The following table lists rulemaking authority (except 5 U.S.C. 301) for regulations codified in the Code of Federal Regulations. Also included are statutory citations which are noted as being interpreted or applied by those regulations.

The table is divided into four segments: United States Code citations, United States Statutes at Large citations, public law citations, and Presidential document citations. Within each segment the citations are arranged in numerical order:

For the United States Code, by title and section; For the United States Statutes at Large, by volume and page number; For public laws, by number; and For Presidential documents (Proclamations, Executive orders, and Reorganization plans), by document number. Entries in the table are taken directly from the rulemaking authority citation provided by Federal agencies in their regulations. Federal agencies are responsible for keeping these citations current and accurate. Because Federal agencies sometimes present these citations in an inconsistent manner, the table cannot be considered all-inclusive. The portion of the table listing the United States Code citations is the most comprehensive, as these citations are entered into the table whenever they are given in the authority citations provided by the agencies. United States Statutes at Large and public law citations are carried in the table only when there are no corresponding United States Code citations given. This table is revised as of January 1, 2016.


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CFR Index

1 U.S.C.


112 ....................................................1 Part 2 112a--112b ....................................22 Part 181 113 ....................................................1 Part 2 133 ...............................................32 Part 151

2 U.S.C.

136 ...........................36 Parts 701, 702, 703, 705 170 ...............................................36 Part 705 179 ...............................................36 Part 704 215.................................................38 Part 49 431 .......................................11 Parts 104, 400 432 ...............................................11 Part 104 434 .......................................11 Parts 104, 400 437c..............................................5 Part 4701 438 .......................................11 Parts 104, 400 439a .............................................11 Part 104 441a......................................11 Parts 104, 400 441a?1 ..........................................11 Part 400 441i................................................34 Part 73 901 ...............................................31 Part 317 1351................................29 Parts 457, 458, 459 1966 ..............................................32 Part 183 1970..............................................32 Part 183

3 U.S.C.

202...................................31 Parts 13, 409, 413 208.................................................31 Part 13 301--303........................................33 Part 155 301 .......31 Parts 510, 535, 536, 537, 539, 540, 541,

542, 543, 544, 546, 547, 548, 549, 551, 553, 558, 560, 561, 562, 570, 576, 578,

588, 589, 590, 592, 593, 594, 595 32 Part 719

431 ..............5 Parts 2420, 2421, 2422, 2423, 2470

4 U.S.C.

301.................................................29 Part 10

5 U.S.C.

4a ................................................17 Part 145 22.................................................32 Part 718 73 ..................................................34 Part 73 93a ................................................12 Part 10 104.............................32 Parts 1805, 1806, 1807 133 ...............................................32 Part 257 301 et seq ......................................7 Part 4288

20 Part 658 29 Part 290 30 Parts 590, 1202, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1210, 1212, 1218, 1243, 1290 31 Part 251 48 Parts 3406, 3408, 3409, 3412, 3439 301--302 ....48 Parts 3002, 3007, 3009, 3012, 3018, 3023, 3016, 3034, 3035, 3052 301 ........2 Parts 300, 415, 416, 418, 422, 600, 802, 1000, 1103 , 1327, 1402, 2300, 2600, 2800, 2900, 3255, 3374, 5900 7 Part 4284 34 Part 75 36 Part 1206 302--305........................................18 Part 388 302 ..................................................38 Part 2 303..............................................10 Part 1010 310 ..................................................6 Part 21 403..............................................32 Part 1905 481.................................................12 Part 10 500 et seq .........................................18 Part 1 500.................................................28 Part 79

5 U.S.C.--Continued


29 Part 580 31 Parts 8, 10

37 Part 11 501 .......................................7 Parts 763, 1753 503--504...........................................43 Part 4 503 ...............................................29 Part 580

43 Part 30 504 ......................................5 Parts 2430, 2610

10 Parts 12, 1023 12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 308, 509, 625,

1071, 1203 13 Part 134 14 Parts 14, 1262 15 Part 18 16 Parts 3, 1025 17 Parts 145, 148, 201 19 Part 212 22 Part 134 24 Part 14 28 Part 24 29 Parts 16, 102, 2204, 2704

