Central European University


University of California, Berkeley

PhD Rhetoric with Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender, and Sexuality, 2014

The Biopolitics of Memory in Transnational Circuits

Trinh T. Minh-ha (chair), Charis Thompson, Shannon Jackson

Seoul National University

MA Gender Studies, 2006

The Discursive Construction of Fallen Giseng in Japanese-Occupied Korea

BA Communication, 2000


2015-present Assistant Professor, Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest

Non-academic Employment

2000-2005 Joongang Daily News, Seoul

Other Academic Positions

2018 Spring Visiting Scholar, Center for Gender Studies, University of Cambridge

2017 Fall Visiting Scholar, ReproSoc Research Group, University of Cambridge

2014-2015 Visiting Scholar, Gender and Women’s Studies, UC Berkeley

Research and Teaching Interests

• Transnational Biopolitics

• Feminist and Queer Theories

• Postcolonialist and Decolonialist Criticisms

• Posthumanisms and Environmental Humanities

• Feminist Science, Technology, and Medicine

• Critical Disability Studies and Crip Theories

• Performance, Research, and the Politics

Existing Publications

• “Feral Biopolitics: Animal Bodies and/as Border Technologies,” Tranimacies: Intimate Links between Animal and Trans* Studies, special issue of Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 22.2 (2017)

• “Disappearing Bitches: Canine Affect and Postcolonial Bioethics,” Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science and Technology 24. 3 (2016)

• Book Review, “Mel Y. Chen, Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect,” East Asian Science, Technology and Society 9.1 (2015)

Work in Progress

• Prosthetic Memories, the proposal has been accepted and the full manuscript is under preparation for submission at Duke University Press.

• “The Biopolitics of Languaging in the Cybernetic Fold: A Decolonial and Queer Ear to the Cosmo-poetics,” a special issue on Biopolitics, Necropolitics, and Cosmopolitics for the Journal of Gender Studies (under review)

• “The Erotics of Singularity and the Biopolitics of Intimacy,” a special issue of Humanimalia: A Journal of Human/Animal Interface Studies (revise and resubmit)

Teaching Experience

CEU, the Department of Gender Studies

• Gender, Sexuality, and the Non/Human

• Feminist Biopolitics and Cultural Practice

• Performing Arts, Research, and the Public

• Foundations in Gender Studies II

• Experience in MA and PhD supervisions

• Experience in organizing and examining at PhD dissertation defenses

UC Berkeley, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies

• TA, Introduction to Gender & Women’s Studies, Fall 2013

UC Berkeley, Department of Rhetoric

• TA, Rhetorical Interpretation

• Co-Instructor, Performing Research

• Co-Instructor, Rhetoric and Crisis

• TA, Image, Space, Text

• TA, Changes of Mind

• TA, “I See Dead People”

Professional Activities

A. Invited Talks and Conference Presentations

• “Margaret Rhee’s Poetry Machine: The Technology of Difference, Love,” presented at the 6th Yun Bosun Memorial Symposium, hosted by Asian Studies at the University of Edinburgh (2018).

• “When all the traffic lights turn red: the color of robot-love-poetry,” presented at the European Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, Copenhagen (2018).

• “The Remnants of the Biotech Boom: Non-human Animals as Surplus Bodies in the Transnational Cloning Industry,” presented in the panel, Reclaiming Surplus: Politics, Technology, and Cultural of Dispensable Lives in Contemporary South Korea, at Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Washington DC (2018).

• “The Erotics of Singularity,” presented at Power and the Chthulucene symposium, Uppsala University, Sweden (2017).

• “Feral Affect: Animal Bodies and/as Border Technologies,” delivered at TEMA GENUS Higher Seminar Series at Linkoping University, Sweden (2016).

• “Feral Bodies and In/Secure Borders: Monkeys, Terrorists, and Ebola,” presented at Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts annual conference, Dallas (2014)

• “The Biopolitics of Memory in Transnational Pet Cloning,” presented at Society for Literature Science and the Arts annual conference, University of Notre Dame (2013)

• “In Loving Memory: Rendering Clones, Wombs, and Meat in Commercial Pet Cloning,” Presented at Funny Kinds of Love: The Ethics and Affects of Human-Animal Relationships, Center for Science, Technology, Media & Society, University of California, Berkeley (2013)

B. Involved Projects, Initiatives, and Other Events

• Environmental Arts and Humanities Initiative at CEU, Founding member

• Grace (Gender and Cultures of Equality), EU Innovative Training Network Project, Supervision team

• Performance Philosophy Conference 2019, Organizing board member (in collaboration with Paris-Sorbonne University)

• Organization of guest lectures: several Gender Studies Guest Lecturer series -- invited lecturers includes Wu Tsang, Jack Halberstam, Eva Haywrd, and Nina Lykke, as well as Sara Ahmed who was co-hosted by the Rector’s Office.

Grants and Awards

• Teaching Development Project Grant (2018, CEU)

• Distinguished Teaching Award (2019, CEU)


The Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, 2013–Present

National Women’s Studies Association, 2014–Present

Association for Asian Studies, 2017–Present

Languages Other than English

Japanese (elementary level in speaking, reading, writing)

French (elementary level in speaking, reading, writing)

Korean (very fluent in speaking, reading, writing)


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