Constitution Outline Project

Constitution Outline Project

Here you are—you are finally going to have an open note test. Have you ever really taken a close look at our Constitution? Well you will now. The Constitution is the most important document in the world. It separates the United States from any country in the world. And guess what, you are going to outline the entire document in your own words. ( including the Amendments) In order to do a good job on the Constitution test, you must do a good job outlining the Constitution. The better the outline, the better potential grade on the test.

It must be neat and must be hand written by you. The entire project will be worth 100 points. 50 for the outline, 50 for the test.

Sample question:

Where in the Constitution do you find that Congress can have a post office?

Answer: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7

Sample outline:

Article 1 – Legislative Department

Section 1 Legislative power—Congress has power to make

laws, bicameral

Section 2 House of Representative

Clause 1—elected by popular vote every 2 years

Clause 2 – 25 year age, 7 yr. Citizen, live in state

Due: 10/12 or 10/13

This will be handed in with your Constitution test!!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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