Department of Economic and Social Affairs 15 May 2006

Statistics Division

English only

United Nations Expert Group Meeting on the

Principles and Recommendations for Housing Censuses

5-8 June 2006

United Nations, New York


Recommended Housing Tabulations [1]

Prepared by

Demographic and Social Statistics Branch

United Nations Statistics Division


1. The major goal of the second revision of the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses is to recommend a set of statistics and accompanying tabulations that need to be produced at the lowest geographical level pertaining to the same point in time for a country or area to be able to meet its demographic and socio-economic development goals planning gorals and monitoring. The majority of national statistical authorities use a population and housing census as the single most comprehensive vehicle to collect these necessary statistics. The revised set of recommendations will therefore, provide a set of guidelines that will enable countries or areas to produce a set of tabulations for relatively small areas and for the same point in time.

2. It is in the light of this new international standard – recommended set of tabulations – that a set of sixteen housing census tabulations was developed with several purposes: (a) to guide countries in developing their own census tabulation programmes, (b) to ensure international and regional comparability, and (c) to ensure instruments for international collection of statistics are standardized and used by all data collectors. It is with the item (c) on mind that a meeting of the Technical Subgroup of the United Nations Expert Group, held in Dublin, Ireland, October 2005, with representatives from data collectors on international level, agreed on a set of recommended tabulations.

3. The tabulations are presented below and should be read in the context of the other two papers, namely Proposed Changes to the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 1 on the Section on Housing Censuses (ESA/STAT/AC.115/2) and Draft Topics to be Investigated in Housing Censuses (ESA/STAT/AC.115/3) as they are heavily cross-referenced.

RecH01. Conventional dwellings by type of building, year of construction of the building and construction material of outer walls

| | |Coextensive with single housing|Containing more than one housing unit |Other |

|Geographical division1 |Total |unit | | |

|and unit of tabulation | | | | |

| | |Detached |Attached |Up to 2 |3-10 floors |11+ floors | |

| | | | |floors | | | |

|Total conventional dwellings | |

|TOTAL | |

|Year of construction | |

|Before 1960 | |

|Material of outer walls |Units of tabulation: conventional dwellings |

|Concrete |Living quarters included: conventional dwellings |

|Brick |Classifications: |

|Wood |(a) Geographical divisions: (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each principal |

|Local vegetation mat. |locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii) |

|Other |(b) Type of building |

|1961 -1970 |(c) Period of construction |

|(classification of material of |(d) Material of outer walls |

|outer walls as above) | |

|1971 – 1980 |Meta-data for this tabulation: |

|(classification of material of |Source of statistics: |

|outer walls as above) |Traditional housing census |

|1981 -1990 |Register-based housing census |

|(classification of material of |Registers/Surveys systems |

|outer walls as above) |Rolling surveys |

|1991 – 2000 |De jure or de facto population or a combination with detailed description |

|(classification of material of |Definition of urban and rural areas |

|outer walls as above) | |

|2001 – 2010 |Core topics: Location |

|(classification of material of |Buildings – type of |

|outer walls as above) |Year of construction |

|2011 – 2014 |Material of construction |

|(classification of material of | |

|outer walls as above) | |

|Urban | |

|… | |

|Rural | |

|… | |

|Major civil division A [2] | |

|… | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

RecH02. Households, by broad types of living quarters and number of homeless households

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Geographical division | |Type of living quarters |Home-less |

|and unit of tabulation |Total | | |

| |House-holds | | |

| | | | |

| | |Housing units |Collective living quarters | |

| | | | | |

| | |

|Total households |For illustrative purposes, households in occupied living quarters are shown as the units of tabulation in this outline. |

| |Similar tables should be prepared using living quarters, family nuclei and persons as units of tabulation. This table, |

|TOTAL |with all four different units of tabulation, is listed as recommended. |

|Urban | |

|Rural | |

|Major civil division A [3] | |

|Urban | |

|Rural |Units of tabulation: households; living quarters; family nuclei; persons |

|Minor civil division A11 |Living quarters included: all living quarters |

|Urban |Households, family nuclei and persons included: all households and family nuclei and persons in households |

