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Session 1- Creating the GamePrintshotPop up informationGame Maker is mostly suited for beginners as it does not require programming knowledge. Users can create games easily and faster using “point-and-click”.In Rendering process, a realistic image is generated from a 2D or 3D model.Unity Store is the collection of assets, tutorials and demonstrations for the unity developers.Script is the C# coded file attached to the GameObject that regulates its behaviour.Session 2- Setting up Game TerrainHierarchy window contains a hierarchical list of GameObjects that are currently used in the project.Pothole is a depression or hole in the terrain surface.Blur tool creates a blur effect by lowering the contrast between affected pixels.Material is analogues to a physical material which has properties such as color that can be changed and then applied on an GameObject.Session 3- Game Physics and Game ConfigurationSimulation is the process of imitating the real world physics behaviours of objects.Territory is the virtual boundary within which the trigger gets activated.Joystick is an input device that consists of a stick that is placed on the centre of a base and it sends back its angle or direction to the computer.Mass is the amount of matter that is present in the object.Update function is checked every frame.Session 4- Finishing the GameMood refers to the overall feel of the environment.Texture mask uses a pattern to mask out the areas of the areas of the GameObjects on which the light is falling.Cubemap is a collection of six square textures representing the environment ‘s reflections.Echo is an effect that is generated when a sound bounces back from an obstacle to the source.Variable is an data item that has a datatype and holds an value relevant to the datatype.Session 5 Adding Game Levels and Game DeploymentScore Board is a virtual board that displays the game statistics, such as score, hits, and life lift.Animation Editors are the softwares that are used to create 2D and 3D animation, such as Adobe Animate.EventSystem handles and processes the events in a Unity Scene.Start function is the first function that is called when the game starts.Visual Studio, developed by Microsoft is an integrated development environment for developing computer softwares. ................

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