31 Part 6 34 Part 21 39 Part 960 45 Part 13 46 Part 502 49 Parts 6, 826, 1016 522 ...............................................26 Part 301 32 Parts 169, 169A 37 Part 302 550 ..............................................14 Part 1261 551 et seq .....................................16 Part 1025 18 Parts 281, 286 32 Part 202 43 Parts 2650, 10000 551--559........................................29 Part 511 31 Parts 8, 10 551--558 ..............................21 Parts 10, 12, 13 551--557 .......18 Parts 6, 8, 36, 154, 375, 382, 385,

388, 390 46 Part 501 49 Part 1022 551--553 .........................................29 Part 18 551 ...............................................28 Part 540 29 Part 580 32 Part 518 44 Parts 1, 18 46 Part 502 49 Part 801 552--553 ......................................40 Part 1601 41 Parts 105?55, 105?57 552...........................1 Parts 9, 51, 301, 304, 456 3 Part 101 5 Parts 293, 294, 300, 532, 536, 1204, 1303, 1631, 1820, 2411, 2604, 9301, 9901 6 Parts 5, 115, 1000, 1001 7 Parts 1, 11, 295, 370, 400, 412, 510, 661, 798, 900, 1520, 1700, 2018, 2610, 2620, 2700, 2710, 2810, 2811, 3011, 3404, 3600, 3601, 3700, 3701, 3800, 3801 8 Parts 103, 236, 241, 343c, 1236, 1241 9 Parts 165, 204, 390 10 Parts 1, 2, 110, 202, 1004, 1303 11 Parts 4, 9405 12 Parts 4, 238, 261, 262, 264b, 266, 271, 272, 281, 304, 309, 390, 404, 505,


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5 U.S.C.--Continued


602, 792, 1070, 1101, 1102, 1200, 1214, 1301, 1402

13 Parts 101, 102 14 Parts 1206

15 Parts 4, 60, 903, 911, 950, 2004 16 Parts 0, 1, 444, 453, 456, 901, 1000,

1015, 1016 17 Parts 3, 18, 21, 145, 180

18 Parts 401, 701, 1301 19 Parts 103, 161, 175, 201

20 Parts 401, 402, 422 21 Parts 5, 20, 21, 26, 814, 1401 22 Parts 5, 171, 303, 503, 510, 706, 713, 1002, 1004, 1102, 1201, 1300, 1304,

1411, 1501, 1502 24 Parts 15, 2000, 2002

25 Part 517 26 Part 601 27 Parts 21, 24, 27, 28, 70, 478 28 Parts 16, 58, 513, 701, 802, 1100 29 Parts 70, 101, 102, 1208, 1209, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1610, 2201, 2702, 4901 30 Parts 252, 552 31 Parts 1, 6, 8, 256, 270, 323 32 Parts 9, 169, 169A, 222, 223, 245, 282, 285, 286, 287, 290, 291, 292, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300, 338, 516, 518, 701, 735, 750, 806, 1285, 1662, 1700, 1800,

1900, 2402 33 Part 1 34 Parts 5, 8 36 Parts 200, 404, 902, 1107, 1120, 1250, 1256, 1260, 1600 37 Parts 102, 203, 204 38 Part 19 39 Parts 20, 111, 262, 265, 501, 946 40 Parts 1515, 1600, 1850 41 Parts 51?8, 60?40, 105?53, 105?54,

105?60 43 Parts 2, 22, 1820, 3500

44 Parts 1, 2, 5, 18, 351 45 Parts 5, 32, 160, 170, 502, 612, 704, 1100, 1171, 1182, 1184, 1602, 1700, 1701

46 Parts 1, 14, 502, 503, 504, 540 47 Parts 160, 164 48 Part 2824

49 Parts 7, 512, 601, 700, 701, 801, 802, 1001, 1002, 1007 50 Part 520

552a ....................................1 Parts 9, 425, 455 5 Parts 293, 297, 736, 831, 841, 1001,

