9th grade American History

United States History

Classroom Policies and Procedures

Mrs. Jessica Nichols

2014-2015 School Year


Students will acquire a strong foundation for United States History (Civil War-Present day). Students will have a comprehensive understanding of the social, political, economic, religious and military aspects that shaped America during the 19th and 20th centuries. Students will study a wide variety of components that have inspired American culture such as immigrant, African-American, Native American and women in history. Students will analyze primary source documents such as pictures and writings from the time period. Students will interrupt the events of American history and synthesize conclusions by comparing and contrasting different primary sources. Students will create projects that will recreate events in history.


Students will demonstrate the ability to:

1. apply the social, political and economic concepts to the legacy of the Civil War and Reconstruction;

2. understand the diverse factors that contributed to the economic and social transformation of the United States during the Industrial Era;

3. understand how the social and economic changes of the late 19th century affected turn of the century domestic and foreign policies;

4. understand the causes, events and consequences of United States participation in the Great War;

5. understand the cultural, social, economic and political changes of the post-WW I Era;

6. evaluate the changing role of the federal government in response to the Great Depression;

7. understand the causes, events and consequences of United States participation in World War II;

8. appraise the foreign and domestic policies of the post-WW II Era;

9. understand changes in American foreign policy from 1953 to the present;

10. understand the major cultural, social, economic and political changes from the 1950’s to the present.


✓ One 1 to 2 inch three ring binder

✓ Plenty of loose leaf paper

✓ Dividers

✓ One subject notebook

✓ Blue or black ink pens or pencils

✓ Highlighters


1. Students are expected to come to class everyday.

2. Students are expected to come to class on time everyday.

3. Students are responsible for getting all material that they miss if they are absent.

4. Students are responsible for handing in all assignments even if they are absent.

5. Students who come late to class more than 3 times will need to serve after school detention.


1. Every student is expected to actively participate in all discussions and activities.

2. Every student is expected to complete all assignments thoroughly and on time.

3. Students are required to be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings.


1. Raise your hand if you would like to make a comment or ask a question.

2. Calling out answers or talking and yelling across the room will not be tolerated.

3. Put-downs or intentional hurtful comments or actions will not be tolerated.

4. Students will speak one at a time so that everyone can hear and understand what is being said.


❑ Students will keep an ongoing list of vocabulary words. These should be kept in a back of their homework notebook

❑ Students will be responsible for reading the newspaper and turning in current events on that topic (world, state, local, etc).

❑ Students are to keep their notebooks organized and up to date. Students will learn how to set up their notebooks during the second week of school. A notebook check will be given at the end of every quarter.

❑ Reading from the textbook will be assigned as we cover the material. The readings are given to help students further understand the information. Any reading assignment may be evaluated by anticipation guides, guided readings and quizzes.

❑ Students will be responsible for doing all assignments given in class.

❑ Quizzes will be given every Friday that has 5 school days.

❑ Mini projects, major project and essays will be given periodically to help assess student knowledge.


“Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.” Sophocles

1. All students are expected to abide by the Wilde Lake Honor Code at all times and will be held accountable for any violations of the Honor Code.

2. If you share an assignment, you and the other student will both receive a zero.

3. The ideas you present in every assignment should be your own. It is simple to find plagiarized passages in your papers and locate the source on the internet through Google or a similar search engine. Failure to properly cite your sources will result in a zero for the assignment. See your WLHS Writing Guide or meet with me for assistance.

4. When completing assessments, silence is mandatory. You and your classmates have the right to complete assessments in an atmosphere that will allow you to show your best work. If you are communicating in any way during an assessment, you will receive a zero. Do not look around the room or act in a manner that could appear suspicious.

If you cheat on any assignment in any way, I will record a zero for that assignment, contact your parents, and notify the administration (possibly through a referral), your advisor, and the National Honor Society.


➢ Quizzes will be given periodically to check for understanding

➢ Unit tests will be given at the completion of each section.

➢ A notebook quiz will be given at the end of each quarter.

➢ There will be at least one quarterly project assigned.

➢ There will be an assessment at the end of the first and third Quarter.

➢ There is a mid-term and a final.



Homework, classwork, participation, current events


Tests, quizzes, essays, projects

*The grades will be based on points. Although there will be two categories on ASPEN grades will not be weighted by category.

Please continue to check ASPEN,

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at Wilde Lake (410) 313-6965 or e-mail me at jessica_nichols@

I look forward to a wonderful and exciting year!

Mrs. Jessica Nichols

Please review the above, sign and return as soon as possible.

I have read and understand the classroom procedures and discipline policies. I understand that I am responsible for my own conduct and assignments.

Student Signature: ________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________

Parents/Guardians: Please attend Back to School Night on Tuesday, September 3rd. I look forward to meeting each of you.

I have read and discussed the classroom procedures and discipline policies. I understand that my child is responsible for his/her own conduct and assignments.

Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ______________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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