Summer Assignments:

AP 3D Design Portfolio




AP 3D Design Portfolio

Design involves purposeful decision making about using the elements and principles of art in an integrative way. In the 3D Design portfolio, you should demonstrate your understanding of design principles as they relate to depth and space. The principles of design (unity/variety, balance, emphasis, contrast, rhythm, repetition, proportion/scale, and figure/ground relationship) can be articulated through the visual elements (mass, volume, color/light, form, plane, line, texture). These issues can be explored through additive, subtractive, and/or fabrication processes. Examples of approaches include, but are not limited to figurative or nonfigurative sculpture, architectural models, metal work, ceramics and 3D fiber arts.

Summer Assignments:

You are expected to complete a minimum of 3 assignments over the summer. Completion of these assignments is necessary to remain on track throughout the school year. You may choose to work on one piece at a time or on all of them at once. As creating art is a PROCESS, you will need to get a sketchbook to document your progress.

AP 3D Design Portfolio Summer Assignment 1: Research a contemporary 3D artist working in any media.

Use the internet or local library to begin your search. Artist should be well known in their field and have produced work in the last 50 years. (This is a great site for possible artists ) In your sketchbook, record your findings about the artist. What do you like about the work? What media and processes does the artist use? What type of work does the artist create? etc. Include drawings or photographs of the artist’s work.

Create a sculpture inspired by this artist. DO NOT copy the artist, but choose an aspect of the artist’s work and go from there. Inspiration can come from subject, media, form, technique, etc.

Document your process and progress. It is important that you begin to thoroughly understand how you work as an artist. Write down thoughts about aesthetic decisions. Also, comment on how/why work has changed from beginning to end.

Upon completion of the work, fill out the attached critique guide.

AP 3D Critique Guide Name_________________________________

Breadth (summer assignment) #1

Meaning or Objective (what was the purpose of the work?)-

Describe Design Qualities (3 minimum) Unity/Variety, Balance, Emphasis, Contrast, Rhythm, Repetition, Proportion/Scale, and Figure/Ground Relationship.

Assess your craftsmanship-

What is the strongest feature of this work?

What could be improved?

Assign a numerical grade of 6-1 (refer to the AP numerical grading rubric) and explain.

6: EXCELLENT QUALITY- consistent high quality, obvious evidence of thinking, informed decision making, sense of confidence, purposeful composition, complex visual and/ or conceptual ideas, imaginative, inventive, sensitive, and/ or subtle, materials used well, technique generally excellent, generally successful experimentation/ risk- taking

5: STRONG QUALITY- evidence of thinking, work is about something, fairly confident, successful engagement with most aspects of materials/ techniques, composition generally strong, strong use of elements and principles of design to express idea

4: GOOD QUALITY- work demonstrates some degree of success, manipulation of an idea is evident, has purpose or direction not necessarily resolved, technique and idea not always complementary, material and technique competence emerging, good understanding, shows elements/ principles of design

3: MODERATE QUALITY- sense of effort, frequently unresolved, technical and conceptual aspects often at odds, elements and principles emerging

2: WEAK QUALITY- simplistic solutions, technical and conceptual aspects awkward, elements and principles of design awkward, limited decision- making

1: POOR QUALITY- little evidence of thinking, poor technique, incomplete work, elements and principles of design unconsidered

AP 3D Design Portfolio Summer Assignment 2: Altered Book Sculpture.

Using a book as a foundation, alter it into a sculpture. Explore what you can do with a book or the idea of what a book is. Experiment with combining found or natural objects to enhance your form. This can be anything (toy/game pieces, hardware, leaves, office supplies, etc.) You can use any materials and techniques available to you (tape, glue, string, staples, screws, wire, paint, paper mache, gel medium etc.). Experiment with cutting or folding the pages. The book should be transformed.

In your sketchbook, create a series of thumbnail sketches showing your design plan from different viewpoints. This assignment will be much easier if you have a general idea of what you want to achieve before you begin. Will the piece be a study of the elements and principles? Will the piece be a social commentary or narrative of some sort? What can you do to make the piece personally meaningful?

Take at least 5 photographs of your in-process work, documenting stages of development. Start with a photo of all of your materials assembled, and as you progress, take photographs to document your progress. (For this assignment, it will be very helpful to do research of altered book sculpture-see included examples).

Upon completion of the work, fill out the attached critique guide.

AP 3D Critique Guide Name_________________________________

Breadth (summer assignment) #2

Meaning or Objective (what was the purpose of the work?)-

Describe Design Qualities (3 minimum) Unity/Variety, Balance, Emphasis, Contrast, Rhythm, Repetition, Proportion/Scale, and Figure/Ground Relationship.

