Overview of Michigan’s Universal Waste Regulations

Michigan's Universal Waste Regulations

Waste Management & Regulations Webinar Se1 ries

Office of Waste Management & Radiological Protection

Jeanette Noechel Hazardous Materials Transportation Specialist

Southeast Michigan District Office noechelj@ or 586-494-5091

Waste Management & Regulations Webinar Series

Office of Environmental Assistance

Christine Grossman Compliance Assistance Specialist

Lansing Central Office grossmanc@ or 517-284-6860

Waste Management & Regulations Webinar Series


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question/chat box ? We will record webinar and post online ? Notes page ? Questions will be covered last

Waste Management & Regulations Webinar Series

Today's Goals

Universal Waste

? Who ? What ? Where ? When ? Why ? How

Waste Management & Regulations Webinar Series

Universal Waste ? Who & Why

Promotes recycling and proper disposal Eases the regulatory burden Reduce generator status Longer accumulation period Less labeling No hazardous waste manifest required * No hazardous waste transporter required *

* Some exceptions discussed later

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Universal Waste Types

Michigan universal waste types include:



Mercury containing equipment



Consumer electronics Antifreeze

Michigan Only

Waste Management & Regulations Webinar Series

Universal Waste ? Why?

? Does not count as hazardous waste if managed as universal waste

? May help minimize site's generator status and reduce regulatory burden for other hazardous waste generated

Waste Management & Regulations Webinar Series8


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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