Title: Unit Conversion Memory

Title: Unit Conversion Memory

Purpose: To help students practice conversions.

Grade Level: Grade 5, although students in grades 3-6 could play this game.


§111.17. Mathematics, Grade 5. 10A

(10) The student applies measurement concepts involving length (including perimeter) area, capacity, volume, and weight/mass to solve problems.

(A)  Perform simple conversions within the same measurement system.

Length of time necessary for game: 15 minutes

Number of participants:

This game could be played by one player at a computer, or it could be used by more if played on a smart board.

Source for the game:


This game is similar to the memory match game played by children. All cards are turned upside down, and children are allowed to flip over two cards per turn in hopes of making a match. If a match is made, the cards stay face up; otherwise, the cards get flipped back upside down. Then the next turn is taken.

In this game, you are matching equivalent units of time, money, distance, volume, or mass.

1. Follow the link to the website.

2. Click start. Remember, you are attempting to match equivalent units.

3. Click on any card to start, and then click on a second card to try to find a match.

➢ If a match is made, the pairs will stay facing up.

➢ If a match is not made, the cards will be flipped back in place, upside down.


* Score is being kept on the top right hand corner. You can get negative scores with incorrect matches

** The maximum score for any game is 30.

*** You can play up to four different games before the units begin to repeat themselves.

Adapted by: Shelley Floyd (2011)

Directions modified by: Ibet Caro (2012)


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