1205, 1215, 1302, 1630, 1830, 2100, 2412, 2606

6 Parts 5, 115, 1002 7 Parts 1, 661

8 Parts 103, 236, 241, 1236, 1241 10 Parts 9, 1008, 1304, 1705 11 Parts 1, 9410

12 Parts 261a, 310, 404, 411, 503, 603, 792, 1070, 1102, 1204, 1403 13 Part 102 14 Parts 1206, 1212 15 Parts 4, 2005 16 Parts 1014, 1016, 1030 17 Part 146 18 Parts 701, 1301

5 U.S.C.--Continued


19 Part 103 20 Parts 401, 402, 903

21 Part 21 22 Parts 171, 308, 505, 707, 713, 1003,

1101, 1202, 1507 24 Parts 16, 2003

25 Part 515 28 Parts 16, 513, 540, 700, 802, 1100

29 Parts 71, 102, 1410, 1611, 1913, 2400, 2705, 4902 31 Part 1

32 Parts 61, 282, 285, 293, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 329, 505, 518, 750, 806b, 1665, 1700, 1701,

1801, 2102 34 Part 5b 36 Parts 903, 1008, 1121, 1202, 1600 37 Part 102 38 Parts 2, 19 39 Parts 262, 266, 3003, 3004 40 Parts 13, 16, 1516, 1602, 1850 41 Parts 51?9, 105?64

43 Part 2 44 Part 6 45 Parts 5b, 30, 503, 613, 704, 705, 1115, 1159, 1705, 1800, 2106, 2508 46 Part 503 48 Part 2824 49 Parts 10, 802, 1507 50 Part 501 552a note ..............................12 Parts 103, 404 552b ............................5 Parts 1206, 1632, 2413 6 Part 1003 7 Part 1409 10 Parts 9, 1703, 1704 11 Parts 2, 9407 12 Parts 261b, 311, 407, 791, 792 16 Parts 1011, 1013 17 Parts 3, 147, 155 18 Part 1301 19 Part 201 20 Part 200 22 Parts 507, 708, 1413, 1500 25 Part 504 28 Part 16 29 Parts 1612, 2203 32 Parts 197, 242a 33 Part 209 34 Part 11 39 Parts 2, 3, 6, 7 40 Part 1517 45 Parts 614, 704, 1703, 1802, 2505 46 Part 503 49 Parts 804, 1012 50 Part 560 553 ..................................................7 Part 47 9 Part 392 10 Parts 1, 2, 110 11 Part 200 12 Parts 412, 414, 1102 15 Parts 4, 60, 903, 950 16 Parts 3, 1033, 1051, 1052, 1101, 1117, 1615, 1616 18 Parts 154, 273, 274, 294, 341, 375,



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CFR Index

5 U.S.C.--Continued


20 Part 422, 640 21 Parts 15, 357, 606, 607, 640

22 Part 215 28 Part 16

29 Parts 103, 104, 1903, 1904, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1912a, 1918, 1928, 1960, 2400

33 Part 1 36 Parts 25, 1600

37 Part 102 40 Part 1602 43 Parts 2, 14, 414, 426, 427, 428 44 Parts 1, 18 45 Part 1305 46 Parts 206, 502, 503, 504, 508, 515, 520, 530, 532, 535, 540, 545, 550, 555,

560 49 Parts 244, 356, 365, 1002, 1011,

1104, 1106, 1135, 1180 554--557 ..............12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 308, 509

21 Part 17 554 ............................................10 Parts 2, 20

12 Part 1209 28 Part 68

555 ..............................................16 Part 1051 556 ....................................................7 Part 1

12 Part 1209 41 Part 50?204

46 Part 502 557 ..................................................10 Part 2

12 Part 1209 34 Part 21

558 ..................................................10 Part 2 18 Part 341

559 .................................................9 Part 165 12 Parts 238, 390 14 Part 377 29 Part 580 46 Part 502

49 Parts 244, 365, 1104, 1106, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1180, 1182

561--569 ........................................46 Part 502 561 ...............................................50 Part 600 565 ...............................................25 Part 170 570--581 .........................................14 Part 17 571--596........................................18 Part 343

46 Part 502 571 ......................................49 Part 1108, 1109 571 note..........................................29 Part 18 574.................................................7 Part 780 581..............................................29 Part 1425 591--596 .................................1 Parts 301, 304 601 et seq ...................................44 Parts 1, 18