|Rural |Classifications: |

|Minor civil division A21 |(a) Geographical divisions: (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each principal locality. |

| |Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii) |

|Major civil division B 1 |(b) Type of living quarters |

|Urban |(c) Homeless: separate class for the homeless |

|Rural | |

|Minor civil division B11 |Meta-data for this tabulation: |

|Urban |Source of statistics: |

|Rural |Traditional housing census |

|Minor civil division B21 |Register-based housing census |

|(etc.) |Registers/Surveys systems |

| |Rolling surveys |

|Major civil division Z 1 |De jure or de facto population or a combination with detailed description |

|Urban |Definition of urban and rural areas |

|Rural | |

|Minor civil division Z11 |Core topics: Place of usual residence or Place where present at time of census |

|Urban |Living quarters – type of |

|Rural | |

|Minor civil division Z21 | |

|Urban | |

|Rural | |

|(etc.) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

RecH03. Collective living quarters by type

| | | |

| | | |

|Geographical division | |Collective living quarters |

|and unit of tabulation |Total | |

| |collective living| |

| |quarters | |

| | | |

| | |

RecH04. Households in occupied housing units, by type of housing unit

|Geographical division1 |Total |Type of housing unit |

|and unit of tabulation |house- | |

| |holds | |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated|

| | |

RecH05. Households, by type of living quarters, cross-classified by sex and age of head of household

|Geographical division1 |Total |Type of housing unit |

|and unit of tabulation |house- | |

| |holds | |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated|

| | |

RecH06. Housing units, by number of rooms,1 cross-classified by type of housing unit and number of occupants per housing unit

| | | |

|Geographical division,2 |Total |Housing units with the following number of rooms1 |

|type of housing unit and |housing | |

|number of occupants |units | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | |1 |2 |3 |... |9 |10+ |Not stated |

| | |

|Total housing units | |

|Housing units with the | |

|following number of occupants | |

|0 | |

|1 | |

|2 |Units of tabulation: housing units |

|3 |Living quarters included: housing units |

|4 |Classifications: |

|5 |(a) Geographical divisions: (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each |

|6 |principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii) |

|7 |(b) Type of housing unit |

|8 |(c) Number of occupants per housing unit |

|9 |(d) Number of rooms per housing unit |

|10+ | |

| | |

|Conventional dwellings with the | |

|following number of occupants |Meta-data for this tabulation: |

|(Classification of occupants as above) |Source of statistics: |

|Basic dwellings |Traditional housing census |

|(Classification of occupants as above) |Register-based housing census |

|Temporary dwellings |Registers/Surveys systems |

|(Classification of occupants 1-10+) 3 |Rolling surveys |

|Mobile housing units |De jure or de facto population or a combination with detailed description |

|(Classification of occupants 1-10+) 3 |Definition of urban and rural areas |

|Marginal housing units | |

|(Classification of occupants 1-10+) 3 |Core topics: Place of usual residence or Place where present at time of census |

|Improvised housing units |Living quarters – type of |

|(Classification of occupants 1-10+) 3 |Room |

|Permanent but not for human habitation |Number of occupants |

|(Classification of occupants 1-10+) 3 | |

|Other marginal | |

|(Classification of occupants 1-10+) 3 | |

|Not stated | |

RecH07. Households in housing units, by type of housing unit occupied, cross-classified by number of households and number of rooms per housing unit

| | |

|Total households | |

| |For illustrative purposes, households in housing unit are shown as unit of tabulation in this outline. A similar |

| |table should be prepared using family nuclei as units of tabulation. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Units of tabulation: households; family nuclei |

| |Households and family nuclei included: households and family nuclei occupying a housing unit |

| |Classifications: |

| |(a) Geographical divisions: (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each principal locality. |

| |Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii) |

| |(b) Type of housing unit |

| |(c) Number of households per housing unit |

| |(d) Number of rooms per housing unit |

| | |

| |Meta-data for this tabulation: |

| |Source of statistics: |

| |Traditional housing census |

| |Register-based housing census |

| |Registers/Surveys systems |

| |Rolling surveys |

| |De jure or de facto population or a combination with detailed description |

| |Definition of urban and rural areas |

| | |

| |Core topics: Place of usual residence or Place where present at time of census |

