Bivariate Case

Figure 3.01 Text DescriptionThis is a diagram of a design prototype for an interactive legend for a geographic visualization tool that was in development several years ago at the PSU GeoVISTA Center. It isn't a working prototype, but it worked very well for the purposes of hashing out development details.Bivariate CaseThe first image is a Bivariate Case and includes an interactive legend that should persist – i.e. It should never disappear when the user starts playing with the map or other tools. There are 3 Type buttons down the left side.UnivariateBivariateMultivariateThere are 2 Options buttons below the type buttons. Text next to these buttons says “These buttons launch other panels.”Colors StyleThere is a settings box with dropdown menus for Variable 1 = MD Ratio, Method = Equal Intervals, Classes = 3 (all of these use blue text)Variable 2 = BR_Mort94, Method = Equal intervals, Classes = 3 (all of these use green text)The text next to the settings box says “Maintain visual linkage with colors”.There are three buttons at the bottom: Ok, Cancel and Apply. The apply button is grayed out until something has been changed. The large image above is a 3 x 3 grid with MDRatio on the Y axis and BR_Mort94 on the X axis. All of the boxes of the grid are different colors (shades between blue, purple, and grey). The text pointing to MDRatio says “Show data description with rollover”. The text pointing to one of the grids says “Rollovers should provide break values”.Univariate CaseThe second image is a univariate case. The type, options and settings buttons are the same except the Variable 2 is greyed out. This section is greyed out when the univariate type is selected. Rather than the 3 x 3 grid, the image is just of the MDRatio and is 5 color blocks in a line going from white to dark green with various shades of green in between. ................

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