50 Part 200 601 ..................................................18 Part 2

43 Part 14 601 note..................................16 Parts 1, 1020 634 ...............................................2 Part 2701 685 .................................................50 Part 27 690d ...............................................50 Part 27 701 et seq ........................................5 Part 251

12 Part 1209 701--721 ...................................21 Parts 12, 13 701--706 .........................................21 Part 10

46 Part 501 702--704..........................21 Parts 606, 607, 640 702 ...............................................22 Part 713

5 U.S.C.--Continued


735 ...............................................25 Part 500 752.................................................50 Part 27 801--804 ...........................................16 Part 1 1001--1011.....................................29 Part 520 1008..............................................14 Part 201 1101 note..................................5 Part 250, 950 1103 .......5 Parts 110, 179, 250, 293, 300, 332, 410,

412, 734, 892, 1400 31 Part 212 45 Part 8010

1104 .......5 Parts 230, 250, 251, 293, 300, 302, 315, 319, 330, 332, 337, 534, 575, 734, 842, 844, 846, 930

1201 et seq .....................................5 Part 1200 1204 ....5 Parts 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205,

1208, 1209, 1210, 1216, 7401 1212 .............5 Parts 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840 1219..............................................5 Part 1820 1221..............................................5 Part 1209 1302 .......5 Parts 151, 210, 211, 212, 230, 250, 293,

300, 302, 315, 330, 332, 337, 351, 359, 715, 731, 771, 772, 930

1305 ......................................5 Parts 930, 1201 1320 ...............................................7 Part 400 1330..............................................5 Part 5307 1335 ..............................................19 Part 206 1401 ...............................................5 Part 250 1401 note ........................................5 Part 250 1402 ...............................................5 Part 250 1501--1508 ......................................5 Part 151 1818 ...............................................12 Part 10 2103 ...............................................5 Part 213 2105 ...............................................32 Part 86 2108 .......................................5 Parts 211, 332 2108a .............................................5 Part 211 2301 ..............5 Parts 300, 315, 335, 410, 537, 900 2302 .......5 Parts 300, 315, 335, 337, 410, 537, 900,

1209 2303 ...............................................28 Part 27 2634 ............................................11 Part 9411 2638 ............................................11 Part 9411 2903 ..............................................46 Part 501 2951 ...............................................5 Part 293

32 Parts 634, 636 3101 note ........................................5 Part 352 3104 ...............................................5 Part 319 3105 ...............................................5 Part 930 3109 ...............................................5 Part 304

32 Part 251 3110 ...............................................5 Part 310 3111 ...............................................5 Part 308 3112 ...............................................5 Part 720 3131 et seq ......................................5 Part 352 3132 ...............................................5 Part 214 3133 ...............................................5 Part 359 3136 ...............................................5 Part 359 3151 ...............................................28 Part 27 3161 .......................................5 Parts 213, 534 3301 ............5 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 210, 212,

213, 230, 250, 293, 300, 301, 302, 307, 315, 316, 330, 332, 335, 337, 338, 339, 352, 715, 731, 732, 771, 772, 930, 1400 3302 ............5 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 210, 212, 213, 230, 250, 300, 301, 302, 307, 315, 316, 330, 332, 335, 337, 338, 339, 352,