| |Living quarters – type of |

| |Room |

| |Occupancy by one or more households |

| | |

| | |

|Households with the following| |

|number of households per | |

|housing unit : | |

| | |

|1 | |

| | |

|In housing unit with the | |

|following number of rooms : | |

| | |

|1 | |

| | |

|2 | |

| | |

|3 | |

| | |

|4 | |

| | |

|5 | |

| | |

|6 | |

| | |

|7 | |

| | |

|8 | |

| | |

|9 | |

| | |

|10+ | |

| | |

| | |

|2 | |

| | |

|(Classification of number of | |

|rooms as above) | |

| | |

|3+ | |

|(Classification of number of | |

|rooms as above) | |

| | |

|Not stated | |

|Geographical division1 |Total |Type of housing unit |

|and unit of tabulation |house- | |

| |holds | |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated |

| | |Total |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated |

| | |

| | |

|Piped water inside the unit | |

| | |

|Piped community-wide | |

|scheme | |

| | |

|Catchments tank | |

| | |

|Public well | |

| | |

|Private well | |

| | |

|River, spring | |

| | |

|Piped water outside the unit, | |

|but within 200 meters | |

| | |

|Piped community-wide | |

|scheme | |

| | |

|Catchments tank | |

| | |

|Public well | |

| | |

|Private well | |

| | |

|River, spring | |

| | |

|Without piped water (including| |

|piped water beyond 200 meters)| |

| | |

|Piped community-wide | |

|scheme 2 | |

| | |

|Catchments tank | |

| | |

|Public well | |

| | |

|Private well | |

| | |

|River, spring | |

RecH09. Occupied housing units, by type of housing unit, cross-classified by type of toilet and type of sewage disposal

|Geographical division1 |Total |Type of housing unit |

|and unit of tabulation | | |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated |

| | |

| | |

|With toilet within the housing | |

|unit | |

| | |

|Flush toilet | |

| | |

|Connected to a public | |

|sewerage plant | |

| | |

|Connected to a private | |

|sewerage plant | |

| | |

|Other | |

| | |

|Non-flush toilet | |

| | |

|Connected to a public | |

|sewerage plant | |

| | |

|Connected to a private | |

|sewerage plant | |

| | |

|Other | |

| | |

|With toilet outside the housing| |

|unit | |

| | |

|Flush toilet | |

| | |

|Connected to a public | |

|sewerage plant | |

| | |

|Connected to a private | |

|sewerage plant | |

| | |

|Other | |

| | |

|Non-flush toilet | |

| | |

|Connected to a public | |

|sewerage plant | |

| | |

|Connected to a private | |

|sewerage plant | |

| | |

|Other | |

| | |

|Without toilet | |

| | |

|Not stated | |

RecH10. Occupied housing units, by type of housing unit, cross-classified by availability of kitchen and fuel used for cooking

|Geographical division1 |Total |Type of housing unit |

|and unit of tabulation | | |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated |

| | |

| | |

|With kitchen within the housing| |

|unit | |

| Gas | |

| | |

|Electricity | |

| | |

|Liquefied petroleum gas | |

|(LPG) | |

| | |

|Oil | |

| | |

|Coal | |

| | |

|Firewood | |

|Charcoal | |

|Animal waste | |

|Vegetal waste | |

|Other | |

| | |

|With other space for cooking | |

|within the housing unit | |

|(classification of fuel used | |

|for cooking as above) | |

|Without kitchen or other space | |

|for cooking within the housing | |

|unit | |

|(classification of fuel used | |

|for cooking as above) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

RecH11. Occupied housing units, by type of housing unit, cross-classified by lighting

|Geographical division1 |Total |Type of housing unit |

|and unit of tabulation | | |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated |

| | |

| | |

|Type of lighting | |

| Electricity | |

| Gas | |

| | |

|Oil lamp | |

| | |

|(Other types of lighting of | |

|significance to the country or | |

|area concerned) | |

| | |

| | |

|Urban | |

| | |

|… | |

| Rural | |

|… | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

RecH12. Occupied housing units, by type of housing unit, cross-classified by type of solid waste disposal