Assess your craftsmanship-

What is the strongest feature of this work?

What could be improved?

Assign a numerical grade of 6-1 (refer to the AP numerical grading rubric) and explain.

6: EXCELLENT QUALITY- consistent high quality, obvious evidence of thinking, informed decision making, sense of confidence, purposeful composition, complex visual and/ or conceptual ideas, imaginative, inventive, sensitive, and/ or subtle, materials used well, technique generally excellent, generally successful experimentation/ risk- taking

5: STRONG QUALITY- evidence of thinking, work is about something, fairly confident, successful engagement with most aspects of materials/ techniques, composition generally strong, strong use of elements and principles of design to express idea

4: GOOD QUALITY- work demonstrates some degree of success, manipulation of an idea is evident, has purpose or direction not necessarily resolved, technique and idea not always complementary, material and technique competence emerging, good understanding, shows elements/ principles of design

3: MODERATE QUALITY- sense of effort, frequently unresolved, technical and conceptual aspects often at odds, elements and principles emerging

2: WEAK QUALITY- simplistic solutions, technical and conceptual aspects awkward, elements and principles of design awkward, limited decision- making

1: POOR QUALITY- little evidence of thinking, poor technique, incomplete work, elements and principles of design unconsidered

[pic] [pic]






AP 3D Design Portfolio Summer Assignment 3: Artist Choice Sculpture

Using any media and subject you would like to explore, create a 3D work. Work should show evidence of thorough planning and quality execution. This is an opportunity for you to do what YOU want to do. Begin with thumbnails and keep a journal (in your sketchbook) of your progress, documenting what your initial vision is. Document any problems that arise and how you address them. Note any alterations you have to make to your original idea to make it work. Keep a photographic or drawn documentation of your work. This is an opportunity for you to create anything you want, however, always be aware of how the elements and principles are working in each piece.

In your sketchbook, begin with your initial idea. Include materials, technique, dimensions how the piece will be finished, etc. (Ex.- I will be making an abstracted figure measuring 11x5x5. I will be modeling the form in clay. Once bisque fired, I plan on staining form and applying a water color wash).It is not important at this point if the original plan is identical to the finished piece. As part of the art making process, it is often necessary to make adjustments to original plans due to both unforeseen obstacles and epiphanies. Include sketches from multiple views. As this is a 3D course, it is important that you plan your forms from all sides. Include how the elements and principles will be utilized in this piece.

Upon completion of the work, fill out the attached critique guide.

AP 3D Critique Guide Name_________________________________

Breadth (summer assignment) #2

Meaning or Objective (what was the purpose of the work?)-

Describe Design Qualities (3 minimum) Unity/Variety, Balance, Emphasis, Contrast, Rhythm, Repetition, Proportion/Scale, and Figure/Ground Relationship.

Assess your craftsmanship-

What is the strongest feature of this work?

What could be improved?

Assign a numerical grade of 6-1 (refer to the AP numerical grading rubric) and explain.

6: EXCELLENT QUALITY- consistent high quality, obvious evidence of thinking, informed decision making, sense of confidence, purposeful composition, complex visual and/ or conceptual ideas, imaginative, inventive, sensitive, and/ or subtle, materials used well, technique generally excellent, generally successful experimentation/ risk- taking

5: STRONG QUALITY- evidence of thinking, work is about something, fairly confident, successful engagement with most aspects of materials/ techniques, composition generally strong, strong use of elements and principles of design to express idea

4: GOOD QUALITY- work demonstrates some degree of success, manipulation of an idea is evident, has purpose or direction not necessarily resolved, technique and idea not always complementary, material and technique competence emerging, good understanding, shows elements/ principles of design

3: MODERATE QUALITY- sense of effort, frequently unresolved, technical and conceptual aspects often at odds, elements and principles emerging

2: WEAK QUALITY- simplistic solutions, technical and conceptual aspects awkward, elements and principles of design awkward, limited decision- making

1: POOR QUALITY- little evidence of thinking, poor technique, incomplete work, elements and principles of design unconsidered

**EXPECTATIONS-AP 3D Studio is designed to reflect the same standards and practices one would find in a college studio art course. With this in mind, all work needs to be completed on time and there should be 100 % participation by all students in critiques. ALL work needs to be ORIGINAL and show a high level of PLANNING, EXECUTION and CRAFTSMANSHIP. Summer assignments should be complete the first week of school.


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