359, 715, 732, 771, 772, 1400


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5 U.S.C.--Continued


3304 ..............5 Parts 330, 332, 335, 337, 338, 930 3307 ...............................................5 Part 213 3310 ...............................................5 Part 330 3312 ...............................................5 Part 332 3315 ...............................................5 Part 330 3317 ...............................................5 Part 332 3318 ...............................................5 Part 332 3319 .......................................5 Parts 332, 337 3320 ...............................................5 Part 930 3323 ...............................................5 Part 930 3324 ...............................................5 Part 319 3325 ...............................................5 Part 319 3327 ...............................................5 Part 330 3330 .......................................5 Parts 330, 335 3330a ............................................5 Part 1208 3330b ............................................5 Part 1208 3344 ...............................................5 Part 930 3345 ............................................49 Part 1502 3376 ...............................................5 Part 334 3392 ...............................................5 Part 317 3393 ...............................................5 Part 317 3395 ...............................................5 Part 317 3396 ...............................................5 Part 412 3397 .......................................5 Parts 317, 412 3401 et seq ......................................5 Part 340 3401--3408 ...................................45 Part 1176 3401..............................................32 Part 892 3401 note.......................................22 Part 506 3402 ..............................................22 Part 506 3502 ...............................................5 Part 351 3503 ...............................................5 Part 351 3521 et seq ......................................5 Part 576 3584 ...............................................5 Part 352 3592 ...............................................5 Part 317 3593 ...............................................5 Part 317 3595 ...............................................5 Part 317 3596 .......................................5 Parts 317, 359 3707 ...............................................5 Part 370 3716 ..............................................39 Part 966 4101 et seq...............................5 Parts 410, 412 4111 ...............................................34 Part 73

41 Parts 304?7, 304?8, 304?9 4118 ...............................................5 Part 930 4301 et seq ......................................5 Part 430 4301 ...............................................5 Part 930 4302 ...............................................5 Part 451 4303 ...............................................5 Part 432 4305 ...............................................5 Part 432 4315 ...............................................5 Part 293 4501--4509 ......................................5 Part 451 4706 ...............................................5 Part 470 4941 ...............................................5 Part 531 5101--5108.....................................32 Part 518 5108 ...............................................5 Part 319 5110--5113.....................................32 Part 518 5112 ...............................................5 Part 339 5115 .......................................5 Parts 511, 531

32 Part 518 5303 ...............................................5 Part 531 5304 .......................................5 Parts 531, 534 5304 note ........................................5 Part 550 5305 .......................................5 Parts 530, 531 5305 note ........................................5 Part 550 5307 ....................5 Parts 430, 530, 531, 534, 575 5332--5334.....................................32 Part 518 5333 ...............................................5 Part 531

5 U.S.C.--Continued


5334 .......................................5 Parts 531, 536 5335 ...............................................5 Part 531 5336 ...............................................5 Part 531 5338 .................................5 Parts 511, 530, 531 5341--5342.....................................32 Part 518 5343 ...............................................5 Part 532 5346 ...............................................5 Part 532 5351 .......................................5 Parts 511, 534 5352 ...............................................5 Part 534 5353 ...............................................5 Part 534 5361--5366 ......................................5 Part 536 5364 ...............................................5 Part 337 5372 ...............................................5 Part 930 5376 .......................................5 Parts 319, 534 5377 ...............................................5 Part 535 5379 ...............................................5 Part 537 5382--5385 ......................................5 Part 534 5504--5509.....................................32 Part 518 5504 ...............................................5 Part 550 5511--5512.....................................32 Part 527 5512 ...............................................40 Part 13 5514 ........................5 Parts 179, 550, 1215, 2418

6 Part 11 10 Parts 15, 16 12 Parts 313, 608, 797, 1073, 1208, 1408

13 Part 140 14 Part 1261 16 Part 1027 17 Parts 141, 204 19 Part 201 20 Parts 361, 422 22 Parts 34, 309, 512, 1007

24 Part 17 25 Part 513 28 Part 11 29 Parts 20, 1450, 1650, 4903 31 Parts 5, 285 32 Part 1697 34 Parts 31, 32 36 Part 1201 39 Part 961

40 Part 13 41 Part 105?56 45 Parts 30, 33, 607, 708, 1150, 1179,

2506 49 Parts 92, 1002, 1017 5516--5517.....................................31 Part 215 5520..............................................31 Part 215 5520a .............................................5 Part 582

32 Parts 112, 113 39 Part 491

5524a .............................................5 Part 550 5525..............................................31 Part 210 5527 ...............................................5 Part 550 5533 ...............................................5 Part 550 5541 .......................................5 Parts 534, 550 5542 ...............................................5 Part 551

9 Part 130 5545 ...............................................5 Part 550 5545a .............................................5 Part 550 5545b .............................................5 Part 550 5547 ...............................................5 Part 550 5548 ...............................................5 Part 550 5550a......................................5 Parts 534, 550 5553 ...............................................5 Part 550 5561--5568 .....................................32 Part 718


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