Negotiated Rulemaking 2011: List of Negotiators for Team I ...

Teacher Preparation Programs Negotiating Committee


List of Negotiators

|Constituency |Primary |Alternate |

|Postsecondary students |Eric Mann |Eric Gregoire |

| |Student teacher |Student |

| |Sandpoint High School |Boston University School of Education |

| |Idaho |Candidate for Master of Education in Policy, Planning and |

| | |Administration |

| | | |

|Teachers |Katie Hartley |Qualyn McIntyre |

| |Middle School Math Teacher and Value Added Specialist |Teacher in Residence |

| |Miami East Junior High |Atlanta Urban Teacher Residency |

| |Ohio | |

|Organizations |Segun Eubanks |James Alouf |

|representing teachers |Director, Teacher Quality Department |President |

|and teacher educators |National Education Association |Association of Teacher Educators |

|Financial aid |Joseph Pettibon |David Smedley |

|administrators at |Associate Vice President for Academic Services |Associate Director |

|postsecondary |Texas A&M University |Compliance and Training Office of Student Financial |

|institutions | |Assistance |

| | |The George Washington University |

|Business officers and |Julie Karns |Karl Brockenbrough |

|bursars at postsecondary|Vice President for Finance |Vice President for Administration and Finance |

|institutions |Rider University |Bowie State University |

|State officials |George Noell |Vance Rugaard |

| |Professor, School of Psychology |Executive Director |

| |Louisiana State University |Tennessee Office of Licensing |

|Two-year public |Glenn DuBois |Ray Ostos |

|institutions |Chancellor of Virginia’s Community Colleges |Director , National Center for Teacher Education |

| | |Maricopa Community College |

|Four-year public |David Steiner |Ronald Marx |

|institutions |Dean, Hunter College School of Education |Dean |

| | |College of Education |

| | |University of Arizona |

|Private nonprofit |David Prasse |Mary Kay Delaney |

|institutions |Dean of the School of Education Loyola University Chicago|Head of Department of Education |

| | |Meredith College |

|Private for-profit |Meredith Curley |Bonnie Copeland |

|institutions |Dean, College of Education |Vice President, Education Policy and Regulation |

| |University of Phoenix |Walden University |

|Tribal Colleges and |Cindy O’Dell |Linda Sue Warner |

|Universities |Chair, Education Department; Instructor, Early Childhood |Special Assistant |

| |and Elementary Education |President of Tribal Affairs Northeastern Oklahoma A&M |

| |Salish Kootenai College |College |

|HBCUs |Leontye Lewis |Dr. VerJanis Peoples |

| |Dean of Education |Dean of Education |

| |Fayetteville State University |Southern University of LA |

|HSIs |Beverly Young |Michael Morehead |

| |Assistant Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs |Dean |

| |California State University System |College of Education |

| | |New Mexico State University |

|Operators of programs |Heather Harding |Diann Huber |

|for alternative routes |Vice President of Research and Public Affairs |President |

|to teacher certification|Teach for America |iteachU.S. |

|Accrediting agencies |Jim Cibulka |Frank Murray |

| |President |H. Rodney Sharp Professor, University of Delaware; Chair of |

| |National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher |the Board of Directors of Teacher Education Accreditation |

| |Education and the Council for Accreditation of Education |Council and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator |

| |Preparation |Preparation |

|Elementary and Secondary|Sarah Almy |Charmaine Mercer |

|Students and Parents |Director of Teacher Quality |Director of Policy and Research Communities for Teaching |

| |The Education Trust |Excellence |

|School and LEA officials|Scott Thompson |Thalia Nawi |

| |Director of Teacher Effectiveness Strategy |Director |

| |District of Columbia Public Schools |Denver Teacher Residency |

| | |Denver Public Schools |

|U.S. Department of |Sophia McArdle | |

|Education |Sophia.McArdle@ | |

| |202-219-7078 | |

|Facilitator |Chip Cameron |Charles Pou cpou@ |

| |ccameron@ |202-887-1037 |

| |240-205-2091 | |



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