first 12 months. APOs shall be appointed as staff members of the Organization at the P-1 scale, step 1 for the first year, at the P-2 scale, step 1 for the second year and step 2 for the third year depending on the performance.


Specific application forms must be completed. These forms can be requested by e-mail at the following address: TC-APO-Programme@, quoting the reference number.

Complete applications (consisting of two forms and a motivation letter) are to be submitted by e-mail to the same e-mail address, before the deadline of 5 May 2009.

If you have any questions regarding the selection procedure, use the same e-mail address or contact:

FAO APO Programme Unit (TCDP), Ms Tineke J. Volker, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy, telephone +39 06 57054269 / telefax +39 06 57055627.

Indicative time frame

Screening of applications may take up to two months after the application deadline.

Background information

For information regarding the APO Programme, funded by the Netherlands, please refer to: , and


FAO’s APO Programme Web page can be consulted at: .

For general information regarding FAO, please refer to: .

Associate Professional Officer position FAOR/INS/NRCD/8096

1. General information

Title: APO Collaborative Programme United Nations on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN-REDD)

Field of competence: Natural resources management / climate change

Technical Division/Service: Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC)

Duty station: FAO Representation Indonesia, Jakarta

Languages required: English

2. Duties, Responsibilities and Expected Achievements

- Contribute to the country implementation of the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN-REDD) in Indonesia.

- Contribute to the implementation of appropriate techniques related to monitoring, assessment, reporting and verification (MARV) of carbon emissions, forest degradation, deforestation, biomass measurement in Indonesia.

- Contribute to FAO knowledge management on MARV, specifically maintaining country information data bases and populated national UN-REDD information into the UN-REDD workstation and portal.

- Review, analyze and report on technologies, methodologies, tools related to MARV for the construction of knowledge reference information and options for improvement for Indonesia.

- As team member participate in the international process related to UN-REDD, including prepare/deliver FAO inputs and review/analyze outcomes.

- Perform other duties as required.

3. Essential Qualifications and Experience

Educational background: advanced degree (M.Sc.) in forestry, natural resources or a related field.

Work experience: preferably 2 to 3 years of professional experience related to the post.

Computer and language skills: proficient in Office applications, experience with database management. Languages: excellent working knowledge of English (oral and written).

4. Desirable Qualifications and Competencies (including interpersonal skills)

- Knowledge of international climate change agreements and international negotiation process.

- Experience on forest and land use monitoring, assessment, reporting and verification techniques.

- Ability to relate with different cultures.

- Additional language skills.

5. Training and Learning Elements

- Formal training will be envisaged according to needs identified during the execution of the incumbent’s duties and responsibilities (e.g. selected training courses on MARV).

- The assignment comprises a large component of on-the-job training in technical and coordination matters with senior staff guidance and inputs:

. Implementation of UN-REDD country programmes in developing countries;

. Stakeholders consultation techniques and negotiation tools;

. Field work including forest inventories, carbon emission and biomass measurements;

. Participation in country programme planning and implementation phase;

. International negotiation processes with UN agencies.

- The APO will also acquire substantial experience in interacting and working with government, donor, and civil society partners in the country, and thus building working relations with people from different cultural backgrounds and in developing networking skills.

6. Background information

Overview of the mandate/objective and structure of the service/office and/or project:

The UN-Collaborative Partnership for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation is a joint effort between FAO, UNDP and UNEP in combating climate change through the creation of a technical and financial mechanism to reverse unsustainable practices of natural resources management. The UN-REDD Programme encourages coordinated and collaborative UN support to countries, thus maximizing efficiency and effectiveness of the organizations’ collective input, consistent with the "One UN" approach advocated by UN members.

The UN-REDD Programme, has two components: (i) assisting developing countries prepare and implement national REDD strategies and mechanisms; (ii) supporting the development of normative solutions and standardized approaches based on sound science for a REDD instrument linked with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The programme helps empower countries to manage their REDD processes and facilitate access to financial and technical assistance tailored to the specific needs of the countries.

The application of UNDP, UNEP and FAO rights-based and participatory approaches will also help protect the rights of indigenous and forest-dwelling people and ensure the active involvement of local communities, relevant stakeholders and institutions in the design and implementation of REDD plans.

Nine pilot countries had been identified for the implementation of UN-REDD: Bolivia, Indonesia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tanzania, Vietnam and Zambia.

Brief description of core activities:

The UN-REDD collaborative programme will have an impact at international and national level. The programme will provide guidance for monitoring, assessment, reporting and verification approaches. Special attention will be provided for the development of National Joint Programmes for UN-REDD, including natural resources management, implications, incentives and consequences for rural communities and natural resources users, and governance and institutional capacity to facilitate and ensure stakeholders active participation in the national REDD process. FAO is the leading agency for the development of tools and methods related to monitoring, assessment, reporting and verification of carbon emissions. The APO will directly support this component at country level on the implementation of practices, and at international level by systematizing and documenting country experience and sharing with the international support component.

Key aspects will be evaluated, such as indigenous rights, gender equality, national policies, law enforcement, and its implication on the emission reduction.

International support to UNFCCC negotiations will be given to ensure consistency in approaches and articulated policies among parties in support to REDD.

Specific programmes/projects and activities on which the APO will be working:

The APO will work under the overall administrative supervision of the FAO Representative in Indonesia, while technical supervision will be provided by (Senior) officers of the NRC Division, under the overall responsibility of the Director of Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division (NRC). The APO will be part of a team working on the UN-REDD collaborative programme and will also work with members of the collaborative partnership of UN-REDD (UNDP, UNEP and FAO) and will cooperate with other agencies as required.

The APO will:

- work with national authorities, indigenous groups and civil society in Indonesia supporting stakeholders consultation on the development of the JNP of the country;

- participate in international meetings of UN-REDD;

- participate in international missions related to the UN-REDD programme.

Living conditions at the duty station:

Living conditions in Indonesia are good.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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