|Geographical division1 |Total |Type of housing unit |

|and unit of tabulation | | |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated |

| | |

| | |

|Solid waste collected on | |

|regular basis by | |

|authorized collectors | |

|Solid waste collected on | |

|an irregular basis by | |

|authorized collectors | |

| | |

|Solid waste collected by | |

|self-appointed collectors| |

|Occupants dispose of | |

|solid waste in a local | |

|dump supervised by | |

|authorities | |

|Occupants dispose of | |

|solid waste in a local | |

|dump not supervised by | |

|authorities | |

|Occupants burn solid | |

|waste | |

|Occupants bury solid | |

|waste | |

|Occupants dispose solid | |

|waste into | |

|river/sea/creek/pond | |

|Occupants composting | |

|solid waste | |

|Other | |

| | |

|Urban | |

|(classification of solid | |

|waste disposal as above) | |

| | |

| | |

|Rural | |

|(classification of solid | |

|waste disposal as above) | |

| | |

RecH13. Occupied housing units, by type of housing unit, cross-classified by type of ownership and type of use of the housing units

|Geographical division1 |Total |Type of housing unit |

|and unit of tabulation | | |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated |

| | |

| | |

|Household owning the housing | |

|unit it occupies | |

| Used solely for | |

|habitation | |

| | |

|Used predominantly for | |

|habitation | |

| | |

|Used in lesser part for | |

|habitation | |

|Household occupies a publicly | |

|owned housing unit | |

| | |

|(Classification of use of | |

|housing unit as shown above)| |

|Household occupies a privately| |

|owned housing unit | |

| | |

|(Classification of use of | |

|housing unit as shown above)| |

| | |

|Ownership not | |

|stated | |

| (Classification of use of | |

|housing unit as shown above)| |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

RecH14. Conventional dwellings by occupancy status

|Geographical division1 |Total |Conventional dwellings |

|and unit of tabulation | | |

| | |Occupied |Vacant |Not stated|

| | | |Seasonally vacant |Non-seasonally vacant | |

| | |

| | |

|Fully equipped | |

| Partly equipped | |

| | |

|Urban | |

|… | |

|Rural | |

|… | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

RecH15. Households in housing units, by type of housing unit, cross-classified by tenure of household and, for tenant households, ownership of housing unit occupied

|Geographical division1 |Total |Type of housing unit |

|and unit of tabulation | | |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated |

| | |

| | |

|Tenure - member of | |

|household: | |

| | |

|Owns a housing unit | |

| | |

|Rents all or part of | |

|housing unit as: | |

| | |

|Main tenant in : | |

| | |

|Publicly owned | |

|housing unit | |

| | |

|Privately owned | |

|housing unit | |

| | |

|Subtenant | |

| | |

|Other tenure | |

|arrangements | |

| | |

|Not stated | |

RecH16. Households in housing units, by type of housing unit, cross-classified by communication technology devices and access to Internet

|Geographical division1 |Total |Type of housing unit |

|and unit of tabulation | | |

| | |Conventional dwelling |Other housing units |Not stated |

| | |

| | |

|Household having | |

| | |

|Radio | |

| | |

|Television set | |

| | |

|Fixed telephone | |

| | |

|Mobile telephone(s) | |

| | |

|Number of | |

| | |

|Personal computer(s) | |

|Number of | |

|Number of | |

| | |

| | |

|Household accessing | |

|Internet from | |

| | |

|Home | |

|Elsewhere | |

|Without access | |


[1] This document is being reproduced without formal editing.

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

[2] Name of major or minor civil division.

[3] Name of major or minor civil division.

[4] Name of major or minor civil division.

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

[5] Name of major or minor civil division.

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

1 Excluding rooms used wholly for business or professional purposes.

2 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

3 Since by definition it is required that housing units other than conventional and basic dwellings be occupied in order to be included in the census, category 0 is not applicable.

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

2 Referring to living quarters whose occupants obtain water from a piped community-wide system located beyond 200 metres from the housing unit.

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).

1 This table may be compiled for (i) total country; (ii) each major civil division; (iii) each minor civil division; (iv) each principal locality. Distinguish between urban and rural for (i), (ii) and (iii).


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