Academic History - Michigan State University

0-21716Scholarship Application for BE undergraduates Contact Information. Please type in 12 pt font or print clearly. Name: PID: 0-210310 Email: Local phone #: Permanent address: Are you a resident of MI? Are you a U.S. resident? Email: Local phone #: Permanent address: Are you a resident of MI? Are you a U.S. resident? Local address: Academic History Universities, Colleges, and Highschool Attended Dates Credits GPA Major Field of Study Michigan State University NA NA NA NA When do you plan to graduate? ____________________ ASABE member #__________________ (put NA if not a member) Eligibility & Application Requirements Applicant should have a minimum MSU cumulative grade point average of 3.0, as of the end of the semester prior to this application. Complete this application, including the questions that follow. Attach a one-page resume. Signature All the information contained within this application and true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I do hereby consent to release of information contained within this application to scholarship donors. Applicant’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ________________ Questions. Use only the space provided for each question. In chronological order, list academic honors and distinctions which you have received in the last 5 years of which you are the most proud. Mo./Year Honor/Distinction Explanation/Reason received Describe a few past and/or present work experiences and how those experiences have contributed to your personal and professional development. What occupation do you plan on pursuing after graduation? What are your long-term career goals? Describe activities through which you have contributed to the department, college, university, and/or community while at MSU. Emphasize leadership activities. (Do not include BE club activities) How do you contribute to the profession of Biosystems Engineering? (Include BE club and Michigan ASABE activities here). How will a BAE scholarship benefit your academic career? Indicate if you will use the scholarship for study abroad and, if so, which program? How are you paying for college? Include tuition and fees, books, and room and board in your calculations. (Optional question) Source % of total expenses Source % of college expenses Self – Employment Self – Scholarships Parents/family 1709928-1249674690873-124967 Financial aid - grant Financial aid - loan Other* * Please define other on separate page Describe any previous work or volunteer experience related to any scholarship criteria. (Optional) How do you personally strive to increase your culture awareness? How do you contribute to multiculturalisim, diversity, and cultural enrichment of the BAE department and MSU? (Optional question) Application deadline: Last Friday in January every year Upload completed application and resume to the MSU Biosystems and Ag. Engineering Scholarships D2L dropbox. If you do not have access to this D2L community, contact ................

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